White download screen for firefox?

Hey Adobe!
I recently upgraded to firefox 37.0.2, but unfortunetly my adobe flash player completly crashed. I unistalled it, and then tried to re-install it on my Windows 7 pc, but when i press the "download" button, and save it, and it starts up, i get a white screen. No little bar with the loading progress, no information, just a white screen. I tried to install Realplayer in hope that it would help the progress, but nope. I am really confused. PLS help?

Please try below options
1)See the instructions below for instructions on disabling hardware acceleration:
For IE-
How to enable or disable software rendering in Internet Explorer
2) Below are instructions to update the video drivers on Windows systems.
Identify the manufacturer and type of your video card
open Control Panel, go to Device Manager
open the Display Adapters drop-down, this will show you the installed video card:
    4. identify the device driver version
    5. right-click on your display adapter entry and select Properties
    6.click on the Driver tab; this will show you the driver version and date:
    7.go to the device manufacturer's support site and download the latest driver

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    What if you try the Library dialog? Is the new download listed there?
    If you have an enormously long download history list, Firefox sometimes runs into problems displaying it.
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    Your UserAgent string in Firefox is messed up by another program that you installed.
    type '''about:config''' in the URL bar and hit Enter
    ''If you see the warning, you can confirm that you want to access that page.''
    Filter = '''general.useragent.'''
    Right-click the preferences that are '''bold''', one line at a time, and select '''''Reset''''',
    Then restart Firefox

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    See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1008534#answer-597769

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