Workflow for mt2 - fce

Mr. N. Ewbie here.
I am about to convert mt2 material with MPEG Streamclip.
What I want is high def material with which I can edit in fce.
Eventually, the highdef project (1 hour long personal biographies) will be put onto DVD's.
Could someome help me out with the correct settings for:
1) MPEG Streamclip
2) FCE
My eternal thanks,

Hi Tom,
Thanks in advance for your time, much appreciated!
It's a MPEG Transport Stream raw video coming from a HDV Sony Z1u as 1080i HDV video with 1440x1080 resolution. Eventually I want to have it converted to 1920x1080
Thanks again!

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    Well, use the best encoder you can get your hands on. If you can budget for other encoders then maybe do that. Compressor will give you more control so its a good place to start,

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    Hi Neeraj,
    First of all start with SWELS and SWEL T-Code to check if any standard event is getting triggered or not. If event is getting triggered, then use the same event to trigger the workflow; otherwise create a custom event of BO and use the same to trigger the workflow.
    Hope you are aware of T-Code SWO1 and delegation of BO. The BO used for your requirement will be BUS2000115.
    As you want the workflow to get triggered only for one status profile and one of its status, so use check function module. There set the condition for you status profile and status.
    The FM which you will be using the most is CRM_ORDER_READ. To read the status, you can also use CRM_STATUS_READ_OW.
    Now simply make the approval steps in the workflow using activity. In the activity, you can use the standard method USERSTATUSPOPUP to send the workitem for approval. In each step use the same activity with different agents as approvers.
    Just go with these things and let me know if you get stuck up somewhere.

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    "First, tell use why you're not using FCP's titling and keying capabilities."
    I don't own FCP.
    "Then, explain why you're doing it this way."
    I'm able to create graphics with plenty of control in a graphics program (PhotoShop in this case).
    "There is no dpi in video, there are only pixels."
    Sorry, I posted my thread then realized I left out a bit of info, but couldn't edit the post. I should have written that I created my graphics file in PhotoShop, hence the dpi reference.
    "A black background for text is not the same as using an alpha channel."
    OK. The portion of my video with titling stands by itself; that is, I'm not overlaying titles on existing video. Is there a use for alpha channel if I'm working up standalone title video frames? Uses less data rate?
    It seems from your inference I would be best served by purchasing FCP, so I'll probably take that advice and buy it.
    From a general video production point of view, I'd still like to learn more about creating titles in a graphics app and bringing them into QT Player; what format to bring them in as (e.g., H.264 into an AVC coding video, as I've done, or ?), and what happens when my graphics video gets converted from 1280x720 to 1286x780 (AVC export to H.264), and then brought into an AVC codec movie, and the movie remains at 1280x720-- does the graphic get horizontally widened, or the vertical compressed? Thanks.

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    Please see the below thread, it may help you.
    Re: Trigger Purchase Requsition Workflow trigger after purchase req. changed

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    An option would be use Oracle Alert. Create an event based alert on the table where you have order approvals or rejections. This alert will be raised after inserting or updating this table. Create an action linked to this alert, and choose message as action type.
    This setup can be done under Alert Manager Responsibility.
    Ketter Ohnes

