Whats your brickbreaker high score?

What is everyone's brick breaker high score? 
Please also list what OS your using.  
My highscore is 9520 on 4.2 
Message Edited by payroll on 04-03-2008 10:51 PM
CEO/Editor In Cheif

Can anyone tell me how to get this game back? I have the 8800

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    ^^^ Thank's for the information. I know Amex is not backdating anymore, but I'm not too woried as my current AAoA as it stands without the two new cards is a little over 6 years. I'm currently waiting till September for my Cap1 QS1 credit steps to kick in. Hopefully I'll be among those who gets a $2-3K CLI....one can only hope I guess.  I'll be in the garden till' at least next summer. I have no collections, but a few charge offs from Cap1 3 years ago that were completely PIF. Also have car loan and student loans that have never missed a payment in loan history. Hopefully my scores will start to increase here soon.  Goal is get at least 2-3 cards with $5k+ Limit. Looking to have an Amex Everyday card, Chase Saphire, and Cap1 Venture in the future. More focused on travel rewards than cashback. 

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    Go to Solution.

    Hello StarBlue03,
    If you aren't sure if or what your user name is, you can create a new one.
    KB17723 will show you how to do this.
    Thanks! And have a great day
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Keeping a high score

    I'm not sure whether to put this topic here or on the game section, so forgive me if it's not supposed to be here. Just like the title says, I'd like to keep simply one high score. I'd like to write it into a file (along with the name of the person who holds the high score). I simply do not know what to do, I will post what I have so far (it's just a piece of a bigger class):
    public void openFile(){
              BufferedReader file;
                   file = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("data.dat"));
              catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                   System.out.println("File not found.");
                   int highCombo = file.read();
                   if(MovingBar.p1Hits > highCombo && MovingBar.p1Hits > MovingBar.p2Hits){
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Congratulations! Player 1 has beat the high score of " + highCombo + " hits with " + MovingBar.p1Hits + " hits!", "Congratulations!", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                        String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name:");
                   if(MovingBar.p2Hits > highCombo && MovingBar.p2Hits > MovingBar.p1Hits){
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Congratulations! Player 2 has beat the high score of " + highCombo + " hits with " + MovingBar.p2Hits + " hits!", "Congratulations!", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                        String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name:");
         }I know there are a lot of random pieces of info, but more importantly, MovingBar.p#Hits is a variable in another class which I want to keep as a high score if it is one. highCombo is the current high score (hopefully read from the file data.dat which is simply a text file). I pretty much scrounged this code up from random places so I really dunno exactly what I'm doing. Also, I realize that I'm missing something from the last "try" statement and I don't know what to put. I'm sorry if this is confusing and amateur, but I really need some help. Thanks in advanced.

    Create one class that want to be Serializable and implements the Serializable interface on it, then you can serialize the Whole object at once..........
    // Write to disk with FileOutputStream
    FileOutputStream f_out = new
    // Write object with ObjectOutputStream
    ObjectOutputStream obj_out = new
         ObjectOutputStream (f_out);
    // Write object out to disk
    obj_out.writeObject ( myObject )
    // Read from disk using FileInputStream
    FileInputStream f_in = new
    // Read object using ObjectInputStream
    ObjectInputStream obj_in =
         new ObjectInputStream (f_in);
    // Read an object
    Object obj = obj_in.readObject();

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    since you have MySQL on your server, I'm going to go ahead and assume you have PHP installed also. If so, you can do the highscore work in PHP and just have the game query that script. Basically (if you know anything about PHP and web queries in general) you just query the URL of the PHP script with a few GETVARS. In the simplest (and most easily hacked) way is something like:
    http://yourserver.com/game/highscore.php?action=submit&name=bob&score=5000highscore.php (your script) would then use MySQL to store the data of the GETVARS ($action,$name, and $score).
    All you need in Java to query this script is the URL class.
    URL url = new URL("http://yourserver.com/game/highscore.php?action=submit&name=bob&score=5000");
    url.openConnection(); // this is where it is queriedhighscore.php is where you need to do your database work. If you don't know anything about PHP or if this sounds too easily hacked, you might look into connecting to MySQL via JDBC (see tutorial)
    If I find the time I can make a simple template for you to build off of

  • High Score Security

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    Making sure the thing that oppened the page is an applet, but I'm not sure how to do this. This would be my ideal solution as I am not too worried about people who would go out of their way to make an applet with the same name as mine just to "hack" my high scores which aren't even worth hacking. But how would I go about doing this?

