What's the crack with QT on PC IE??

Is there a workround (or am I doing something wrong) to get rid of the graphical madness that happens when scrolling the screen that has a QT movie on it? My sites are loading fine, with a fair speed etc, but this multiple QT controller thing causes mass problems when viewing info at the bottom of the screen. And generally looks &*^$.
Any help please. (Should I put a link to firefox on my pages saying download this for free?)

I had this same problem with "IE for windows" when I used a page background..
Bob Kuhnhenn originally solved this for me - http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=2401114#2401114 - Thanks again Bob!
Also see this new thread
Good Luck

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    -- Jim

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    I've had a Macally BtMouseJr for a couple of years now, it's fairly basic but every time I've tried to replace it with a "better' one I've had to come back because of lock ups, losing the mouse altogether, slow response, random movements et al.
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