Winding Noise

Has anyone else experienced a winding noise during calls?  It happens several times a day without rhyme nor reason. Also, occasionally when using camera function, the screen goes black and the flash stays on until I take out the battery.  Any ideas? HELP!

When your device is ON remove the battery, wait a minute and turn the battery back to the device.
Also consider device software update. You can do it online.
Connect your device via USB-cable to the computer.
Launch Internet Explorer
Open this address:
Click on "Update Now"  button

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  • How can I reduce wind noise in Final Cut Pro X?

    The footage has been shot.  I used a Sony HDR-SR12 for the footage.  We were shooting outside in what was almost a wind tunnel it seemed.
    I have only just started into FCPx with no other experience.  The only other production software I have is Garage Band.  We do not have the funds for any other software, but I do have a deadline with this episode.  Reshooting is not an option.  We have taken steps to help for the next episode with getting a wind screen for the mic.
    What are some steps I can take to reduce/remove the wind noise within FCPx?  If I have to open the audio track in GarageBand to equalize it out, I can, but again, would need to know a few pointers on how to seperate the audio for GB and then edit the noise down.
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    The script provided by MPEG Streamclip worked for me.
    But there is an alternate way, which is basically doing by hand what the script does.
    The actual component that is needed is stored inside an archive file in the inside the package. This file needs to be copied to a place where the system can see it.
    Here are detailed instructions. Be sure you fully understand before putting any files in the Library folders, as described below. No guarantees, but if followed correctly I believe this works.
    1) Double-click the .dmg file.
    2) Inside there are two folders. Open the one that says "For Quicktime 6.4 or later..."
    3) Control-click the QuickTimeMPEG32.pkg and choose "Show Package Contents".
    4) Copy the file "Archive.pax.gz" somewhere else on your mac - I will use the Desktop as an example.
    5) Double click the copy of "Archive.pax.gz" on your desktop. It will expand and create a folder on the desktop called "System".
    6) Inside the folder called "System" is a folder "Library" and then "Quicktime", with a single file called "QuickTimeMPEG2.component".
    This is the file that MPEG Streamclip needs!
    7) I suggest you place this file in your own user's Library. To do this, hold down the option key and select Library from the Go menu in the Finder. There, if it does not exist already, create a folder "QuickTime" and copy the component there. This should work.
    Note: the script actually places the component in a different location - one which I think should not be messed with (inside /System/Library).
    I think it should work in the user's Library, but if not I would put in /Library (the Library at the root of the drive) before trying the location above.

  • Wind Noise Reduction

    I'm using PPCS3 for a project and have a video interview piece that was shot outside. The subject was wearing a lav mic with a windscreen on it, but there is still a considerable amount of wind noise coming through. Can anyone suggest a way to at least reduce the wind noise without reducing the vocal quality too badly? I have the entire CS3 suite, so Soundbooth is also available to me.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Hi there Bill, or anyone else that could help,
    I too have a wind problem!
    I'm using CS6 Master Collection, pretty new to everything so please go easy.
    I have a fair bit of open air footage with a huge amount of wind noise. I have played with the Noise Reduction effect in Audition (as there doesn't seem to be Soundbooth any longer?) but i have literally 'played', i mean i don't really know what i am doing. It doesn't seem to reduce the wind noise more just all noises, which obviously isn't that helpful.
    Are you able to give me any help, point me in the direction of a tutorial, or better yet if you know a program / plug in that really gets to grips with wind noise?
    It seems that most of the time people are wanting to use noise reduction to get rid of a constant, set noise like a hiss but wind noise is totally different as it’s a very dynamic noise, constantly changing so you can’t 'sample' a section as the next section might sound different but is still just as unwanted.
    Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

  • Wind noise auto filtering

    I need yourexpert help. I'm a novice at audio filtering, and I need to filter out wind noise on a minute of film.
    My narrator, who is 82, recently had a stroke, so I cannot reshoot it.
    I used a rabbit fur isolator on my remote mike, but the shoot was on a windy beach last winter and I got wind noise nevertheless.
    Which filter should I use? What frequency should I filter out?
    Thanks in advance.
    Bob Ingle

    Wind (and air noise in general) is often hard to get rid of once it's been recorded. This is because air/wind noise often covers most of the audible spectrum. So if you try to reduce the noise, you end up reducing the audio you want to keep along with it.
    If the noise is more low-end, you could try playing around with the EQ filter. But you're best bet may be to use Soundtrack Pro by sampling the noise alone, then reducing the noise on the rest of the clip with the sample to filter it out.

