Where are archived versions

where are archived versions of acrobat reader located?

ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/ (back to version 6.x).

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    Unfortunately, I do not know where they have gone. HP is working on issues with the suport and driver servers at the moment.
    Since your notebook does have the UEFI Diagnostics installed, you should be able to rollback to the previous version that was installed. Use the firmware management option to do that.
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    In iTunes, do View - Sidebar.
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    It appears that you're assuming rather more around the word "archive" than exists here.
    The archives that you seek are (also) stored in the /var/log directory.
    The log files use the extension .log, and the log archive files use extensions such as .bz2 or .gz, and the associated data compression schemes.
    The following shell command:
    $ sudo find / -name ipfw -print
    will show you all files with the substring ipfw in the filename. Which will show you a few files here and there on your disk that are related to the firewall, including the man pages, and the /var/log directory.
    But no secret archives.
    Run some tests with the archive settings over a week or two, and watch what happens in the /var/log directory.

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    Hi planex09,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this.  Click on the link to see more details and screenshots.
    If you don't see a featured station or genre you like, then type an artist name that plays the kind of music you want to hear and build your station from there.
    About iTunes Radio
    About featured stations
    Featured radio stations are DJ-curated, editorial, or hybrid stations that appear at the top of the iTunes screen and will change periodically. You can add a featured station to My Stations by dragging the item to My stations or by clicking the Plus button and typing the name of the station. There may be some DJ-curated stations that you aren't able to modify. You can't like or play more tracks like this while listening to a DJ-curated station. You can, however, start a new station based on the current track or artist of a featured station or add tracks to your iTunes Wishlist from the Star menu.
    Starting and modifying stations
    You can start a station based on artist, track, genre, or sub-genre. To start a custom station, click the Plus button below the Featured Stations section in the center of the iTunes window. When prompted, type an artist name, track name, or genre or select a genre from the presented list. When starting stations by genre, iTunes Radio will play six second preview snippets for you prior to selecting a genre. After you add stations the first time, the Plus button will move to the right of My Stations.
    - Judy

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    > you click on Java SE from the first page,
    instead of clicking on any of the links offering
    downloads, you must click on "Supported System
    Not so. For example, click on the "download" button
    next to "JDK 5.0 Update 9". Scroll down.
    Linux x64 Platform - J2SE(TM) Development Kit 5.0
    Update 9
    That's just an example.
    ~It's also not the only example. By going to java.sun.com -> downloads -> Java SE -> JDK 5 Update 9 there's also 64 bit versions for Solaris and Windows.

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    Your account names are probably different on the two Macs. If you know the UNIX command line, open a terminal window and run:
    $ id 
    You should see a line that starts with something like this:
    now check the owner of the folder you copied over:
    $ ls -ld Music
    drwx------+ 8 some_user_id_here  staff  272 May 14 16:08 Music
    Do the IDs match? If not, you could change the ownership. Say your id is "johnsmith"
    $ chown -R johnsmith Music
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    Thank you in advance

    Most Simple Back Up:
    Drag the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to another Disk. This will make a copy on that disk.
    Slightly more complex: Use an app that will do incremental back ups. This is a very good way to work. The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically.
    Example of such apps: Chronosync - but there are many others. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store

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    Cloud and Encore http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1236852
    -a workaround for the Cloud http://blogs.adobe.com/davtechtable/

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    I assume that you have a gmail account, in which case you have the choice on the iPad via the account's settings (Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars) as to whether to archive (via the filing cabinet icon) or to delete them (via a trashcan icon) : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4207 . There is info about gmail archiving here.

