What is sapint.exe -TRANSLATE doing

Hi all,
I'm new to EDI. we're running GENTRAN window version for EDI middleware.
I have seen the following statement in one of the process control.
E:\GENSRVNT\Bin\sapint.exe -TRANSLATE:
May i know what is the above statement doing? is it convert the IDOC into a EDI file?
if yes, where (under which folder) i can see the EDI file?

Hi Reetha,
     I think this statement is converting the IDOC into EDI file, like you said. but not sure where the EDI file is created.
I think you configure the target directory in the Gentran tool somewhere.
Some Gentran expert should be able to help you.

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    out.println("IO Error: " + e);
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    out.println("ls error " +e);

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  • SQLJ Translation does not create profile file

    SQLJ Translation does not create profile file.
    After translating a small file HelloWorld.sqlj
    the following files are created:
    Although there is a HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.class, profile file HelloWorld_SJProfile0.ser has NOT been created.
    The starting file .sqlj file HelloWorld.sqlj is taken from O'Reilly book 'Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ' by Jason Price. The file contains a valid SQL statement to display the date.
    My environment variables were set up with instructions from:
    When I run java HelloWorld to run the .java file, I get the error:
    SQLException java.sql.SQLException: profile HelloWorld_SJProfile0 not found: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloWorld_SJProfile0
    I searched the internet high and low for a similar error to mine but I could not find a match.
    I read the following text from http://otn.oracle.com/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/htdocs/faq.html#translationerrors
    but it does not help me.
    "ClassNotFoundException: xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yyy_SJProfileKeys
    If you see an exception such as:
    java.sql.SQLException: profile xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 not found:
    xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yy_SJProfileKeys
    then you must ensure that the SQLJ profile(s), such as xxx/yyy_SJProfile0.ser, is available in the SQLJ runtime environment. This includes JARing this file as part of an applet deployment, or publishing it to the server via loadjava.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
    Helloworld.sqlj before translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    #sql { SELECT sysdate INTO :current_date FROM dual };
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    HelloWorld.java after translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    // #sql { SELECT sysdate  FROM dual  };
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_rtRs;
    sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext __sJT_connCtx = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getDefaultContext();
    if (__sJT_connCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
    sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext __sJT_execCtx = __sJT_connCtx.getExecutionContext();
    if (__sJT_execCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_EXEC_CTX();
    synchronized (__sJT_execCtx) {
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement __sJT_stmt = __sJT_execCtx.registerStatement(__sJT_connCtx, HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.getKey(0), 0);
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_result = __sJT_execCtx.executeQuery();
    __sJT_rtRs = __sJT_result;
    sqlj.runtime.ref.ResultSetIterImpl.checkColumns(__sJT_rtRs, 1);
    if (!__sJT_rtRs.next())
    current_date = __sJT_rtRs.getDate(1);
    if (__sJT_rtRs.next())
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    }/*@lineinfo:generated-code*/class HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys
    private static HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys inst = null;
    public static java.lang.Object getKey(int keyNum)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    if (inst == null)
    inst = new HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys();
    return inst.keys[keyNum];
    private final sqlj.runtime.profile.Loader loader = sqlj.runtime.RuntimeContext.getRuntime().getLoaderForClass(getClass());
    private java.lang.Object[] keys;
    private HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys()
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    keys = new java.lang.Object[1];
    keys[0] = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getProfileKey(loader, "HelloWorld_SJProfile0");

