Which models store encrypted email?

The IT department where I work claims that only 3G and 3GS iPod touch models can be used to access their email system (MS Exchange via Activesync) because those are the only models that support "encryption at rest". They say that encryption at rest means that the data is stored in an encrypted format.
I can understand why they would want the data to be encrypted, in case that the iPod was lost, but seems to me that this would be a function of the OS version, not the hardware. Can anyone tell me if those models really have this encryption capability that the other models do not? I have not been able to find any information about this.

Thank you for the link. It answered my question, but not in the way you state. Page 9 of the Enterprise Deployment Guide says:
The Exchange policy to require device encryption (RequireDeviceEncryption) is supported on iPhone 3GS, and on iPod touch (Fall 2009 models with 32 GB or more). iPhone, iPhone 3G, and other iPod touch models do not support device encryption and will not connect to an Exchange Server that requires it.
So I guess the IT guys are right.

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    I would guess  you have a 10.1
    Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

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    Varjak paw:
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    Yep, I would wait a little while longer until you get the iPad befre getting a case - see how you like the iPad and what sort of case you want e.g. Do you want to cover the back or not, do you like the feel of the iPad in your hand in which case you might want a sleeve rather than a case etc. I don't think it will take the manufacturers long to get lots of really cool iPad 2 cases on the shelves now they have experience with cases for iPads, but waiting a few weeks will give you more to choose from.
    I personally don't use protection plastic, I'm careful when I use the iPad and I've never damaged or even scratched my original iPad, and I'd rather out the money towards buying cool apps! If you are going to handle your iPad roughly, take it out and about a lot or have children who will be using the iPad then you might want to consider plastic protection, but really the glass is pretty hardwearing.
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    Bet you can't wait for the iPad - enjoy it when you get it!

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    If you buy an iPhone at the UK or Canadian Apple stores, it should work on the GSM frequencies in both countries. LTE will not work as the LTE channels are different in each country and each iPhone sold in each country is only compatible on LTE channels of that particular country. Other wise it should be fine.
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    , I went ahead and shared your comments because I didn't want to have to wait until Monday....
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  • Unable to send encrypted emails to recipients with valid, trusted certs

    I'm trying to send an encrypted email to a recipient for whom I have a valid, trusted cert. When I view his cert in Keychain, it gets a green check mark for being valid. Under Trust, I have "Always Trust" selected for "Secure Mime (S/MIME)" and "X.509 Basic Policy". All the certs in the chain are in place and trusted with these same settings.
    Signed emails from this user get a black check mark in the Security field of the Mail message viewer. I can also click the lock closed when writing the email. However, when I click Send, I get an error that "An error occurred while trying to encrypt your message. Verify that you have valid certificates in the keychain for all of the recipients."
    I have the cert for the user plus the others in the trust chain in my login keychain as described above. I have a DoD ECA certificate, but this happens with non-ECA recipients. I'm unable to get the lock to close with ECA recipients or even get Mail to show that signatures from users with ECA certificates are valid.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    You said you were closing the lock on the certificate, or public key, which I've never had to to to send or receive encrypted email.
    There are encryption and signature icons that appear under the Subject field in the compose message window. Both of them default to On when I enter the name of someone for whom I have an ECA cert. If the person has a CAC cert, then the Lock icon appears open and I can't close it.
    However, the error message you're getting suggests that maybe all your recipients haven't provided their public key to you so that you can encrypt email to them.
    This ties into my comment about everything working fine in Vista/Outlook: I'm using the exact same certs and can send everyone encrypted email

  • Which models of Mac will I need?

    I normally run chrome with 10 or more tabs + iTunes in the background playing music(just ALAC from the library not streaming) + photoshop in the background idling(just open and put it there) while sometimes edit image (minor edit like resize the image and canvas size). I will also stop the music in iTunes then open a movie/video that's 1920x1080 Hi10p/HEVC BD FLAC.
    PS: I am not much of a gamer. While I may bootcamp just to play a few Japanese Visual Novel games that's available only in PC. Other than that, I seldom/almost no play games.
    So which models of Macs do you guys think will suit my usage? Or are there any PCs out there that suit my needs too?

