What is your Visio replacement on MAC?

If u use MAC for networking stuffs. What is your replacement for MS Visio? Running vmware fusion or some alternative MAC applications?
I mainly use visio to create/update network topology diagrams. I read couple of application introductions online claiming to be visio replacement on MAC, however:
1. None of them say if the native visio stancil will work with them.
2. None of them say about saving diagram to vsd/vsdx files
What do you use and what is your experience with replacement APP on MAC? Will MS ever release visio for mac?

There is a graph APP  called OmniGrafle for macs,  and like in visio , you need to look for stencils.  I started using this app resently so I am not fully familiar with its full capability in comparison with visio but it can do network diagrams . It is said is capable of importing visio  .vsd   in its newer versions. 

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    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
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    0xbcc3b44 : 0x350082 (0x3dbeb8 0x954208 0x0 0x13f5f5)
    0xbcc3b64 : 0x22e7e7 (0x1 0x2 0xbcc3b74 0xbcc3b74)
    0xbcc3c44 : 0x22bc65 (0x33cc858 0x1dbd0800 0x1 0x46000a0a)
    0xbcc3e14 : 0x22217b (0x1dbd0800 0x14 0xbcc3f14 0x20bf29d3)
    0xbcc3e54 : 0x223bff (0x1dbd0800 0x14 0x6 0x0)
    0xbcc3f64 : 0x21125d (0x1dbd0800 0x1dbd0800 0x42db5c 0x135798)
    0xbcc3fa4 : 0x1f7871 (0x2d52404 0x1dbd0800 0x1da5e816 0x1)
    0xbcc3fd4 : 0x197b19 (0x0 0x0 0x2653920 0x4a2000) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.1: Wed Jun 7 16:19:56 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.9.72.obj~2/RELEASE_I386
    Model: MacBookPro1,1, BootROM MBP11.0055.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core Duo, 2 GHz, 512 MB
    Graphics: ATI Radeon X1600, ATY,RadeonX1600, PCIe, 128 MB
    Memory Module: DIMM1/BANK 1, 512 MB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
    AirPort: spairportwireless_card_type_airportextreme (0x168C, 0x86), 0.1.24
    Bluetooth: Version 1.7.5f10, 2 service, 1 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Built-in Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: ST98823AS, 74.53 GB
    Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-857
    USB Device: Hub, Up to 480 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: Apple Pro Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 250 mA
    USB Device: USB Gaming Mouse, Logitech, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, Micron, Up to 480 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: IR Receiver, Apple Computer, Inc., Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, Apple Computer, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
    USB Device: Bluetooth HCI, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA

    It sounds like it might be the Airport-related kernel panics that I and some others have had. Mine were fixed completely by a logic board replacement.
    To narrow the problem down, I found that I could test by downloading large files, many at a time, and get a kernel panic while on Airport, usually within a few minutes, always within an hour. Downloading the same large files while connected via Ethernet wouldn't result in a kernel panic. I could stay online for 24 hours on Ethernet, keeping the computer active by loading pages with webcams (that automatically refresh periodically) without ever getting a kernel panic, while I couldn't connect via Airport for anywhere near that length of time without getting a kernel panic. So I was as certain as one can be that the problem was caused by Airport.
    After doing some basic troubleshooting (resetting the PMU, repairing permissions) and even an erase and reinstall of Mac OS X, I called AppleCare with this information and described what I had tested. I would recommend doing the same to narrow down the problem and, if it's the same Airport-related kernel panic issue I had, arrange for a repair.

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    I had the mini fitted with a SSD by Apple. Apple use the Samsung 830 and that is very capable and the price difference was not worth the effort of installing the SSD. Where installing memory is as easy as it could ever be replacing the hard disk is mind bendingly frustrating. You might think from videos such as this
    that it is a simple procedure. What they dont tell you is that this man has freakishly tiny hands. In the real world the job reminds me of disassembling mechanical wrist watches. You need a variety of specialized tools or its just not happening. And there is no soothing music.
    Also the video above misses a critical step. The antenna grate will not fit back into position unless a hook like tool is used to go through a specific hole in the grate and pull up from under whilst applying a pressure in the necessary horizontal direction.
    So my advice is not to install your own HDD/SSD. The memory I used was from Crucial because Crucial is the retail side of Micron who provides Apple their memory for the mac minis.
    http://www.crucial.com/upgrade/Apple-memory/Mac+mini/Mac+mini+%28Late+2012%29-up grades.html
    Having heard of memory failures in AHD from different manufacturers and read about the need for 3.35v DDR3L I ran what I got from Crucial through 6 cycles of the advanced AHD, taking about 10 hours. No failures.
    I am running Parallels and under various virtual machines running simultaneously I have intensive CADs, IDEs, and all the latest games on steam maxed out on a 30 inch display, without lag or any noticeable loading time at all. It is by far the fastest machine I have used. Very impressed.

  • What is your theory on what happened with ASUS Transformer Prime and BB?

