WL9.2: XA or nonXA Oracle 10g driver

In our application, we have to create different jdbc data sources ( due to different software from vendors, we can't change this).
These data sources connect to the same Oracle 10g schema on the same Oracle server. And we'll have global transactions across the different data sources.
My question is, should we use XA or nonXA driver?
and a minor question: Bea driver or Oracle driver?
Thank you.

any expert for help?
it seems XA driver is a safe choice, but since it is not 2 different databases and schemas, but just different datasources. is XA driver necessary?

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  • Bizzare behavior with oracle 10g driver

    Hello - we are seeing some very strange behavior using the oracle 10g driver (version I'll briefly describe the problem and then show a code example of our test. We are sending in a prepared statement against the primary key of a table with an in clause of 300 string values. When we iterate over the result set we consistantly only get 256 rows returned. But when we send in a prepared statement with only one bind variable (but do this 300 seperate times) the result set is complete. If we use the oracle 9i driver, all 300 are returned as expected. The database is 10g. Here is what our test looks like:
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    * Thomson West
    * User: Tom Killeen
    * Date: Feb 28, 2006
    public class OracleTest
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    String prodUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@myDatabase";
    String singleSql = "select * from case where case_uuid = ?";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(prodUrl, "scott", "tiger");
    PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(singleSql);
    InputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:/Java/projects/MetadataService/mainline/test/query/xml/300ProdUuids.txt");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
    String uuid = null;
    int rsCount = 0;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    System.out.println("find individually");
    while ((uuid = br.readLine()) != null)
    ps.setString(1, uuid);
    rs = ps.executeQuery();
    while (rs.next())
    System.out.println("idv " + rsCount + ": " + rs.getString("case_uuid"));
    StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
    sql.append("select * from case where case_uuid in (");
    for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
    if (i < 299)
    ps = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
    in = new FileInputStream("C:/Java/projects/MetadataService/mainline/test/query/xml/300ProdUuids.txt");
    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
    uuid = null;
    int bindCount = 1;
    System.out.println("binding variables");
    while ((uuid = br.readLine()) != null)
    System.out.println("bc " + bindCount + " : " + uuid);
    ps.setString(bindCount, uuid);
    rs = ps.executeQuery();
    int rsCounter = 0;
    System.out.println("iterating rs");
    while (rs.next())
    System.out.println("rs " + rsCounter + ": " + rs.getString("case_uuid"));
    Here is the output from running our test. Notice that the last line has a count of 256 for the result set.
    Has anyone seen anything like this?
    find individually
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    idv 281: I00080dd0721011d7bffff83f52289667
    idv 282: I000812a071b411d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    idv 283: I00081af0726a11d7b100a463f186e11d
    idv 284: I00082b20745011d7a658bf569bf0de0b
    idv 285: I00084300725f11d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    idv 286: I0008449072c311d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    idv 287: I000861b0726d11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    idv 288: I0008644072c611d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    idv 289: I000864b0724c11d78347daa8ede63acd
    idv 290: I00087d7071d811d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    idv 291: I00087d70744911d7afb9df8873fee31a
    idv 292: I000886f072a811d787c8f80b08d85a21
    idv 293: I00088cf0726611d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    idv 294: I00088e90747711d7a94bace56a9eba1c
    idv 295: I000890b072d911d787c8f80b08d85a21
    idv 296: I000896f071f811d78347daa8ede63acd
    idv 297: I0008a3a072cc11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
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    idv 299: I0008b170747e11d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    idv 300: I0008b26072c611d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    select * from case where case_uuid in (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
    binding variables
    bc 1 : I00000670722f11d7bffff83f52289667
    bc 2 : I000010a071e611d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    bc 3 : I0000192072c111d7b100a463f186e11d
    bc 4 : I00001b90723111d7ab54daa4035d65fa
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    bc 295 : I000890b072d911d787c8f80b08d85a21
    bc 296 : I000896f071f811d78347daa8ede63acd
    bc 297 : I0008a3a072cc11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    bc 298 : I0008ad1071ef11d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    bc 299 : I0008b170747e11d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    bc 300 : I0008b26072c611d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    iterating rs
    rs 1: I000147f0743d11d79a8ab5f5a94ee96e
    rs 2: I00014850721611d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 3: I000148b0726011d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 4: I00014d2071ba11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 5: I0001593072e311d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 6: I00015d70721811d7880af2b8a7a150bc
    rs 7: I000162a0720611d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 8: I00016340154411d894849fe41a758d3e
    rs 9: I00016a90727211d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 10: I0001713071db11d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 11: I00017de072af11d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 12: I000183c0ff1e11d79d93859d09cad35e
    rs 13: I00018680720211d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 14: I00018fe071e911d7bffff83f52289667
    rs 15: I000190b0154c11d8a6f0ebf54ed20c72
    rs 16: I0001921071f811d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 17: I0001943072cb11d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 18: I00019500729b11d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 19: I0001a1d0745811d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    rs 20: I0001a3d071d111d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 21: I0001a8e042cc11d8bfb1c5b53ee7b122
    rs 22: I0001aa0071b411d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 23: I0001c940b1ab11d7ad3ab23fa36e24eb
    rs 24: I0001dc60724911d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 25: I0001f050723111d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 26: I0001f080725611d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 27: I0001f980746411d7a94bace56a9eba1c
