Worklist page

I can see the change in worklist page in PT 8.51.
Previously i was using PT 8.48 and the appearance was different.
Can anyone let me know more about it and give link of DOC which will help me to understand new functionality of worklist page in PT 8.51 on CRM 8.8

The CRM Worklist is different from the PeopleTools worklist.
If you upgrade to PeopleTools 8.51, the functionality does not change, only the look and feel changes.
See following doc on how the worklist works in chapter Working with the CRM Worklist
To see all PeopleBooks on CRM 8.8 see this link

Similar Messages

  • KIMYONG :  Worklist Page 에서  Sort 기능이 안될경우 조치사항

    특정 Patch적용후 Workflow Notification page 에서 Sort page가 안되는경우가 있습니다.
    이에 대한 조치사항을 기술하고자 합니다.
    1. 먼저 아래 Profile Option을 확인하고 Personalize 기능이 Disabled 되어 있는지 확인합니다.
    Personalize Self Service Definition - Yes
    FND: Personalization Region Link - Yes
    2. 그리고 아래 navigation에 맞춰 Row Layout: Home Content Row. 에서 Rendered 를 TRUE로 설정하면
    Sort를 사용할수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 Step별로 아래 영문 내용을 참고하세요.
    2-1. Login to Applications Home Page and select the 'Personalize Page' link
    2-2. In the 'Choose Personalization Context' page, select the "Apply" button
    2-3. In the Personalization Structure table, expand the following:
    "Table Layout: (topTableLayoutContainer)" then
    "Row Layout: (tableLayoutRow)" then
    "Cell Format: (worklistResponsibilityLeftCell)"
    2-4. See below "Cell Format: (worklistResponsibilityLeftCell)" and expand the
    "Table Layout: Home Contenttable" then
    "Row Layout: Home Content Row"
    2-5. Select "Personalize" for "Row Layout: Home Content Row."
    2-6. In the Personalization Properties region, set "Rendered" to "True" at
    the level you require
    (e.g. Site.) and sort
    Allowed to descending. Then select the "Apply" button.
    2-7 Select "Return to Application" link.
    Note 564467.1 Sorting Not Working On Worklist Page

  • HWF UI work list not loading in BPM worklist page (on clustered env)

    hello - Please reply directly as I am not on this alias.
    My SOA project (BPEL+HWF) is successfully deployed on the clustered env successfully.
    My BPEL process runs fine. But my HWF_UI taskflow fails to load on the browser (IE and Firefox, same error)
    I can see the composite & UI ear(enterprise app) on EMConsole & AdminConsole, and all configs/ settings looks ok.
    During execution, the work item pops up on the BPM worklist, but when I click on the work-item, the HWF_UI component is not loading....
    Not Found
    The requested URL /workflow/DOO_Simulation_ProjectUI/faces/adf.task-flow was not found.
    How do I overcome this or get some meaningfull error info.? The log files donot tell much..
    Caused By: oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException: ADFC-12002: The ADF Controller is unable to pop the top-level ADF unbounded task flow from the page flow stack.
    at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.PageFlowStack.pop(
    Another question:
    How do I test if my HWF task flow component (UI) is installed & working / executing properly? any error logs/ error level settings?
    Edited by: ssondur on Apr 5, 2013 4:17 PM

    It is deploying correctly, the worklist app displays my instance. Btu when I click on my worklist item, the UI does not load or display. Below is the browser error and logfile error messages.
    -----Browser error-----
    Not Found
    The requested URL /workflow/DOO_Simulation_ProjectUI/faces/adf.task-flow was not found.
    ---Log file message---------
    Caused By: oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException: ADFC-12002: The ADF Controller is unable to pop the top-level ADF unbounded task flow from the page flow stack.
    at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.PageFlowStack.pop( No
    8. No customization to env or app. This is a user defined (but standard) BPEL process deployed. The same app works fine on my local laptop & SOA env

  • I installed IE tab plus when i am using explorer in mozilla and login into confirmit, the page is not loading properly. I am login and unable to click on any link.Please let me know your comments on this.
    Please find this link. I am getting this message frequently.

