What is the advantage of intergration HPQ center with Solman?

Adavantage of intergration HPQC with SM??

Testing Inefficiencies,
Any change to your solution landscape requires testing to ensure software quality and minimize business and IT risk. But since so many testing tasks require manual effort, quality assurance
teams find themselves pressed for time. To stay on schedule, teams must often
either delay the release or skip critical tests. Either option results in higher
cost and a riskier quality process.
Better for Both Quality Managers and Product Managers
SAP has developed an adapter that integrates the SAP® Solution Manager application
management solution and the SAP Quality Center application by HP, used
for software testing. This allows you to transfer your business blueprint structure
and related documents, specifications, business requirements, links, and
test objects such as transactions, implementation guide activities, or custom
Basically it also helps to integrate test projects using service desk of SAP Solution
Manager and the defect management of SAP Quality Center makes test
execution faster and more transparent. therefore proj. mgrs benefits in a way that they get better transparency and updates of their tests within projects.
The result is an integrated testing environment, as shown in the figure below, helping you
reduce the time and cost of deploying new software and upgrades.
Higher Quality, Less Cost,Reduced Risk
Integration between the tools lets testing teams work in their familiar environments.
Because information for one application is made visible in the other,
your IT staff doesnu2019t have to master separate testing tools, and you have a
far more efficient testing process that improves software quality and reliability.
Testing is standardized and integrated projectwide, and information is consolidated
in a single view to support informed release decisions. The efficiency
you gain can reduce costs and, more importantly, help minimize the risk of
outages and other problems caused by poor testing.

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    Tail recursion is when a recursive call is the last piece of evaluation done.  So
    let rec len l =
    match l with
    | [] -> 0
    | x:xs -> 1 + len xs
    is recursive, but not tail recursive, because there's still the addition to do after the recursion returns, whereas here
    let len l =
    let rec len' l n =
    match l with
    | [] -> n
    | x: xs -> len' xs n+1
    len' l 0
    len' is tail-recursive.
    As there's nothing to left do in the current call when the recursive call is made, then the compiler can optimize the code to re-use the stack frame.
    This is the simplest way to provide for unbounded repetition of an action with immutable state, passing updated state into the recursive call.
    Tree-like structures, on the other hand have a left descent then a right descent and you can't make both the tail, because you have to return from one to do the other.  So that's where continuation passing moving the accumulation from the stack to the
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    SAP's R/3, introduced in 1992, is the most used ERP system in the world.
    The R/3 software package is designed to allow businesses to effectively and efficiently operate a variety of business processes within a single integrated information system.
    The software is customizable using SAP's proprietary programming language, ABAP/4. R/3 is scalable and highly suited for many types and sizes of organizations and runs on six different platforms.
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    R/3 is composed of a single, virtual file structure with no subsystems.
    In addition, SAP has released u201CMySAP.comu201D which is software that provides for data interaction and processing connections with the Web.
    Financial and managerial accounting tools in SAP R/3 are contained in the financial accounting (FI) and the controlling (CO) modules. The General Ledger function in the FI module provides a comprehensive record of all information needed for external financial reporting. The accounting data is complete and accurate because the SAP system fully integrates all business transactions that were entered from all the operational areas of a company. In addition to the FI and CO modules, the SAP system includes the Investment Management (IM), Sales and Distribution (SD), Materials Management (MM), and Human Resources (HR) modules.
    Management accounting tools in SAP R/3 are cost center accounting, internal orders, product costing, and activity based costing, profitability analysis and profit center accounting.
    SAP R/3u2019s accounting features are modeled on German approaches to accounting, and thus they are well-organized and very efficient in processing accounting information and providing accounting statements and financial reports.
    As stated previously, R/3 offers multiple currency features and a three-tier system that is capable of meeting very high demands from the accounting system for either transaction processing or financial reporting.
    SAP was the first to implement integrated treasury capabilities. This attractive feature allows a corporate treasury department to function as an in-house bank by automating the control of cash flow, investment trades, and portfolio management.
    R/3 provides check writing capability in its Accounts Receivable component which very few other programs offer.
    Additionally, there is equal access to all data in the system. This means that personnel can access financial data directly from a computer screen rather than physically meet with the treasurer, controller, or some other similar person. In other words, R/3 offers real-time, immediately updated reporting.
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    The accounts payable component of SAP R/3 contains four types of transaction blocks namely:
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    SAP R/3 is organized with the concept that a business operates as a series of processes, which means that the company implementing R/3 may have to change and reorganize itself to properly fit with R/3 and use it effectively.