    You could do this using a client/server system comminicating using sockets, rather than simply a HTML request sent from the client. This way the client could be required to provide some validation before the server accepts score updates from it.
    The trick is to decide how the validation is done; you need to be able to differentiate between genuine clients and a client your friend has decompiled and changed so he can cheat.
    Remember that your friend can see exactly how the client works, but cannot see how the server works. Maybe you could send a copy of the client class object to the server and then the server could checksum it?

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    Updating should not affect your music, I have updated iTunes many times. Having said that, accidents can happen anytime you are installing something new on your system so it's always a good idea to make a back up your existing music.

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    Can you help me with the writing of the code for using a stopwatch to calculate and store the highscore please?
    Just select the bits you need from the example code at that site.
            Dim stopWatch
    As New Stopwatch() 'Create a stopwatch
            stopWatch.Start() 'Start the stopwatch
            stopWatch.Stop() 'Stop a stopwatch       
    Dim ts As TimeSpan = stopWatch.Elapsed 'Get a timespan to check the elapsed time.
    The only decision to make is where those lines go.  The third one is obviously in your checkhit sub, just before you check the seconds in the timespan.  The second will be at the point where the current play sequence starts, and that is not evident
    from what you posted, but it might be the same place you start the timer ticking.  The first can be anywhere, so long as the scope is sufficient for the usage.  At worst, you can put it at the form level.  Depending on exactly what you are measuring,
    and whether it repeats or pauses, you may need to use .Reset as well, but that is not apparent from your code.

  • High score in an applet

    I wrote a game and I'd like to be able to implement a high score. I've alreaedy looked at the other posts for the same problem, and it looks like I have to do it using PHP and SQL. I've looked at PHP sample code and I think I understand how to get that to work. My question is how do I create the database in mySQL? Everywhere I look, it just says to type certain commands in to create the database, but what confuses me is where do I type the commands? Is there a program I need to download? Do I do it on command line?
    Thanks - Any help would be greatly appreciated

    I think it's
    mysql -p That'll prompt you for your password, and you should be in the shell (assuming that the user you're logged in as is a valid user for mysql--otherwise use -u I think).
    Once you're in, you should use the CREATE DATABASE SQL statement to create the database (look at the mysql ref). You can then use CONNECT databaseName to connect to your database, or, from the command line, use
    mysql -p databaseName However, I agree with coder that there may be better alternatives, especially if it's already a Java game.
    Edited by: endasil on Oct 21, 2007 7:34 PM

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    what is the high os x version I can install on macbook build on 2007 with 2.16gh cpu and 120 gb harddisk.

    Start by checking if you can run Snow Leopard:
    Requirements for OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard'
    (NB: PowerPC applications can still be run in Snow Leopard using Rosetta, but they will not work in later versions of OS X.)
    The OS 10.6 Snow Leopard install DVD is available for $19.99 from the Apple Store:
    and in the UK:
    When you have installed it, run Software Update to download and install the latest updates for Snow Leopard to bring it up to 10.6.8, or download the combo update from here:
    Check via Software Update whether any further updates are required, particularly to iTunes.
    You should now see the App Store icon in iTunes, and you now need to set up your account:
    You can now upgrade to Mavericks OS 10.9 for free IF you have one of the following Macs, with not less than 2GB of RAM, and at least 8GB of available space on your hard drive:
    iMac (Mid-2007 or later)
    MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, Late 2008), (13-inch, Early 2009 or later)
    MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later), (15-inch, Mid/Late 2007 or later), (17-inch, Late 2007 or later)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)
    Mac Mini (Early 2009 or later)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    If you cannot run Mavericks you can purchase the code to use to download Lion from the App Store (Lion requires an Intel-based Mac with a Core 2 Duo, i3, i5, i7 or Xeon processor and 2GB of RAM, running the latest version of Snow Leopard):
    or Mountain Lion:

