Why Delete Database not working?

I see the option Delete, when in administration panel for some databases while it is faded for some other databases. Is there any setting that makes database delete disabled?
Please clarify.

Delete is only authorized to be done by the server admin user. Out of the box, all of the passwords are defaulted and passwords are stored in your user.cfg file. It is recommended that you change the passwords during the installation process. If the passwords in your user.cfg don't match the ones in the DB you will be prompted for correct ones. There are also ways to control some functionality through permissions. You can find more about the default passwords in both the help and the installation guide.

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  • Other database delete is not working on forall statement

    Dear all,
    My scenario is , i create a program, the program fetch the data from database x and i want to delete on the same x database but i am running this program at y database, so
    so i created a view
    create or replace view vw_ibs_pda_bills_x as
    SELECT *
            FROM ibs_pda_bills_x@testarch1my program
          CURSOR c2 IS
          SELECT *
            FROM vw_ibs_pda_bills_x
           WHERE bill_month <= '31-dec-2008'; -- AND bpref_no = :cons;
           opr varchar2(10) := 'DELETE';
          TYPE tsch IS TABLE OF c2%ROWTYPE;
          vtsch      tsch;
          cnt        NUMBER := 0;
          stime      NUMBER;
          etime      NUMBER;
          DURATION   NUMBER;
          rcount     NUMBER;
          errorsd   PLS_INTEGER;
          ecode     NUMBER;
          val1   VARCHAR2 (100);
          val2   VARCHAR2 (100);
          val3   VARCHAR2 (100);
          val4   VARCHAR2 (100);
             stime := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time ();
             OPEN c2;
                FETCH c2
                BULK COLLECT INTO vtsch LIMIT 1000;
                IF vtsch.COUNT = 1000
                   cnt := cnt + 1;
                END IF;
            If opr = 'INSERT' Then
                    FORALL i IN 1 .. vtsch.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS
                          INSERT INTO dlul.ibs_pda_bills
                        VALUES vtsch (i);
                    FORALL i IN 1 .. vtsch.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS
                        Delete from vw_ibs_pda_bills_x where bill_month = vtsch(i).bill_month;
            End if;
                EXIT WHEN c2%NOTFOUND;
             END LOOP;
             etime := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time ();
             DURATION := ((etime - stime) / 100) / 60;
             rcount :=
                 (cnt * 1000) + vtsch.COUNT - NVL (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT, 0);
         If opr = 'INSERT' Then
             INSERT INTO process_stage_log
                  VALUES (SYSDATE, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS', DURATION, rcount);
             INSERT INTO process_stage_log
                  VALUES (SYSDATE, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS-D', DURATION, rcount);
         End if;
             CLOSE c2;
             WHEN OTHERS
                errorsd := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT;
                IF errorsd > 0
                   FOR j IN 1 .. errorsd
                      ecode := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_CODE;
                      val1 :=
                           vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).sch_code;
                      val2 :=
                           vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).bpref_no;
                      val3 :=
                         vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).bill_month;
                      val4 :=
                         vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).service_code;
                  If opr = 'INSERT' Then         
                      INSERT INTO process_error_log
                           VALUES (SYSDATE, ecode, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS', 'sch_code', val1,
                                   'bpref_no', val2, 'bill_month', val3, 'service_code', val4,'INSERT');
                      INSERT INTO process_error_log
                           VALUES (SYSDATE, ecode, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS', 'sch_code', val1,
                                   'bpref_no', val2, 'bill_month', val3, 'service_code', val4,'DELETE');
              End if;
                   END LOOP;
                END IF;
       END pda_insert;the program want to do the delet option for all delete is not working. The program executed successful but the operation delete is not happening
    how to solve this issue.
    please help me