  • How to schedule a workflow for recurring executions: The solution

    Scheduling a workflow for recurring execution has been long awaited in WFA, perhaps from 2.0 time. The following document shows how to get it done. I've also explained the logic behind it. It’s very simple to use, meets every requirement which one can have from a scheduler and of course highly flexible. Let's go!! The Real stuff. What is this? Is this actually a scheduler? No. This is actually a command in your workflow, but a special 'magical' command. This 'magical' command logic is built using the answers for the following questions: Can a workflow be scheduled for a delayed execution in a future time? Yes, but only one execution instance. If you want the next execution, execute the workflow again providing the same set of inputs and the execution date/time.During workflow execution, can a command inside a workflow get to know what is the  name of the workflow? YesDuring workflow execution, can the command know what is the job execution id? YesIs there any programmatic interface available to know what are the user input provided or a particular job execution? YesCan a command inside a workflow trigger another workflow? Yes.Can a command inside the same workflow trigger itself? Absolutely yes. I've ticked all boxes needed to build such a solution. The solution is to make the workflow a smart workflow, so smart that it can schedule itself for the next execution. It no longer needs any other task scheduler to tigger it. WFA provides a large set of REST APIs for other 3rd part SW integration. But I  also can make  good use of these APIs to make smart workflows. I have always believed that WFA should not only be seen as a framework for automating Storage boxes or server, but just about any task( inside a computer of course) which is done manually. WFA is an awesome product indeed.  So this is a command called "Workflow Scheduler" which  you can put in your workflow as another command. Prerequisites: You need PowerShell 3.0 on your WFA server. I certainly could have done it for PoSH2.0 as well, but life for web interfaces  using PowerShell is so much easier with Posh3.0. Posh3.0 is a big jump from 2.0. WFA is fully supported to work on Posh3.0. Its available by default in Win2012, Win2008 can be upgraded, Win2003 users can't use it. Add credentials of a WFA Admin/Architect in you WFA itself with Name/IP: localhost Match: ExactType: OtherName/IP: localhostUsername: <WFA Admin/Architect Username>Password: <User Password>   3.  Minimum WFA version 2.2. This is only needed for Importing the dar. I've provided the command code in text too. The command code is the real deal. How to use it? If you have a workflow which you want for recurring executions, just add this command "Workflow Scheduler" in it. The command takes parameters for the workflow execution intervals. For example minsInterval for executing this workflow every x minutes, or daysInterval for executing the workflow etc.Now just like a normal workflow execution execute this workflow deciding what is the trigger time. Example: Suppose you want the execution every day at 10:00 PM.So provide daysInterval = 1 And execute the workflow for a delayed execution at 10:00 PM. You can pick the day to start as you wish. The workflow will execute at 10:00 PM and when this execution reaches our magical command "workflow scheduler", this command will trigger the same workflow  with same set of inputs for the next execution at 10:00 PM tomorrow. And so on an so forth. I’ve attached a very simple example workflow here to help you understand. An Example of a workflow scheduled for recurring execution Daily at 11:30 PM starting 10-March-2015     How to stop/suspend this recurring execution? Easy. You just abort the next scheduled job execution in Execution=> Execution Status. The cycle will stop. How to resume it? Easy again. Just resume the same aborted job. The cycle restarts. Can I change the schedule execution time? Yes. After aborting the current execution, you can resume the same workflow at a new time. Execution interval can't be modified as you can't change the command parameters. But the recurring execution now can occur at a new time. Where or which position to place this “workflow scheduler” command in your workflow? At the beginning ? At the end? Or somewhere in the middle. This completely depends on your choice. See some below cases. You don't want the next job execution scheduling to happen if any of the commands in my current workflow execution fails: Put command “workflow scheduler” in the end. It will trigger the schedule of the next job execution only when all real original commands of your workflow have passed. else not.     You want continuous job executions irrespective of the workflow command failures: Put it in the beginning. It will trigger the schedule for next execution before any of the actual command begin executing.     You want an approval before the next execution job is scheduled: Add an approval point before the comamnd.           So it’s all left to you.      Can an operator decide the execution schedule? Yes, but which workflows will be available to him/her for this recurring execution will have to be decided by the designer. This is a good thing to have as it serves for access control in a way. The Architect/Admin can now restrict which workflow can be put for recurring executions. Operators can’t execute just any workflow available to him for automatic recurring execution. And the workflow designer can also choose which scheduling parameter is to be made a variable for the operator. For example the designer want the operator to schedule a given workflow only for weeks Interval and not months or days i.e. he/she can only chose to schedule for weekly, biweekly etc. executions and  nothing else. For this the designer can define a User-Input variable only for weeksInterval parameter. It’s Done. You want workflow execution to be scheduled either for daily or once in 2 days but not any other. You can restrict this. Or he/she wants to give full freedom to the operator make his/her own decision about scheduling, he defined user-input variable for all scheduling parameters. The workflow designer wants weekly schedule but the day should not be a weekday: You can even do this. Is this flexible enough for my requirements? I’ve attached the very command code. You can modify the command as per your requirements. Suppose you want daily execution of a certain workflow at 10:00 PM but skip a day of execution if the day is a Monday. Modify the code check for the day and add another day if it’s a Monday. Its posh code and highly readable. So you can see how this can be used in a  variety of ways. This is the beauty of a programmatic solution. Its highly flexible, it allows users to design solution based on their requirements. Flexibility is the heart & soul of WFA. Thats why I like it. I have a workflow but I don't want to modify it by adding a new command in it. Can I still use this solution? Yes but with WFA 3.0 on wards. WFA3.0 allows to create modular workflows. Create a parent workflow with you actual workflow as a child workflow in it. Add our “workflow scheduler” command too. So now you don't need to touch your existing workflow. I've attached a workflow example here.   Have fun!! sinhaa  

