Will a diamond earring scratch the iphone 6 glass?

I just got my new Iphone 6 Plus and I use a pave diamond earrings.  I just noticed that my iphone 6 plus' glass is scratched right where my earring hits it.
I thought the glass of the new iphones were scratch proof.  Please let me know if anyone else has had this problem.
Thank you,

Thank you for your quick reply!  Needless to say, I am not happy with the scratches on my brand new phone....  I could have sworn that I have seen You Tube Videos of the Iphone 6 and 6 Plus being scratched with a knife, a set of keys and dragged through rocks and scratched with a brick and the glass did not scratch.  Isn't it supposed to be scratch resistant??  I will definitely take it back to my local apple store to see if they will exchange it.  Next time I will get a Zagg Glass protector so it doesn't happen again! 
Thank you for your feedback!

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    1) ensure iTunes is authorized for your iTunes store account(s)
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    There is one risk. Apple may not replace the glass at no cost.
    They can still replace scratched material for you on the TOS guideline.
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