Wine with wglShareLists?

Could someone make a PKGBUILD for wine with the patch provided on this page:

punkrockguy318 wrote:Which works more effeciantly:  Wine with windows, or wine without windows?
I have the latest wine installed.  I do not use the "Wine with Windows Installation".  I believe that part of the install script branch will just use some of your ".dll" and ".exe" files from the Windows partition.
In my case, I just download the ".dll" files from as I need them.  I set the debug environment variable when fine tuning apps, and it will spit out the ".dll" files it's looking for.  Then, I just download that ".dll" from that website and throw it in the "c:/windows/system" path.  It removes those warnings from the debug output next time I run that app.
As far as efficiency, that question is a "catch 22".  When you use the actual ".dll" files and such from Windows itself, naturally, they should work more efficiently than a reverse engineered emulation lib.  However, you run the risk of breaking the Wine API by using the native Window ".dll" files.  So, breaking the Wine emulator for "efficiency" is hardly efficient.   But, even then, you can specify for each individual app whether or not to use native or built-in ".dll" files and such in your config file.
The moral of that story is...keep a fresh Wine only installation, and tinker with adding native ".dll" files and such as you see fit.  Then, when it breaks, you can pinpoint the problem to using one specific file.  That's what I do and it gives me the flexibility/performance I need, and it's much simpler IMHO.

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    Last edited by LucetLux (2015-01-24 17:15:43)

    First of all thanks for your suggestions.
    @ackalker I already have that enabled, I kind of said it in the first post , I might end up in the IRC channel if I can't get it working, but I thought looking here first was a better starting point, since I'm looking to get the thing to work on arch anyway.
    About the IRC log, I already checked that out, the thing is, that is about gallium-nine and some patching around quite some time before it was integrated into mainstream mesa, I could look into getting the unofficial version to run, but since d3d9 support is now in mesa I thought it wouldn't be necessary.
    @smirky I don't know how that would be that much different from just making it without installing and running it from that same folder which is what I did, I tried it anyway, compilation took like 10 times as long for some reason, I still get the same messages after that.
    I've gotta say that I'm rather impressed, getting d3d9 to work natively on linux is no easy feat, for what is essentially an initial release this is quite promising, even if there still are a lot of bugs in it and performance is still not as good as on windows and if it is realistically only useful for wine, we are likely going to be stuck with crappy ports (the fact that the first release of this is already surpassing a lot of "native" ports in performance is just telling of how much work really goes into linux ports) and tons of windows-exclusive releases for a while, that's without mentioning legacy support for thousands of d3dx9 games and applications in general.
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    S.b. could provide it?

    I see.......thank you for the response.  I wondered if I had to compile for the chroot or simply use pacman -Syu.  That is indeed a large advantage. 
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    property pdf_name
    on beginSprite me
      Initialize me
    end beginSprite
    on Initialize me
    end Initialize
    on mouseUp me
      fxObj = xtra("FileXtra4").new()
      if the platForm contains "win" then
        pdf_path=the moviepath &"material\"& pdf_name
        pdf_path=the moviepath &"material:"& pdf_name
      end if
    on getPropertyDescriptionList me
      return \
    #pdf_name: \
      #comment: "Name of the file to open:", \
      #format:  #string, \
      #default: "___.pdf" \
    end getPropertyDescriptionList
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    fxObj = xtra("FileXtra4").new()
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    2) I put all these files into folder C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Director 11\Configuration\Xtras\FileXtra4, but also into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Director 11\Configuration\Cross Platform Resources\Macintosh\Xtras
    3) I renamed the "Filextra4" file for Mac into, FileXtra4.rsrc and FileXtra4.cpio and put them into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Director 11\Configuration\Cross Platform Resources\Macintosh\Xtras
    4) I added the line [#namePPC:"FileXtra4",         #nameW32:"FileXtra4.X32"] into XtraInfo.txt
    but none of these steps worked.
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    Thank you in advance.

    Which version of Director are you using?  If you are using Director 11 or 11.5, then FileXtra4 will not work on Macs.  And it will not always work on PC.  This xtra was never updated when DIrector's format changed in Dir 11.
    If you are using Directo MX 2004 or earlier, then you should be able to simply download the Mac version of the xtra from the site and unpack it ON A MAC.  Put it in an external xtras folder (where the xtras folder is in the same folder as the projector).  Then burn the files (again, on a Mac).  If you ever put the unpacked Mac xtras onto a PC filesystem, then they will no longer work.