    Providing a new version 1.1.0 of the command "WFA Schedular" Changes made: Added conditional String Representation based on the Scheduling parameter provided. Provided check for the right number of parameters passed into the command.Added a new parameter "Expiry Date" to automatically stop the recurring execution upon expiry.Check for Posh3.0 version in code.Have Fun!! sinhaa Below example for:Schedule a workflow for recurring execution every alternate day i.e. once in 2 days at 10:30 PM starting 06-Jul-2015 (Today's date is 02-Jul-2015) . The recurring workflow execution  should expire on 31-Dec-2015 and stop.  

  • How to change workflow for expired qualification in HR Module

    My question how to change workflow for expired qualification in HR Module.We need to when date is expired tcode OOQA that system will check and that time workflow should be triggred.
    I have serached sap help but i am not understand please below mention URL for SAP help
    Link: []
    Please explain step by step how to trigrred workflow for expired qualification?
    Please this problem is high and try to solve it.

    Why do you want to trigger a wflow and what do you want to do with this trigger. Can you give more details of your exact requirements.
    But, if you are looking for how to trigger, you can write a small ABAP pgm and schedule it as a job every night. THis job basically reads the table P1000-ENDDA for expiry date and if it reached today, then you can either trigger the wflow with SAP_WAPI_START_WORKFLOW or use SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT to raise your custom event(for Business Obj. BUS7018, i think this is your BO and there are no std events right now, so you will ahve to add your custom event by extending BUS7018 to ZBUS7018).
    Hope I am clear and this helps and if you need more details, reply.

  • Workflow for non PO base invoice (FV60)

    Dear All,
    I am trying to customizing workflow for non po base invoice. I have done all the nessary customization setting - obwa , obwj , obwb, obwc, obwd.obwe,obwf & using subworkflow WS10000051. Also I have checked that both Released Necessary & Doc. complited marked when document parked. I refered the following thread for the customization setting.
    Re: Hi Csaba Soltesz, How can you activate workflow
    Now the workflow is not triggering when I a document parked(save as complited). I am checking this via. FB03 ---> workflow --> Workflow overview
    Please not that workflow is working perfectly for other company code in the same client. Hence nessary workflow setting already maintiained in the client.
    *Kindly let me know whether I have missed some step?
    Thanks in advance.


  • How to create a workflow for personnel data?

    Dear All,
                  I want to create a workflow for entering personnel data and submitting it to the immediate senior.I had created a workflow for leave approval.Can anyone tell me steps for creating the workflow for personnel data.
                               Pratighya Jain
    Message was edited by: Pratighya jain
            Pratighya Jain

    Check this documentaion on SAP Business Workflow, which is built in HR:
    Things that can be done are eg:
    Application forms and everything for handling them
    Absence approvals, travel requests, expenses
    Pls don't forget to reward points and close the question if you find the answers useful.

