Wireless backups of iPhone4 and iPad2 to time capsule?

Is this possible?  If not, it should be.  Apple is describing how iCloud gets all your content to all your devices without the need for a computer.  However, if you want to make a true backup -- the kind you can restore from in iTunes -- I still see a requirement for a computer.  Anybody have any insight into this issue?
Thanks, JM

Mac yes.. that is Time Machine built into every Mac since 10.5 OS
The iphone and ipad backup to itunes.. which then is backed up by Time Machine to the Time Capsule.
The idea of the iOS devices is to remove the file layer.. but you can download a file app for iOS which will allow you to copy files directly to the TC.

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    Mac yes.. that is Time Machine built into every Mac since 10.5 OS
    The iphone and ipad backup to itunes.. which then is backed up by Time Machine to the Time Capsule.
    The idea of the iOS devices is to remove the file layer.. but you can download a file app for iOS which will allow you to copy files directly to the TC.

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    iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad back up only to iTunes on your computer or to iCloud. More details on backups here:
    If you backup the iOS devices to iTunes, then iTunes in turn backs up to the Time Capsule using Time Machine.

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    The solution is filebrowser app for ipad. Filebrowser is like finder in osx.

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    The external drive must be connected to the Mac using either USB or FireWire
    You must remove the external hard drive from the list of items that are "excluded" from backups in Time Machine Preferences.
    Here's how:
    Open System Preferences (gear icon on the dock)
    Open Time Machine
    Click Options
    Look for the name of the hard drive in the list of "excluded" items and click on it to highlight it
    Click the -- (minus) button at the bottom of the list to remove the hard drive from the list of "excluded" items....so it will now be backed up
    Strongly recommend that you do the first backup using Ethenret from your computer to the Time Capsule since the entire contents of the external drive will be copied on the first pass. Ethernet will be 3-5 faster than wireless.
    Once you have the first backup done, you can use wireless for subsequent backups since they will nornally be much smaller....unless you add large files to the external drive.

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    One thing that might work is .... Go to the purchased tab in the app store. Tap on an app that needs an update. That will take you to the app description page. Tap on the app icon in there and see if you can download the update. Could be very time consuming, but it might work.
    This is a recently talked about trick that might work. Its more for the "Cant' connect to the iTunes Store" issue, but you can try it.
    Go to Settings>General>Date and time. Change the date and time to some time in the future and see if that helps.
    Lastly, you can always update the apps in iTunes on your computer and them sync them to the iPad.

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    Time Machine has to completely index all of the old backups that are already on the Time Capsule before you can run a new backup successfully.
    That process is going to take a long time......probably 6-10 hours or more if your Mac is connected to the Time Capsule using a wired Ethernet connection.
    If the Mac connects using wireless, it may take a day or two for the process to complete depending on the speed of your connection and the amount of data that you already have on the Time Capsule.
    Wait a day or two for the indexing process to complete and then try to run a new backup again.

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    You can but the TC is the worst possible location. The design is slow to start and quick to stop data connections.. that will cause trouble.
    Moving folders has specific instructions.
    Move it to an external hard disk fine.. but be very sure you will not be happy with the TC as a location.

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    Make sure that no other Macs are backing up at the time
    Pull the power cord from the back of the Time Capsule
    Count to ten
    Plug the power cord back into the back of the Time Capsule
    Wait a few minutes, then try a backup again

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    You need to point out at which point you are failing.
    You do need the two TC plugged into each other by ethernet.. do not even dream of doing this over wireless. So a computer is plugged into the primary TC as well.. the secondary TC is in bridge mode.. you then simply copy and paste the sparsebundle from one TC to the next.
    IMHO this is not a good idea.. you are much better starting a new set of TM backups on the new TC.. keep the old TC for a few weeks to make sure there is nothing you need to recover then wipe it.
    There are also instructions in pondini if you insist on doing it.
    Transfer TM backups..
    Apple doco. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht5097
    Pondini doco http://pondini.org/TM/18.html
    The apple doco you have already tried.

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    See the info here about sharing or using the TC for data.
    Q3 http://pondini.org/TM/Time_Capsule.html
    It is extremely important you realise.. the Time Capsule was never designed for this.
    It is a backup target for Time Machine.. that is the software on the computer that does backups.. it has no direct connection to the Time Capsule.
    It has no ability to back itself up.. unlike all other NAS in the market. It is therefore likely one day you will lose all your files unless you seriously work out how to backup.
    The TC is slow to spin up the hard disk and fast to spin down. iTunes and iPhoto will continually lose connection to their respective libraries.
    iPhoto in particular is easy to corrupt when you move photos over wireless into the library.. once corrupted all is corrupt. A single photo will ruin it all.. so backup is utterly essential.
    Time Machine cannot do backups of network drives. ie the TC. You will need a different backup software like CCC. You will then need another target to backup to..

  • How many concurrent Time Machine backups can be run on one Time Capsule?

    I'm using a WD My Book Live (MBL) GbE NAS for the Time Machine backup for 2 MacBook (Pro and Air) over wireless-N.  It's very often the MBL gives "verification error" to one or even two Macbooks if both of them are doing Time Machine (TM) backup at the same time.  I want to see if the Time Capsule will be more reliable. 
    The Time Capsule 4th Generation is using a Western Digital WD20EARS 2TB Caviar Green SATA HDD ($79) which is slow in spindle speed (5400-rpm) and slow data transfer rate (Serial ATA-300), while the previous TC versions were using 7200-rpm HDD. 
    Apple said Number of Users can be supported by the TC 4th Gen is 50.  Does it meant that 50 concurrent Time Machine backup processes can be supported:
    1.     over the four GigaBit Ethernet ports?
    2.     over 802.11n simultaneous dual-band WiFi?
    How come I start getting "verification error" after I started adding 2 more backups to a TC used to backup just one MBP?

