Windows 7 account lock outs Event ID: 4776 Authentic Package: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_pACKAGE_V1_0

Hello, hope someone can help, users are getting intermittently locked out by domain controllers which are Windows 2008 R2
hosted in VMWare VSphere 5.0.
They are logging on with local accounts to Windows 7 Enterprise desktops which are
not part of the domain. They connect to network shares,sharepoint,Instant Messenger by
provider their domain log on credentials.
Intermittently a DC will log a bad password and lock them out, preventing them from accessing
network resources, however their password has not changed.
The error log on the server shows the following:
Log Name: Security
Source: MS Windows Security
Event ID: 4776
Task Category: Credential Validation
Keywords: Audit Failure
Logon Account: user's network log on account
Source Workstation: Users Windows 7 Desktop
Error Code: 0xc000006a
I have launched "control userpasswords2" from the run command and cleared any cached account passwords on the desktop machine but this did not fix the issue.

This type issue occurs should be more related to domain controller settings.
I find a similar case from the third party website. For your reference:
If the issue persists after performing the steps above, I recommend you posting your problem on
Server Forum.
Kim Zhou
TechNet Community Support

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    Active Directory Services Audit - Document references
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    Could you please check the Windows security log for (MSSQLSERVER) event ID 18486? The rule should rely on this event.
    Yan Li
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Incredibly weird issue, Win 7 account locked out

    Hi folks,
    Ill dive straight in with this one as Ive been working on it since 9am today, with little progress.
    I have USER A who's account locks out without them even being logged into their machine. The user changed their password yesterday as per company policy and since then it keeps locking out after 3-5 minutes.
    Platform - WIN 7
    Pro 64 Bit
    Server - Win Server 2008 R2 Standard
    I have done the following -
    Cleared credential manager - NO DIFFERENCE
    Reset IE
    and cleared personal details during reset - NO DIFFERENCE
    Tested by logging
    onto another machine - NO JOY
    Recreated their login profile - NO
    Checked for logged on terminal services accounts - NONE LOGGED IN
    Connected devices ie. iPad, iPhone, Android - NONE
    I have checked
    on our DC's and have found the following -
    - System
    - Provider
    [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
    [ Guid]
    EventID 4776
    Version 0
    Level 0
    Task 14336
    Opcode 0
    - TimeCreated
    [ SystemTime]
    EventRecordID 2042599718
    - Execution
    [ ProcessID] 516
    [ ThreadID]
    Channel Security
    - EventData
    TargetUserName USER A
    Status 0xc0000234
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    the users account on the DC and just waited on the DC for 5 minutes. I double clicked into the users account again and under the account tab it was locked out again. What on earth could be causing this?
    Jeet S

    Event ID 4776 Status 0xc0000234 tells us there was a failed attempt because the account was already locked.
    - Have you searched the logs for what computer is doing the lockout?  
    - Is there a possibility that the user is still logged on a different workstation and has it locked?
    Maybe this can help:
    Get the user's distinguishedname:
    $DN = (get-aduser <username> ).distinguishedname
    The check the Object Metadata for that account to find out exactly what time and DC the account was locked out on:
    repadmin /showobjmeta <yourDC> "$DN"
    Look through the results and find the property for "LockoutTime"  (That'll tell you where to look)
    Chris Ream
    If you find my post to be helpful ( or the answer ), Please mark this post appropriately.  Thank you!

  • Account locked out from RD server when no session is open?

    Windows 2008R2 DCs, two in one site, one in another
    Windows 2008 functional level
    I've had two instances in the past week where users, several hours after changing their passwords, had their accounts locked out.  I used LockoutStatus to track down the DC where the event 4740/lockout happened, and then read the calling workstation
    from there.  In both cases, the user didn't have any active or idle session on the remote desktop server where the lock was being generated.  I checked further with Process Explorer and I couldn't even find any processes running in their user context.
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    In both instances, when I rebooted the RD VM, the issue went away and didn't return.  In one case that was somewhat disruptive as it was an application server.  In the second case it was a domain controller and had no user impact.
    I've seen this before when a user has an orphaned RD session idle for months, or with badly behaved applications, but this seeming dissociation from any active user process is really odd.
    LockoutStatus always shows the lastPasswordSet timestamp in sync, replication occurs within fifteen minutes, and repadmin shows me both the expected topology and no errors.
    I'm at a total loss.  What more can I check for?

    Do you have any updates?
    Other than Remote Desktop sessions, please also check these things below:
    Programs, services, schedule tasks, scripts, which could also store user credentials.
    More information for you:
    Troubleshooting Account Lockout
    Best Regards,

  • Windows 2008- Account Lock not working and getting Domain Policy access denied

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    Error:"Access Denied:\\sysvol\\policies\{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}\Windows NT\SecEdit\GPTmpl.inf.Make sure that you have the right permission to this object.

    The error message is Access Denied, so it should be a permission issue.
    You mentioned that you tested the account lockout in isolated network, it was working fine without any problem, by which did you mean that you didn’t get the Access Denied error message, or account wasn’t lockout out?
    If you are facing account lockout problem, here are some troubleshooting articles below for you:
    Troubleshooting Account Lockout
    Troubleshooting account lockout the PSS way
    Appendix Two: Gathering Information to Troubleshoot Account Lockout Issues
    Best Regards,

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  • Account lock out error message

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    what you're asking should not be possible in terms of 'plain' LDAP Protocol; RFC 4511 (LDAP Protocol Definition), in [Appendix A.2|] describes the result codes that the server can return. According to that document (that is the current reference) 'err=49' means that the provided credentials are not valid. The standard LDAP protocol doesn't allow you to provide the additional information of 'why' the credentials are not valid using a different error code.

