Which is my iCloud mailbox folder?

When I view my folder ~/Library/Mail/V2/... then I see two seemingly duplicative mailbox folders that contain my icloud email folders that are saved on the icloud server via imap.
a) Folder "mac-[icloudname]"
b) Folder "aosIMAP-[icloudname]"
Both folders are several GB and appear to hold many messages. The first folder is approx 50% larger than the second folder.
Are these folders duplicative? (should I delete one?)
Should I remove my icloud account in Mail App and then re-add it?
Any guidance welcomed
Cheers, Ross

I need to export my contact list for my daughters upcoming wedding.
iCloud website doesn't let you export.
iPad doesn't let you export.
iPhone doesn't let you export.
MacBook Pro is OS X 10.6.8 can't even use iCloud.
Am I going to have to retype all these freakin' addresses? Come on now!

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Check your Mail rules and filtering, the verification mail may be going to a junk folder or even being deleted altogether.

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    Message was edited by: sam b.

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    ln the mail program, the trash folder is OK and the sent folder is OK. 
    Yesterday, I did no maintenance on my mail folders.

    1 - the sudden disappearance of my 22 mailboxes, used to sort the emails that I need to file for future use
    That was most likely the result of some kind of corruption, as I've already said, not a bug in Mail.  Have you repaired the hard drive with Disk Utility recently?  That wouldn't be a bad idea.
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    This is a known issue, where a failure to respond promptly on the server's end mimics what happens when the password is rejected.  There's no need to quit Mail, just cancel when asked to enter the password, take the account back online and try again.
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    Never seen that before.  That points more to some kind of possible corruption in your Mail data or preference files.

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    You need a compatible app in which to save it such as Pages or Documents to Go.
    Find an app that is compatible with Word that you want to purchase and then after you download that app - go to that email and you can select the "open In" option. Tap and hold down on the open document in the email and select "open In' and select the app that you purchased.

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    Quit Mail. Force quit if necessary.
    Back up all data. That means you know you can restore the Mail database, no matter what happens.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar. Paste into the box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    A folder window will open. Inside it there should be files with names as follows:
    Envelope Index
    Move those files to the Desktop, leaving the window open. Other files in the folder may have longer names that begin as above. Move those files, if any, to the Trash.
    Log out and log back in. Relaunch Mail. It should prompt you to re-import your messages. You may get a warning that the index is damaged and that Mail has to quit. Click OK. Typically, the process takes a few minutes, but it may take hours if you have gigantic mailboxes. In that case, you may be able to speed things up by temporarily adding your home folder to the Privacy list in the Spotlight preference pane. Remove it when Mail has finished importing.
    Test. If Mail now works as expected, you can delete the files you moved to the Desktop. Otherwise, post your results.

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    Help menu (Alt +H) > troubleshooting information Click the show folder button.
    Close Thunderbird
    open the mail folder open the smart mailboxes folder
    Delete the inbox and inbox.msf files
    Restart Thunderbird.
    I don't understand why this solution should make all my inbox's unified, and I don't want to loose any emails.
    Can anybody help please?
    Response appreciated.

    Bonjour Crumbleey,
    Excuse me, I don't understand your problem ... Can you describe it and tell me what you want to get ?
    I have been using Thunderbirds for years now, I installed it in many PCs, I solved many problems using only the standard possibilities of Thunderbird, I never had any need to intervene in the emails files and folders.
    If you want to delete an account which has its own set of folders, if you want to keep its emails, first move the emails in Local folders.

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    Does anyone else have this???

    Hello rhearob,
    Apple did not mention or publish anything so far which indicates that it is possible to share iCloud Drive folders or to access iCloud Drive from multiple Apple IDs. As KiltedTim wrote, it could be that Apple is going to add additional functionalities to iCloud Drive once Yosemite is released, but as of today, nothing has been announced.
    Best regards,

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    How about creating an additional computer login account without admin privileges named "Guest" for the occasional user and for a regular user, a login account based on the name of a regular user.
    Enable Fast User Switching which makes the process of switching between multiple login accounts a fast and easy process and disable automatic login for your admin account which requires manually entering your login account password during a computer startup, restart and with Fast User Switching.
    When stepping away from your Mac, logout from your account switching to the Guest account or just log out. This way all data stored in your Home folder/directory is kept separate, private and protected from other users.
    OS X was designed for multiple users of the same computer in this way.