    rs 28: I0001fa10726211d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 29: I0001fe70728011d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 30: I0001ffe071fb11d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 31: I0002010072d911d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 32: I0002084071ed11d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 33: I000220f0723d11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 34: I00022c4072d211d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 35: I00022cf0154c11d89b2cb73750577cdc
    rs 36: I00022f4072b111d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 37: I00023550a76111d79a3e000874f30b44
    rs 38: I00024ad0746811d79a8ab5f5a94ee96e
    rs 39: I00024b02a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 40: I00025ef0720411d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 41: I00026d40727811d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 42: I00026d80a2ad11d79bff000874f30b44
    rs 43: I00027080742911d79d2ef02eee90521e
    rs 44: I0002721aa5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 45: I00027280741311d7b44cec793782d444
    rs 46: I00028050147611d895d6f30359ceb780
    rs 47: I000286c0729811d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 48: I00028830721311d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 49: I00029920a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 50: I0002a0b0723e11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 51: I0002a3a072e111d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 52: I0002a48071ed11d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 53: I0002a940725511d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 54: I0002b8c072e311d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 55: I0002ba00723911d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 56: I0002c034a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 57: I0002c2f0729a11d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 58: I0002c2f0729a11d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 59: I0002c4f0728411d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 60: I0002cf9071c111d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 61: I0002dfe0721f11d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 62: I0002e8a0725b11d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 63: I0002f5a0743d11d797e5f7f2fcbea176
    rs 64: I0002fd2072b211d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 65: I0003003071cd11d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 66: I00030a8074de11d79453d3af27410a27
    rs 67: I00030b1072dc11d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 68: I000318e0721d11d7880af2b8a7a150bc
    rs 69: I00032630729c11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 70: I00032e60726911d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 71: I00033230721811d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 72: I00033600743811d7a658bf569bf0de0b
    rs 73: I00033730745211d79d2ef02eee90521e
    rs 74: I000341f0f36c11d7993aa96b44857ca1
    rs 75: I00034270b79611d7817fb05730618d2c
    rs 76: I0003429071b211d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 77: I00034e80746311d7afb9df8873fee31a
    rs 78: I0003507072a011d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 79: I00035f40744711d79d2ef02eee90521e
    rs 80: I00037420727711d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 81: I00037d20721411d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 82: I00037dc0743011d79d2ef02eee90521e
    rs 83: I00038970729e11d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 84: I00038ab071f411d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 85: I0003921071f111d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 86: I0003a860720d11d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 87: I0003aa5072bb11d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 88: I0003aa99a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 89: I0003ac5072a511d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 90: I0003b720747811d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    rs 91: I0003b7b0727611d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 92: I0003bb10729f11d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 93: I0003c5d072c511d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 94: I0003d19072e011d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 95: I0003d1a4a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 96: I0003d1a6a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 97: I0003d1a8a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 98: I0003d53074db11d7b5dbefdbeac7aa0d
    rs 99: I0003d560728f11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 100: I0003d5c072d911d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 101: I0003ec20723111d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 102: I0003f2b0725e11d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 103: I0003f54072b711d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 104: I0003f8b0a5ba11d8860ea464f39e833e
    rs 105: I0003fa50742d11d79b9bc4eeac1c0b2d
    rs 106: I0003feb071da11d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 107: I000405d0160911d88becacb69499ad1d
    rs 108: I00040950060411d88297fc19561b6a07
    rs 109: I00040ed0721311d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 110: I00041660723511d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 111: I00041830746b11d797e5f7f2fcbea176
    rs 112: I00041cc0723d11d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 113: I000420f0723611d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 114: I000426c071cf11d7880af2b8a7a150bc
    rs 115: I00043970726111d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 116: I00043af0c41a11d7858789f8f41f469f
    rs 117: I0004401071ca11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 118: I000452c0725c11d7bffff83f52289667
    rs 119: I000462d08bc311d7bb8d85f0ac71b1f3
    rs 120: I00047040725011d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 121: I000470a0729a11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 122: I0004773072c711d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 123: I0004794071ed11d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 124: I00048290729811d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 125: I00049af071da11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 126: I0004b040720111d7880af2b8a7a150bc
    rs 127: I0004b4a0721f11d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 128: I0004b9702b4f11d8a0409604c12e4f92
    rs 129: I0004bb7071ad11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 130: I0004c3c0726311d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 131: I0004cb90745711d7a658bf569bf0de0b
    rs 132: I0004d490067011d8b893f65b4e54826b
    rs 133: I0004d780749711d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    rs 134: I0004dc10726911d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 135: I0004de70729d11d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 136: I0004e040726211d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 137: I0004e71071f011d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 138: I0004ed70746911d79a8ab5f5a94ee96e
