What is the opertor for

I am just starting out on JAva and can take all the help available. Can some one tell how to calculate the 'POWER OF', for example - 4 to the power of 2 = 16.
Thanks in advance.

I am just starting out on JAva and can take all the
help available. Can some one tell how to calculate
the 'POWER OF', for example - 4 to the power of 2 =
16.In many cases multiplication is good enougth,
4^2 = 4*4 = 16

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  • What is the Tcodes for Uploading of data using BDC & CATT

    PP members:
    I was going through the <b>cutover activities</b> ,  and what I understood is  we transfer all the legacy system data into SAP before going live
    The data upload follows certain steps (depends on the organizational design load strategies)
    First we upload all the master data ( material master, BOM, W/C's & Routings)
    Then the transaction data ( Ideally speaking, there should no open orders i.e. WIP as on the day of cutoff )
    If the WIP (Work in Process) is unavoidable then the materials consumed shall be treated as <b>materials of the previous stage</b> and necessary adjustments shall be made after cutover day
    At this point, I could not able to understand what does the author mean <b>materials of the previous stage</b>
    Now comming to the uploading of data into SAP from legacy system, we use tools like LSMW, CATT & BDC
    Is it a must to use <b>only LSMW tool</b> to upload master data or any other upload tools are fine
    Lastly,. I am not sure about the Tcode of CATT & BDC
    Summary of the questions:
    1.What does the author mean  <b>material of previous stage</b>, for WIP materials during cutover activities
    2. Is it mandatory to use only LSMW tool for uploading for master data
    3. What are the Tcodes for upload tools CATT & BDC ?
    Thanks for your time
    Suren R

    1.What does the author mean material of previous stage, for WIP materials during cutover activities - as i understood, what is the stage of material..like it must have gone through 2 work centers and other 2 is left. i.e. you need to create Production order with only 2 operation as other 2 is already over. - usually it is done in such a way that we will create Production order and confirm till 2 operations and WIp is calculated so thatb FI will tally the books in SAP and lagacy.
    2. Is it mandatory to use only LSMW tool for uploading for master data - no you can use any tool as required and suits yr requirement
    3. What are the Tcodes for upload tools CATT & BDC- BDC through a prog in SE38. CATT through - SCEM.

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    deborahfromwindsor wrote:
    he advises restarting by inserting the OSX disc and pressing down the C button to reboot from there then selecting disk utility, hard disk and repair.... Does he mean me to hold down the C key on the alpha keyboard or the ctrl key?
    Should I just ask for my money back??? If it is a simple repair do I just literally push the disc in, push the power button and hold down the C button?
    That's where I would begin, too, with
    Repair Disk
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    (Check S.M.A.R.TStatus of HDD at the bottom of right panel, and report if it saysanything but Verified)
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    If DU reports errors it cannot repair you will need touse autility like TechTool Pro,Drive Geniusor DiskWarrior
    First we need to determine if the issue you are experiencing with the computer is software or hardware based. Once we have gotten things sorted out there should be time enough to make you decision about keeping or returning it.

  • What is the query for Accounts Payable Trial Balance (APXTRBAL) in 11.5.10?

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    Show_Flag = 'YES', where:
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    There is a difference between the logic of my report, and the logic of AP Trial Balance...
    Could you please advise what I'm missing?

    What is the query for Accounts Payable Trial Balance (APXTRBAL) in 11.5.10? You can get the code by opening the report in Reports Builder and get the query.
    Or, enable trace/debug as per (FAQ: Common Tracing Techniques within the Oracle Applications 11i/R12 [ID 296559.1]).

  • What is the number for Verizon Wireless  Corporate Customer Service Complaint for CA

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    I started with them in 1985. It has been wonderful service but very expensive. They seem to operate on day of deposit day of withdrawal. That means that I have no benefits nothing beyond the normal customer if I don't pay my bill they shut me off. That's why I have switch to another provider and I have better service lower cost and better phones. you can't beat  other providers I mean it. Please don't expect more from verizon other than a "pay me more money and I'll do what you want" because it's all about money. Read the transcripts from current Verizon employees all over the internet. The company is going down and they're taking customers with them.
    msvat <[email protected]> wrote:
    msvat  created the discussion
    "What is the number for Verizon Wireless  Corporate Customer Service Complaint for CA"
    To view the discussion, visit: https://community.verizonwireless.com/message/1113982#1113982

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    I am not seeing any checkboxes when I edit in Address Book in Lion, can you take a screen shot (Shift Command 4) of what you're seeing and post it?
    BTW please fill out your profile (under Your Stuff above) so we know what machine and version of Lion you're using.

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    6 months after purchase I updated my iPod touch as recommend by iTunes.
    It has not worked since that day.  It frozen (disabled) with a "connect to
    iTunes" icon displayed...that is the only thing it does.  itunes does not
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    I suffered a setback with deep depression and am just now getting out of it enough to do something.  The depression prohibited me from taking action.
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    number procedure using only button on the iPod.  These were unsuccessful
    also have performed.
    Please do not ask me to do the usual.
    Online I saw  a process using the buttons on the iPod to completely
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    etc.  I can not find the process now...a friend showed it to me in passing
    I have lost contact with him.  This is the procedure, I believe, that with
    enable me to update and use the iPod. 

