Where can i find the JAR files related to JSF

Hey folks
Where can i find the JSF API JAR, so that i can include in my WEB-INF\lib dir
plz help me

You can download the reference implementation from http://java.sun.com/j2ee/javaserverfaces/download.html. Once you get that JSF API jar should be under "lib" directory of the distribution.

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    Hi Luc,
    APEX does not create physical file that is in APEX_APPLICATION_FILES table.
    It can only store the file in BLOB format in repository.
    So when we upload file APEX stores file in BLOB column of APEX_APPLICATION_FILES table and then use when needed but no physical file.
    Kartik Patel

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       I wish to use the File Transfer Service API in my application . Could anyone please tell me as to where I could find these class files ??
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    import com.sap.engine.services.file.FileTransfer;
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    you can find these jar files in the installation directory of NWDS:

  • Where can I find the JAR-File of the JDAPI-demo FormDumper ?

    I would like to compile the JDAPI-demo FormDumper
    and cannot find the right jar-file of :
    import oracle.forms.util.Getopt.*; .

    Ok there is no place to find the getopt file. forms One needs the corrected version of the formdumper program which elimates calling it.
    btw to compile this one would need to do:
    set CLASSPATH=c:\devsuite\forms\java\frmjdapi.jar;
    javac FormDumper.java
    to run it I found this necessary:
    set CLASSPATH=c:\FormDumper.class;c:\devsuite\forms\java\frmjdapi.jar;
    java FormDumper c:\\mydirectory\\myform.fmb >myform.out
    /* modified version of the corrected version */
    /* Subject:      How To Implement The Code From 'A JDAPI Programming Example' From Forms Online Help?
         Doc ID:      Note:428083.1      Type:      HOWTO
         Last Revision Date:      23-APR-2007      Status:      PUBLISHED
    Applies to:
    Oracle Forms - Version: to
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    The goal of this document is to explain how to make the sample code provided in the java class FormDumper 'A JDAPI Programming Example' from Forms OnLine help work.
    When used as it is provided in the documentation it fails, because 'import oracle.forms.util.getopt.*; not found'.
    The sample code provided in the 'A JDAPI Programming Example' Forms OnLine help has the following line:
    import oracle.forms.util.getopt.*;
    When trying to compile the FormDumper.java the compilation fails with 'import oracle.forms.util.getopt.*; import not found'. This import fails due to the fact that util.jar library is not available with the standard Forms iDS. The solution to have the FormDumper class is to use another code in which util.jar is not used.
    Sample code to be used:
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.PrintWriter;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
    import java.text.MessageFormat;
    import oracle.forms.jdapi.*;
    * Dumps passed forms JdapiObjects to an output stream as text.
    * Set command line options for more output, else only the
    * basic form tree structure will be dumped.
    * See printUsage for command line options.
    public class FormDumper {
         * Need this to parse the command line options
         * The string represents valid command options as detailed in the
         * Getopt class
        /* changed following b */
        /* boolean m_dumpAllProps = false;
    boolean m_dumpBoolProps = false;
    boolean m_dumpNumProps = false;
    boolean m_dumpTextProps = false;
    boolean m_dumpPropNames = false;
        boolean m_dumpAllProps = true;
        boolean m_dumpBoolProps = true;
        boolean m_dumpNumProps = true;
        boolean m_dumpTextProps = true;
        boolean m_dumpPropNames = true;
        String m_dumpPath = null;
         * Output stream, default to STDOUT */
        private PrintWriter m_out = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
         * Use this to indent children
        private String m_indentation = "";
         * Constructor
        public FormDumper() {
         * Special constructor that does not take command line arguments.
         * @param out The output writer where to send dump information.
        public FormDumper(PrintWriter out) {
            m_out = out;
            m_dumpAllProps = true;
            m_dumpBoolProps = true;
            m_dumpNumProps = true;
            m_dumpTextProps = true;
            m_dumpPropNames = true;
         * Set the dump path.
         * @param path The file where the dumper must send the information
        public void setDumpPath(String path) {
            m_dumpPath = path;
         * Indirect output
        public void println(String s) {
         * Dump a form to the output stream