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    Thanks Barney. Now some notes for my future reference (in case I forget how to do it) and for anyone else who wants to copy Style settings of iTextExpress (and I assume Text Edit) from one OSX to another.
    Under  OSX 10.6.8
    iText Express style preferences are stored inside the Users> Preferences folder in a file called .GlobalPreferences.plist. This file is invisible. It can be made visible by a utility called DesktopUtility.
    Once made visible it can be copied and archived, but it cannot be copied back because an invisible file cannot be replaced. To replace an existing version with an archived version, the existing version must first be deleted.
    Under  OSX 10.8.3
    iText Express style preferences are stored inside the Users> Preferences folder in a file called com.apple.AppKit.TextFavorites.plist. The folder is invisible. It can be made visible by a utility called DesktopUtility. Once the folder is made visible, the preference file can be archived and copied to another OSX.
    The contents of .GlobalPreferences.plist and com.apple.AppKit.TextFavorites.plist seem to be interchangeable. I copied the contents of the first (from OSXC 10.6.8) and put them in the second (in OSX 10.8.3) and up came all the Styles.

  • Where are my files?

    Hi all, my computer crashed and it seems that my files are in an external hardrive where I set my "time-machine". I see under pictures the icon for the iphoto library but cannot see any file. Where are they? The library is 8.1 GB which seems a good size to hold my pics, but I don't want to loose any picture and I want to make sure I have all my originals before erasing my main computer.
    Please advise.

    If you have sufficient space on your boot drive to have another copy of the library try the following:
    1 - go to your User/Pictures folder.
    2 - enter Time Machine and go back to the time before the crase where your library was complete.
    3 - select the library and click on Restore.
    4 - when asked, select the option to keep both versions of the library, the original and the restored.
    5 - when the restoration is complete open iPhoto and check the library to make sure it has all your photos. If it does you can proceed with the erase.
    Have you considered using the Archive and Install method to restore the system. That will give you a new system but keep your user folder, applications and all settings, local and internet. You can read about it here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1710
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier versions) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. There are versions that are compatible with iPhoto 5, 6, 7 and 8 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    NOTE: The new rebuild option in iPhoto 09 (v. 8.0.2), Rebuild the iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup" makes this tip obsolete.

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    How to change the default JRE when there are several version of JRE in System?
    i have installed j2sdk1.5.0 then installed j2ee1.4,then installed Weblogic6.1 which use jdk1.3
    Now the JRE is jdk1.3\bin
    When run class that was compiled with jdk1.5,throw:
    How can i change the jre to 1.5?

    There is a workaround to move from 1.5 version to the older 1.4 version. But this could be specific to the browser setting the JRE version.
    Excerpts from sun docs:
    However, a user can still run older versions. To do so, launch the Java Plug-in Control Panel for the older version, then (re)select the browser in the Browser tab.
    Assume you are running on Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Internet Explorer, have first installed version 1.4.2, then version 5.0, and you want to run 1.4.2.
    Go to the j2re1.4.2\bin directory where JRE 1.4.2 was installed. On a Windows default installation, this would be here: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin
    Double-click the jpicpl32.exe file located there. It will launch the control panel for 1.4.2.
    Select the Browser tab. Microsoft Internet Explorer might still appear to be set (checked). However, when 5.0 was installed, the registration of the 1.4.2 JRE with Internet Explorer was overwritten by the 5.0 JRE.
    If Microsoft Internet Explorer is shown as checked, uncheck it and click Apply. You will see a confirmation dialog stating that browser settings have changed.
    Check Microsoft Internet Explorer and click Apply. You should see a confirmation dialog.
    Restart the browser. It should now use the 1.4.2 JRE for conventional APPLET tags.
    Details are here
    My system (Windows XP) has the version 1.5_09 set as the default. However i just installed JRE 1.5_06 and would like to revert back to _06 as the default JRE..
    Will update if i find more information

  • Where are the HP drivers?

    Apple itself mentiones HP drivers for e.g. the HP DeskJet 6127, they say Version 3.3.1, besides the Gutenprint 5.1.3 drivers. (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=306684)
    Where are these HP drivers? I cannot find them, even after installation of all drivers from the Leopard DVD.

    Hi Matthew
    Yes, I know... and?
    Thanks for your reply but if I try to install my printer (you guessed: a HP DeskJet 6127 , only the Gutenprint drivers are offered. And even if I select one of the *.plugins or *.drivers, nothing happens...
    Ugly graphics and no duplex printing - far behind the printing capabilities I had under Tiger...
    Where is the improvement?
    - Matthew
    Message was edited by: kestrel9532

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