    You need an internet connection and likely a computer with iTunes but an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with the FindMy iPhone App may work by:
    If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone and use Remote Wipe to erase the contents of your device. If you have been using iCloud to back up, you may be able to restore the most recent backup to reset the passcode after the device has been erased.
    You can also wipe the iOS device by installing the FindMyiPhone app on another iOS device and using that app to wipe the device.
    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Forgot passcode or device disabled
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
    For how to restore:                                                             
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes       
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:           
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        
    If problem what happens or does not happen and when in the instructions? When you successfully get the iPod in recovery mode and connect to computer iTunes should say it found an iPod in recovery mode.
    Yo may have to go to an Apple store or a friend's house with an internet connection and iTunes.

  • TS1702 I use iphone5, I see an app update on the app store. but when App store and click on the update tab, it doesn't show me which application to update.. just give me a blank page.!!!! what is the solution for this.!!!!

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    Cc2528 wrote:
    The iTunes Store on my iPad is set up with all my music already. And at the very bottom it shows my apple Id username. The only place it shows the previous owners id is in the App Store...
    You can probably change the ID in the "iTunes and App stores" settings on the iPad....click on the wrong account ID , select sign out, then log in with your own ID, I have not done this but I think it works.....
    but I would be more inclined to to the factory reset and start afresh.

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    Here is my code
    <ComboBox Height="40" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" SelectedValuePath="Key" DisplayMemberPath="Value" x:Name="comboBox1" FontSize="25"/>
    var source = new Dictionary<string, double>();
    source.Add("Item1", 0.4);
    source.Add("Item2", 0.3);
    source.Add("Item3", 0.1);
    source.Add("Item4", 0.1);
    var formateDSource = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    foreach (var item in source)
    formateDSource.Add(string.Format("[{0}, {1}]", item.Key, item.Value), item.Key);
    comboBox1.ItemsSource = source;
    If you use this code in WPF in works perfectly. However if you use this code in a Windows Store Application then the Combo Box is empty and an error is thrown. So is there an alternative way to do this in Windows Store Applications and have I unearthed a
    bug? Because I have researched the Web for days and found no solution to this.*please do not comment unless you have tried my code as a Windows Store App not a WPF in Visual Studios. Can Someone post an example based on my code that works in Windows Store
    Apps please because this is terrible.

    It looks like you got an answer on SO:
    This does look like a bug.
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
    NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
    objects and unknown namespaces.

  • What are the steps for loading master data

    what are the steps for loading master data? i want to learn about loading all master data and the steps to choose the best way to load the data.
    if anyone has documents please send me the documents i will be really greatful
    [email protected] thanks everyone

    Hi Heng,
    Download the data into a CSV file.
    Write a program using GUI_UPLOAD to upload the CSV file and insert records.Chk the below link for example
    Reward Points for the useful solutions.

  • What are the settings for Primere Elements 9 if I've filmed with a Canon Powershot sx50 HS?

    I just got this camera and I want the best quality possible. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to fully know if the settings I try create that. I get a fuzz or noise on objects like if I'm wearing a black jacket it's like static. When I put the video on my phone which is an Android Galaxy s4 it converts it into mp4 format and I get much more clear results than on my computer which perplexes me. I did a lot of trial and error with my previous camera (JVC Full HD Everio) which I got the same results. My newer Canon should be leagues ahead of the JVC, but I really can't tell as of yet. If anyone could help that would be awsome. I have examples of my trials and errors from my Youtube videos which you can see I felt I was slowly making progress with the JVC Oppositeofhood - YouTube

    Then I saw your latest post
    Wait, I think I just found it. I pressed record on different settings to take pictures with like portrait to see if it would make a difference and when I uploaded them to my computer I found where it shows the BIt rate and it varied. They run at 23 frames per second 1920 x 1080 MOV video files and all the Bit rates are like 36,356 35,414 ,36,521
    If your camera is recording with a variable bitrate, the Bitrate variations from file to file should not be contributing to the issue. But it does raise the issue related to whether or
    not we are setting the appropriate bitrate level in the export settings. What are the units for 36,356, 35,414, and 36,517 -
    kbps (also can be written Kbps) and is kilobits per second
    Mbps which is megabits per second.
    Let us try this for one of your 1920 x 1080p24 videos.
    Go through the following workflow
    Manually set project preset...
    DSLR 1080p24
    When you go to export your edited Timeline content, then use
    with Presets = NTSC DV 16:9 - that is going to be customized to 1080p24 (H.264.mov) under the Advanced Button/Video Tab of that preset
    The essential settings under the Advanced Button/Video Tab
    Video Codec = H.264
    Frame Width = 1920
    Frame Height = 1080
    Frame Rate = 23.976
    Field Type = Progressive
    Aspect = Square Pixels (1.0)
    Now here is where we are going to experiment....
    Check Mark next to Limit Data Rate to and type in 36000 before kbps
    note the file size of the export as well as the quality of the playback.
    Repeat the whole process but in export
    Remove the check mark next to Limit Data Rate. The Bitrate field will be disabled.
    note the file size of the export as well as the quality of the playback.
    We will be watching for your results.