    rs 139: I0004ef7071e211d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 140: I0004f09072c011d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 141: I0004f0a071fc11d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 142: I0004f240879511d79cf082a8a526bdf9
    rs 143: I0004f3a0744c11d7b433bc7aed88dbc8
    rs 144: I0004f490729411d7bffff83f52289667
    rs 145: I0004fb90724711d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 146: I00050b20721111d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 147: I00050e2071f011d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 148: I00050e20746111d79b9bc4eeac1c0b2d
    rs 149: I00051380747411d7afb9df8873fee31a
    rs 150: I000518a072b511d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 151: I000518e0721611d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 152: I00052800725a11d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 153: I00052f00720d11d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 154: I00053200745d11d79a8ab5f5a94ee96e
    rs 155: I00053e90268111d886bdfb192a64ac56
    rs 156: I00054420859711d79001d96d270a074a
    rs 157: I000546f071c911d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 158: I000562c072e111d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 159: I00056d109f7311d7b07dff332e990446
    rs 160: I00056d30746a11d797e5f7f2fcbea176
    rs 161: I00056f30745411d79c33f30f55d9158b
    rs 162: I00057820724411d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 163: I00057980728311d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 164: I000580e0728011d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 165: I00058271efc011d897339e11b9afd716
    rs 166: I00058d7074dc11d7b371e3b03459763a
    rs 167: I0005944071f911d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 168: I00059910879611d7b396e0d633b35241
    rs 169: I00059ca071eb11d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 170: I00059fd0746011d7b433bc7aed88dbc8
    rs 171: I0005a981efc011d897339e11b9afd716
    rs 172: I0005aaa0eb6311d7b52ae3604baa5d0f
    rs 173: I0005ad60744011d7a94bace56a9eba1c
    rs 174: I0005ae20726311d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 175: I0005b9f071ba11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 176: I0005bc001e3711d891fbd2c50ca57005
    rs 177: I0005c8b071b411d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 178: I0005dc2072da11d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 179: I0005f7a4efc011d897339e11b9afd716
    rs 180: I0005f9e0722f11d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 181: I0006073072ae11d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 182: I00061530133611d8aac7dbcabbf65311
    rs 183: I000627f071e211d7a07084608af77b15
    rs 184: I00062d80721a11d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 185: I000633a072c111d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 186: I000635b0745811d789fed0d41f30a68d
    rs 187: I00063b3072e311d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 188: I00063bd0728e11d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 189: I00063e4071fe11d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 190: I000643d0723611d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 191: I00064b5000b611d88508fb717bde6c05
    rs 192: I00065a80729c11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 193: I00066a5071c711d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 194: I00066d50741711d79b9bc4eeac1c0b2d
    rs 195: I000672e071de11d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 196: I000676e071b211d7880af2b8a7a150bc
    rs 197: I00067a70747111d7a94bace56a9eba1c
    rs 198: I00068860722a11d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 199: I0006a450742b11d7abd288e162f1ee6f
    rs 200: I0006ba7071b111d7bffff83f52289667
    rs 201: I0006c930a76111d78cb8000874f30b44
    rs 202: I0006da10923511d78b148831b06d9b3e
    rs 203: I0006dc10726211d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 204: I0006e6a0726311d7ab54daa4035d65fa
    rs 205: I0006ef70744c11d79d2ef02eee90521e
    rs 206: I0006f070744111d7abd288e162f1ee6f
    rs 207: I0006fa0071dc11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 208: I0006fc60859811d78984a55bb4517c0f
    rs 209: I000708d7044011da9439b076ef9ec4de
    rs 210: I00071b70726811d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 211: I00071f40748811d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    rs 212: I00072210f0c511d78788db544ffe8b12
    rs 213: I00072600726911d7bffff83f52289667
    rs 214: I00073890748311d7afb9df8873fee31a
    rs 215: I000746a0d4cd11d79c5ab0511e0c5824
    rs 216: I00077420726911d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 217: I000775b072cd11d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 218: I0007802071e511d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 219: I0007974071d111d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 220: I0007a8c0724911d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 221: I0007aa30743511d7aea3a34f2eb4052a
    rs 222: I0007b280727a11d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 223: I0007b3f0746611d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    rs 224: I0007b520748011d7afb9df8873fee31a
    rs 225: I0007bf10726511d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 226: I0007cd1071cb11d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 227: I0007d000726e11d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 228: I0007d29833ff11d986b0aa9c82c164c0
    rs 229: I0007d34071ae11d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 230: I0007d730724611d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 231: I0007de3071f911d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 232: I0007e13071d811d796fabc35f7796f7a
    rs 233: I0007e850727411d78bcee6281d031f02
    rs 234: I0007f1f0742d11d79a8ab5f5a94ee96e
    rs 235: I0007f54072a911d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 236: I0007f620154811d8b8fd999a64bcc6ae
    rs 237: I00080dd0721011d7bffff83f52289667
    rs 238: I000812a071b411d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 239: I00081af0726a11d7b100a463f186e11d
    rs 240: I00082b20745011d7a658bf569bf0de0b
    rs 241: I00084300725f11d7ba84e3942a4b620d
    rs 242: I0008449072c311d78ef88cd3014a7f23
    rs 243: I000861b0726d11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 244: I0008644072c611d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 245: I000864b0724c11d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 246: I00087d7071d811d7b0409d11d16b6b13
    rs 247: I00087d70744911d7afb9df8873fee31a
    rs 248: I000886f072a811d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 249: I00088cf0726611d792e6e58f3e66f41c
    rs 250: I00088e90747711d7a94bace56a9eba1c
    rs 251: I000890b072d911d787c8f80b08d85a21
    rs 252: I000896f071f811d78347daa8ede63acd
    rs 253: I0008a3a072cc11d7a5a58ae19b0bc350
    rs 254: I0008ad1071ef11d7947cc0bc28d0837a
    rs 255: I0008b170747e11d79ccbd455e2fa80ef
    rs 256: I0008b26072c611d7ba84e3942a4b620d