  • Good Practice for managing player high scores & other stats

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    file types, data types to be used in the file, file protection from manual editing etc.
    pls throw some advice on the popular industry practice in use.
    regards, bittu ch

    During PC based game development, what is a good practice for saving high scores, game history etc for multiple users in terms of the following attributes :
    file types, data types to be used in the file, file protection from manual editing etc.
    pls throw some advice on the popular industry practice in use.
    regards, bittu ch

  • High Score with Applets

    Well, I'm currently in a 'gaming club' at my high school. We are a small group of about 10-12 people that enjoy playing and designing games. Recent accomplishments consist of Battleship, Snake, Airhockey, and a few other minor 3D games.
    As of late, we wanted to take it to the next level. We'd like to put these games on a website in applet-form for everyone to enjoy and comment on. To do this, we'd like to implement a high score count to see who is the best at these games. However, when we tried to do this we ran into a security error. Aparently applets can't write to files. Is there any way around this? Any help would be greatly appriciated. Much thanks.
    - Sange

    Set up a php database. You can communicate between it and your Applet. That's how I do it on GameLizard.com

  • High scores table without name repeat

    Hello there,
    I have some code which fills a high scores table.. we've decided to give away a prize to the top ten people in the high scores table.. the problem is that people are playing repeatedly and fillnig the high scores table with their name, this makes it unfair to other players as they can't manage to get onto the table !!
    Is there a way I can modify my code to ignore the same name should it appear and skip to the next non repeated name(pseudo) and score ??
    My text boxes are called pseudo1 - pseudo10 and score1 - score10
    Many thanks in advance for your help below is my code :-
    for (var p:uint = 1; p <= 10; p++) {
              var currentPseudo:String = "pseudo" + p;
              var currentScore:String = "score" + p;
              if (event.target.data["pseudo" + p]) {
              if (event.target.data["score" + p]) {
                   highScoresPage[currentScore].appendText(event.target.data["score"+p] + " points"/*/1000 + "s"*/);
              } else {
                   highScoresPage[currentPseudo].appendText(" \n");
                   highScoresPage[currentScore].appendText(" \n");

    I find using Dictionary class for filtering unique names very useful. The code below shows that. Note how array is sorted in descending order:
    var scores:Array = [];
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 32 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Amanda Smith", score: 112 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 23 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Jerry Pak", score: 45 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 80 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Martin", score: 78 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Andrei", score: 99 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Andrei", score: 65 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Martin", score: 76 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Amanda", score: 10 } );
    scores.push( { name: "Peter Smith", score: 73 } );
    // this sorting assures that only highest score for the same name will be presented
    // default sort is ascending
    scores.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC);
    var uniquePlayers:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    // this creates unqie entries
    for each(var obj:Object in scores) {
         // each element is entered only once
         uniquePlayers[obj.name] = obj;
    // reset array
    scores = [];
    // populate with unique names
    for (var key:String in uniquePlayers) {
    scores.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
    for each(obj in scores) {
         trace(obj.name, obj.score);