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    ??? - thanks - dave
    What we did for the last 6 months -
    Made the world's coolest reporting & docgen system even more amazing

    First off, we've never found Sql Server all that much work. Installs easily and then we're off and running.  I understand people finding create & go a big win, but Sql Server is pretty much that already for us.
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    I'm guessing that 95% (or more) of our DB activity will be selects. 
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    thanks - dave
    What we did for the last 6 months -
    Made the world's coolest reporting & docgen system even more amazing

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    Please help

    Overview of Views
    Read here...
    XMLView or XMLTYPE ?
    Overview of XML in Oracle Database
    Read here...
    Edited by: ordba on Mar 4, 2010 9:50 AM

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    I hoping someone can provide me some pros and cons as to when I should use IB to create XIBs and/or class objects as opposed to directly coding them.
    For example, if I choose Apple's Template for creating a Navigation Based Application (cocoa touch), the project creates two NIB files - MainMenu and RootViewController.
    However looking at one of demo apps SimpleDrillDown, it does not have a RootViewController XIB and instead creates it via code.
    Another example from the same two apps is that the template generates a "Navigation Controller" class object in the Mainmenu.xib. SimpleDrillDown does not bother with this in the XIB, but uses code to generate the controller:
    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
    // Create the navigation and view controllers
    RootViewController *rootViewController = [[RootViewController alloc] init];
    UINavigationController *aNavigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:rootViewController];
    self.navigationController = aNavigationController;
    [aNavigationController release];
    [rootViewController release];
    // Configure and show the window
    [window addSubview:[navigationController view]];
    [window makeKeyAndVisible];
    as opposed to the template which only needs this:
    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
    // Configure and show the window
    // Navigation Controller is defined in MainWindow.xib
    [window addSubview:[navigationController view]];
    [window makeKeyAndVisible];
    So what are the advantages of each approach. Why does apple suggest one approach and yet all its demos use another.
    Any thoughts, answers gratefully received.
    TIA, Michael.

    You can do whatever you're comfortable with, but most of the best Cocoa programmers--the ones on the Mac, I mean--recommend putting everything you can into Interface Builder.
    It's a little like the difference between writing a program to do a bunch of financial calculations and using a spreadsheet. Yeah, the program can do everything the spreadsheet can--and more besides--but you'll find it far easier to create, use and modify the spreadsheet.
    Interface Builder takes away a lot of completely meaningless choices ("What order should I create the objects in? How should I name the variables? How should I create their frames? What order should I set the attributes in?"), leaving you with an interface optimized for creating and arranging objects, and allowing your code to focus on what you really do need to think about--your application's logic.
    (By the way--part of the reason Apple's demos don't all use Interface Builder is that the very first SDK releases didn't have it. Back then, you had to create all your views programatically. Believe me, I have no wish to go back to setting autoresize masks manually. Now get off my lawn, whippersnapper.)

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    Necessary for some and not for others – probably a large majority – who can by with the presets avalaible in FCX.
    The users who need Compressor are those who want to control the parameters of the encodes to get the best possible trade-off between file size and quality. Or those who want to do things like standards conversions, complex frame speed changes, better re-scaling capabilities, de-interlacing, re-interlacing, output formats beyond which are available in FCX, chapter markers for DVD and Blu-Ray authoring, batch conversions for multiple purposes through droplets, access to clusters for faster rendering.