    No error encountered in my log table
    the new workaround you said, that is instead of for all , already i tried for i in 1.. to like
    instead of forall delete i tried the following way
          CURSOR c2 IS
    SELECT *
            FROM ibs_pda_bills_x@testarch1
           WHERE bill_month <= '31-dec-2008'; -- AND bpref_no = :cons;
           opr varchar2(10) := 'DELETE';
          TYPE tsch IS TABLE OF c2%ROWTYPE;
          vtsch      tsch;
          cnt        NUMBER := 0;
          stime      NUMBER;
          etime      NUMBER;
          DURATION   NUMBER;
          rcount     NUMBER;
          errorsd   PLS_INTEGER;
          ecode     NUMBER;
          val1   VARCHAR2 (100);
          val2   VARCHAR2 (100);
          val3   VARCHAR2 (100);
          val4   VARCHAR2 (100);
             stime := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time ();
             OPEN c2;
                FETCH c2
                BULK COLLECT INTO vtsch LIMIT 1000;
                IF vtsch.COUNT = 1000
                   cnt := cnt + 1;
                END IF;
            If opr = 'INSERT' Then
                    FORALL i IN 1 .. vtsch.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS
                          INSERT INTO dlul.ibs_pda_bills
                        VALUES vtsch (i);
                   /* fORALL i IN 1 .. vtsch.COUNT SAVE EXCEPTIONS
                     Delete from vw_ibs_pda_bills_x where to_char(bill_month,'dd-mm-rrrr') = to_char(vtsch (i).bill_month,'dd-mm-rrrr');*/
                     for i in 1..vtsch.count loop
                       delete ibs_pda_bills_x@testarch1 where to_char(bill_month,'dd-mm-rrrr') = to_char(vtsch (i).bill_month,'dd-mm-rrrr');
                     end loop; 
            End if;
                EXIT WHEN c2%NOTFOUND;
             END LOOP;
             etime := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time ();
             DURATION := ((etime - stime) / 100) / 60;
             rcount :=
                 (cnt * 1000) + vtsch.COUNT - NVL (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT, 0);
         If opr = 'INSERT' Then
             INSERT INTO process_stage_log
                  VALUES (SYSDATE, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS', DURATION, rcount);
             INSERT INTO process_stage_log
                  VALUES (SYSDATE, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS-D', DURATION, rcount);
         End if;
             CLOSE c2;
             WHEN OTHERS
                errorsd := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT;
                IF errorsd > 0
                   FOR j IN 1 .. errorsd
                      ecode := SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_CODE;
                      val1 :=
                           vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).sch_code;
                      val2 :=
                           vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).bpref_no;
                      val3 :=
                         vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).bill_month;
                      val4 :=
                         vtsch (SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (j).ERROR_INDEX).service_code;
                  If opr = 'INSERT' Then         
                      INSERT INTO process_error_log
                           VALUES (SYSDATE, ecode, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS', 'sch_code', val1,
                                   'bpref_no', val2, 'bill_month', val3, 'service_code', val4,'INSERT');
                      INSERT INTO process_error_log
                           VALUES (SYSDATE, ecode, 'IBS_PDA_BILLS', 'sch_code', val1,
                                   'bpref_no', val2, 'bill_month', val3, 'service_code', val4,'DELETE');
              End if;
                   END LOOP;
                END IF;
       END pda_insert;i am receiving the following error
    ORA-02055: distributed update operation failed; rollback required
    ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection
    ORA-06512: at line 77
    ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection

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    The [c:set|http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl/1.1/docs/tlddocs/index.html] tag is used to set a scoped attribute not request parameter. So when you write
    <sql:param value="${param.userid}" />You get null as there is no parameter named userid in the request. Try this
    <sql:param value="${userid}" />I would recommend you not to do database connectivity stuff in JSP, JSPs are the view layer of an application and they aren't supposed to be for doing business logic. Also since you are using a random userid, you might end up with multiple users with the same ID and IDs are generally supposed to be unique...

  • Unsure why this is not working?

