What is error 1015

what is error 1015??pls help how to fixed it,,

Generally means your phone was jailbroken and your attempt to update or restore the iOS has errored out, producing that error code. The terms of use here prohibit any help for jailbroken iPhones, so we are unable to provide any assistance.
You can fix this, but you'll have to go elsewhere for help.
Good luck.

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    Got this error when restoring phone - error 1015
    what is error 1015 and do i fixed it?

    Error 1015 means your phone is jailbroken.  We cannot help you here.
    You'll need to look elsewhere on the internet for help.

  • HT201210 What does error 1015 mean when restoring my Iphone 3G?

    What does error 1015 mean when restoring my Iphone 3G?

    As easily found by googling:
    Errors related to downgrading iOS
    The required resource cannot be found: This alert message occurs when your device has a newer version of iOS than what is available in iTunes. When troubleshooting a device that presents this alert message, go to Settings > General > About and check the version of iOS on the device. If it is newer than the latest released iOS version, the device may have a prerelease developer version of iOS installed.   Installing an older version of iOS over a newer version is not supported.
    Error 1015: This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch's software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state.
    In summary: your phone is likely jailbroken. If so, there is no more support available on these forums.

  • TS3694 what is error 1015 please

    what is error 1015 please

    That means the phone is jailbroken. You can not get help here for a jailbroken phone.

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    restoring my iphone software

    ninolykha2000 wrote:
    what is error 1015 in
    restoring my iphone software
    It usually means that your phone is hacked or jailbroken.

  • What's error 1015 ?

    what's error 1015 ?

    So first of all where/when do you get this error cod?
    If it's when device connected to iTunes then here you can find some help: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694
    And as the art states error 1015:
    Error 1015: This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch's software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state.
    Hope it helps,

  • TS3694 i can ask what is errors 1015, i don;t what I can make/ Please help.

    i can ask what is errors 1015, i don;t what I can make/ Please help.

    Hello Jeff,
    FIRST, we here in the forum are not employees of Adobe, we are users like you, even if you will see sometimes staff's people which try to help here.
    An option would be that you use Contact Customer Care = http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html, by clicking through the headlines.
    If none of the conditions is fulfilled, and if "open" please use chat, I had the best experiences. I quote from Preran: The chat button is activated as soon as there is an agent available to help.

  • TS3694 I can't understant what is error 1015

    <Edited By Host>

    Error 1015: This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch's software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state.

  • TS3694 What is error 1015? and how do I resolve it

    On trying to restore my I phone I get the message it cannot be retored because of error 1015. What is this and how can I deal with it?

    Do you see any other error messages?
    Take a look at that article linked above your post.
    Error 1015: This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch's software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state.
    If you aren't trying to downgrade or update a jailbroken iPhone, try the five suggestions here -> iOS: Resolving update and restore alert messages

  • TS3694 what is error 1015

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    This is asked and answered many times...
    Please peruse the More Like This  section on the right..

  • HT1414 what is error 1015

    i was updating my ios from 4.1 to 4.2 but stopped and displayed a massage error (1015). what should i do

    Here is the description of that error:
    Error 1015: This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch's software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state.
    from here http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694
    The latest level for the iPhone 3G is iOS 4.2.1. Don't attempt to update using an .ipsw file from anywhere but Apple through iTunes.

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    Error 1015 is most often given as a downgrade Error. This is most often due to the iPhone having the iPad baseband 6.15.00 installed. This 6 series baseband is higher than the current 5 series basebands. So when iTunes tries to install the current 5 series baseband, it is superceded by the installed iPad 6 series baseband, thus iTunes is attempting to downgrade the baseband to the 5 series, which Apple will not allow. This not allowed try at a downgrade stops the Restore process and results in the Error 1015. This error is now completely fixable, you must search the Web for the fix. The fix will allow future normal Restores with iTunes and will fix the GPS chipset which is compromised by the iPad baseband.

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  • TS3694 whats with error 1015 ????

    i reset my iphone then it crashed then i had to do a hard reset to get it to the connect to itunes phease on my iphone and i tried hookin it upto itunes and it starts sortin it out fine then it comes up wit unknown error 1015 how do i sort it out help me :/

    You can't.  Your phone is bricked.  This is the error code you get when your phone gets bricked due to jailbreaking.

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    did your google
    http://www.redmondpie.com/fix-itunes-1004-1015-error-and-restore-iphone-4-3gs-su ccessfully-on-ios-4.0.1-how-to-guide/
    more hits
    https://www.google.dk/search?source=ig&hl=da&rlz=1G1TSEH_ENDK367&q=Iphone+error+ 1015&oq=Iphone+error+1015&gs_l=igoogle.3..0l3j0i30l7.433300.435340.0.435736.8.4.

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