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    What are the advantage of using a passive monitoring technique

    Hi Plawansai,
    I saw your question that is still unanswered.
    I believe an advantage of using a passive monitoring technique is that it won't interfer with live traffic, as it does not inject traffic into the network or modify the traffic that is already on the network.
    One drawback anyway, is that post-processing time can take a large amount of time with passive monitoring!
    A combination of the two monitoring methods seems to be the route to go.

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    Advantages of Wi-Fi and cellular iPad.
    1. You can use it in places without Wi-Fi.
    2. The cellular model have GPS.

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  • What is the advantages of using Flexconnect groups

    what is the advantages of using Flexconnect groups in WLC?

    Pls refer this document for more detail about these features
    FlexConnect is one mode an AP can operate, typically deployed in Branch setup where you do not have a controller at branch site. Those AP can register to a controller at your HQ or main site. So traffic will terminate at your branch switch instead of tunnel back to HQ-WLC.
    If you want roaming within your branch FlexConnect AP then you have to put those AP into a FlexConnect Group. Then only key information shared among those AP to facilitate fast roaming.
    Pls do not forget to rate our responses if you find them useful.

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    Seriously though....
    WebLogic (for which I have deployed many apps on) as
    well as Websphere are both high end Java application
    servers, meaning J2EE servers (in short). They allow
    one to deploy Enterprise Archive(EAR), a Web
    Archive(WAR), or an EJB Archive (in a JR file).
    These two servers allow one to deploy EJBs, use
    e JNDI, JMS, connectors, and other J2EE technologies
    - Tomcat does not. well, EJBs - no
    JNDI, yes - http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-4.1-doc/jndi-resources-howto.html
    JMS - yes (with an implementation, such as ActiveMQ: http://activemq.codehaus.org/Tomcat)
    Not sure what you mean by "connectors".
    Tomcat provides quite a bit of functionality (but yes, no EJBs)

  • What is the advantage of an iCloud mail account?

    I recently updated to iOS 5 on my 64GB iPad 2 +3G. I signed up for iCloud using the same Apple ID I have been using all along.
    I was also able to create a new iCloud mail account using @me.com.  What is the advantage of having this new email account?
    I kind of understand the function of iCloud. It enables me to access the same content via all my iOS devices.  If I have a photo in my iPad 2, for example, iCloud could push that same photo to my iPhone if I had one.  (It is not much use to me now as I have no other devices besides my iPad 2. I guess I could use the computer at the library and access stuff at iCloud.com.)
    The two email accounts I already have are already accessible using other devices.
    I can access the same Yahoo account using my iPad 2, an iPhone, or a computer at the local library. So, why do I really need this iCloud account?
    I have seen postings from others who have had prior Apple IDs, @me.com accounts, and something called MobileMe. My head spins when reading those posts.
    I am new to the Apple world, so luckily I don't have those problems concerning the use of previously established stuff.
    I used the same Apple ID I already had to set up my iCloud, but I used a slightly different variation of that email address to set up the iCloud mail account.
    Was that a mistake? I am now wondering if I should have kept it all the same. It tells you you cannot change the @me.com address once it is established anyway.
    Also, the iPad is considered superior to other tablets because of the wealth of apps available (140,000). Isn't that a little hyped?
    There seem to be a lot of duplicative apps that are not too useful. For example, there are tons of calculator, alarm clock, and reminder apps in the app store.
    Thanks for any insights you can provide.

    "What is the advantage of having this new email account?"
    It is simply an extra email if you wish to use it. You don't have to.
    "Also, the iPad is considered superior to other tablets because of the wealth of apps available (140,000). Isn't that a little hyped?"
    No. It is actually +600,000 apps.
    The 140,000 is iPad specific apps. You can also run iPhone apps and universal apps just fine.
    Sure there are lots of duplicates and a bunch of apps are lame but there are definitely plenty of very good quality apps.

Maybe you are looking for

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