    Thanks again for the input. One of our DBA's was also able to recreate the problem using the below PL/SQL script. He is going to open a TAR with Oracle. I'll post a message when we get a resolution.
    type dynamic_tc is ref cursor;
    v_rc dynamic_tc;
    sql_stmt varchar(3000);
    bindvariable varchar2(33) := 'I00000670722f11d7bffff83f52289667';
    v_case_uuid varchar2(33);
    v_rows number :=0;
    sql_stmt := 'select case_uuid from machv.case
    where case_uuid in (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11,:12,:13,:14,:15,
    open v_rc for sql_stmt using 'I00000670722f11d7bffff83f52289667',
    FETCH v_rc INTO v_case_uuid;
    WHILE v_rc%FOUND
    v_rows := v_rows +1;
    FETCH v_rc INTO v_case_uuid;
    CLOSE v_rc;
    end ;

  • Unsupport feature SQL exception ---JDK1.4 and oracle 10g driver

    here there,
    I got the unsupport feature SQLexeption, does anybody have any idea? JDK1.4 and oracle 10g driver should fully support JDBC 3.0. Am I right ?
    Thank you very much
    here is my snippet code,
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
              DatabaseMetaData data = con.getMetaData();
              int jdbcVersion = data.getJDBCMajorVersion();
    and here is the exception,
    java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:134)
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:179)
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:269)
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwUnsupportedFeatureSqlException(DBError.java:690)
         at oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData.getJDBCMajorVersion(OracleDatabaseMetaData.java:4061)
         at com.sbc.jdbc.ConnectionVersion.<init>(ConnectionVersion.java:36)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:80)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:44)
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:315)
         at org.eclipse.ve.internal.java.vce.launcher.remotevm.JavaBeansLauncher.main(JavaBeansLauncher.java:93)

    Works for me with Oracle 10g database, "ojdbc14.jar" JDBC driver (latest version -- -- downloaded from OTN) and JDK 1.4.2_07:
    conn = ods.getConnection();  // Using 'OracleDataSource'
    DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
    System.out.println("JDBC Major Version: " + dbmd.getJDBCMajorVersion());Above code prints out:
    JDBC Major Version: 10Good Luck,

  • MS Visual Studio 2005 + Oracle 10g = Cannot connect to ODBC error: 12154

    Hi there!
    I've read so many threads of same kind of problems but always some key elements seems to be missing so I cannot solve my problem with the solutions in those threads. So, I'll do my own.
    Our environment is...
    We have Oracle 8 database with all the data that we have. Now we have our new server, SQL Server 2005 installed and I am trying to transfer data from Oracle to SQL using MS Visual Studio 2005 using available ODBC drivers. System is Windows 2003 64Bit on intel based hardware.
    Current installations and settings
    I have installed Oracle 10g 32bit and 64bit to separate foldes. Then I made tnsnames and sqlnet files with right settings to specified folders and tested connection with tnsping <servername> command.
    Both, 64bit and 32bit connections are working. (Used 32bit CMD for 32bit connection test)
    I added Microsoft ODBC for Oracle as 32bit driver and Oracle 10g driver for 64bit environment as ODBC driver.
    Both environments uses same ODBC names: Myserver and Mytestserver
    First, when I only had 64bit version of ODBC, I had a warning which said that I am using incompatible version of ODBC driver. Then I read from here that I can install 32bit client also and use drivers from that on 32bit ODBC environment and get rid of that message.
    Tried to connect Oracle DB with SQL-Plus and it works.
    Visual studio 2005 SP2
    I have tried to use .Net Providers/Oracle Client dataprovider and .Net Providers for OleDB/Microsoft Old DB for Oracle and also .Net Providers for OldDB/Oracle provider for OldDB
    Frist two gives me an error: ORA-12154 TNS: Could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    Last one says that OraOldDB.oracle.1 is not registered on local machine
    I have absolutily no idea what I can try next?
    Anyone who has more ideas? Suggest anything. I might have tried that already, but give a shot anyway. :)
    Message was edited by:

    From where you got Oracle 10g driver for 64bit environment as ODBC driver. I am searching for the same.
    Are you got solution. I am facing same problem.
    Edited by: user3976154 on Sep 6, 2008 5:12 PM

  • Oracle 10G AS, Batch Update doesn't commit.

    We are using Batch uptdate to commit a set of records, but to our surprise one of the batches commits in DB and the other doesnt.
    The below pseudo code explains our scenario :
    String str1="INSERT INTO TBL1 (COL1,COL2) VALUES (?,?) ";
    String str2="UPDATE TBL2 SET COL1=? WHERE COL2=?";
    PreparedStatement pstmt1=conn.prepareStatement(str1);
    PreparedStatement pstmt2=conn.prepareStatement(str2);
    for(500 recs)
    On 500 Recs
    //This batch updates the DB and commits too
    //The Batch executes successfully, but updates are not reflected in DB,
    //which may mean that it must not be committing in DB
    - In the above, pstmt1 is an INSERT and pstmt2 is an UPDATE.
    - It so happens that at the end, DB reflects Inserts done by pstmt1, but it doesnt reflect the Updates of pstmt2.
    - We have also fired a SELECT stmt immediately after pstmt2 Execute Batch, but the updated values are not reflected.
    - Also the above scenario works absolutely fine if we use a STATEMENT instead of a PREPAREDSTATEMENT for pstmt2.
    Set up Details:
    App Server :: Oracle 10G AS for Linux 2.1,
    Database Driver :: Oracle 10G Driver which is bundled with Oracle 10G AS
    Database :: Oracle 9i
    Any ideas in this regards would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks !
    - Khyati
    Message was edited by:

    I think this is not the right forum for this question; probably a JDBC forum or one of the Oracle AS forums.

  • How to install Oracle 10g ODBC driver  for win 64 bit?

    I need to install Oracle 10g ODBC driver for win 64 bit, I donot know how to do that,
    where to find the driver....
    The driver 25-Apr-2006 2.1 MB isnot for 64 bits Win server 2003.

    Dear Sir,
    Yes, you can find the Driver here

  • Oracle 10g Express Edition Beta 3 ODBC Driver Always Crashes

    I find that if you set up an ODBC Data Source for Oracle 10g Express Edition on Windows XP SP2 using the "Oracle in XE" driver, anything that tries to access it will crash, even the Windows ODBC Data Source Administratior if you click the "Test Connection" button.
    Having clicked the button, you get a window coming up entitled "Oracle ODBC Driver" with a yellow exclamation mark in it, with no other text in the window except for an OK button.
    If you press OK, then it crashes and goes through the "Please tell Microsoft about this problem" process....

    Thanks for your comment, but I can't get onto the XE forum.
    I found http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/xe/forum.html which says:
    Forum registration is possible only by downloading and installing Oracle Database XE. After installation, click on the "Registration" link from the Database homepage.
    However I find that the "Database Homepage" does not exist.
    Choosing the Oracle XE "Go To Database Home Page" takes my browser to which is not available even though my oracle server is running and sqlplus can talk to it.
    There's definitely nothing serving on tcp port 8080, as follows:
    [dcampbel@clevo]~> telnet localhost 8080
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
    -- Dave