    Hi Guru Prasandh,
    Thanks for your Reply.
    There is no error on page.
    If I got more than 10 records then it displays the Advance Worklist page fine but when I put Cursor on Table Navigation buttons it shows the Custom page path only not Sedded Worklist page path if I click on the Next & Previous buttons then it shows error on page on page bar and hangs out. It doesn't shows the next records.
    Personalize page, Diagnostics & ABout this page links are not highlighted when I put the mouse cursor.

  • Add a custom button on notification page and open a oaf page after button

    Hi All,
    My Requirement is add a custom button on notification page and after button click with take some parameter from notification page like supplier_id and org_id then open a new oaf page and show supplier credit and debit balance but problem is that button is only enable to a ap invoices notification not for other type of notification.
    how to take approach/action i don't know.
    it is possible through OAF personalization/customization or it is part of work flow customization.
    Navigation path - payable->worklist->open notification and Type of notification also there
    Type should be matched with AP_Invoices type notification then custom button enable.
    Please Let me know is it possible or not. If possible how to achieve this.'s argent...plz help me
    Edited by: 815572 on Nov 25, 2010 1:15 AM

    Hi Irk,
    My notification came in given below format (in table) but my custom button only enable for Contract Approval Type not for others..........i hv attach a button on notification page (subject-Contract 21969-R17......)
    From Type Subject Sent
    Taylor, Phillip Contract Approval Contract 21969 - R17-AUG-07 06:19:27 has been approved by Taylor, Phillip 22-Aug-2007
    Taylor, Phillip OKS Contract Process Contract 21975 - R17-AUG-07 06:22:18 for AT&T Universal Card (52,500.00 USD) has been published online 19-Aug-2007
    Taylor, Phillip OKS Contract Process Contract 21969 - R17-AUG-07 06:19:27 for AT&T Universal Card (15,000.00 USD) has been published online 19-Aug-2007
    If I just put a button SHOW BALANCE just like notification button APPROVE, REJECT, REASSIGN but this button shows all types of notification and my req. is this button show only for Contract Approval type notification. how to handled this issuesss ?
    if extend the co of notification page then how to handle TYPE value from worklist page ....please write proper code if u hv any idea...........

  • SOA 11g Worklist Apps Customisation and Integration with Plumtree Portal

    We want to migrate an existing application build using SOA Suite to
    In the 10g application the worklist application was customised and the customised apps was linked as a remote portlet in BEA Plumtree Portal.
    1)In 10g the worklist application source code is available (\SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\hw\worklistapp) for customisation but is that possible for 11g ?
    (The location of the default deployed worklist apps in 11g is /../mdw_home/user_projects/domains/soa_domain/servers/soa_server1/tmp/_WL_user/worklistapp).
    Can we take the source code and customize in jdev and deploy under a different contextname in 11g??
    3)Our existing 10g worklist was customised a bit in terms of look and feel and for some custom authentication and it was deployed in the 10g SOA Server.
    A sample jsp application was created and the login page of the custom worklist apps was linked in a inframe so that it works when integrated with the Plumtree portal as a remote portlet. And this worked perfectly in SOA Suite.
    However the 11g SOA worklist login when tagged in a jsp as an inframe in plumtree portal is giving a warning message
    Warning: Unable to load content in a frame. Frame content will load at the top level. On cliicking the OK button the worklist page is opening. This is with Firefox browser . however form IE7 or 8 its timing out from portal.
    As per
    changing the web.xml for the worklist can help.
    Can anyone please let us know on the same as this appeas an unsupported one.

    Can you check the log file.u are getting any error.can you check wf_error table also u are getting any error.
    Can you check consumer in AQ tables.