  • Is there a way to eliminate or reduce wind noise while retaining voice?

    Is there a filter/effect that will reduce wind noise while retaining voice reception?

    Mickey Oksner wrote:
    Is there a filter/effect that will reduce wind noise while retaining voice reception?
    HI -
    Are you talking about general wind noise as in "Wind in the Background" or are you referring to wind which is directly hitting the microphone capsule and thus causing extreme plosives and distortion.
    In latter scenario, there is nothing that you can do aside from 'living with it' or record it again.
    The first scenario; one can use a either an advanced denoiser which will literally remove the noise from the audio signal. In the case of wind, this would probably remove lots of the vocal too and cause unwanted side effects.  I myself would use a gate (AKA Noise Gate) or expander effect. The gate sets a threshold @ which it literally opens and lets the audio signal pass thru'. One would set that threshold to open when the person is talking. And close when he is not. In most cases the wind will be a little quieter in level than the speech (If the material has been recorded correctly).
    There are numerous of cheap and perfect functioning gates available as audio units.
    Perhaps you can find some free, perhaps not.
    If @ one point you want to get something which is really good and highly intuitive, I suggest you look into the FabFilter company.
    They make great audio products @ a very fair rate and are the most intuitive you can find. But try the free ones first.
    Removing noise is about the most nasty and difficult thing, I as an audio engineer can think of. So don't expect this to be easy if it has to sound great ;-)

  • Anyone recommend a good wind noise audio filter?

    Hello All,
    I'm looking for a good plug-in that will reduce or eliminate wind noise from audio that I'm editing in FCE4.
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    Take a look at SoundSoap.
    Watch the overview movie that shows what it can do, and there is a trial download you may want to try out.

  • Best audio filter for heavy wind noise ?

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    I don't know what people use, but I've always been told that the best way to get good audio is to get it right the first time. Since I'm no sound guy, I struggle to get anything to sound good.
    Export your offending Audio to .aiff and pull it into SoundTrack. Go to your Effects on the middle left of your screen and pick SoundTrack Pro>Channel EQ. Drag this into the area under your Effects bin. Then start playing your sound while adjusting the Advanced Dialog.
    You can tweak different frequencies and try to pull out the wind. However, wind often is around the same range as voices, so it's going to cause some distortion.
    Beyond this, if the wind was really bad it will have caused "popping" that will have mutilated any talking at that moment.
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    I'm hoping some sound guy comes here and sets me straight and helps you out. Perhaps check the SoundTrack forums....
    I'm sorry I'm not more help.

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    Try following:
    click the Camera app, slide the photo-movie slider on the bottom right to movie then back completely. Close Camera app, double click home button twice and really quit camera.
    If that does not help, do it again, then do a reset: hold both Home and Power button for about 10 seconds until you see the white apple logo then let go.

  • Removing Wind Noise from Audio in FCP

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    I'm not sure if you're if your sarcasm is targeted at me or Apple but just to clarify:
    By rolling off the bottom end prior to using a Noise Print style NR technique you'll get a far better end result than just asking something like SoundSoap to decipher everything.
    Wind noise is dynamic. NR tools like SoundSoap and other basic noise tools do not adequately address it. Since much of the problem with wind is in the very low frequency range simply rolling that stuff off cleans up the signal significantly and sometimes is all you need. Adding noise print style NR after the LF has been eliminated will produce a much better result.
    Another technique for changing the perceived amount of interference from a dynamic source like wind is to copy a chunk of relatively clean ambient tone and pasting it over areas where there is noise but no dialogue. This step will obviously not help of a strong wind gust happens over the voice but it does improve the overall perceived quality of the recording. I usually don't offer this suggestion right off the bat because it's more of a surgical procedure which takes a bit of skill. What most people are looking to do is just clicking on the "remove noise" button.