  • What are the settings for datasource and infopackage for flat file loading

    Im trying to load the data from flat file to DSO . can anyone tel me what are the settings for datasource and infopackage for flat file loading .
    pls let me know

    Loading of transaction data in BI 7.0:step by step guide on how to load data from a flatfile into the BI 7 system
    Uploading of Transaction data
    Log on to your SAP
    Transaction code RSA1—LEAD YOU TO MODELLING
    1. Creation of Info Objects
    • In left panel select info object
    • Create info area
    • Create info object catalog ( characteristics & Key figures ) by right clicking the created info area
    • Create new characteristics and key figures under respective catalogs according to the project requirement
    • Create required info objects and Activate.
    2. Creation of Data Source
    • In the left panel select data sources
    • Create application component(AC)
    • Right click AC and create datasource
    • Specify data source name, source system, and data type ( Transaction data )
    • In general tab give short, medium, and long description.
    • In extraction tab specify file path, header rows to be ignored, data format(csv) and data separator( , )
    • In proposal tab load example data and verify it.
    • In field tab you can you can give the technical name of info objects in the template and you not have to map during the transformation the server will automatically map accordingly. If you are not mapping in this field tab you have to manually map during the transformation in Info providers.
    • Activate data source and read preview data under preview tab.
    • Create info package by right clicking data source and in schedule tab click star to load data to PSA.( make sure to close the flat file during loading )
    3. Creation of data targets
    • In left panel select info provider
    • Select created info area and right click to create ODS( Data store object ) or Cube.
    • Specify name fro the ODS or cube and click create
    • From the template window select the required characteristics and key figures and drag and drop it into the DATA FIELD and KEY FIELDS
    • Click Activate.
    • Right click on ODS or Cube and select create transformation.
    • In source of transformation , select object type( data source) and specify its name and source system Note: Source system will be a temporary folder or package into which data is getting stored
    • Activate created transformation
    • Create Data transfer process (DTP) by right clicking the master data attributes
    • In extraction tab specify extraction mode ( full)
    • In update tab specify error handling ( request green)
    • Activate DTP and in execute tab click execute button to load data in data targets.
    4. Monitor
    Right Click data targets and select manage and in contents tab select contents to view the loaded data. There are two tables in ODS new table and active table to load data from new table to active table you have to activate after selecting the loaded data . Alternatively monitor icon can be used.
    Loading of master data in BI 7.0:
    For Uploading of master data in BI 7.0
    Log on to your SAP
    Transaction code RSA1—LEAD YOU TO MODELLING
    1. Creation of Info Objects
    • In left panel select info object
    • Create info area
    • Create info object catalog ( characteristics & Key figures ) by right clicking the created info area
    • Create new characteristics and key figures under respective catalogs according to the project requirement
    • Create required info objects and Activate.
    2. Creation of Data Source
    • In the left panel select data sources
    • Create application component(AC)
    • Right click AC and create datasource
    • Specify data source name, source system, and data type ( master data attributes, text, hierarchies)
    • In general tab give short, medium, and long description.
    • In extraction tab specify file path, header rows to be ignored, data format(csv) and data separator( , )
    • In proposal tab load example data and verify it.
    • In field tab you can you can give the technical name of info objects in the template and you not have to map during the transformation the server will automatically map accordingly. If you are not mapping in this field tab you have to manually map during the transformation in Info providers.
    • Activate data source and read preview data under preview tab.
    • Create info package by right clicking data source and in schedule tab click star to load data to PSA.( make sure to close the flat file during loading )
    3. Creation of data targets
    • In left panel select info provider
    • Select created info area and right click to select Insert Characteristics as info provider
    • Select required info object ( Ex : Employee ID)
    • Under that info object select attributes
    • Right click on attributes and select create transformation.
    • In source of transformation , select object type( data source) and specify its name and source system Note: Source system will be a temporary folder or package into which data is getting stored
    • Activate created transformation
    • Create Data transfer process (DTP) by right clicking the master data attributes
    • In extraction tab specify extraction mode ( full)
    • In update tab specify error handling ( request green)
    • Activate DTP and in execute tab click execute button to load data in data targets.

  • What are the settings for  rework order  quality inspection

    Iam doing production order confirmation at the GR time some oprations are rejected.that operations i want too rework order CO07 process without GR ,i want to Quality inspection in REWork order.
    What are the settings for rework order Quality inspection?

    Refer beautiful document


    I am trying to create an iCloud email account on my iPad with IOS 6.0.1
    what are the settings for Host name in incoming and outgoing mail servers?

    the information on that link doesnt work.  my icloud address is [email protected] not [email protected].. although i tried both on my galaxy note 2.  either way the server information is not verifying. 

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    I would like to know if it is possible to automatically create the PR for services. It would be similar to MD04 but instead of being for stockable materials, it would be done for non-stockable materials (services in this case).
    PR would be generated monthly, because this services have to be paid every month, for example electricity, water, rent, phone bills.
    I hope you can help me, thank you!

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