    SQLJ Translation does not create profile file.
    After translating a small file HelloWorld.sqlj
    the following files are created:
    Although there is a HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.class, profile file HelloWorld_SJProfile0.ser has NOT been created.
    The starting file .sqlj file HelloWorld.sqlj is taken from O'Reilly book 'Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ' by Jason Price. The file contains a valid SQL statement to display the date.
    My environment variables were set up with instructions from:
    When I run java HelloWorld to run the .java file, I get the error:
    SQLException java.sql.SQLException: profile HelloWorld_SJProfile0 not found: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloWorld_SJProfile0
    I searched the internet high and low for a similar error to mine but I could not find a match.
    I read the following text from http://otn.oracle.com/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/htdocs/faq.html#translationerrors
    but it does not help me.
    "ClassNotFoundException: xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yyy_SJProfileKeys
    If you see an exception such as:
    java.sql.SQLException: profile xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 not found:
    xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yy_SJProfileKeys
    then you must ensure that the SQLJ profile(s), such as xxx/yyy_SJProfile0.ser, is available in the SQLJ runtime environment. This includes JARing this file as part of an applet deployment, or publishing it to the server via loadjava.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
    Helloworld.sqlj before translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    #sql { SELECT sysdate INTO :current_date FROM dual };
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    HelloWorld.java after translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    // #sql { SELECT sysdate  FROM dual  };
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_rtRs;
    sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext __sJT_connCtx = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getDefaultContext();
    if (__sJT_connCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
    sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext __sJT_execCtx = __sJT_connCtx.getExecutionContext();
    if (__sJT_execCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_EXEC_CTX();
    synchronized (__sJT_execCtx) {
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement __sJT_stmt = __sJT_execCtx.registerStatement(__sJT_connCtx, HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.getKey(0), 0);
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_result = __sJT_execCtx.executeQuery();
    __sJT_rtRs = __sJT_result;
    sqlj.runtime.ref.ResultSetIterImpl.checkColumns(__sJT_rtRs, 1);
    if (!__sJT_rtRs.next())
    current_date = __sJT_rtRs.getDate(1);
    if (__sJT_rtRs.next())
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    }/*@lineinfo:generated-code*/class HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys
    private static HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys inst = null;
    public static java.lang.Object getKey(int keyNum)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    if (inst == null)
    inst = new HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys();
    return inst.keys[keyNum];
    private final sqlj.runtime.profile.Loader loader = sqlj.runtime.RuntimeContext.getRuntime().getLoaderForClass(getClass());
    private java.lang.Object[] keys;
    private HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys()
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    keys = new java.lang.Object[1];
    keys[0] = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getProfileKey(loader, "HelloWorld_SJProfile0");

  • During a demo today could not use Messages for video chat or screen share - what dumb thing was I doing wrong?

    I was giving a demo / class today for some people in a volunteer group I work for. They all got new MacBook Airs or MacBook Pros, and I got a MacBook Pro because I am going to be going into explain how to use them.
    Most everythng went well, but one really cool thing I do all the time from home on my iMac I couldn't get to work. That part of the lesson was a disaster, though fortunately everything else went well.
    I'd like to figure out what dumb thing I was doing wrong so I can show them next week.
    I know we have to sign in with AOL accounts for screen sharing to work in Messages. So first I had everybody sign up for a free AOL account. That went fine.
    Then we all logged in using our accounts. That went fine for everybody except one person. We could all see each other online, with little video cameras next to our names in the Buddy List. One person never showed up anywhere for some reason.
    But we could not do either video chats or successfully request to share other peoples' screens, which I do all the time at home to help other people with their Macs.
    One person could not even see any requests from me pop up. One person could see my requests come in and accepted them, but nothing happened after that.
    Ordinary message chats were working ok.
    Things I already thought of:
    1. Perhaps the wi-fi in the bulding was blocking some ports? Just in case, I turned on mobile hotspot (tethering) on my iPhone 5 and had everybody connect to my network. But the results were the same, so it wasn't that.
    2. I wasn't sure it mattered, but in Settings > Sharing I made sure that everbody had screen sharing turned on. And just in case, even though I don't have this set from home, I further made sure everybody had "anyone may request to control the screen" checked.
    While I could do local network sharing of screens (via the Devices list in the Finder side panel), I couldn't for the life of me get it to work with Messages. But I've been doing this for years from home to help my sister and other people across town with their Mac by doing screen sharing this way and taking over their screen.
    It must be something dumb I'm overlooking. Anybody know what it is?