        public void dumpForm(String filename) throws Exception {
            FormModule fmb = FormModule.open(filename);
            System.out.println("Dumping module " + fmb.getName());
            if (m_dumpPath != null) {
                // use this form's FILE name to name the dump file
                String thisFormName = new File(filename).getName();
                thisFormName =
                        thisFormName.substring(0, (thisFormName.length() - 4));
                StringBuffer dmpFilename = new StringBuffer();
                if (!dmpFilename.toString().endsWith("/")) {
                m_out =
                        new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(dmpFilename.toString()), true);
            // Call the actual 'dump' method
            // Dump the coordinate system used by the module
            m_indentation = " ";
            dump(new Coordinate(fmb));
            m_indentation = "";
            println("Dumped " + fmb.getName());
            // Close the module
         * Recursively dump a forms JdapiObject and its children to the output stream
        protected void dump(JdapiObject jo) {
            String className = jo.getClassName();
            // print out a context line for the JdapiObject
            // If it is a coordinate system, it does not have a name
            if (className.equals("Coordinate")) {
                println(m_indentation + "Coordinate System ");
            } else {
                println(m_indentation + className + " " + jo.getName());
            // Property classes need special treatment
            if (className.equals("PropertyClass")) {
            } else // Generically dump the required property types only
                if (m_dumpTextProps) {
                if (m_dumpBoolProps) {
                if (m_dumpNumProps) {
                // Additionally, dump any Item list elements
                if (className.equals("Item")) {
            // use Form's metadata to get a list of all the child JdapiObjects this
            // JdapiObject can have b commented this
            JdapiMetaObject meta = JdapiMetadata.getJdapiMetaObject(jo.getClass());
            JdapiIterator props = meta.getChildObjectMetaProperties();
            JdapiMetaProperty prop = null;
            JdapiIterator iter = null;
            JdapiObject child = null;
            // loop through every possible kind of child JdapiObject this JdapiObject
            // can have b commented this
            while (props.hasNext()) {
                prop = (JdapiMetaProperty)props.next();
                // only bother if we can access these JdapiObjects
                if (!prop.allowGet()) {
                // get the actual values for the current child JdapiObject type,
                // e.g. get the Items on a Block
                iter = jo.getChildObjectProperty(prop.getPropertyId());
                // null is returned if there are no property values
                if (iter != null) {
                    // loop over every child value
                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        child = (JdapiObject)iter.next();
                        // recursively navigate to it
                        m_indentation += " ";
                        if (m_indentation.length() > 2)
                            m_indentation =
                                    m_indentation.substring(0, m_indentation.length() -
         * Dump list elements
         * The JdapiObject is an item; if it is a list item,
         * dump the list elements.
         * @param item
        private void dumpListElements(Item item) {
            if (item.getItemType() == JdapiTypes.ITTY_LS_CTID) {
                if (m_dumpPropNames) {
                    println(m_indentation + "dumping list elements");
                for (int i = 1; i <= item.getListElementCount(); i++) {
                    String label = item.getElementLabel(i);
                    String value = item.getElementValue(i);
                    println(m_indentation + " " + i + ": '" + label + "' '" +
                            value + "'");
         * Dump the property class properties
        private void dumpPropertyClass(PropertyClass pc) {
            String propertyVal = null;
            // test for every single possible property
            // this is a bit hacky :)
            for (int propertyId = 1; propertyId < JdapiTypes.MAXIMUM_PTID;
                 ++propertyId) {
                if (!pc.hasProperty(propertyId)) {
                    continue; // this property is not in the set
                if (pc.hasDefaultedProperty(propertyId) && !m_dumpAllProps) {
                Class pt = JdapiMetaProperty.getPropertyType(propertyId);
                if (pt == Boolean.class) {
                    if (m_dumpBoolProps) {
                        propertyVal =
                } else if (pt == Integer.class) {
                    if (m_dumpNumProps) {