    Appears the site Hosts have moved your thread into the iMac (Intel) discussions area
    so as to keep it in-line with a more recent hardware and software technology. Another
    option, sort of hinted at by where this discussion is now located, is the iMac series...
    All of these (as new recent models) will run the most current OS X system, 10.10.
    If you were interested in one kind of model build version over another, then there
    are a few other choices. Some like the portability of the MacBook Pro or Air models.
    Others may like the idea you could use most displays, keyboard & mouse, etc when
    considering the Mac Mini, as it ships with none. An iMac ships with the built-in display,
    a keyboard, and mouse. When ordering online from the Apple Store, you could choose
    to also include a different mouse model, keyboard version, or touchpad; in addition to
    the choice of processor and other factors, across two iMac 21.5 + 27-inch models...
    (Then, there's the top-end model that would certainly not be within my budget: iMac 5K.)
    There occasionally are recent models that are slightly discounted, fully guaranteed as
    new, and qualify for the optional AppleCare extended plan, in Apple's refurbished site.
    You have no options in the build, each one that may be listed is just that. Some have
    more or less RAM, a variety of other specification, and may or may not ship with the
    same software of the specific build-run they had when each was available in retail...
    •Apple Store (US) online refurbished & clearance site:
    So it may be possible to get a last-years model that could have Mavericks 10.9 in it.
    That model would be able to get Yosemite from the Mac App Store online, an upgrade.
    It is possible to have an older system (in a partition or external separate drive) and a
    newer one, and run the computer alternately from one or the other. Or revert to older.
    A fair plan would be to budget for an externally enclosed hard disk drive with faster
    7200-RPM drive inside, and USB3.0 porting; this could be used to backup and also
    be able to support a bootable copy or clone of your system. This would be in addition
    to an external drive or device that would be used with Time Machine for backups...
    These should be self-powered so they do not rely on the computer port for power,
    and be of suitable size capacity for some serious storage; or be good for partitions
    so more than one duty can be served by the device. A 2 or 3 TB may be OK.
    The site macsales.com (aka: OWC) has some good examples of this kind of gear.
    For wireless and wired backups one could opt for an Apple Time Capsule, that is an
    AirPort Extreme base station with internal storage; this works well for Time Machine.
    The other backup drive device is an externally enclosed hard disk drive with fast HDD.
    This is what can be used if set up, to truly have a copy of your computer via clone or
    bootable clone. It could run the computer should the main internal drive fail, too.
    Since OS X likes plenty of resources made available for its use, to make an affordable
    investment in the device at a level you can justify and plan on using for a few years, is
    about the best one can do. A top-end machine, not within most student budgets, is a
    nice idea but not necessarily the affordable device to begin with. However to a good
    extent, to get a reasonably good configuration of fast hard drive (spin rate, if not SSD)
    and memory RAM, and processor with good spec graphics, can look more costly than
    a generic PC that was not designed for use with OS X.
    The mid-level Mini has a few options. More RAM is only available as CTO or custom
    order, or may be found in a retail Apple Store if they chose to stock them. 16GB is
    quite a bit. An option for a 7200-RPM HDD is not listed in the online config page in
    the Store, but that would be a fair one. The Fusion drive is some kind of hybrid that
    would be fairly quick, though it uses a partial SSD and HDD together. A 1-TB hybrid
    may be more like a 750GB HDD with a 250GB SSD working together, and seen in
    the system as one unit. Some user errors or processes in utility can change this so
    these Fusion units may appear broken or as two parts. It is one unit. Some of these
    Mini models could use more than one HDD or one SSD and one HDD.
    They had a server model which shipped with two 1-TB HDD (5400-RPM) and initially
    only 4GB RAM, user upgradable to 16GB. Some users found these were slower than
    expected and the Late 2012 Mini quad-core server cost nearly $1,000. Upgrades to
    such a unit (no longer sold regularly at Apple) invite the faster spin rate HDDs, and