  • Oracle 10g ODBC driver with Windows 7 32 bit connecting to Excel

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm having an issue connecting to our oracle 10g database (64 bit system) from a 32 bit windows 7 installation running excel 2010/2007 using odbc drivers. Our excel spreadsheets worked without issue in windows xp.
    In windows 7 I have been able to install the odbc driver via the following method:
    1. Download the oracle 'basic' client and oracle 'odbc' client from www.oracle.com and extract the contents:
    2. Create a folder 'oracle' and place the instantclient_10_2 folder inside.
    3. Ensure all the basic and odbc files reside in this folder.
    4. Create a 'network' folder within instantclient_10_2
    5. Create an 'admin' folder within 'network'
    6. Create sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files within the 'admin' folder:
    7. Run 'obdc_install' within the instantclient_10_2 folder
    8. Download and run the oracle odbc driver exe file from www.oracle.com (ORA10203.exe)
    9. Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources and create a new System DN
    This allows excel spreadsheets connecting ONLY to oracle to function.
    Unfortunately some of our spreadsheets connect to both a MySQL database as well as oracle. Spreadsheets connecting only to MySQL also function correctly, however, as soon as the vb associated with a spreadsheet includes a mysql call followed by an oracle call the spreadsheets fail. In Excel 2007 excel crashes completely everytime. In Excel 2010 the mysql data is generated, then when the script hits to oracle odbc connection there is a long pause, the oracle ODBC driver connect pops up requesting a username/password (this didn't happen in xp), then the data source selection pops up, then the username/password connect screen pops up again, and finally it fails with a runtime error '1004' General ODBC error.
    If you look at the VB script it's failing at the Refresh BackgroundQuery statement in the ODBC connection block:
    With Worksheets("Oracle1").QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
    "ODBC;DSN=Oracle_ODBC;UID=user;PWD=password;SERVER=ORACLE_LINUX;", _
    .CommandText = strSql
    .Name = "Oracle1_data"
    .FieldNames = True
    .RowNumbers = False
    .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
    .PreserveFormatting = True
    .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
    .BackgroundQuery = True
    .RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells
    .SavePassword = True
    .SaveData = True
    .AdjustColumnWidth = True
    .RefreshPeriod = 0
    .PreserveColumnInfo = True
    .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With
    Does anyone know how to get around this? It's very important!!
    Also if you try to edit the oracle ODBC connections in Control Panels -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources, ODBC crashes 95% of the time.
    Advice greatly appreciated!!

    Well, here's what I'd check anyway..
    1) get Process Explorer from http://sysinternals.com
    2) make a mysql connection, get a list of dll's loaded (include the location and version columns in the lower pane output)
    3) close that, then make an ora odbc connection, get a list of dlls.
    4) close that, then make a mysql connection followed by an ora odbc connection, get a list of dlls
    5) compare the lists of loaded dlls. In particular, the difference between #3 and #4, is there a dll dependency that gets loaded by oracle's odbc that comes from a different location when you've opened a mysql connection first?
    May or may not help, but might turn up a difference to help point you in a direction.

  • Problem with type 4 driver using oracle 10g

    I am unable to establish a type 4 connection with oracle 10g.
    Driver used: OracleDriver that comes with the ojdbc14.jar along with oracle 10g
    JDK used: Tried using both j2sdk1.4.2 and using JDK 5.0
    JRE: Again, JRE that was shipped with j2sdk 1.4.2 and JRE 5.0
    OS: Windows XP sp2
    I am able to compile the following piece of code, so there is no classpath problem, etc.
    When I try to run the program, the exception thrown is "No Suitable Driver"
    There is no problem with the TNSListener, etc...even if all Oracle related services in 'services.msc' are Started/Stopped, the error remains.
    I am, however, able to establish the connection using type1 driver.
    Please Help!
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.*;
    class TestConn
         Connection connection;
         Statement statement;
         ResultSet resultset;
         public void testConn() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
              DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement());
              //DriverManager.registerDriver(new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver());
              connection = DriverManager.getConnection("oracle:jdbc:thin:@", "scott", "tiger");
              //connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:dsn1", "scott", "tiger");
              System.out.println("Connection Established");
              statement = connection.createStatement();
              resultset = statement.executeQuery("select ename from emp");
    class Test
         public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
              TestConn obj = new TestConn();

    The JDBC URL should include the database SID. For example, if the database SID is Orcl
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection("oracle:jdbc:thin:@", "scott", "tiger");

  • Where can I download the ODBC driver for Oracle 10g XE?

    where can I download the ODBC driver for Oracle 10g XE?
    I need the ODBC drivers for windows 7 x64, I installed Oracle Database 10g Express Edition, the use and connects with RazorSQL well, I just want to make a connection THROUGH ConnectionString language using the ODBC driver

    already checked these http://www.connectionstrings.com/oracle, I need Help Please.

