Why was the MacBook Air discontinued?

Does Apple no longer care about the entry-level user who needs an all-in-one?
Is Apple really saying, "If you want a laptop that can play or burn DVDs and CDs, or a laptop that has enough room to store music and movies, either pay $1200, or you're not good enough for a Mac"?
This is a stunning slap in the face to Mac fans on a budget. This really is the Apple elitism that (formerly) irrational Apple-haters go on about.

How can a product that was already on the market, co-existing at a higher price point with the discontinued product, be a "replacement" for the discontinued product?
As for whether or not this question is appropriate for the Apple Discussion forums, I see nothing in the TOS that suggests it's against the rules to discuss the availability of Apple products in the Apple Disucssion forums, or that it's against the rules to have a negative opinion of a decission Apple has made.
It seems to me the best place to discuss a company's products is in the company forum — or at least that's the way it is with every other computer-related product I've ever used. Sometimes such discussions will include opinions different from your own.
Perhaps you're saying that these forums are only for the discussion of technical problems? If that's the case, I'll be happy to take my concerns about the discontinuation of the MacBook to another section of discussions.apple.com where users may discuss larger issues, like Apple's corporate philosophy and the availability of products. Just point the way.
Or are you suggesting such discussions should not be allowed anywhere near Apple.com on principle, to protect Apple from criticism by its own userbase?

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    If you are trying to connect the iPad to the Macbook, then try this app: http://www.reflectionapp.com/ The iPad also supports connecting straight to the Apple TV, so you could try it that way too.
          Hope this helps!

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    About “Other”:
    Go step by step and test.
    1. Start up in Safe Mode.
    2. Backup your computer.
    3. Empty Trash.
    4. Disk space / Time Machine ?/ Local Snapshots
      Local backups
    5. Delete old iOS Devices Backup.
        iTunes > Preferences > Devices
        Highlight the old Backups , press “Delete Backup” and then “OK”.
    6. Re-index Macintosh HD.
        This will take a while. Wait until it is finished.
        System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy
    7.Try OmniDiskSweeper. This will give the storage size details of the items.
       Select Macintosh HD and click  “Sweep Selected Drive” at the bottom.
       Be careful. Delete only the files that can be safely  deleted. If you are not sure about any file, don’t touch it.
    8. Move iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie media folders to an external drive.

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