  • Error retrieving worklist using java

    Hi ,
    I am trying to retrieve the worklist for a particular user.
    The java code is :
    package cpa.apps.fin.wa.model;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.transaction.SystemException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.lang.Exception;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import utils.system;
    public class workflowClient {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    Map<IWorkflowServiceClientConstants.CONNECTION_PROPERTY,java.lang.String> properties = new
    IWorkflowServiceClient client =
    properties, null);
    //Create JAVA WorflowServiceClient
    IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient = WorkflowServiceClientFactory.getWorkflowServiceClient(
    //Get the task query service
    ITaskQueryService querySvc = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService();
    //Login as efs_generic_3
    IWorkflowContext ctx = querySvc.authenticate("efs_generic_3","Password2011".toCharArray(),null); **//this is point where i get the error.**
    //Set up list of columns to query
    List queryColumns = new ArrayList();
    //Query a list of tasks assigned to jstein
    List tasks = querySvc.queryTasks(ctx,
    null, //Do not query additional info
    null, //No keywords
    null, //No custom predicate
    null, //No special ordering
    0, //Do not page the query result
    //Get the task service
    ITaskService taskSvc = wfSvcClient.getTaskService();
    //Loop over the tasks, outputting task information, and approving any
    //tasks whose outcome has not been set...
    for(int i = 0 ; i < tasks.size() ; i ++)
    Task task = (Task)tasks.get(i);
    int taskNumber = task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskNumber();
    String title = task.getTitle();
    String taskId = task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskId();
    String outcome = task.getSystemAttributes().getOutcome();
    /* if(outcome == null)
    outcome = "APPROVE";
    System.out.println("Task #"+taskNumber+" ("+title+") is "+outcome);
    catch (Exception e)
    //Handle any exceptions raised here...
    System.out.println("Caught workflow exception: "+e.getMessage());
    When trying to debug, this is where it threw the error :(
    // IWorkflowContext ctx = querySvc.authenticate("skyadav","welcome1".toCharArray(),null); **//this is point where i get the error.**
    Caught workflow exception: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is t3://localhost:7001: Destination unreachable; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect; No available router to destination]
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    Reading further I understood that i also need to set up a Workflow client Configuration, which i have done using a MAP but i found that we also need to configure wf_client_config.xml
    Can anyone one put some light where i need to keep this file and what sort of configurationis required in it .
    Sumit Yadav
    Edited by: Sumit Yadav on Jul 8, 2011 8:39 AM

    have done the above mentioned steps .
    Fom Oracle worklist page i am able to login .
    but when ever in my program i amtrying it gives the following error.
    We are using SSO for authentication:
    but it always gives the error pointing to jazn file .
    Error in authenticating user.
    Error in authenticating and creating a workflow context for user
    Verify that the user credentials and identity service configurations are correct.
         at weblogic.rjvm.ResponseImpl.unmarshalReturn(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
         at Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at $Proxy14.authenticate(Unknown Source)
         at cpa.apps.fin.wa.model.workflowClient.main(
    Caught workflow exception: Error in authenticating user.
    Error in authenticating and creating a workflow context for user
    Verify that the user credentials and identity service configurations are correct.
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    there are 2 methods : authenticate(java.lang.String p1, java.lang.String p2, java.lang.String p3, java.lang.String p4) { } authenticate(java.lang.String p1, char[] p2, java.lang.String p3) { }
    once i tried
    IWorkflowContext ctx = querySvc.authenticate("efs_generic_3","Password2011".toCharArray(),null);
    and again
    IWorkflowContext ctx = querySvc.authenticate("efs_generic_3","Password2011",null,null);
    but evertime it gives the same error :
    Error in authenticating and creating a workflow context for user
    Why it point to jazn/XYZ.. even though I have not implemented ADF security
    Please advise.
    Sumit Yadav
    Edited by: Sumit Yadav on Jul 15, 2011 9:24 AM

  • Sourcing worklist not populated

    I am having trouble getting the sourcing worklist to populate.  We are running extended classic scenerio, my buyer is assigned to a local purchasing group which is assigned to a local purchasing organization.  Nothing is showing up in the worklist, however I can go to the find tab and search and see the cart I am expecting in the worklist.  I've gone into transaction BBP_PD for the shopping cart and looked at the organizations data (ie. table BBP_PDORG) and it shows my local purchasing group and organization as well as the buyer I am logging in with.  I do notice on the worklist page their is a dropdown field titled "Display".  I have nothing available in the drop down.  Am I missing some configuration?  I thought all I needed to do was define the product categories in config that I want to send to Sourcing, which I have done.
    Best regards,
    Shawn O'Connor