  • How to empty iCloud mailbox without deleting account

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    Thank you so much

    Open your mail on icloud.com, click each folder on the left (such as your inbox), click on a single message to the right, press Control-A on your keyboard to select them all, then press your Delete key.  Repeat this for each of your mail folders except Trash.  When finished, click on the actions (gear-shaped) icon on the bottom left and select Empty Trash.
    Note: this is permanent, and will delete the email from your devices/computers too, so be sure there isn't anything you want to keep.

  • Cannot delete an mailbox folder from email client

    Somewhere along the way I created a mailbox folder entitled Nøtz - that folder does not appear on any iOS devices nor in my Mac mail, it does however, show up in other email clients that I use such as Thunderbird, however, the folder is somehow invaild; likely due to the ø character in the name...
    I don't need the folder and would like to delete it because it is giving these other email client fits... since I can't see it in iCloud, on my Mac, nor any iOS devices I can't delete it, it's like a phantom specter!!
    Any ideas on this?

    I also have this problem. I have it in every email client I use IMAP in (Thunderbird and Apple Mail). I used a non alpha numeric character (so not foreign, but I think one was a slash, the other may have been a dash or dot). I would LOVE to delete them, but the error says that these foldes 'don't exist on the server' but obviously, that's where they came from... (using GoDaddy and their interface in webmail does NOT show these folders, so I can't delete them there either). At a minimum, I would like to unsubscribe them or hide them, so they don't clog my left side folder navigation. Can you not hide folders in the sidebar in Apple Mail (Mavericks)?

  • HT1212 Hi, one of my daughters friends tried to access her ipod causing it to become disabled; i do not want her to lose all her photos, she accesses my itunes account which is on ICLOUD, will she lose all her data - can this be fixed?

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    If you previously synced to the computer then you may be able to recover use of the iPod without erasing the iPod by following the instructions here:
    Disabled Recovery-must use syncing computer.
    Otherwise y will have to restore and thus erase the iPod
    You can restore from backup
    If not in backup then:
    - If you used PhotoStream then try getting them from your PhotoStream. See that topic of:
    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    - Maybe from the restored iPod via How to perform iPad recovery for photos, videos
    Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS: iPhone Data Recovery - Wondershare Official     
    -iPod touch Deleted Photo Recovery Tips You Should Know
    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen                         
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        
    If problem what happens or does not happen and when in the instructions? When you successfully get the iPod in recovery mode and connect to computer iTunes should say it found an iPod in recovery mode.
    If you previously synced to the computer then you may be able to recover use of the iPod without erasing the iPod by following the instructions here:
    Disabled Recovery-must use syncing computer.

  • With icloud set up on my 4GS I deleted photos from camera roll. I run an older PPC G5 with Lion which wont run icloud. Can I transfer pics from i stream to camera roll to allow a non-icloud back up to my PPC? Precious photos are close to 30 day cut-off

    With i cloud set up on my 4GS I deleted photos from Camera Roll to make space knowing I would have them backed up on icloud via Photo Stream. I now find that my older PPC G5 with Lion which wont run icloud. I have an ipad3 too, which of course does. I want to copy photos from Photo Stream back to Camera Roll on the phone so that I can back up "old school" to iphoto on my ancient mac. The controls seem to suggest that as an option but when I select multiple photos in Photo Stream and select "Save to Camera Roll" the photos do not appear on Camera Roll as expected. I am running close to the 30 day limit and do not want to lose hundreds of precious photos (or have to email them to myself individually). Can the ipad3 help at all? Any ideas good people? Dan

    If only it were that easy Winston. I connect with a USB cable, iphoto opens and I can only see the photos in Camera Roll, not Photo Stream. There does not seem to be a way of aceessing other files in the phone from iphoto and, as in my initial message, I can not transfer the photos to Camera Roll on the phone. My iphone and ipad software is up to date, but my iphoto is '08 version 7.1.5 with my mac running 10.5.8 which is the best I can do on the PPC without messing everything up.  I dont have the dough for a new mac or I would have gone for that option...am I stuck?

Maybe you are looking for