    The Time Capsule 4th Generation is using a Western Digital WD20EARS 2TB Caviar Green SATA HDD ($79) which is slow in spindle speed (5400-rpm) and slow data transfer rate (Serial ATA-300), while the previous TC versions were using 7200-rpm HDD. 
    That was the original release .. I am not sure now the ones you buy will be the same. Anyway the Gen1 Gen2 (identical boards) were 50% slower than the new TC Gen3 Gen4 (identical boards) They are processor bound.. you can put an SSD in the TC and the actual transfer speed will not improve.. so forget the disk.. it is faster than wireless by a long way.. a bit lacking for gigabit but file transfer for TM is not actually hugely fast as the TM process the files.
    Apple said Number of Users can be supported by the TC 4th Gen is 50.  Does it meant that 50 concurrent Time Machine backup processes can be supported:
    1.     over the four GigaBit Ethernet ports?
    2.     over 802.11n simultaneous dual-band WiFi?
    How come I start getting "verification error" after I started adding 2 more backups to a TC used to backup just one MBP?
    Concurrent users is internet.. and that is stretching things. There is no way 50 users can run TM at once.. the disk isn't big enough anyway.
    TC is designed for domestic setup.. 3 or 4 Macs.. would be fine.
    Your last point, I don't follow .. you stated it was a WD MBL not a TC.. and TM is really not known to work well on anything but a TC. WD disks connected to a non-apple router?? is hardly going to get apple support.. even an airport extreme with USB is not supported. TM is not reliable on airdisks.. so it doesn't surprise me if the MBL corrupts on a daily basis.
    Same can happen with any airdisk.
    But I have to say I don't think wireless has been great for TM reliability in later OS.. especially if you upgrade installed.. TM is pretty easy to corrupt itself. So you get lots of issues reported here with TM needing to wipe the old backups and start over.
    The older OS .. BTW I use 10.6.8 still is very reliable to a non-apple NAS. Everything went to pot with Lion and the new security level of AFP.

  • When I switch my time capsule to 5.0ghz mode the range of my wireless network drops significantly.  Near the Time Capsule my Macbook Pro works fine, in my bedroom I have almost no signal.  In mixed mode it works fine.  Any ideas on how to get 5.0 working?

    When I switch my time capsule to 5.0ghz mode the range of my wireless network drops significantly.  Near the Time Capsule my Macbook Pro works fine, in my bedroom I have almost no signal.  In mixed mode it works fine both placed.  Any ideas on how to get 5.0 working?  I thought 5.0Ghz was supposed to have a wider range.  Do I need to change a setting on the Macbook Pro?
    Thanks, W

    I'm not sure if you understand that 5 GHz has some upsides, but also some very significant downsides.
    The upside is that the 5 GHz signal will allow faster speeds.
    The downside is that you must always give up something in order to gain something else.Unfortunately, the marketing hype about 5 GHz does not go into very many details about this.
    In the case of 5 GHz, the 5 GHz signals are much weaker than 2.4 GHz signals, so they do not travel as far or penetrate any obstructions like walls or ceilings nearly as well as 2.4 GHz signals. In many cases, in order to get good 5 Ghz performance, you literally have to have almost a line-of-sight relationship between your computer and the wireless router.
    If you have a new dual band router, which broadcasts both a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz signal simutaneously, your Mac will connect to the best signal quality automatically depending on its location in relation to the router. In the same room, without any obstructions, it will connec to 5 GHz. But, take the laptop down the hall a few rooms and around the corner and the Mac will connect to the 2.4 GHz signal because at that location, the 2.4 GHz signal is not only stronger, it is also faster.

  • MacBook Air and problems with Time Capsule in 5GHz Radio Mode

    We have our Time Capsule configured to 802.11n only (5 GHz). We've done this to work more efficiently in a particularly noisy wireless area. The problem is that the MacBook Air can't maintain a connection to it and when it loses the connection, the wireless interface seems to disappear from the Mac altogether - the wireless status indicator just shows an empty cone. The only solution is a restart. Sometimes it loses the connection after a couple of hours, sometimes within minutes, though it always goes eventually. All other machines on the network are fine, and switching the Time Capsule to 802.11n only (2.4 GHz) solves the problem, though there's a lot of noise at that frequency and our network performance as a whole suffers.
    I know there's similar threads around dealing with the MBA and wireless issues (I've tried all the solutions vaguely related, e.g. deleting and recreating the wireless interface), though none that deal with this specific problem, which I'm convinced is caused by the radio mode of the Time Capsule.
    All software / firmware is the latest:
    MacBook Air 10.5.2 Wireless Card Firmware Veriosn Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Time Capsule Version 7.3.1
    I was hoping the recent firmware updates would sort this... any one else running a Time Capsule in 5GHz mode with a MacBook Air?

    I'm running my TC in 5ghz mode with my MBA. My original problem was the lack of signal strength coming from my AEBS caused the MBA to have a slow connection. There are a number of pipes in the wall that separates the two rooms where my MBA lives and the AEBS is.
    So, I hard wired the TC to the AEBS and placed the TC in the room where my MBA lives most of the time. Now that the signal strength is really good I'm not having any issues.

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