  • Oracle 10g ODBC driver (ver :  SQLConnect Hangs

    We have a Win32 multithreaded app which uses the given 10g driver, but intermittently all the threads hang on SqlConnect.
    After running Adplus the call stack that we get , always point to oranls10. This is the call stack from the last time the server hanged when it tried to do a SQLConnect.The call stack generated by adplus is given below:
    ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
    WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
    0135f088 612a1833 003ee494 00001399 00000002 ORANLS10!lmsapsc+0x78
    0135f2bc 612a176e 003ee494 00000002 00001399 ORANLS10!lmsagbcmt+0x103
    0135f2f0 612a1722 003ee494 00001399 00000000 ORANLS10!lmsagbcmt+0x3e
    0135f31c 031990f4 003ee494 00001399 00000000 ORANLS10!lmsagbf+0x22
    0135f334 036e0bcf 003ee494 00001399 00000000 oci!lmsagbf+0x24
    0135f360 036bed2f 02675e4c 00000000 00001399 sqora32!SQLTablesW+0x372df
    0135f3b8 036b61c3 02675e4c 0268f418 0267682c sqora32!SQLTablesW+0x1543f
    0135f4f0 036a3b2c 0268f334 02675bcc 00000006 sqora32!SQLTablesW+0xc8d3
    0135f524 4bf8e667 0268f334 0135f65c 00000006 sqora32!SQLConnectW+0xfc
    0135f554 4bf8efed 00000001 0135f65c 00000006 odbc32!SQLInternalConnectW+0xfa
    0135f6a4 4bfa1e5e 00781b28 00782628 00000006 odbc32!SQLConnectW+0x250
    0135f6e0 00397454 00781b28 01d7fffd fffffffd odbc32!SQLConnect+0x140
    01360068 016dc13a 00000005 0136f9d0 0136fa14 libsas!CM_dbopen+0x341
    Since we have been facing this issue for a long time, we decided on making use of the SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT value before we issue a SQLConnect, but that driver doesn't seem to like that option even though it says its 3.5 compliant
    lRetcode = SQLSetConnectAttr( OD_DBDBC(pCtx),          SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT,(SQLUINTEGER )10,     SQL_IS_UINTEGER );
    Setup details
    Oracle 10g Release 1 Enterprise database server
    App has been built using VC++6 and is running on Win2003 Enterprise Server
    Our analysis has shows that the network was fine as other apps were able to connect to the database at that time
    1. Is this a Driver related issue? Because when we were using Merant ODBC driver, everything seems to be working fine!
    2. Is there some patch that is out there which might resolve this issue?
    If you all folks could help or provide some kind of advice , i would really appreciate that.

    Well, do you have a code example that causes it? Don't take this the wrong way, but I've seen more than a few badly written multi-threaded applications which do nothing but corrupt memory and use handles in non-threadsafe ways; all of which cause issues which rear their ugly heads in various odd ways. It may also be an Oracle bug, but comparing two different drivers does not mean it's not your application causing the crash as well.
    If you could provide a quick little code sample which causes the issue, I'll take a look at it for you.

  • Problem with JDBC driver for Oracle 10g

    I've successfully accessed a MySQL database via a DataSource from a servlet (that uses a DAO). However, when I try to do the same with an Oracle 10g Database, I get the error message:
    Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'
    I'm using J2SE1.5.0/5.0 and ojdbc14.jar, the latter of which I downloaded this afternoon as the latest driver JAR available on the Oracle site. As with the MySQL driver, I've placed it in the commons\lib folder within Tomcat. (I've also, of course, made the necessary modifications to server.xml and web.xml.)
    Upon examining the ReadMe file at the top of the Oracle download page, I found that the oracle.jdbc.driver package is now deprecated and all references to oracle.jdbc.driver should be replaced with oracle.jdbc. However, I got a similar error message when I tried this modification. Upon examining the contents of ojdbc.jar, I found that the driver was there and that it was, in fact, still oracle\jdbc\driver\OracleDriver!
    It appears as though the Oracle site has not been updated with a driver that matches its latest documentation. However, this does not explain why the driver is not even being loacted when it is in the correct place. Can anybody shed any light on this? Any help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    I've successfully accessed a MySQL database via a
    DataSource from a servlet (that uses a DAO). However,
    when I try to do the same with an Oracle 10g
    Database, I get the error message:
    Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'
    That's different from a ClassNotFoundException.
    I'm using J2SE1.5.0/5.0 and ojdbc14.jar, the latter
    of which I downloaded this afternoon as the latest
    driver JAR available on the Oracle site. So you got ojdbc14.jar or ojdbc14_g.jar under the 10g drivers?
    As with the
    MySQL driver, I've placed it in the commons\lib
    folder within Tomcat. I think it's a better idea to put in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your Web app rather than commons/lib. WAR files are a very good idea, too.
    (I've also, of course, made the
    necessary modifications to server.xml and web.xml.)So you're using a JNDI data source? It sounds to me like that's where the problem is.
    You should not have to edit the server.xml at all. If you put the <ResourceParams> in a context XML file with the same name as your WAR file into the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory it'll be picked up automatically. (It might also be accessible in the META-INF directory for your app, but I haven't done it that way.)
    Upon examining the ReadMe file at the top of the
    Oracle download page, I found that the
    oracle.jdbc.driver package is now deprecated and all
    references to oracle.jdbc.driver should be replaced
    with oracle.jdbc.
    However, I got a similar error
    message when I tried this modification. Upon
    examining the contents of ojdbc.jar, I found that the
    driver was there and that it was, in fact, still
    oracle\jdbc\driver\OracleDriver! The fully-resolved class name you should be using MUST match the class that's in the ojdbc14.jar that you're using. Look in the JAR for the definitive answer: the one that I downloaded is still using the oracle.jdbc.driver package for OracleDriver.class. Ignore the docs - use the name that's in the JAR.
    It appears as though the Oracle site has not been
    updated with a driver that matches its latest
    documentation. That often happens with docs.
    However, this does not explain why the
    driver is not even being loacted when it is in the
    correct place. Can anybody shed any light on this?
    Any help would be much appreciated.I think the problem lies in your web.xml and server.xml
    I'd recommend that you decouple the JDBC from the Web app for now. See if you can connect to Oracle using a simple desktop app and leave the Web piece out of the equation for now. Once you can do that, you'll be certain that the parameters you're using are correct and you can turn your attention to getting the Tomcat configuration right.
    PS - I'm using Oracle and Tomcat successfully right now, so it can be done.