    the RAM upgrade. A company in NY by name of B&H photovideo shows one of these
    in their computer sales page, for about $849. and the inventory is new, not refurb.
    However the graphics shares standard system RAM, and is slower than IRIS graphics
    (which also appears to share standard system RAM with graphics.)
    I have not looked closely at the newest Mini in the $699 price-point, but the Iris Graphics
    may be a good move, if the computer also has at least 8GB RAM, and a 7200-RPM HDD.
    OR an SSD. The solid-state product is rather costly, & third-party versions are not going
    to be covered by the AppleCare and unless an Apple authorized service provider does an
    upgrade and does not void the warranty, that is a loss of value to upgrade that way. You
    could pay plenty extra for a small capacity SSD, to get some speed, but they fill quickly.
    An external that could run at 7200-RPM via USB3.0 or Thunderbolt, could support an OS X
    system running from that external location. That is an option, so the original HDD need not
    be replaced straight-away. The stock 500GB HDD is usually a 5400-RPM model and that
    would be the bottleneck or choke-point of the hardware. Even with a fair amount of RAM.
    So the specifications on these have to be seriously considered and more information obtained.
    Another source of comparison specifications, is a download database from http://mactracker.ca
    in addition to the extensive site from http://everymac.com. If you were to consider older hardware
    to have a lower cost option, the only advantage would be the cost and loss factor. Not as much
    out there, and less loss if it turned up missing or damaged by accident. Oh if you have renter
    or household insurance, see about accidental and water damage insurance as part of general
    policy. This in addition to theft and personal articles coverage, that includes theft. These items
    are not part of the AppleCare extended protection. All the numbers & specs change when one
    considers a comparison between a portable and a desktop computer.
    Sorry for all this writing, I had a few other web pages open and did some reading, but did not
    see as that helps; you'd have to be looking ahead and hope for the best. Also plan otherwise.
    To have a good backup method and a a duplicate method, so your works-in-progress aren't
    lost if or when something should happen, is worth the cost for reputable quality & fair price.
    Hopefully someone can give you better advice in the questions concerning configuration of product
    and the kinds of options you may need to plan for at some point. If I were going to return to school
    and wanted to keep a low budget while still using a Mac, I'd consider some pre-owned models at
    low enough price (with viable known-good source) for something I could replace the HDD or add
    RAM, and know it is essentially a disposable item. If you are taking science, math or design courses
    the kind of computer would vary. Same thing if you were to expect image or video graphic editing &
    building layers of changes that eat up resources. And I'd want to have a spare computer. If portable
    I'd try & take the ugly used one out and let it be seen while any nice costly one would be in hiding.
    Hopefully you can check into the options, and not just with a retail Apple Store. If available, ask
    some of the same questions and compare answers from independent authorized Apple retail
    shops whose business is also repair & service. Some of the older personnel have experience of
    a level not found in the regular Apple Store, if they are real Apple Specialists.
    Sorry for the long post, and I can't say this answers all that much!

  • Encoding configuration for signed and encrypted emails

    I have a 8820 device (no BES server)  - I have certificates downloaded and trust on the device.  I can attach the requisite certificates to the message, but I do not have the option to select signing or encrypting encoding.  the menu does not give me this option.  I have the S/MIME package installed.  Any thoughts / pointers?

    The S/MIME support package is only supported with a BES. You might try Djigzo for BlackBerry. Djigzo for BlackBerry is an add-on to the Djigzo Email Encryption Gateway which can be used to send and receive S/MIME digitally signed and encrypted email from a BlackBerry smartphone. An installation of the Djigzo gateway is required.
    Djigzo for BlackBerry and the Djigzo gateway is open source and can be freely used.
    For more information see www.djigzo.com
    Djigzo open source email encryption

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