When will UK be able to buy movies?

Does anyone know when this will be, if ever?

No one on these boards will have an answer since we are simply fellow users like you. Until the major studios authorize Apple to distribute outside the US, there is nothing Apple can do.

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    i  only asked a question you don't need to be rude about it.
    i though this was a place to ask questions?

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    Just posted to Lightroom Journal Lightroom Journal | Tips and advice straight from the Lightroom team. It's not Lightroom, but does address the original question. Definitely worth a look, sooner rather than later.
    Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 8.6 RC for CC and CC 2014 Release Candidate | digital camera raw file support - Adobe Labs
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    Thank you Tom and Hugh. Yes it's a AVCHD DSLR.
    If I could ask one more question.
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    It has been added to Camera Raw 8.8 and DNG converter 8.8. So I suspect it will probably be added to the next release of Lightroom, whenever that might be. In the meantime, you can download DNG converter 8.8 and create DNG copies of your raw files that you can use in Lightroom now. No one knows when the next release of Lightroom will be. A lot of users anticipate that it will be soon, but there is nothing from Adobe giving any hint of a release date.

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    Welcome to the forum!
    As often, we cannot give a simple answer without more informations: what version of Photoshop and Bridge are you talking about?
    The rule of thumb is to update Camera Raw to the latests version compatible with Photoshop, and if it does not work, to download the last version of the DNG converter and use it on the files to convert them to DNG that can be opened in the older versions of Camera Raw and other raw converters.
    Normally, to update go to Help>Updates...
    According to http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/camera-raw-plug-supported-cameras.htmlhe first version of Camera Raw that can open the NEF from the 5200 is Camera Raw 7.3, that works with Photoshop CS6. If you version of Photoshop is older, you'll need to use the DNG converter 7.4:
    (but, since you don't state what operating system you are using, here are the links for both versions:
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    Mac: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=106&platform=Macintosh )

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    Have a great day!

    Paal, I'm sorry for that little out-lash. There is nothing wrong with inquiring the feasability of a new feature. The problem is that PDF has been an "output intended format" from the very beginning.
    An Illustrator file (from a fairly modern version) also is a PDF file, for all intents and purposes. You can rename an .AI file to .PDF and use it anywhere, with any software that supports PDF (so that's excepting Apple's Preview, probably ;-) ). Moreover, you can still open and edit this PDF with Illustrator and get all of your objects, symbols, layers, paragraph styles, and guides back!
    That's because in fact this file *contains* all this extra information in a data block marked "For Private Use Only". Other software, if adhering to Adobe's PDF specs, will simply ignore this (and thus my little jab at Apple's Preview). Does that mean you can edit such a PDF with *any* software? No -- the Illustrator data is "proprietary", and the details are not published to use by other software developers. Similarly, one could envisage InDesign to do the same. Yes, it would lead to *huge* files -- but hey, you would be able to open THAT file into InDesign and edit it. But not with any other software!
    The meta-problem is that an extremely large amount of this private data would be *extremely* dependant on the software that was used to create it with. What would an Illustrator file do with InDesign's GREP styles? What would InDesign do with Illlustrator's brush styles, or symbols? Illustrator allows slanted guides, InDesign does not.
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    So all of Adobe's software would need to be able to parse *every others' data* to some degree. Well, it's still not "unconceivable" as all of this would need to be done in one office (note that in that single office there are still vast differences in something as straightforward as a User Interface across the CS suite). But there are lots of other software developers out there, and they *all* want to write out PDFs, all with their own internal data! (Think of the different requirements between an architectural app and one for graph plotting.)
    A *possible* solution would be to add "more" metadata to a PDF without crossing into the realm of "every single bit". Article tagging is an example of this -- it tells software that wants to know in which order *plain text* is to appear, and as such it serves as meta-data for plain text content. But the mind reels thinking of what more to add -- a list of used GREP styles per paragraph would probably be useless to anyone else.
    But such an idea will not solve the problem, as 1. this meta-data is optional (lazy programmers would be allowed to say "nothing to see here, move along"), and 2. this data would only get added to *newly created* files, and it would not retroactively make older PDFs editable ...
    (Now that's just the *short* version :-) h

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    This is Support/discussions--that means, "I'm having problems, help me." It would be nice if we could come visit this forum and find absolutely no posts whatsoever because all MacBooks are absolutely perfect and no one is having any problems at all anywhere.
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    What happens when you try to sync? Error messages?
    Yu need at leadt iTunes 10.5.x fof an iPod withiOS 5.

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    You can hide them, not delete them.  After all, Apple must maintain a full list of all your purchases.  And who knows, what you may want "deleted" now, you may want back in the future.

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