    This is my theory:
    First preorder batch 11/22:
    BB opened up for preorders based on expected date of anticipated 12/9 ship date.  The buyers at BB that orders from vendors did not buy any preorder stock from ASUS in Champagne on first order. I gotta bleive that the reason that the Champagne prime is not shipping from BB is a "buyer" error. They filled their first allotment of preorders. That is why BB shiped out grey from the first wave of preorders. Other vendors got both- why did BB only get grey? The buyers always think they know what we want or will order and only ordered grey in the request to ASUS. They got caught with their pants down when Amazon cancelled the orders on 12/2 and EVERYONE affected jumped on BB.com and ordered the champagne which was available as the next wave.
    Amazon fallout 12/2:
    Best buy opened up another set of preorder allotment - 2nd wave, and got hit hard real fast with preorders that they were not prepared for, or had stock for.
    ASUS is filling initial preorder requests from the resellers in the order that the resellers requested too.  BB was offering that in the next wave of preorders, but they probably took too many orders at once, and they put in another order to ASUS around the 12/9 delay ship date and ASUS was not taking them at that time (delays due to Wifi reported) .
    ASUS 12/9 wifi report delay in shiping:
    ASUS was cought in a delay with reports of wifi range problems and either stopped taking orders, or recallled/replaced shipment with others.  Once ASUS took orders again from the reseller they are shipping daily based on the preorder backlog. Asus is responsible for the delay in accepting orders from vendors, and BB had a buyer error, by either waiting too long to put in the first wave of orders, or not ordering enough, and now they are in the back of the vendor reseller line waiting on ASUS to get to them.
    The date of irst ship came and BB shipped all it ordered from first wave and could not get anymore from ASUS in the second wave to cover the Amazon fallout system overload.  They were left in the back of the line of all other vendors becuse no reseller could get a second next wave fulfillment until all others got their first waves fulfilled.  The 12/9 delay kept next waves from being fulfilled, and that is why inventory is trickling into the other resellers and BB can only get a few more at a time.  BB ordered champagne on a next wave delay.
    The thing that bugs me in to no end is how is a person that ordered grey on 11/28 at BB still on backorder, but a 12/05 grey order has shipped and delivered?? This is not ASUS fault, That is poor business operations on BB. 
    That is my "perfect storm" theory- what do you think?  What is your theory?

    That is pretty close to what I think happened.
    It does seem pretty clear that Best Buy never initially ordered and Champagne Primes.  I have combed through the threads at this site and others and haven’t seen one person receive a Champagne Prime from BB.  Meanwhile people who bought from other resellers like New Egg and Amazon have received Champagne Primes. 
    The mismanagement of shipping out orders chronologically has to be maddening for the people who ordered the Grey Primes.  I do feel for these people that ordered the same exact product before others who now have their Prime, but will still don’t have their items.
    The communication from Best Buy had been terrible.  Screwing up the orders in the 2 examples are somewhat forgivable to me, but the miscommunication and what seems to be deceitfulness that Best Buy has exhibited is not.  They just seem not to care about the customer any more.  From my experience, prior to the release I was lead to believe my order would be ready to ship on 12/18.  Then it went on backorder with no real reason why.  Two (12/18 and 12/22) of three calls to customer service reps indicated that my Champagne Prime would still arrive by today (12/23), with the other call rep (12/20) saying she basically had no when my item would be in.  Then yesterday afternoon a post from a customer care rep on these boards confirming that I am basically hosed because I choose BB to fulfill my Prime preorder.  

  • How do I find out what my PW is on my Mac or at least how to reset it?

    I reset my password for internet site but i must have a different pw on my Mac, it will not let me do updates without it*  The PW hint in the sign in screen is not working.  How do I find out what my PW is on my Mac or at least how to reset it?

    Sounds like you want your administrative password on the Mac so can install? For starters, you'll want to ask in a Mac forum. I know you used to be able to reset it using the install disk but haven't tried that for years.

  • Is there a way I can send what I'm watching on my Mac to a TV in the house Note I do have ITV

    is there a way I can send what I'm watching on my Mac to a TV in the house Note I do have ATV

    Yes, if the Apple TV is located where it can receive a strong wireless signal from your wireless router. You will still need to connect from the Apple TV to the TV using an HDMI cable. Not possible to send the signal via wireless directly to your TV.

  • What is the difference between a mac-book, and an I-pad?

    What is the difference  between a mac-book and an I-pad?

    The Macbook is a computer (running Mac OS X), an iPad is a tablet (running iOS). What are thinking of using it for ? The Mac is more powerful than iPad, so if you need processing power then that will be better suited for your needs. If you will mainly be using it for media (films, music), internet browsing, emails, ebooks, then an iPad would be sufficient.
    Macbook Air : http://www.apple.com/macbook-air/
    MacBook Pro : http://www.apple.com/macbook-pro/
    iPad Air : http://www.apple.com/ipad-air/

Maybe you are looking for