    Hi Shawn,
    did you already check OSS note 867621 ?
    Kind regards,
    Message was edited by: Yann Bouillut

  • How to get the URL of the window which is opened as a dialog

    Hi All,
    I am working on BPM Worklist and in BPM Worklist we have created a Custom ADF Application.
    What BPM Worklist does is :- it shows the task associated to the user and when user double click on the task , it opens the custom ADF Page created by us.And it opens the ADF Page in the modal dialog.Since i do not have any control on the parent page which is the BPM Worklist page.
    I need to check whether the url contains the _ADFvDlg , if it contains then i need to put some logic and then executes something.
    Is there any way to find out the Url of the dialog window of the BPM Worklist using ADF not using javascript ?

    Hi Frank,
    I have used the method which u have said in phaseListener
    System.out.println("GOT URL"+((HttpServletRequest) facesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getRequestURL());
    System.out.println("GOT URI"+((HttpServletRequest) facesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).getRequestURI());
    but no help, it gives me the same url of both the pages(parent and dialog one).
    Say if i use the javascript and anyhow get the windowId of the dialog and pass it to the server onPageLoad then it can be helpful.
    But how to do that as well.?
    I mean how will i call the javascript and return url to the server and do the validations on PageLoad.
    Please suggest!!

  • Error while migrating from JDev environment to

    I have developed a BPEL process including Human task and Business rules on JDeveloper The human task worklist page and its project were autogenerated and then I was deploying both the projects from Jdeveloper to weblogic 10.3.3 server and it was working fine.
    We needed to migrate the same project to JDev version and for this I have imported the two projects into the new workspace and JDeveloper itself migrated the project to thie higher version.
    However, while using the same deployment process and deploying on compatible weblogic server, I am facing issue while deploying worklist application and following appears on the domain log:-
    There was a failure when processing annotations for application /u01/oracle/SOA/SOA_INST/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/upload/ApprovalPage/app/WorklistADFPage.war. Please make sure that the annotations are valid. The error is oracle.adf.library.webapp.ResourceServlet
    Failure occurred in the execution of deployment request with ID '1352977219006' for task '29'. Error is: 'weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: 'WorklistADFPage.war'' weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: 'WorklistADFPage.war' at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$ at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment$ at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState( at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.SingleModuleDeployment.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.createAndPrepareContainer( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.doPrepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleDeploymentPrepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.prepareDeploymentList( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handlePrepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentServiceDispatcher.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.doPrepareCallback( at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.access$000( at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer$ at$ at at Caused By: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.adf.library.webapp.ResourceServlet at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findLocalClass( at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findClass( at weblogic.utils.classloaders.ChangeAwareClassLoader.findClass( at weblogic.utils.classloaders.ChangeAwareClassLoader.loadClass( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAnnotationProcessorImpl.processServlets( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAnnotationProcessorImpl.processJ2eeAnnotations( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAnnotationProcessorImpl.processAnnotations( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.processAnnotations( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.<init>( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.<init>( at weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpServer.loadWebApp( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.registerWebApp( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$ at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment$ at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState( at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.SingleModuleDeployment.prepare( at weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.createAndPrepareContainer( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.doPrepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleDeploymentPrepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.prepareDeploymentList( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handlePrepare( at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentServiceDispatcher.prepare( at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.doPrepareCallback( at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.access$000( at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer$ at$ at at
    In JDeveloper it says:-
    Weblogic Server exception: weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp: "WorklistADFPage.war"
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.adf.library.webapp.ResourceServlet
    Also when I see the libraries and classpath of my project I see ALE components jar marked in red.
    My Composite gets deployed, and the issue comes only with worklist project.
    Please suggest how to approach to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    actually there is no backward migration path if you used Facelets for building your pages. For page fragments you will need to manually change ui:composite to jsp:root tags. To ensure web.xml is setup correctly you should create a new project in and copy the web.xml over (ensuring the web.xml is configured for ADF use). Probably copying the content of the JDeveloper 11g R2 project into the 11g R1 project and then fixing problems is the way to go. As said, there is no automated backward migration path