    Can anyone give me a pointer as to why this is not working? I put the code from line 16 through 50 in the "...before displaying the page" additional pl/sql section of the wizard. The form wizard created the code from 5 through 15 and 51 through 55. The first error I understand because I think the wizard forgot to end the procedure correctly by saying "end beforeModuleDisplay;" instead of just putting "end;".
    If I am right, how can I fix this since the wizard is the one putting in this info? I tried putting the correct end statement in where I put the rest of my code, but that created even more errors.
    Error creating package SOCSBO_USER.ACCT_INFO
    Error creating package SOCSBO_USER.ACCT_INFO
    56/5PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "PROCEDURE" when expecting one of the following: begin declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> << close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall <a single-quoted SQL string> The symbol "declare" was substituted for "PROCEDURE" to continue.
    2128/5PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END" when expecting one of the following: begin function package pragma procedure form
    -- created Monday 05-NOV-2001 16:52
    create or replace
    1 package body ACCT_INFO as
    2 --
    3 -- Created by ASAPP using WebDB at 15:16:46, Mar 04, 2002
    4 --
    5 procedure beforeModuleDisplay
    6 (
    7 p_block_name in varchar2,
    8 p_object_name in varchar2,
    9 p_instance in integer,
    10 p_event_type in varchar2,
    11 p_user_args in varchar2,
    12 p_session in out PORTAL30.wwa_api_module_session
    13 )
    14 is
    15 begin
    16 declare
    17 l_fs varchar2(200);
    18 l_cv varchar2(200);
    19 l_sv varchar2(200);
    20 l_lang varchar2(100);
    21 l_idx integer;
    22 begin
    23 l_lang := portal30.wwctx_api.get_nls_language;
    24 l_fs := p_session.get_value_as_varchar2(
    25 p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    26 p_attribute_name => '_FORM_STATE');
    27 l_cv := p_session.get_shadow_value(
    28 p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    29 p_attribute_name => 'A_ACCOUNT_COURSE',
    30 p_language => l_lang);
    31 l_sc := p_session.get_shadow_value(
    32 p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    33 p_attribute_name => 'A_ACCOUNT_SUBPROJECT',
    34 p_language => l_lang);
    35 if upper(l_fs) = 'UPDATE_AND_DELETE' then
    36 l_idx := row_function.get_index('COURSE_BOTTOM');
    37 if upper(l_cv) = 'Y' then
    38 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'Y';
    39 else
    40 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'N';
    41 end if;
    42 end if;
    43 if upper(l_fs) = 'UPDATE_AND_DELETE' then
    44 l_idx := row_function.get_index('SUBPROJECT_BOTTOM');
    45 if upper(l_sv) = 'Y' then
    46 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'Y';
    47 else
    48 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'N';
    49 end if;
    50 end if;
    51 exception
    52 when others then
    53 PORTAL30.wwerr_api_error.add(PORTAL30.wwerr_api_error.DOMAIN_WWV,'app','generic','SOCSBO_USER.ACCT_INFO.beforeModuleDisplay', p1 => sqlerrm);
    54 raise;
    55 end;
    56 procedure row_function

