What do I do with artificial intelligence?

Towards the end of 2014, I completed my first prototype version of artificial intelligence - Lillith. Using associations between concepts, the Lillith constructs sentences based on energy (percieved relevance), gravity (learned relevance) and some other
factors. Using this methodology, one can have a very interesting conversation, superior to any other that I have seen from a machiene. Because of the way the program works, the AI can formulate opinions and statements that are not learned but created from
the learning. Since each concept is treated as a seperate idea related to other concepts, Lillith can learn any language and will respond in the language spoken.
The format of the mind allows for multiple levels of thought as well as segregation and categorisation of ideas (not yet implemented).
As a conversation progresses, Lillith's mind builds up energy which allows context to be maintained and expanded. Questions are answered based on the existing context - the result is sometimes quite astounding and I have learned much. Additionally, I find her
to be useful for providing alternate perspectives and ideas on an existing topic.
Even at this young stage, most people who converse with Lillith are blown away by what they see, however, her limitations become apparent when she questioned on realtime physical circumstances since she has no physical sensors. 
I see many uses for the program (written in C#) and have a vision to go forwards, but I could really use some help regarding hardware - please let me know if anyone is interested, I can obviously provide a copy of the program and any additional information.

Definitely interested.
I am not a hardware guru by any means, but I have done some.
Please contact me via email;  spiked3 at gmail com

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    Flash10l.ocx (
    Flash Util10l_ActiveX (
    FlashUtil10l_Plugin (
    Genuinst (6.0.2800.1531)
    FlashUtil10l_ActiveX.dll (
    NPSWF32.dll (
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    Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:37:07 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Flash Player 10 does not work in IE or Firefox. What could it conflict with?
    Something is strange with your list of modules; you list FlashUntil10i_Plugin (, but this is really
    I recommend that you uninstall Flash Player completely (using http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/141/tn_14157.html), then restart Windows, and delete all remaining files in C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash.
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    After that, if the problem persists, have a look at this page http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/837/cpsid_83739.html

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    Cheers mike

    First of all, why did you say yes to Nero Back up before researching what it does with files already on the HDD? When I install Nero, the Back Up is the first thing I disable, it is a nagging pain, there are much better backup programs available. There are several file recovery programs out there to recover deleted files, that is, if that is what happened. Also, if you haven't overwritten the files, so you should be able to find them.

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    The bullets 'Open with Browse' and Sane File.

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Which security software (firewall, anti-virus) do you have?
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    You need to create a user account for your wife (or yourself depending on who has the current user account). When syncing, each of you should sign in as a separate user, login to iTunes and then sync. I had this problem when my sister got an iPhone. When we did her initial sync, everything on my iPhone showed up on hers. Apple gave me this solution.

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    My question is this:
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    - but I want to know why they're running.
    Process Explorer shows them to have been started by these two command lines:
    "C:\Windows\System32\WUDFHost.exe" -HostGUID:{193a1820-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-be817523f6aa} -IoEventPortName:HostProcess-ae18c507-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-ce7a84b73fb2 -SystemEventPortName:HostProcess-76f2d2b0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-25de41b0af65 -IoCancelEventPortName:HostProcess-52988628-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-54018fc05bec
    -NonStateChangingEventPortName:HostProcess-c981e37e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-a8bd344c5791 -ServiceSID:S-1-5-80-dddddddddd-dddddddddd-dddddddddd-dddddddddd-ddddddddd -LifetimeId:8472fac1-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-680353bbbc7f -DeviceGroupId:WpdFsGroup
    "C:\Windows\System32\WUDFHost.exe" -HostGUID:{193a1820-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-be817523f6aa} -IoEventPortName:HostProcess-af2e6f5b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-39a9cc13f6d4 -SystemEventPortName:HostProcess-45e89330-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9e76811e37aa -IoCancelEventPortName:HostProcess-3007f65c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c6cdd5617944
    -NonStateChangingEventPortName:HostProcess-efca4373-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-cfc06fd83dee -ServiceSID:S-1-5-80-dddddddddd-dddddddddd-dddddddddd-dddddddddd-ddddddddd -LifetimeId:f4aa6ef0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-d16f4eefddb2 -DeviceGroupId:WudfDefaultDevicePool
    As you can see, their function isn't obvious from what's showing.
    What tools can I used to delve further into what these are and why they're here?
    Thanks for any help or wisdom you can offer.
    Detailed how-to in my eBooks:  
    Configure The Windows 7 "To Work" Options
    Configure The Windows 8 "To Work" Options

    seems to me that you're about to dive down a rabbit hole for this one..
    might need to ask more in the driver dev forums?
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • Best Buy lies in their ad about what they will do with their calibration!