  • Enterprise Portal - Create Task throws exception

    Hi All,
      I'm working on MDM 7.1, NW 7.01. Click on the 'Create Task' from Universal worklist page throws the following exception. Any thoughts what might be causing this.
      500   Internal Server Error
              SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.00/Java AS 7.00
    Failed to process request. Please contact your system administrator.
    Error Summary
    While processing the current request, an exception occured which could not be handled by the application or the framework.
    If the information contained on this page doesn't help you to find and correct the cause of the problem, please contact your system administrator. To facilitate analysis of the problem, keep a copy of this error page. Hint: Most browsers allow to select all content, copy it and then paste it into an empty document (e.g. email or simple text file).
    Root Cause
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was:
        at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.RMAdapter.getResource(
        at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.findResource(
        at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.findManagerAndResource(
        at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.getResourceImpl(
        ... 57 more
    See full exception chain for details.
    System Environment
    Web Dynpro Client Type     HTML Client
    User agent     Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11
    Version     null
    DOM version     null
    Client Type     ns7
    Client Type Profile     nn7
    ActiveX     disabled
    Cookies     enabled
    Frames     enabled
    Java Applets     enabled
    JavaScript     enabled
    Tables     enabled
    VB Script     enabled
    Web Dynpro Runtime     Vendor: SAP, build ID: 7.0103.20081111115141.0000 (release=NW701_03_REL, buildtime=2008-12-07:13:19:14[UTC], changelist=51958, host=pwdfm246), build date: Tue May 12 20:39:49 MDT 2009
    J2EE Engine     7.01 PatchLevel 56102.
    Java VM     IBM J9 VM, version:2.3, vendor: IBM Corporation
    Operating system     Linux, version:, architecture: amd64
    Session & Other
    Session Locale     en_US
    Time of Failure     Wed Jul 01 09:01:10 MDT 2009 (Java Time: 1246460470781)
    Web Dynpro Code Generation Infos
    SapDictionaryGenerationCore     7.0103.20071003090459.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:55:10[UTC], changelist=463950,
    SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates     7.0103.20071003090459.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:55:16[UTC], changelist=463950,
    SapGenerationFrameworkCore     7.0103.20071003090713.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:48:07[UTC], changelist=463957,
    SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer     7.0103.20080730170941.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:00:15[UTC], changelist=494993,
    SapMetamodelCommon     7.0103.20071003091208.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:48:51[UTC], changelist=463971,
    SapMetamodelCore     7.0103.20071003091208.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:48:46[UTC], changelist=463971,
    SapMetamodelDictionary     7.0103.20071003090530.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:52:58[UTC], changelist=463951,
    SapMetamodelWebDynpro     7.0103.20080730170953.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:57:29[UTC], changelist=494995,
    SapWebDynproGenerationCTemplates     7.0103.20081105123737.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:06:40[UTC], changelist=507414, host=pwdfm201)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCore     7.0103.20080730170941.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:00:20[UTC], changelist=494993,
    SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates     7.0103.20081105123737.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:06:40[UTC], changelist=507414, host=pwdfm201)
    No information available     null
    SapDictionaryGenerationCore     7.0103.20071003090459.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:55:10[UTC], changelist=463950,
    SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates     7.0103.20071003090459.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:55:16[UTC], changelist=463950,
    SapGenerationFrameworkCore     7.0103.20071003090713.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:48:07[UTC], changelist=463957,
    SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer     7.0103.20080730170941.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:00:15[UTC], changelist=494993,
    SapMetamodelCommon     7.0103.20071003091208.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:48:51[UTC], changelist=463971,
    SapMetamodelCore     7.0103.20071003091208.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:48:46[UTC], changelist=463971,
    SapMetamodelDictionary     7.0103.20071003090530.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:52:58[UTC], changelist=463951,
    SapMetamodelWebDynpro     7.0103.20080730170953.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:19:57:29[UTC], changelist=494995,
    SapWebDynproGenerationCTemplates     7.0103.20081105123737.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:06:40[UTC], changelist=507414, host=pwdfm201)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCore     7.0103.20080730170941.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:00:20[UTC], changelist=494993,
    SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates     7.0103.20081105123737.0000 (release=701_SP_REL, buildtime=2008-11-05:20:06:40[UTC], changelist=507414, host=pwdfm201)
    No information available     null
    Detailed Error Information
    Detailed Exception Chain
         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.RMAdapter.getResource(
         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.findResource(
         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.findManagerAndResource(
         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.getResourceImpl(
         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.getResource(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    Appreciate all your help!
    Edited by: VSingh on Jul 1, 2009 10:03 AM