    Problem solved, finally, by AppleCare support!
    I gave up trying to reach the "English support line" guy located in Manila and decided to insist on plain old Japanese support here in Tokyo and explained the problem from scratch.
    First we tried all the usual suspects, but nothing we did could get it to work. Then we did an ARA (Apple Remote Access) support session. This was the first time I ever did this. Quite cool, and very useful.
    At first we still could not figure out what was wrong, but finally isolated the problem to the way my AOL account name was entered.
    When I added the AOL account to my Messages app, all I did was enter my username part. I didn't add the @aol.com part, because I never did that on my iMac. However, Messages kept on automatically adding "@aol.com" to the end of the AIM account name.
    The Apple tech person got me to try once again to get rid of the @aol.com part of the account name. We:
    1. Disabled the account.
    2. Manually deleted the @aol.com, leaving just my AIM name.
    3. Restarted my MacBook Pro (very quick, by the way, and also immediately brought back his ARA session).
    This time the @aol.com part remained gone, and I was able to test connecting to my iMac, which has a different AIM account set. It worked!
    I was able to do screen sharing via Messages! And also do video chat via Messages. Yay!
    So much thanks to Watabe-san at Apple support. The people I am teaching will be happy to see this working on Sunday, because it really is a very useful tool for assisting people remotely.

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    run pacman -Qi pkgname for each package you want to learn about. The Description at the bottom should give you enough information for your purposes. You can also see if its required by anything else that's installed.
    You could, of course, write a script that does this for all files in [core], snips out the descriptions, and cats them to a file.

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    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    The main things are converting the "in.Progress" package into an actual backup folder; deleting "expired" backups, if necessary; and finishing up the (hidden) log in each backup folder, updating the status, date of last backup, in various places.
    If you cancel while it's deleting expired backups, it just skips that step, as it will get them the next time, so yes, that's considered a successful backup.
    See #A1 in [Time Machine - Troubleshooting|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/Troubleshooting.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum), for a handy widget to display the backup messages from your logs.

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    The Wi-Fi is not working...I keep getting the symbol refreshing.  I can't turn the Wi-Fi on or off.  I read "Turning Wi-Fi on..." when I go to the setting for Wi-Fi but this has been going on for 3 hours.  C'mon!  My Wi-Fi at home is working great; that's how I'm writing this post. Help!
    To add to the misery: I keep getting a pop-up notification that reads: "Unfortunately, the android.process.acore has stopped."  What is this and why does it not work. The phone's been getting this message for a week now...help!
    Last concern: I'm still not getting multimedia texts (particularly pictures).  The data and Wi-Fi were on...well, that's when the Wi-Fi was working (please refer to complaint #1 above).  What the heck?
    This phone is terrible news and I can't wait to replace it.  In the meantime, the phone needs to work. Help.

        We certainly want to clear up all the confusion and have a working phone in your hands, srodezno. Let's take this one issue at a time:
    1. How long ago did this trouble with WiFi start? Are you able to connect to any alternate WiFi signals other than the one at home?
    2. Do you get that notification when you access anything in particular? Did it begin when you updated or installed any application?
    3. Are you still able to access other data services (web, apps, Play Store, etc) while the WiFi is off/not working? Are you able to send the MMS messages?
    Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/vzwsupport

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    I just want to make sure I'm not inadvertently allowing my data to go through some connection and be vulnerable, etc.

    I thought about that, but all that LittleSnitch does is report ingoing/outgoing communications. It doesn't create any. So I'm just trying to figure out what a program called "ndat" does, and what on DIVERT port 2560 (labrat) means.
    Has anyone heard of any of these things on OSX?

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    Did some malicious software sneak its way onto my macbook?
    Thanks in advance.

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