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    You know which publication item is being processed. From mobileadmin.C$all_publications you can pick up the schema name, object name and template query. You can then use this to compare the current server data against the incoming data

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    HW Specs:
    Drive: G-Drive Mobile USB/FW 750GB

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  • [request] Wine with DX9 patches

    Can someone please, make a PKGBUILD for wine 0.9.52 with DX 9 Patches,
    Thanks in advance

    I made a PKGBUILD for wine 0.9.52, but i still don't know if it includes the direct x patches
    #canistra [email protected]
    pkgdesc="Interperenter for the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs"
    depends=('freetype2' 'fontconfig' 'libjpeg' 'libungif' 'alsa-lib' 'glut' 'libldap' 'libxslt' 'lcms' 'libxxf86dga'
    'freeglut' 'libxinerama' 'libxcursor' 'libxrandr' 'libxrender' 'libxdamage' )
    #md5sums=('b0fd553e2f11fe7553ac1717797befe6' 'f9a03e920ae59c9cb1d7f7175e9f7755')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-opengl --with-x
    make depend || return 1
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install || return 1
    # expand conflicts with textutils ( doesn't exist anymore ? )
    # mv $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/expand $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/wine-expand || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/wine
    # mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/profile.d
    # cp -r $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/documentation/samples $startdir/pkg/etc/wine

  • Wine with d3d command stream patches

    i created pkgbuild for those who want to try it out
    git: … -d3dstream
    aur git build:
    read about it: … 01106.html
    also dont forget to add the registry key
    HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/CSMT =
    CSMT=enabled: … nabled.png
    CSMT=disabled: … sabled.png
    more benchmarks (with my 660TI this time):
    and new video with SimpleScreenRecorder:
    Last edited by xpander (2014-01-13 13:15:22)

    progandy wrote:Why that?
    It is just as easy as your method, so I don't see a problem (since everything is being done by hand; updating the sums from a script would be another story).
    progandy wrote:And use a loop with ls to applay the patches, it will be shorter.
    Why *that*?
    What you want is globs:
    for f in "$srcdir"/*.patch; do
    patch -p1 <"$f"
    I tested it with Starcraft II a couple of days ago and unfortunately I didn't notice any differences. I had a replay with a lot of units on the screen at the end of the game, and I just watched this one scene with various Wine configurations. Vanilla gave me ~20 fps on two cores and ~24 with one (using taskset), and it was the same with these patches applied. With the older patch for Nvidia and __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 it jumped to 30-35 fps.
    Maybe it's because of my CPU; it would be great to see other people reporting their experiences. I'll try to test my config today/tomorrow (more extensively this time).

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    I would be grateful for any ideas as to how to fix this.

    What have you tried for session recovery so far?
    3MB is quite large and may well indicate some corruption. Still, since as you can see it is largely text, you often can extract the URLs. Doing that by hand would be arduous...
    I assume you have seen the following links in other threads mentioning data mining techniques to rescue the URLs from the sessionstore.js or sessionstore.bak file:
    * Using Firefox's Browser Console (formerly known as Error Console):
    * Using Firefox developer tool "Scratchpad":
    * Using a third party website:
    Do any of those work on your file(s)?

  • [solved] Wine with 3D under 32 Bit chroot - any how2 ?

    Hi fellow archers,
    I have set up a 32 Bit change root as discribed in the wiki here: … _in_Arch64
    The installation and configuration worked pretty straight forward. Unfortunately WINE doesn't find 3D acceleration. I installed Mesa inside the chroot but it lists softwaremode for the renderer when I do a glxinfo.
    Do I need to follow the ATI guide in the wiki and install some libs like this ?
    pacman -S libgl ati-dri
    Or do I need to completely build Mesa within the 32 bit chroot ?
    Last edited by Darksoul71 (2010-04-16 20:48:48)

    You're welcome If you don't have a wiki account, just register one and you should be able to edit the page you want. It's a wiki, after all.
    Darksoul71 wrote:
    BTW: A CDROM mounted inside the chroot seems to be accessed different from being mounted inside the native linux environment.
    At least Starcraft tells me that the original CD is not inserted although it is my original CD is inserted in the DVD drive. Under 64 Bit Ubuntu 9.04 works fine with WINE and the original CD.
    Do I have to change my mounting approach ?
    First of all: Do you use schroot and have your --bind mounts set up properly?
    The Arch Linux Wiki wrote:mount --bind /proc /opt/arch32/proc
            mount --bind /proc/bus/usb /opt/arch32/proc/bus/usb
            mount --bind /dev /opt/arch32/dev
            mount --bind /dev/pts /opt/arch32/dev/pts
            mount --bind /dev/shm /opt/arch32/dev/shm
            mount --bind /sys /opt/arch32/sys
            mount --bind /tmp /opt/arch32/tmp
            mount --bind /home /opt/arch32/home
    You can just add the path to your arch32 rc.d script (if you use that) or to mount-arch32 (if you use schroot), e.g.
    mount --bind /media/cd /opt/arch32/media/cd
    Anyways, CD checks are a weird matter with wine… I can't get Warcraft III to recognize the CD either, so I'd just cross my fingers