    The error message tells you that something is referencing a NULL value in the code of the UMRepositoryManager class. This is generally a sign of poor error detection in the code and not checking for NULL's before trying to use them! If I were you I would try the following:
    1. Check your User Management Engine (UME) configuration
    2. Check the KM UM Repository Manager configuration
    I would say that because the code is standard SAP code the problem is somewhere in the configuration of your system (i.e. the code is expecting something to be configured but it is not). I would also recommend checking SAP OSS notes for a possible solution.
    Hope this gets you started towards finding the solution.

  • Configuration of WF approval email notification

    We are on and I have a workflow configuration question. When an approval notification is routed to a manager and he or she views it in their worklist, the response line that has the Approve, Reject, or Request More Information buttions appears at BOTH the top and bottom of the page. But when the manager views it in their email box, the links to Approve, Reject, etc appear only at the bottom of the email. Is there a way to configure the emails so that the response links appear at the top of the page in addition (or instead of) to the bottom of the page, the same as the worklist page? Managers are finding that when viewing/approving via PDAs, part of the notification is being truncated, as is the case with OTL timecard approvals.

    Please see if this thread helps.
    R12 Requisition Approval - Removing few buttons from email notification
    R12 Requisition Approval - Removing few buttons from email notification
    For OTL, what is the OTL patchset you are on?

  • Delegating an approver in the Time Approval

    Is there a delegation functionality available for the Mass time card approval where an alternate person can be delegated in case of the manager not available to approve the time
    I know there is a Delegation functionality which an employee can enter the time for other employee, is there a similar kind of functionality for the approval process
    please let me know thanks
    Message was edited by:

    You probably missed this info in the question "Is there a delegation functionality available for the Mass time card approval"
    What you mentioned stands true for Timecard worklist page, but not for the Mass Timecard Approval page :)

  • Notification - Change the Color of the Notification URL

    I have a requirement where the Color of the Notification URL (Subject) should change as per some pre-defined condition. This changed color is to be visible in the Workflow Worklist page where all the notifications are displayed.
    Can someone please let me know if this is possible and if so, how?

    You can store an HTML tag within an attribute, which you then use as the subject for the message. For example, create an item attribute called MESSAGE_SUBJECT which you set to "<font color=red>Your subject goes here</font>". Copy this item attribute as a send message attribute.
    When you send the notification, the subject should appear in red.
    Two limitations on this though. Firstly, if the notification is being sent via email, then the subject will contain the HTML tag as well as the subject. Secondly, this only works with the HTML based worklist - using the OA framework worklist will do the same as an email.
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available on my website:

  • OTL: Timecard Cooment Field

    How to enable the comment field in timecard?

    "Comment Field at the bottom next to Select/Deselect All check box."
    Earlier I though of this "Select/Deselect All" button in the worklist page cause I was thinking of Self Service :) Now I see that you were talking about the Timekeeper screen all the while and we were looking for them in Self Service.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi , information: when login as adminstrator yesterday, it asked for a new password & i given a new password to the administrator Error in portal: Failed to resolve JCO destination name 'WD_GPMS_RFC_METADATA_DEST' in the SLD My Findings 1) http://...

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    Adobe Security Bulletin APSB10-16 indicates that AIR v2.0.2 and earlier need to be replaced, but since v2 only works on Mac Intel platforms, I need an update for v1.5.3.  If not, what's the work-around?  Uninstall AIR?