  • Start a workflow for a list item that was created by someone else

    What settings do I need to change so that I can start a workflow for a list item created by another user?
    I have a SharePoint 2013 workflow (let's call it LSR Status Workflow) that is associated with a list (called
    LSR List). When a user creates an item in the LSR List, it automatically starts the
    LSR Status Workflow. That is what I wanted, but sometimes I make changes to the workflow (via SharePoint designer) and then I would want to terminate the existing workflows that are running and restart them.
    When I try to start a workflow for anyone other than a list item that I created, I get the following error:
    Retrying last request. Next attempt scheduled in less than one minute. Details of last request: HTTP NotFound to'1f844b8f-19aa-4587-bcc2-dfb7085f36b5')/Items(31)
    Correlation Id: 8efc5304-f0a3-90f6-8ece-6875bf811869 Instance Id:
    Then when the workflow is finally suspended after it keeps retrying, it reports the following error:
    RequestorId: 8efc5304-f0a3-90f6-0000-000000000000. Details: An unhandled
    exception occurred during the execution of the workflow instance.
    Exception details: System.ApplicationException: HTTP 404
    RequireReadOnly"],"Cache-Control":["max-age=0, private"],"Date":["Tue,
    10 Feb 2015 22:36:44
    context) at
    instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) at
    executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)
    If I created the list item, I can stop it and restart it without any problems, but this is not the case for list items created by someone else.
    What settings do I need to change so that I can start a workflow for a list item created by another user? I am the owner of the SharePoint site and am able to make changes to permissions if needed.

    You don't need to re-do the fields. If you create a new version of the PDF
    file just open the old one and use the Replace Pages command to insert the
    pages from the new version over the old ones. This will give you a new
    version of the file, with the existing form fields still in tact. Of
    course, you might need to adjust their location and/or size, but at least
    you won't have to start all over again...
    On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 11:59 PM, Laura Holancin <[email protected]>

  • Regd Workflow for a new custom page

    HI ,
    We have created 2 pages for some functionality where in user can login n serach for a person and update certain attributes like his source/company, assignment category etc.
    First page he can searach the person and after search results come in, he can click on a link and go to the next page where he can edit the attributes n submit.
    Now after updating and submitting the page, we have a reqt to send notifications to the initiator in case the user has approved the txn or rejected or sent for correction. But we dont know how to achive it with the 2 pages n no workflow.
    How to launch a workflow for this ?
    or is there a way we can send notification from backend without using workflow n it shud still come in the worklist of a person.

    Hi Preeti
    l_itemtype VARCHAR2(30) := 'XX_TEST';
    l_itemkey VARCHAR2(300) := 'TEST';
    wf_engine.createprocess(l_itemtype, l_itemkey, 'XX_MAIN_TEST');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error in create process:' sqlerrm);
    wf_engine.setitemuserkey(itemtype => l_itemtype
    ,itemkey => l_itemkey
    ,userkey => 'USERKEY: ' l_itemkey);
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error in set userkey process:' sqlerrm);
    wf_engine.setitemowner(itemtype => l_itemtype
    ,itemkey => l_itemkey
    ,owner => 'SYSADMIN');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error in set owner process:' sqlerrm);
    wf_engine.startprocess(l_itemtype, l_itemkey);
    dbms_output.put_line('Process started');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error in set owner process:' sqlerrm);
    END;These are the details of the functions used
    1> wf_engine.createprocess
    This API creates a new runtime instance of the workflow process, Pass the item type and item key for the workflow.
    2> wf_engine.setitemuserkey
    Use this API to mark the new runtime instance of the workflow process with an
    end–user key
    3> wf_engine.SetItemAttrText
    Use this API to set values for the item type attributes defined for workflow process .E.g.: Email ID, Description defined in the workflow.
    4> wf_engine.setitemowner
    Use this API to set the value of owner (Of Workflow)
    5> wf_core.context
    In case of exception, it will help in locating source of an error.
    6> wf_engine.startprocess
    Use this API to invoke the workflow for the item type and item key specified.

  • A workflow for a new MM vendor invoice showing the error.

    We have detected the following strange behaviour in our workflow runtime environment.
    A workflow for a new MM vendor invoice is started as it should.When we see the workflow overview it shows status u201CIn Processu201D. 
    f the workflow shows the status u201CIn Processu201D for an hour or more, a new undesired workflow (same WF-task) is started automatically for the same invoice. Nobody has triggered this new undesired workflow.
    Please let us know the what is the problem

    Please see the below link and this will help you.

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