Where is icloud?

I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro and I tried to set up icloud but the icloud symbol does not appear under the "Internet/Wireless" category-i've also searched and couldn't find it....what do I do?

System prefs - iCloud.

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    Note that you have to have specifically chosen to store the key with Apple at the time you created the FileVault encryption, and chosen security questions so that you can identify yourself when you come to retrieve it. If you did not store it with Apple in this way and do not have a record of it elsewhere then you cannot proceed. All this has nothing to do with iCloud and the process is not automatic.

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    On your iPhone tap Settings > iCloud
    Swich Contacts off then back on then reset the device.
    Hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home button down at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    where has icloud taken them from?
    The Address Book.

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    From your computer, choose Start menu > All Programs > iCloud > iCloud. Then check Clendar, Mail, and Outlook. Then click "Apply. It will Sync to your computer, on iCloud and your iPhone.

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    You don't. There is no replacement for iDisk in iCloud. This was announced a year ago. You've got 4 weeks to find an alternative before your files are deleted.

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    Some answers may be here - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4486
    Do you have the iCloud control Panel ver. 1.1 installed?
    Your photo's should be in
    C:\Users\Apple\Pictures\Photo Stream\My Photo Stream
    You can change this location by visiting Photo Stream Options in the iCloud Control Panel for Windows.

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    To enable iCloud on your Windows PC, first set up iCloud on your other devices, then install the iCloud Control Panel for Windows...
    From Here...

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    iCloud doesn't sync any documents on your mac, it syncs documents between iOS devices and iCloud.com, you can upload and download documents to and from iCloud.com to and from your mac so they can be used with iOS devices or used from iOS devices.
    You don't see any filing structure on the iOS devices, each document is listed within the app itself when you go to 'Documents' from the app interface

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    Hi, Korgun. Your short version is a little too short and your long version much too complicated for me to be certain I understand your situation correctly, but I'll take a shot.
    Every volume (a hard drive, or a partition on a hard drive, or a CD, DVD, etc.) that has OS 9 installed on it contains an invisible Desktop Folder, and in that folder are all the items that appear on the desktop when you boot into OS 9, except your hard drive and the Trash.
    The fact that you can't boot to either OS on your old drive suggests that its directory may be damaged, in which case it wouldn't be surprising if, in addition to being unable to boot to it, you also couldn't find some things on it. If that drive mounts normally on the desktop when you boot into OS X on the other drive, use the Repair Disk function in Disk Utility (open the copy of DU on the good drive after making sure nothing is running on the bad one) to try to fix the directory on the bad drive. Run the Repair Disk routine repeatedly until you've gotten two successive "Appears OK" verdicts. Assuming DU is successful, you should then be able to double-click the Desktop folder on the repaired drive and access all the files that are on that drive's OS 9 desktop.
    If I've misunderstood your situation, my apologies, and would you please try to clarify matters?

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    It was removed from the initial iOS 8 release and demoted to a beta application that is supposed to be included in an iOS 8 update in October.  See http://www.macrumors.com/2014/09/12/apple-demotes-icloud-photo-library-beta/.

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    You can't specifically "see" it.  You can't extract one specific file from a backup to download back to the device.  A backup is used when a device has been wipe of all data (due to damage or a new replacement, etc) and the entire backup is restored to the device.  It's all or nothing when it comes to restoring.

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    You won't be able to find that out.  I'm not even sure if Apple would know.  If you want to discuss this with Apple, contact the Apple account security team for your country: Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security.  The call should be free, but you will need your serial number to set it up, which you will find in Settings>General>About.

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    Thank you in advance :)

    You don't have an account set up on the iPad in the mail app? If you use a computer you access it in iCloud.com using a web browser.

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