    Hello Albert,
    You open a new pl/sql block on line 16, but you have only one 'end' statement.
    You can correct this by adding another 'end' statement after line 55 or you can remove the inner PL/SQL block and place it in the procedure itself. Variables can be declared after 'is' on line 14. In your example it's better to do it this way. See example.
    Hope this helps...
    Example solution 2:
    -- created Monday 05-NOV-2001 16:52
    create or replace
    1 package body ACCT_INFO as
    2 --
    3 -- Created by ASAPP using WebDB at 15:16:46, Mar 04, 2002
    4 --
    5 procedure beforeModuleDisplay
    6 (
    7 p_block_name in varchar2,
    8 p_object_name in varchar2,
    9 p_instance in integer,
    10 p_event_type in varchar2,
    11 p_user_args in varchar2,
    12 p_session in out PORTAL30.wwa_api_module_session
    13 )
    14 is
    15 l_fs varchar2(200);
    16 l_cv varchar2(200);
    17 l_sv varchar2(200);
    18 l_lang varchar2(100);
    19 l_idx integer;
    21 begin
    23 l_lang := portal30.wwctx_api.get_nls_language;
    24 l_fs := p_session.get_value_as_varchar2(
    25 p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    26 p_attribute_name => '_FORM_STATE');
    27 l_cv := p_session.get_shadow_value(
    28 p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    29 p_attribute_name => 'A_ACCOUNT_COURSE',
    30 p_language => l_lang);
    31 l_sc := p_session.get_shadow_value(
    32 p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    33 p_attribute_name => 'A_ACCOUNT_SUBPROJECT',
    34 p_language => l_lang);
    35 if upper(l_fs) = 'UPDATE_AND_DELETE' then
    36 l_idx := row_function.get_index('COURSE_BOTTOM');
    37 if upper(l_cv) = 'Y' then
    38 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'Y';
    39 else
    40 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'N';
    41 end if;
    42 end if;
    43 if upper(l_fs) = 'UPDATE_AND_DELETE' then
    44 l_idx := row_function.get_index('SUBPROJECT_BOTTOM');
    45 if upper(l_sv) = 'Y' then
    46 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'Y';
    47 else
    48 p_form.items(l_idx).visible := 'N';
    49 end if;
    50 end if;
    51 exception
    52 when others then
    53 PORTAL30.wwerr_api_error.add(PORTAL30.wwerr_api_error.DOMAIN_WWV,'app','generic','SOCSBO_USER.ACCT_INFO.beforeModuleDisplay', p1 => sqlerrm);
    54 raise;
    55 end;
    56 procedure row_function

  • Why is scrolling not working with multiple youtube embeds layed out vertically in a stack on one page?

    Why is scrolling not working with multiple youtube embeds layed out in a stack on one page?

    Hi ,  
      This is a sort of performance issue , because your program takes more than the max time set for the program to execute in foreground.
    There are many stuff in program which will hamper your performance.
    I will list down a few
    1. SELECT *
    FROM konp
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN a363_itab
    WHERE knumh EQ a363_itab-knumh
    in this statement you are using for all entries a363_itab , but before this statement you are not checking if the table has any entry or not , please do remember that for all entries has this characterstic , that if you internal table does not contain any record , then all the records are selected from the database table. So in this case if you table a363_itab is empty , so what you want is no data must be seelcted from table konp , but what will happen is all the records in KONP will be seelcted.
    2. While retreiving data you are using seelct * even though you do not require all the fields , an example is
    <b>SELECT *
    FROM mkpf
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN mseg_itab
    WHERE mblnr EQ mseg_itab-mblnr.</b>
    in this your internal table contains only 2 fields
    <b>mblnr LIKE mkpf-mblnr, "Number of Material Document
    bldat LIKE mkpf-bldat, "Document Date in Document</b> , but to get these 2 fields you are selecting all the fields of the table.
    3. In select you are using into corresponding fields of table , it is not a good practice., so please avoidd it.
    Please understand that you must try to reduce the access to your database tables and try to keep it minimal , because this same thing may happen becasue data in DEV is very less compared to the volume of data in production , so a program working in DEV will take much more time in PRD if not written properly and may result in timeouts , as in your case.
    Please try to make chanegs to the prorgam and see if it works.
    In case you have more queries , please do revert back.
    *Reward points if replay is helpful

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    Open System Preferences > Sound > Output
    Make sure the coorect output devices is selected and the Mute button is not checked.

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    Double check you have the latest version of Adobe Flash.

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    I have an older iMac 5,1 and the disc drive no longer works. I was hoping that I could the Apple USB super drive as a replacement, but the info on the super drive page says compatible with iMac 2012 or later. Does anyone know why it would not work for me?