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  • Mac user account locked out in Microsoft Active Directory

    I have some users who get their user account locked out several times a day.
    It seems to be an issue with the keychain.
    Our users need to change their password every 90 days domain GPO applied on every users.
    Do you know how to fix this issue?
    I have notice that most of the time this happens when the Mac wakes up from sleep mode while still connected to the network and when the users try to re login.
    Thank you.

    Hi Nicky
    I had a very similar problem a while back. It turned out that I had another device trying to retrieve mail from the corporate account. in my case it was an iPod that was just sitting on charge for weeks at a time but was accessing the Exchange server with the wrong password, after having changed it due to the same password policy you use. Of course after a set number of tries, the AD locked the account.
    I always remember to change my iPhone password now

  • Domain accounts locked out regularly

    I have quite a number of invalid log-on daily and causing locked out.
    Action taken,
    1. Unselected IPv6 from Windows 7 workstation
    2. Follow PSS troubleshooting method
    3. Using NetWrix Account Lockout Examiner - All results good fine except having lot of invalid logon; ranging from 20 to 60.
    4. Netstat output from Windows 7 workstation
    Active Connections
      Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           Offload State
      TCP       austin801ai:52230      ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       sippoolbl20a02:https   ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP       autocache:8080         ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP        2OPSLW7N048:49156      ESTABLISHED     InHost      
      TCP        2OPSLW7N048:49155      ESTABLISHED     InHost      
    What is next?  Running out of idea.  Please advice.  Thanks.
    Kelvin Teang

    Firstly you should find out where these requests come from, so please enable auditing in Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Audit Policy\Audit account management in group Policy and after next lockout,
    check for event ID 4740 in you Event Viewer and Security section.
    After that you need to find out what are the reasons behind this. Common problems are:
    Entering your password incorrectly. (Note: not only for interactive logons but also when you are accessing a share)
    Some services are configured incorrectly with the wrong credential, to put it another way they (The Services) try to start themselves with incorrectly configured credentials.
    Map Network Drives. It sounds a bit weird but YES! If you have a mapped network drive on your PC you may have to take a look at the credentials again to make sure they are correctly configured.
    In windows 7 and above there is a feature called “Credential Manager” which holds all the credentials required for accessing a share, mapped network drive and so on. It is another location which you have to verify the credentials.
    Conficker Worm.
    Mahdi Tehrani   |  
    Please click on Propose As Answer or to mark this post as
    and helpful for other people.
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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  • Service accounts locked out issue.

    While monitoring production servers, I noticed that all the Host Instances were stopped. In the Event log, I could see several Account Locked notifications (Service accounts for Hosts). Below are the relevant error messages that I could see in the event
    log for this exception.
    "The BTSSvc$My_Host service was unable to log on as mydomain\SvcAccount with the currently configured password due to the following error:
    The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to."
    "Windows saved user mydomain\SvcAccount registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.
    This is often caused by services running as a user account, try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account."
    I am not able to figure out the root cause and the possible remedy. Please let me know your thoughts about the issue.
    Thanks and Regards,

    If this is the first time this has occured then it is possible that someone did change the service account passwords. Can you logon onto the BizTalk Machine using the Account & Password? If someone has changed the passwords you will need to go to each
    machine, services.mmc and manually enter the password for each of the affected services.
    If this is a recurring problem, it may be because of a Downadup.B infection and you'd need to take it up with the AntiVirus control team to help identify/rectify this.

  • Notify of an account locked out?

    Hi all.
    How can I get an alert when an account gets locked out?
    (Need to alert on event ID 644)

    Thanks for the info.
    However, I did create the monitor rule before I posted. Perhaps I created it with the wrong "target"? I have it as showing up in "AD DC & GC Server role (Windows 2003 Server)" assuming that I'd want to see the event ID 644 from the Security log from a DC as a critical error and show me the notification in the [Monitoring] window and (because I have e-mail notifications on for Critical events) I'd get an e-mail as well.
    Thanks for any pointers you can provide.

  • User account locked out in IAS Server.

    Windows Server 2003 stand-alone with IAS Server working as a RADIUS Server for WIFI connections.
    There is a domain user account that keeps locking out randomly a few times a day.
    This user account doesn't show up within the IAS server log file.
    The Audit Policy is enabled in the w2k3 server for Succes, Failure and the events below comes up for every locking,
    The Caller User Name is the IAS Server machine account.
    I had to enable in the DCs the Netlogon debug mode to get the lock outs source, that turns out to be the IAS Server.
    This is quite strange as I can't find the user account within the IAS Server log.
    Could anybody clues me in on this issue?
    Thak you.

    it seems to me the user is logged on to some computer with an expired password. The computer attempts to connect to wifi and thus authenticate using the users expired credentials.
    Ask the user to reboot all of the computers he uses. If the problem persists, check if the user has open sessions on other machines and check the configuration of the wireless network on the client.

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