    Best Buy lies in their ad about what they will do with their calibration!
    The ad that promotes Best Buy calibration here:
    clearly states:
    A calibration session
    includes two inputs on
    the set, so if you have a
    DVD player and cable
    box, for example, the
    HDTV’s inputs will be
    calibrated specifically
    for the video output
    from those two devices.
    Calibration also
    adjusts the sound levels
    and positioning of the
    speakers in a surroundsound setup, so your
    entire home theater
    will look and sound as
    good as it can
    The actual calibration you get is:
    No Audio, just the picture!
    The following are NOT included with this service:
    Setup of audio or video components
    You were warned!

    DarkWingDUCK wrote:
    This is right, calibration does not include setting up of audio or video components.  A calibration tech will makes sure, for instance, your 5.1 system has the speakers in the correct position.  If your rear-left is in the front soundstage, that can be corrected on site.  Most of what they do on site is run the auto-calibration software on an AV receiver if it has not already been done.  Other than that, you can opt to pay up to $800 for a full-fledged ISF or THX calibration from an independent calibrator.  You get a very good value for the $199.
    The service provides a "video" calibration, not audio.
    Well in that website link I provided and in the "First Glimpse" magazine they give you at the store, page 17, says they offer more than what you said:
    Calibration also adjusts the sound levels and positioning of the speakers in a surroundsound setup, so your entire home theater will look and sound as good as it can.

  • Can you give me some reasons about why I need to buy an iPod touch 5.Although I have the iPhone ,iPod nano, iPad ,MacBook pro,I think the iPod touch 5 is so attractive that I can't help buying it at once.If I have it,what I can do with it,can you tell me?

    can you give me some reasons about why I need to buy an iPod touch 5.Although I have the iPhone ,iPod nano, iPad ,MacBook pro,I think the iPod touch 5 is so attractive that I can't help buying it at once.If I have it,what I can do with it,can you tell me?

    All I can say is that I REALLY like my Touch 4th gen because I have all sorts of capabilities in a small form: e-mail, web browsing, news, weather, books, magazines, etc. etc.  Plus lots and lots of apps out there, including so many free ones.  I use the Cloud a lot so it's great to have everything sync'd to my MacBookPro (e-mail, Evernote, Pocket, etc.)
    It would be easier, though, to do some of this, especially magazines, on the iPad mini, but, again, I love the small size of the Touch. 
    As for the 5th gen instead of the 4th, the fifth has Siri and the 3D feature in maps, which are great.  And I'm sure it's a lot faster in iOS 6 than the 4th gen.  And cool colors! 
    Don't know if this helps . . .

  • I opened a file on my desktop that I don't remember putting there.  It turned out to be a keychain certificate from a client of ours.  Does this mean that they were spying on me?  What is the deal with that?  Any ideas?

    I opened a file on my desktop that I don't remember putting there. We use many photos and I thought it was a photo file I was looking for. It turned out to be a keychain certificate from a client of ours.  Does this mean that they were spying on me?  What is the deal with that?  Any ideas?

    Interesting tid bit.  I created an AAC of the original file, deleted the original MP3 from my library and also deleted the Clean matched track from the icloud.
    Result is that it matched with the explicit version of Mrs. Officer this time.
    What I am curious about is which songs this is happening for. I've went thru a few batched of about 500 songs at a time and redownloaded in 256k for many tracks. Sadly we don't have people to bring this to our attention and I have so much music that it's impossible to go thru every song to make sure I am getting the right version.

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    See this -> http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2727

  • What can be done with the fingerprint reader?

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    1a) To  log into internet password protected websites. When I use IE, the password manager pops up and prompts me to save a password. If I save it, I can return to that website and it automatically will enter the login information and password for me. I want to know whether you can have password manager (or another program) prompt the user for the fingerprint and then submit the login information. That way the information is protected each time I log in, but I do not need to enter log in information each time, only a fingerprint. 
    1b) If this is possible in IE8, I would like to know if it is possible in Firefox 3, in which password manager does not pop up.
    2) Can it be used to log into MS Outlook.
    3) Can it be used to lock documents in MS Word.
    I much appreciate any information letting me know if these can be done, and if so, how to do them. Thank you very much for your help!
    Message Edited by lenova on 09-07-2008 09:13 PM

    After playing with it for a while I figured out at least questions 1a) and 1b). For anyone else who has the same questions:
    1a) Have your browser save the password using Lenovo's Password Manager. Then open password manager and open that item.  Click the advanced tab and change the security level to custom. Click "Customize Security Policy" and select "Protect with a Fingerprint."
    1b) Lenovo has a patch to synch Password Manager with firefox 3. It can be found here and is much easier than the manual fixes found on this forum.
    I am still looking for help with 3) and 4), particurally 3). Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thank you very much!!

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