  • Help!!! Designer/Repository 6i install fails on Win with 8i

    I get the following error when trying to install
    Designer/Repository on Windows 2000 with 8i enterprise (8.1.7):
    Orainst.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows.
    You will need to restart the program. An error log is being
    created. Where do I find the error log? Is it oraninst.log?
    There is no error in that file. What do I do?

    I have the same problem. It is sad that no one got back to you
    I get the following error when trying to install >Designer/Repository on Windows 2000 with 8i enterprise (8.1.7):
    Orainst.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows.
    You will need to restart the program. An error log is being
    created. Where do I find the error log? Is it oraninst.log?
    There is no error in that file. What do I do?

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    I have Paralell Desktop installed. When i look in the Devices in the menu it´s there but when i click on it, i get a errormessage like "it´s been used by another application"!!
    Anyone know this?
    Tnx in advanced//Mats
    MacBookPro   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   2,2ghz, 2gb ram

    Tnx for answering!
    I have just done so but I thought there were mac-users who could answer this aswell. The problem is that the mac OS discovers the dongle but it does not show up on the desktop.
    Talked to the support today but they couldn´t help.
    Tnx again/Mats

  • Photoshop CS3 in wine with awesomewm.

    This has been happening for a while, and it's rather annoying. Every time I hover something, it moves like 3 pixes to the right and down. This includes the workspace window, the toolox, and all other windows (Character, Color palette, etc).
    I've searched and searched and can't seem to find anything.

    Try the AwesomeWM mailing list, they're very helpful.

  • [SOLVED] Trouble With Age of Empires 2 / Conquerors in Wine

    As the title indicates I'm trying to install and run Age of Empires 2 and the expansion Conquerors, with Wine. Looks like it should work: … n&iId=4184
    So first I installed wine and the video driver like this...
    pacman -Sy wine wine_gecko lib32-intel-dri
    Then, for each iso I mounted it to a new folder and ran the install file on the image with wine. Here's how I mounted each iso...
    mount -o loop aoe.iso /mnt/mydisk
    Installation of both AOE2 and the Conquerors seemed to work fine. But then when I attempted to play the game from the installation menu, popping up a "Program Error" that "the program age2_x1.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close." If I run AOCSETUP.EXE from the mounted iso right now, the main menu (with options "Play", "Add/Remove", "Web Connection", and "Register online") shows up but clicking "play" results in the same error. I've tried removing the dpwsockx.dll file that WineHQ mentions but it makes no difference.
    I also tried loading wine with the option for Intel graphics, but had the same error as well as the following error in the console...
    [karam@nikolai mydisk]$ env LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/lib32/xorg/modules/dri wine AOCSETUP.EXE
    err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winemp3.acm": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winemp3.acm": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [karam@nikolai mydisk]$ fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
    fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
    fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
    fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
    fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
    fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
    wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0xcf8672fe at address 0x40d774 (thread 003b), starting debugger...
    [karam@nikolai mydisk]$
    Does anyone have any ideas?...
    Last edited by tony5429 (2011-11-09 04:43:40)

    Are you on x86_64? Might wanna run WINEARCH=win32 winecfg (wiki entry for winearch). WINE works with the video drivers that you use for xorg not sure if you really need to specify that intel-dri driver.
    Another thing that works quite well for me is make sure the current working directory is the game directory, then use wine to run the .exe. I recently installed Anachronox and if I try to launch it from outside the game directory i get missing dll errors also, even though the dlls are present in the game directory.
    Also did you follow the following How-To steps on the WINE game page?
        The game must be set to Windows 2000 compatibility. (seems to play equally well with XP mode too, though.)
        This game requires a NoCD patch to run. (you can play using aocsetup.exe from the cd, if you can’t afford to NoCD)
        If the game wont start (and wine hasn’t hang up(pkill wine && pkill exe)), either remove dpwsockx.dll from your system32 folder or follow the steps for multi-player below. ¹
    Last edited by KingX (2011-11-01 08:25:10)

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