Windows Media Player & Itunes...Why Such a Problem?

can't transfer my vast amount of songs from Window's to Itunes due to a WMA format. Any way around this or do i have to burn several CD's and add them directly to Itunes? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Welcome to Apple Discussions.
How do you transfer your WMA songs into iTunes? If the WMA songs are unprotected, then dragging them into the iTunes Library will do. If the songs are protected (e.g. bought from internet services such as Napster) then yes, you will have to burn the songs as audio CDs and then rip them in iTunes.
You may also consider a new software called Tunebite which claims to be able to convert protected WMA songs to unprotected MP3 songs.

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    Delete and redownload them if doing so is free in your country.

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    Thank you so much for replying.
    Yes I have removed and reinstalled WMP.
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    John sometimes a file will change your audio output. This will manifest itself in having no audio in certain applications. Try this navigate from Applications->Utilities->Audio MIDI Setup-> open it up and in the lower right hand corner you should see Audio Output from there you should see a source that should read Internal speakers (if that's what you're using) and Format which should be set at 44100.0 Hz
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    Sure, why not?
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    It is hard to know, except that CD-Rs are finicky.
    However, if WMP can handle, rip it in WMP and then add the files to your iTunes library using the command File > Add Folder to LIbrary.
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    click on File right at the top corner of the screen and a menu appears from which you choose add file or folder.
    I'd also suggest you change your preferences to keep your iTunes library organised, To do that choose Edit at the top of the screen, then click on preferences at the bottom of the list.  There's a row of icons with words below them, you need the last one 'advanced'.  Tick the box against Keep iTunes Media Folder Organised and the one against Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library - which will ensure any music or video you add to your computer by importing it into itunes will go into folders within the iTunes Folders on your computer.
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    Unfortunately it sounds as though you ripped your CDs in WMA format with the copy protect box checked.
    This means that your WMA files are copy protected and there is no way out of this in WMP except to re-rip your CDs.
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    You'll first need to add the MP3s to your iTunes library since the iPod is not compatible with Windows Media Player. You can use, for example, the File > Add to Library menu to do this.

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    As WMP is not a DVD player, my suggestion would be to tell your clients to never use WMP.All our DVD discs go out with a warning not to allow WMP to be used.
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