  • IPhone High Score Data File/Sort Oddities

    Hello all.
    I am working on an iPhone game which is nearly complete but I am having trouble with the following high score sort/write code. I am aiming to keep up to 10 scores, sorted from highest to lowest obviously.
    The code creates a new data file with the current score added as first entry if there is no existing data file (and this works), or it creates a data file with the current score as first entry if a data file exists but is empty for some reason (and this works as well), or it adds the current score to a data file of existing scores if it is within the top ten or there are less than ten entries (this is where it gets odd).
    If there is one existing score in the data file, the current score is added and sorted properly. If there are two scores in the data file, the application crashes BUT the data file shows the current score was correctly added and sorted to the existing scores. If there are three existing scores, the application crashes and the data file remains unchanged.
    I have been over the logic many times and tried many different variations of the logic structure to no avail. I suspect it is something simple but I've been staring at it too long to see. Any ideas?
    If there is a better way to display the code/formatting on the forum, please let me know. It doesn't look pretty this way and there must be a way to make it more readable here. I tried to manually format it some to help. The code follows (score variable is brought in from another class but works properly in my tests). At the end I have repeated an isolated snippet of the code where I think the problem occurs.
    int i, ii;
    struct highscoreentry {
    NSString *name;
    int highScore;
    struct highscoreentry structArray(10);
    FILE *fin = fopen("highscore.dat", "rb");
    if (fin != NULL) { //if the data file exists proceed here
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    if (fscanf(fin, "%s %d\n", structArray(i).name, &structArray(i).highScore) != EOF) { //if data exists for this iteration proceed
    ii = i; //ii will be the last entry of existing data
    for (i = ii; i > -1; i--) { //will begin at last entry and work up the list of scores to sort
    if (score > structArray(i).highScore) { //if current score is higher than recoded score, recorded score moves down 1 place
    structArray(i + 1) = structArray(i);
    structArray(i).name = (NSString *)"JESSE";
    structArray(i).highScore = score;
    if (i == ii && ii < 9) //if there are less than 10 entries we will add another for our new entry
    ii = ii + 1;
    else if (score < structArray(i).highScore && i == ii) { //if current score is less than last recorded score it becomes new last entry
    structArray(i + 1).name = (NSString *)"JESSE";
    structArray(i + 1).highScore = score;
    if (ii < 9)
    ii = ii + 1;
    if (fin == NULL) { //if the data file does not exist prepare data for new file
    ii = 0; //will be used to limit write iterations to this single new entry
    structArray(0).name = (NSString *)"JESSE";
    structArray(0).highScore = score;
    FILE *fout;
    fout = fopen("highscore.dat", "wb"); //should create/rewrite data file from scratch
    for (i = 0; i <= ii; i++) {
    fprintf(fout, "%s %d\n", structArray(i).name, structArray(i).highScore);
    *CODE END*
    As far as I can tell by commenting out different portions of the code, the problem appears to be somewhere in here:
    if (fin != NULL) { //if the data file exists proceed here
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    if (fscanf(fin, "%s %d\n", structArray(i).name, &structArray(i).highScore) != EOF) { //if data exists for this iteration proceed
    *CODE END*
    ...but it baffles me that this works with one structure in the data file, crashes with two structures in the data file but correctly processes/sorts them and writes the file properly, and crashes with three structures in the data file without doing any additional work.
    Jesse Widener