  • ODBC driver with Oracle 10G on 64bit Windows OS.

    I m facing a issue with my peoplesoft application which is installed on Windows 2003 64bit OS.
    Setup Details
    Oracle 10G Server on AIX 5.3.
    peoplesoft CRM tools 8.48,Oracle 10G client in on Windows 2003(64bit) installed.
    When i open ODBC administrator from CRM its open showing all the drivers registred to 64bit registry. Whereas when i see ODBC admin from Control panel of OS , its showing driver register from 32bit. My observation is that oracle ODBC driver is getting registerd with 32bit and application is calling DDBCadmin of 64 bit. Hence driver is not getting registered with 64bit registry.

    Hi kamlesh,
    Thanks for your help, still i am not clear about installation on both nodes. once you install CI on one node you are giving the path of shared disk and if we go for other node then also we need to give the shared disk path : so will it or any other? if it is then alrady one usr and aracle folder exists after node  A installation. Do you mean to say copy usr and oracle folder? please explain in detail, will be higly appreciable.

  • No suitable driver when connect MS SQL server from Oracle 10g using JTDS

    I have developed a java servlet application connection to MS SQL using jtds-1.2.jar. I have try to deploy this application to Oracle 9ias and it works fine.
    However, when I deploy the same application to Oracle 10g (, I encounter this error - java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver.
    I have copy the jtds-1.2.jar to Ora10g/jdbc/lib, Ora10g/j2ee/home/lib and also the Ora10g/j233/OC$J_GENERAL/applications/sampleApp/sampleApp/WEB-INF/lib folder, and also setup the data source via the EM interface. The data-source.xml entry is as follows:
    <data-source location="jdbc/ess" class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" xa-location="jdbc/xa/essS" ejb-location="jdbc/ess" connection-driver="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" username="scott" url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://202.xx.xx.xx:1433/sampleDB" inactivity-timeout="30" name="ess"/>
    Is there any configuration that I've forgotten to set?

    I have developed a java servlet application
    connection to MS SQL using jtds-1.2.jar. I have try
    to deploy this application to Oracle 9ias and it
    works fine.
    However, when I deploy the same application to Oracle
    10g (, I encounter this error -
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver.
    I have copy the jtds-1.2.jar to Ora10g/jdbc/lib,
    Ora10g/j2ee/home/lib and also the
    App/WEB-INF/lib folder, and also setup the data
    source via the EM interface.
    Is there any configuration that I've forgotten to set?The JAR file needs to be in a place the container can locate it correctly. This is the applib directory for your OC4J instance.
    Which I believe from what you have entered is:
    There's a general JDBC 3rd party driver set of documentation here:
    This is not using jtds-1.2.jar but it shows how another set of 3rd party jdbc libs are used with the server.

  • Connection reset using JDBC Oracle thin Driver (towards 10g DB)

    Hi we have a home-grown application and a Oracle 10g ( database.
    We created a scheduled servlet that gets a JDBC connection from a persistent connected cache (an OracleDataSource object registered using OracleConnectionCacheManager). The servlet runs every 15 minutes and runs the query "SELECT SYSTIME FROM DUAL" on 10g Database as XYZ user. The datapool was created yday on web-app and all queries ran successfully for about 5 hours after which it reported a connection reset error.
    I can then conclude that we cannot keep the server session alive for the JDBC client by running frequent SQL queries.
    We didnt get any messages on the DB server side that indicate the release of the session
    Ultimately, we are struggling with reset connections from our applications that are
    using the JDBC thin oracle driver; after a couple of hours of idle
    connections, we receive the below error from the JDBC driver:
    Jul 5, 2007 10:59:53 AM oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError throwSqlException
    WARNING: DatabaseError.throwSqlException(e): Unable to find ORA number from
    exception Jul 5, 2007 10:59:53 AM oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError
    WARNING: DatabaseError.findMessage(errNum, obj): returned Io exception:
    Connection reset Jul 5, 2007 10:59:53 AM
    oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection getWarnings
    INFO: PhysicalConnection.getWarnings()
    Any suggestions please ?

    The code itself is fine; the problem is with one of:
    1) the connection URL
    2) intermediate networking
    3) the database itself
    1) your connection URL is "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"
    - is Oracle really running on the default port, 1521
    - is the installation SID really "orcl"
    2) lots of possibilities, but only a couple are likely
    - is TCP/IP configured and running on your host
    - is there a persoanl firewall rpduct running? perhaps it's blocking the connection
    3) Is Oracle running?
    Is the listener running?

Maybe you are looking for