                        propertyVal =
                } else if (pt == String.class) {
                    if (m_dumpTextProps) {
                        propertyVal = pc.getStringProperty(propertyId);
                if (null != propertyVal) {
                    if (m_dumpPropNames) {
                        println(m_indentation + " " +
                                JdapiMetaProperty.getPropertyName(propertyId) +
                                " " + // changed by b
                    } else {
                        println(m_indentation + propertyVal);
                    propertyVal = null;
            } // End loop over every property
         * Dump the source JdapiObject text properties
        private void dumpTextProps(JdapiObject jo) {
            JdapiMetaObject meta = JdapiMetadata.getJdapiMetaObject(jo.getClass());
            JdapiIterator props = meta.getStringMetaProperties();
            // for each text property
            while (props.hasNext()) {
                JdapiMetaProperty prop = (JdapiMetaProperty)props.next();
                int propertyId = prop.getPropertyId();
                String propertyVal = null;
                try {
                    propertyVal = jo.getStringProperty(propertyId);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    println(m_indentation + "Could_not_get_property " +
                if (jo.hasProperty(propertyId) &&
                    (m_dumpAllProps || !(jo.hasDefaultedProperty(propertyId)))) {
                    if (m_dumpPropNames) {
                        println(m_indentation + " " +
                                JdapiMetaProperty.getPropertyName(propertyId) +
                                " " + propertyVal);
                    } else {
                        println(m_indentation + propertyVal);
         * Dump the source JdapiObject boolean properties
        private void dumpBoolProps(JdapiObject jo) {
            JdapiMetaObject meta = JdapiMetadata.getJdapiMetaObject(jo.getClass());
            JdapiIterator props = meta.getBooleanMetaProperties();
            // for each boolean property
            while (props.hasNext()) {
                JdapiMetaProperty prop = (JdapiMetaProperty)props.next();
                int propertyId = prop.getPropertyId();
                boolean propertyVal = false;
                try {
                    propertyVal = jo.getBooleanProperty(propertyId);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    println(m_indentation + "Could_not_get_property " +
                if (jo.hasProperty(propertyId) && (m_dumpAllProps)) {
                    if (m_dumpPropNames) {
                        println(m_indentation + " " +
                                JdapiMetaProperty.getPropertyName(propertyId) +
                                " " + propertyVal);
                    } else {
                        println(m_indentation + propertyVal);
         * Dump the source JdapiObject numeric properties
        private void dumpNumProps(JdapiObject jo) {
            JdapiMetaObject meta = JdapiMetadata.getJdapiMetaObject(jo.getClass());
            JdapiIterator props = meta.getIntegerMetaProperties();
            // for each numeric property
            while (props.hasNext()) {
                JdapiMetaProperty prop = (JdapiMetaProperty)props.next();
                int propertyId = prop.getPropertyId();
                int propertyVal = 0;
                try {
                    propertyVal = jo.getIntegerProperty(propertyId);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    println(m_indentation + "Could_not_get_property " +
                if (jo.hasProperty(propertyId) &&
                    (m_dumpAllProps || !(jo.hasDefaultedProperty(propertyId)))) {
                    if (m_dumpPropNames) {
                        println(m_indentation + " " +
                                JdapiMetaProperty.getPropertyName(propertyId) +
                                " " + propertyVal); //changed by b
                    } else {
                        println(m_indentation + propertyVal);
         * Output usage info to STDOUT
        public void printUsage() {
            System.out.println("Jdapi Form Dumper Utility");
            System.out.println("Valid arguments:");
            System.out.println("-a : dump all properties, not just overridden ones");
            System.out.println("-b : dump boolean properties");
            System.out.println("-n : dump numeric properties");
            System.out.println("-t : dump text properties");
            System.out.println("-p : dump property names, not just values");
            System.out.println("-o : file path to output to");
         * Main method
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            FormDumper dmp = new FormDumper();
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
    System.out.println("Dumps complete");
    Message was edited by:
    Jan Carlin