    Actually I've found online material to be adequately, and sometimes more than adequately, elucidating in learning the language. When I decided to take a stab at this I spent about 40 hours of my spare time the first week reading 2 or 3 different "takes" on the C/C++/Objective C language in addition to Apple's docs on their implementation along with the iPhone SDK. As I mentioned, I've thus far found the language quite clear and concise. I began my application the second week and this is the first time in 7 weeks of coding where I've felt the need to ask assistance. Every other problem I've solved, leaving no errors, warnings or leaks in my software and accomplishing every task I've set to this point.
    I find reading several different "takes" on a subject helps fill out an understanding from different perspectives. In this case, one perspective might lead the reader to believe or misunderstand the full use/context of a particular syntax, while reading from multiple sources can show the same syntax used in different contexts, broadening the understanding of its use, and that understanding can be user further to interpolate uses in a variety of situations.
    I am new to C/C++/Objective C and the iPhone SDK, but I am not new to programming. It may have been some time (other than hand-coding my website the last few years) and my language experience may be limited to BASIC, HTML, PHP and Javascript, but from my view learning a new language is relatively easy once you know one...even if it is BASIC. The general logic structure remains the same. The overall software design concept remans essentially the same. Both are going to use variables, arrays, subroutines, memory allocation/management, input and output of data, runtime logic, etc. I am 80-90% sure I know exactly how I want to attack a coding problem every time...I just need to know how to "say it in C".
    I don't remember when I first started coding, but I know by age 7 I wrote a karaoke style "Happy Birthday" for my great aunt with music playing through a Commodore 16 via "beeps" figuring the particular vibrations per second of the speaker (the hertz values) and durations for each note in time and pitch perfectly along with "lyrics" printed to screen with the music. To me, learning C is like learning a new foreign language. I took 2 years of French in high school and had to study at it but aced it nonetheless. I then opted to take Spanish but after a semester I opted to stop because the pacing was too slow. Learning Spanish after learning French was a piece of cake. They are in the same general language family and the syntax construction is very similar. I only needed the raw data of the words to fit to the rules I already knew. I didn't need to learn the same rules a second time.
    The C/Objective C language seems no more complicated than it need be, which is to say it seems simple in doing what it needs to do and I am impressed with that simplicity thus far. I am also impressed with Apple's implementation with regard to the iPhone. Being able to provide music via 4-5 lines of code using AVAudioPlayer is transcendental compared to "beeping" every note monophonically.
    Apple's explanations are very clear and concise. It is just, sometimes their examples are sparse or too narrow in scope to get a rounded context. However, their docs are very good and there is a wealth of information here on the net. My biggest complaint with Apple's docs really stems from the fact they seem to want to shove Interface Builder at everything and provide the code to do so but leave the reader stranded if the reader would rather stay within XCode exclusively and do more programmatically rather than leave that much "behind the curtain" work to Interface Builder...but it is a minor complaint.
    On pointers...I do understand the use of pointers, perhaps not to the nth degree as I am just starting out, but the concept makes sense to me. I understand they are not "content" but a memory address location of the "content". I also understand why pointing to a location which is undefined or unprotected is damaging to whatever may be in that location already and to the data being pointed since it can be inadvertently overwritten my some other memory using item.
    {quote}No. The (i < 9) condition is critical. Writing to structArray[10] will crash, since structArray[9] is the end of the array. In practice such a crash might not happen right away, though. If our program's data allocation actually ended at the end of the array, the crash would be immediate. But what usually happens when we write past the end of an array is that the beginning of some other data is overwritten.{quote}
    I need to slap my forehead on this one. I know better than that. I don't know why I missed that. Too many late nights I suppose.
    {quote}(NSString*) is called a type cast in that context.{quote}
    Yes, which is why I used it to deal with the incompatible type error I thought I had at that point, but I shouldn't have assumed by appeasing the compiler I was necessarily solving the problem.
    {quote} The best I can do for now is to caution that an enquiring mind, like all virtues, can be taken too far. I think it's important to compromise and copy good models sometimes. This isn't just to avoid reinventing the wheel. Sometimes it's good to remember we only have a limited time on Earth.{quote}
    Agreed...and I don't expect to understand every nuance the first time around. I expect to at least understand how each successful line of code works in its context, but I imagine some processes will take a few times through before it "clicks" how it works in a greater context than its own, and I am all right with that. I also understand deadlines are deadlines whether they be software development or otherwise and a broad eye needs to be kept to remaining on the track forward.
    Anyway, off to my day job.
    Thank you again...I began reading up on NSDictionary and NSUserDefaults last night. Will post soon.
    Jesse Widener

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    pattyfromsyracuse wrote:
    what does convert higher bit rate songs to 128 kbps mean?
    Some people, myself included, import their music from original audio CDs. When doing so I choose to import using Apple Lossless format so as to keep the full original quality of the audio CDs (this is after all why it is called Apple Lossless format in that you are not losing any quality).
    The drawback of doing this is that the music files take a lot more disk space than a lossy format like MP3 or AAC. This is these days not a problem on a computer as hard disk space is now cheap an plentiful but it can be a problem on a flash memory based music player like the iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, iPod Touch, or iPhone as these have far less capacity.
    Therefore Apple now let you turn on this option to automatically convert from Apple Lossless to AAC when syncing to one of these music players. As a result on your computer the music is still kept in the full lossless high quality format, but is converted and transferred as a much smaller but slightly lower quality for use on these music players. As with an iPod you are not listening in a quiet room with high quality speakers you will not really notice the difference in quality.

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