What Do You Use in Place of VSpider When Using Solr?

Since Verity is deprecated according to CF Documentation, what crawler do you use if you want to index dynamic pages (like vSpider would)?  Can you use Solr with vSpider or is there something better out there or bundled with CF9?

To contiue this thread, I'm looking for a replacement for vspider too. That's funny that I'm only one of two people who used vspider!!!
I'm migrating my collections to Solr and I need to use a crawler to index my sites. vspider worked really well because it was simple to setup a recurring job to update a verity indedx each night.
I built a CFC that crawls a site, which I might use to build Solr indexes, but the problem is that it is subject to the server timing out because a site might take a while to crawl, let alone index. I get around it by using <cfsetting requesttimeout="some ungodly number">, but it's still possible that the timeout value is not long enough and the request to index a site will timeout before the index is finished.
Crawling a site and building an index seems like a lot of work for a single request and I wonder what this will do to the JVM. I'm guessing it will spike and CF will be very slow.
It seems like crawling and indexing a site should be done outside of CF, and since Solr is built on Java, maybe the indexing should be done in Java?
Any ideas?

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    Last edited by lardon (2010-05-11 13:33:55)

    It doesn't snapshot -- I occasionally back-up my back-ups and don't need that -- but it does its job well.
    ### System Backup ##############
    # Version 0.5 by Scott Garrett #
    # Wintervenom [(at)] gmail.com #
    'tmp/*' # Temp files.
    'tmp/.*' # Hidden temp files.
    '.mozilla/firefox/*/Cache' # Firefox caches...
    'cookies.sqlite' # Mozilla-based cookies.
    'formhistory.sqlite' # Mozilla-based form history.
    '.thumbnails' # Thumbnail cache.
    '.recently-used.xbel' # Recent-open history.
    '.ccache' # Compiler caches
    'sessionstore.js' # Firefox session-saves.
    '.gvfs' # GNOME virtual filesystem.
    '.local/share/Trash' # XDG trash.
    '.local/share/user-places*' # Recent-open history.
    '.purple/logs' # Pidgin/Finch logs.
    '.cache/Thunar/thumbnailers.cache' # Thumbnailer cache.
    '.cache/chromium' # Chrome cache.
    '*~' # Backup/temp files.
    out () {
    echo ">> $*"
    stat_done () {
    echo ">> ...done."
    stat_fail () {
    echo ">> ...failed!"
    if [ $UID != '0' ]; then
    echo "Must be executed as root user."
    exit 1
    out "Mouting backup device ('$backup_label')..."
    backup_dev=`readlink -f "/dev/disk/by-label/$backup_label"`
    if mount | grep -qF "$backup_dev on"; then
    backup_root=`mount | grep -F "$backup_dev on" | cut -d' ' -f3`
    echo " - This device seems to already be mounted at '$backup_root'."
    echo ' Do you want to use this, instead (y/N)?'
    echo -n ' << '
    read -n1 confirm
    [ "$confirm" != 'y' ] && exit 1
    mkdir -p "$backup_root"
    if ! mount -o noatime,user "$backup_dev" "$backup_root"; then
    echo ' - Failed to mount device.'
    exit 1
    echo ' - Device mounted successfully.'
    out "Backing up system..."
    echo > /tmp/rsync-excludes.rc
    for file in ${excludes[@]}; do
    echo "$file" >> "$exclude"
    rsync -axl -h --progress --delete --delete-excluded --exclude-from="$exclude" /{home,usr,opt,var,*bin,lib*,etc,boot,root,srv} "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME"
    mkdir -p "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/"{dev,sys,proc,tmp,mnt,media}
    mkdir -p "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/var/"{tmp,lock}
    chmod 1777 "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/tmp" "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/var/"{tmp,lock}
    out "Backing up package list..."
    pacman -Qqe | grep -v "$(pacman -Qmq)" > "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/pacman.list"
    pacman -Qmq > "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/aur.list"
    out "Unmouting backup partition..."
    if umount "$backup_dev"; then
    rmdir "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME"
    rmdir "$backup_root"
    echo ' - Could not unmount.';

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