  • Where can I find the jar file for WDProtocolAdapter

    I tried to use WDProtocolAdapter.getProtocolAdapter().getRequestObject().getParameter() method in the application. Could anyone told me which jar file should i put into the Java Build Path? Thanks.

    Find the jar under WD_runtime

  • Where can I find the jar files

    I am new to this forum. Could some body help me getting these following jar files ?
    mdm-admin.jar, mdm-common.jar, mdm-core.jar, mdm-protocol.jar

    They are all part of the Java API download found here...
    http://service.sap.com/swdc -> Download -> Support Packages and Patches -> Entry by Application Group -> SAP NetWeaver -> SAP MDM -> SAP MDM 5.5 -> MDM Java API 5.5 -> #OS independent
    Hope this helps,

  • From where can I download the jar files to use JAXB 2.0?

    Hi all,
    From where can I download the jar files to use JAXB 2.0?

    Does the government not let you do Internet searches where you live? My Internet search for "JAXB 2.0" returned this:
    as the first link. If you can't find it from that page it doesn't exist.

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    where can i find the cached file?.
    while one video was getting cached . I could see the cached file in the cache directory that mozilla firefox uses which in my pc is .....Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uujksq39.default\Cache. but later on when the full video was completely cached i couldnt find the file existing in that directory and i still have my session of that firefox opened and can watch the video from the firefox session.
    since the cached video is still there ,there most be some place where the firefox is storing that file. is it the case that when the file is big (greater than some threshold value) firefox stores in some other directory?

    You can do a search an the about:cache page.

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    chassis: NI PXIe-1078

    This board is for an obsolete product called Measure - an add-on for Excel. Please repost with details on exactly what you mean by 'chassis file'.

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    Now I need this file.. but cant find it.
    What is the official location for this LOG file?
    Thank you so much for helping.

    cat .bash_history

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    Tom G.

    I would start here. 
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg587789(v=sql.105).aspx The xsd is spread out over several of the appendices.
    Russel Loski, MCT, MCSE Data Platform/Business Intelligence. Twitter: @sqlmovers; blog: www.sqlmovers.com

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    email:[email protected]

    Never heard about OAST in 4 years and half at Oracle...
    Guess this is exactly OATS (aka ATS). SO go ahead with OATS dl and installation.

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    Dear The Expert,
    I got list of files from "SELECT id,name FROM APEX_APPLICATION_FILES"
    1605213787030003     F1761593527/f101.sql
    1605004091027283     F928641689/f101.sql
    1686620894182663     F1237766750/Doc1.rtf
    1687611599284065     F1530590835/blebul1a.gif
    1609417775069075     F1328258633/lippologo1.jpg
    1685122925154852     F199693486/Doc1.rtf
    1682930319090730     F1852805503/SQLAnywhere12_Full.exe
    1683026294099067     F796050035/New Text Document.txt
    1683131489100554     F823097404/New Text Document.txt
    1683316167115060     F747145779/Product List.rtf
    where can I find the physical files ? .. does it also delete the physical files if I run "DELETE FROM APEX_APPLICATION_FILES WHERE ID = '1682930319090730' ?
    please advise
    thanks & regards

    Hi Luc,
    APEX does not create physical file that is in APEX_APPLICATION_FILES table.
    It can only store the file in BLOB format in repository.
    So when we upload file APEX stores file in BLOB column of APEX_APPLICATION_FILES table and then use when needed but no physical file.
    Kartik Patel

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    If you are asking about where iTunes stores backup files, see this knowledge base article for the info.
    If a general statement of backups, then then you have to look at each application to see where it saves according to its preferences window.

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    First you'll need to make sure your XP is set up to view hidden files and folders.
    1. Open My Computer from the desktop or Start menu.
    2. In the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
    3. Click the View tab.
    4. In the "Advanced settings" pane under "Hidden files and folders" make sure that the "Show hidden files and folders" option is selected.
    5. Click OK.
    Now you should be able to track down your backup file at the location in the following document:
    [iTunes: "Backup could not be saved on the computer" alert message|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2529]

Maybe you are looking for