Why is my 3g tethering like a snail

why is my tethering through usb so slow(like a snail)

Depending on the 3G network in your area, probably because 3G isn't exactly speedy compared to standard residential Internet speeds.
You probably wouldn't notice much with normal daily usage of the iPhone, but when you try to use that bandwidth for things you're used to having a fast connection for, you'll see right away how slow the cellular data network is.

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    Message was edited by:

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    I'm suspecting that maybe you were hoping for that really cool import bookmarks feature that FF has. I Iike that myself. 'POOF' it's done! But I don't like it enough to use FF as my main browser. Mulder was right... it really depends on what you want out of it. And as I told you before, I like it clean and simple.
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    So.... if you decide you want to try Safari for a bit and see if you like it, I hope this helps a little.
    Good Luck and Have Fun!
    MWN :o)

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