Which data accessed most

Hi Experts,
Do you know how to check which data accessed on the cube most like if I've cube which is having 4 yrs worth of data then how I know which year is accessed most or which time slice is accessed most by users?
So that it will help me to take decision for archiving strategy to categorize Hot, warm and cold data.
I know we can check through statistics which cube is accessed but not sure how to check for that cube what are the time slices accessed most.

Hi Rubane
I dont see there is any way to check which data has been accessed most and you will need to consult business and get their inputs before you suggest them.
Some tricky ways of of looking at this would be
- To see how many reports have restrictions for fiscal year period and how many of then by default point to latest fiscal period/year. This will give you a fair idea on how the reports are accessed.
- Which functional aread is being referred here (Finance, HR, Contrlling) If your looking at archiving the Time Sheet data then I dont think people would go back to previos fiscal year and analyze
Abhishek Shanbhogue

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    Description...................................... Data access error.
    Procedure........................................ clsImpProcessMgr.fLoadAndProcessFile
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1111
    Thread........................................... 4940
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    Also, I would suggest you possibly open an SR for further review.
    Thank you,

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       System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters(SqlCommand command) +115
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    This is true, there IS no stored procedure  'configConfigurationKeysSelect'  but there is a table named  'configConfigurationKeys.'  
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    Why do you assume that a stored procedure is create on the fly?  Looking at the documentation for this component, I don't see a mention of such.
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP, http://www.dbdelta.com

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    Worker role applications are background processing applications like Windows processes which run in the background. Applications hosted within worker roles can run asynchronous, we usually use worker role to do some long-running or perpetual tasks, and
    use scale function to load balance the tasks. Based on your description, it seems that worker role is a good choice for you, please try it, if you have further issues, welcome to create new threads in our forum.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Data Access Manager

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    public interface DAO {
        // marker interface
    // DAO interface for table 'xxx'
    public interface XxxDAO extends DAO {
        public static final class Row {
            // column mappings to private java fields
            // full constructor
            // public getters & setters
        public Row get(/* primary key */);
        public Set<Row> select(/* index */);
        public int insert(Row row); // returns the serial if any
        public void update(/* primary key */, Row row);
        public void delete(Row row);
    }It is sufficient to explain my problem :
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    3. ... and of course many multiple non unique indices
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        public Row get(Key key); // any existing unique index
        public Set<Row> select(Index index); // any existing non unique index
        public int insert(Row row); // returns the serial if any
        public void update(Key key, Row row); // here 'key' would be the "main" unique index (I'll deal with that ;))
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    I'd like to open by saying whoever suggested you
    reduplicate the work of so many teams of people
    single handedly is a complete and total idiot and you
    should be sure you get paid for every minute of your
    wasted time and futile effort.I sure will... ;-)
    You need to generate SQL for everything. YOU are not
    the one that gets to act like the database is
    abstract, YOU are the one that gets to make it so
    others can act that way..right
    The key can most certainly have SQL. What you are
    creating is your internal DAO, not what the end user
    will think of as his DAO. He does not get to see
    your key or what it really does. that's not how I was seeing things actually. I wanted to create the Key and Index class in order to facilitate the coder's life :
    * unique index => Row get(Key) method
    * non unique index => Set<Row> select(Index) method
    As I want to "abstract myself away" from SQL (the data might come from a Web Service, flat files, or even Hibernate or any other O/R mapping tool), my (top) key (interface/class) shouldn't hold any implementation-specific code
    so like with JDO
    you can create your key based on the metadata of the
    end user. that is how you know the type of key and
    Why don't you tell that bonehead company to just
    assign you to hibernate or jpox and allow you to work
    there solving the same problem and getting much
    faster results for us all, than this...
    Facisinating.actually, at the time when the decision was made, Hibernate was (slightly) incompatible with older versions of the DBMS that's installed at our customers'
    I bet it's not the case anymore now and we've spent money for nothing, but I'm not the one who gets to make the decisions ;-)

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                   Which data format accepts MDM server. Suppose when we discuss about XI, It  has own language XML, like that MDM have any own language?
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    Hi Satish,
    You can import XML (with or without schema), Excel or Access files into MDM or link directly to other databases (SQL or ODBC).
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    Hope this helps,

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    Anyone have an idea on other things to try to debug/resolve this?
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    After a week's worth of debugging, I found the issue.
    The Java type returned from the call was defined as ArrayList.  Changing it to List resolved the problem.
    I'm not sure why ArrayList isn't a valid return type, I've been looking at the Adobe docs, and still can't see why this isn't valid.  And, why it works in Debug mode and not in Release build is even stranger.  Maybe someone can shed some light on the logic here to me.

  • How to get Current Log in BO user name in data access driver

    In universe, to get the current log in user is via @Variable('BOUSER').
    Right now, I need to be able to get the user name in the data access driver. I am writing a customized data access driver because we need to patch some where clause on the the query generated by the universe based on the logged-in user info. I only think of using end_sql parameter or adding an universe level filter to patch the @Variable('BOUSER') to the query, which would not work if user want to use customized query.
    Can anyone tell me how to get currentBO user name from connection server ? or how @Variable('BOUSER') is translated into the logged-in user name in the universe?

    The link you provided was the Auditor guide for BO 6.x, I'm not sure it that is going to help Karen or not.
    There is function called connection
    (usage:  =connection([Query Name]), where [Query Name]
    denotes the name of the tab for the query under Edit Query)
    Here is some of the output from connection:
    4;ODBC18;MS SQL Server 2000166; VERSION=7; USER=xxxxx;
    PASSWORD=; DBTYPE=Relational; DATABASE=xxx_xxxx;
    ODBC_USER=xxxxxx; ODBC_PASSWORD=; BO_DSN=xxxx_xxxx;
    BO_DRV_CONNECT_MODE=0; 224; VERSION=6; Name=xxxxx; Shared=4;
    LoginTimeout=600; Timeout=600; Pool Time=60; Array Fetch Size=10;
    Array Bind Size=5; RecommendedLenTransfert=1000; Password_Encryption=x;
    AliasTable=; MeasureDimension=; Hint=; ConnectInit=; ArrayFetch=1;
    I'm not sure if this info helps out either, being that connection provides info on a post-processing basis and it sounds like you need to get out ahead of the SQL generation.  The @variable('bouser') would seem like the place to be, however, in allowing custom SQL to take place you loose the bouser due to an individual could customize the SQL to the point that it gets unwantingly yanked out.  The end_sql might be your answer...

  • How to get current logged-in user name in data access driver or in universe

    In universe, to get the current log in user is via @Variable('BOUSER').
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    I do not know your EJB Service. But you should pass the credentials of the current logged on portal user to your service. That's not by default I think.
    I had a similar problem with CAF developed webservices. I had to turn on permission checks in my web service and passed the credentials via logon ticket.
    Regards, Bernd

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    Note:Again my target is to load the data to planning database through fdqm which i am doing through sql statement's.
    Suggest your valuable suggestion's
    Thanks in advance...
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    It seems that some specific process accessed the files and updated the attribute. You could configure auditing on the shared folder. Then you can go through the auditing log to check which process is doing the read operation on all these files. 
    Configuring Audit Policies
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    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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