Why does mail cancel shutdown?

when I try to shut down a message appears Mail cancelled shutdown.
Also when the iMac goes into sleep mode by itself (on timer) it cannot be awakenned by touching a key as it used to.

Upgrade to 10.9.2 regardless, unless you depend on Airplay:
This will not fix your issue with shut down.  Mail if busy according to the Window on Activity, will likely stop shutdown until it is finished.  You should stop mail from all activity, and then quit Mail, and then shutdown.
As for the sleep issue, that may be do to connected peripherals not compatible with Sleep.

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    Hi Michael
    Welcome to the forum.
    Do you have Stuffit installed and are saving to the desktop?
    Because in that case it is Stuffit decompressing the Pages document's package.
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    Hey there Mike,
    It sounds like you are seeing in the Mail app that your Yahoo account is offline. Take a look at the following article to help you troubleshoot the issue:
    Mail (Mountain Lion): If a mailbox is offline
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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    You asked about a recommendation for an app to paste a group of addresses into the To, Cc or Bcc fields of an email?
    Our "MailShot Pro" app is the only one we know of on the App Store that creates special "group contacts" in your address book which contain all your groups email addresses, but can be used just like regular contacts from most of your favourite apps. We now have nearly 50000 people using it, and growing steadily every day.
    Here is a link if you would like to know more “MailShot Pro” (itunes link).
    A free version is also available if you'd like to try it out with a small nmber of contacts.
    If you need any customer support just contact us at the website, we're always happy to help.
    Disclosure: I am the developer of this app and may benefit from its sale- (but so might you)

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