    A reply to similar question (Q & As , in product page Apple Store) says:
    "...dissable the internal reader hardware from devices setup. Then plug the external usb superdrive and that's it."  Answered by Enrique T from Lima Oct  25 2013.
    If you can locate an external Apple USB 'Air" superdrive for earlier model MacBook Air, that should work. The newer one for the Air is the same as for iMac, now.
    You may be able to use other brands of external USB optical drive with your older intel-based iMac, as some of them function capably. A few should also be able to see system discs or other bootable utilities on DVD.
    Hopefully this helps.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Why it is not working?

    hai all,
    i am new to jsp. please help me with the necessary corrections of the code given below.
    <%@ page import="java.io.*, java.sql.*" %>
         ResultSet rs;
         Connection Con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@192.168.x.xx:1521:new","old","new");     
         Statement st=Con.createStatement();
    why it is not working
    Thanks in advance.

    I think you have to put the variables definition (rs, st, con...) in a specific place like this, i mark with (*) what i changed:
    <%! (*)
    ResultSet rs; (*)
    Connection Con; (*)
    Statement st; (*)
    %> (*)
    <% (*)
    Con=DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@192.168.x.xx:1521:new","old","new");
    good luck,

  • Why facetime does not working with any carrier in u.s expect att although the iphone is factory unlocked

    why facetime does not working with any carrier in u.s expect att although the iphone is factory unlocked

    Facetime only works via WiFi. Are you trying to set up Facetime with a T-Mobile account?

  • Why ps3 is not working well with airport

    why ps3 does not work well wth the airport?

    If you are referring to online gaming, then PS3 like all non-apple devices uses upnp to open ports.
    Apple uses NAT-PMP to open ports.. East and West.. never the twain shall meet.
    If it is internal wireless issues.. that is different.. airport should be just like any other wireless router.
    If you tell us the issue we have more hope to help.

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    I have many projects made in imovie HD that are not updating to iMovie 10 on my new iMac.  Why is this not working as stated on the article HT202853?  How do I get my projects back from backup after old iMac crashed?

    According to:
    Update projects and events from previous versions of iMovie in iMovie (2014) - Apple Support
    you can update from iMovie versions 7, 8 and 9, but iMovie HD is iMovie 6.
    Maybe you can update in two steps, first from iMovie 6 to iMovie 7, 8 or 9 then to iMovie 10. 

  • In iTunes 11.1 (I26) , I cannot find how to delete podcast listings showing undownloaded podcasts. Delete does not work. Option Delete does not work.  Dragging to the trash does not work. Under Edit, Delete is greyed out. Mac OS 10.6.8

    in iTunes 11.1 (I26) , I cannot find how to delete podcast listings showing undownloaded podcasts. Delete does not work. Option Delete does not work. Dragging to the trash does not work. Under Edit, Delete is greyed out. Mac OS 10.6.8.
    Tom at the Genius Bar told me that Option Delete would work. It does not.
    I had to upgrade to iTunes 11.1.(I26) because it is required with OS7 on my iPod Touch (5th Gen). I have tried shutting down iTunes, then shutting down the entire system. This is the first in many visits that the Genius Bar gave me a solution that did not work.
    This is a big awkward computer locked to my desk. I would rather not unlock it and then carry it through a shopping center to the Genius Bar if i can avoid oit.
    When I installed iTunes 11.1, I discovered that Ihad to resubscribe to virtually all of the podcasts that I had previously been subscribed to. That was a surprise.

    Hello Achates:
    I did not read the rather long post. If you wish to reinstall OS X 10.4, use your software install DVD. Backup is essential. To minimize your risk, I would use an archive and install:
    In that way, you will have a fresh copy of OS X and your current settings will be preserved.
    Incidentally, I do not agree that the printer problem is best solved by reinstalling OS X. I have had HP printers for sometime and, on one occasion, had difficulty after an upgrade. HP technical support walked me through uninstalling all traces of the HP driver and then reinstalling.

Maybe you are looking for