What is an "empty restriction formula"?

Users are getting a popup window when opening some of the (ALCM imported) Web Analysis documents. ("
The popup contains a message:
"The empty restriction formula has been removed.
If they (or I) click OK and save the document the message is "gone for ever". So thats good news.
But I do not understand what the message is refering to. I guess its a essbase message, but perhaps you can help m clarify matters.
Thanks in advance

In previous Web Analysis releases (up to it was possible to add a "Restrict Data" definition with empty restrict formula body.
For the latest releases, there was a bug request that WA should automatically remove the empty "Restrict Data" definitions from the reports created in previous product releases.
So it recommended to show a warning to end users notifying them about invalid "Restrict Data" DTO removal.
Implementation for removing empty Restrict Data was added with additional notification "The empty restriction formula has been removed".

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    Mismatch in data types.
    Status, "=*Book*" is fine, as the content of the status column is text, and the condition is comparing it to a text string (with wild cards)
    Event Date, "=*2011*" compares a Date and Time value in Event Date to a text string (with wild cards).
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    For your case, you'll need a COUNTIFS formula with three test-range, condition pairs:
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    BR, Alex

    Hi Alexendar,
    This is possible !!!
    1)Create new Selection
    2)Drag the char  document type on the Right side
    3)Click on it and restrict it with DR.
    4)create a new formula and use this New selection.
    It will be applicable to only that KF.

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    jverd wrote:
    In fact, I'm pretty sure the compiler puts the bytecodes for a super(); call into your class file just as if you had explicitly written it in the constructor body.Yes that is what the Sun compiler does.
    I was also curious what exactly what the specification says about what it should do.
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    +"This constructor does not begin with an explicit constructor invocation of another constructor in the same class (using this). If this constructor is for a class other than Object, then this constructor will begin with an explicit or _implicit_ invocation of a superclass constructor (using super). "+
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    Hi pmdci,
    According to your description, you want to use some functions in calculated measure which are not supported in DirectQuery mode. Right?
    In Analysis Services Tabular, since DirectQuery has the real time access and scalability, this comes with a price of restrictions on a number of DAX functions and missing Calculated Column feature. Generally the workaround for these scenarios
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    For you requirement, I suggest you submit Microsoft a feature request
    at https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer
    so that we can try to modify and expand the product features based on your needs.
    Best Regards,  
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

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    promptForSwimmerName.vi ‏76 KB
    Swimmers.dat ‏1 KB
    Main__dummy.vi ‏28 KB

    To perform those operations in excel you will use ActiveX. I will attach some examples of using Excel in LabVIEW and you can use these to do exactly what you want.
    These three examples show how to manipulate properties, write to excel and read from excel. Let me know if there is more I can do.
    Allan S.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    BorderExample.vi ‏102 KB
    ActiveX_write_Rows_To_Excel2000.vi ‏90 KB
    ReadExample.vi ‏80 KB

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    Hi mate
    As far as I know JGPS is an GPS connector.
    Possibly this connector would be shared by 3G miniPCI card.
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    You'll need to restore the phone.  Make a backup first (I suggest to iCloud), and then restore the device.
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong ...
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content - Support - Apple - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1766
    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4083

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    Exchange Queries

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    system preferences,
    select account,
    parental control,
    select system & finder
    set your apps restrict preferences.
    restrict user can't be an admin.

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    Just to add a bit to what Steve said:<BR><BR>1) The most obvious thing (as Steve pointed out) is that you are "standing on" the "PMPM" member when you calc PMPM, so the "@ISMBR" will always fail because it's using the same dimension, but a different member. I just wanted to clarify the reason -- a member "x" formula will never meet the condition of "@ISMBR(y)" if "y" is in the same dimension as "x".<BR><BR>2) The PMPM formula itself is valid, aside from the if condition. Your issue is that you tried to use a single member to represent two different things. What you need is two members:<BR> <UL>"Actual PMPM" = "Actual 2006" / MBRMN->"Actual 2006";<BR> "Plan PMPM" = "Plan 2006" / MBRMN->"Plan 2006";</UL><BR><BR>The only reason for the above appears to be so all accounts are given a percentage of MBRMN in a new scenario, for both Actual and Plan. Hence, you want two "buckets" to put these values in because you are pulling it in from two equal sized buckets.<BR><BR>3) PMPM is sparse, so as a formula, it will only get evaluated if it already exists (you have to "prime the pump" on sparse formula's -- otherwise known as a block creation issue). Because you are retrieving (sourcing) it from "Actual 2006", simply copying "Actual 2006" to PMPM and THEN calculating it out will result in taking care of this.<BR><BR>-Doug<BR>

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    Is there a default one that I need to enter?
    What is it?

    Try 0000
    I never set either passcode but Restrictions required one to get in so I tried a typical passcode that I might have used.  It didn't work so I tried 0000 and it worked.

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    Go to Solution.

    No need of removing anything. Just insert the SD card in the slot, (SD card brand should be on top) Insert it until you hear a "click".
    Press it again to get it out.
    Check the first 10 seconds of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG4OsFRZr5Q
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