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    Like he suggested, I've had better outcomes when I lessen the effect, then if I feel daring, I'll try it again, ever so slightly.
    From my experience, the low-cut filter worked best for my wind noise. You could definitely still hear the wind, but the low "boomy" blasts that I had were all taken out - quite drastically at that - and without any digital noise.
    What did NOT work well for me was the "reduce noise" command, where Soundtrack tries to first learn the noise, then remove it. There was wind all throughout the track, and that method just did not work well.
    Hope this helps.

  • Reducing Wind Noise?

    I make kayak fishing videos using a GoPro and edit all of my video in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. I am very new to the program but am finding the learning curve not too terrible since I'm familiar with Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.
    I usually cut out the sound and play music in the background, but for my newest video I want to have an intro "narration" where I'm talking into the camera. I did it out on the lake and while I'm audible, it was very windy, and it's not very pleasant to listen to. Is there a way to reduce some of that in Premiere? I'm trying to avoid buying and learning a new piece of software to edit the sound. I don't need it eliminated, just an improvement would be nice.
    If it is possible, please explain it as slowly as possible and in lamen's terms. Like I said, it's all real new to me.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Removing wind noise is nearly impossible.
    Certainly not in Premiere, you could have a go in Audition. -audition-cs55/

  • Ambient wind noise-can I adjust?

    I hail from the DVD Studio Pro side but with the FC studio I have done some limited work in Soundtrack Pro.
    Project: MiniDV discs from a South Africian Safari. When the vehicles were moving the wind noise becomes obvious.
    I've used noise print/noise reduction and SoundTracPro Autofilter to some degree of success.
    Wondering if there is anything else I can do to push down this background noise without loosing the conversation?

    I think noise print function and some eq can help you at max

  • Removing wind noise

    Is it feasible to remove wind noise in FCE? If not how?

    You could try SoundSoap (or SoundtrackPro 'Learn Noise' feature, but that only comes with Final Cut Studio). The randomness of wind noise is really difficult to filter and really needs to be taken care of with a windscreen on the mic at recording time.

  • Wind noise

    I am trying to clean up an interview with a lot of excessive wind noise on the mic. are the any good stp filters I can use to solve this problem. i've tried noise reduction but have not had much luck.
    thanks a lot.

    Izotope RX

  • How to get rid of wind noise on the audio track

    I am sure there must be a method to get rid of wind noise on the audio track. Can someone tell me what the best filter is for this purpose as I shoot mostly outdoors and even with a sock covered mike I pick up the wind noise? I have FCS and therefore Soundtrack Pro. Are there filters in the audio filters section of FCP or must I go to STP? Thanks in advance!
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   4 x La Cie 250Gb HDD
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   4 x La Cie 250Gb HDD

    I shoot mostly outdoors too, and it gets pretty windy where I live!
    > I shoot mostly
    outdoors and even with a sock covered mike I pick up
    the wind noise
    I hope you mean you have a Rycote "Softie" or something similar protecting your mic . . ?
    If so, you should be able to shoot in quite a high wind without any "wind noise" - but of course, even if your "sock" is correctly fitted and working well, you'll pick up the sound of the wind (different thing altogether).
    If you have the right gear and are experiencing the buffeting sound you get with an unprotected mic, then I suspect there are gaps somewhere - so tape them up!
    Either way, for removing unwanted sound, I know of no tool like the Linear Phase EQ filter in STP. Like everything new, it takes a little time to learn but it's very well worth it. With practice, you can almost slice out much unwanted sound like a knife.
    I'm not sure why you don't want to use STP - it opened up a whole new world to me - and it's easier to learn than FCP IMHO.
    G5 Quad. 8 GB. 250 & 500 GB Internal HDs. G-Tech G-Raid 1 TB. FCP 5.0.4 (Studio)   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Sony HVR-Z1E.
    You can't educate pork . . ..

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