Wrap a store procedure which include "Left Join"

In 9i, i write a store procedure :
AND, I wrap this store procedure, it show error message:
PSU(103,1,50,41):Encountered the symbol "LEFT" when expecting one of the following:
, ; for group having intersect minus order start union where
Why i can run this store procedure, but can't wrap it?
my oracle is

Replace Left Join with "," and put "(+)" symbol after A.ID

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  • Store procedure which get list of values separated by semicolon and return result set as a string semicolon separated string

    I am trying to make stored procedure in what i am getting i_group_id  as a list of groups seprated by semicoln like 1,2,14,17,23.
    And i want list of emails based on that group. And result set will be as a list of emails seprated by semicolon.
    If you know how to install that in stored procedure please help me. Appreciate your help.
    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM(emp.email) email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
        x_group_email:= x_group_email || i.email ||';';
      END LOOP;
      x_group_email := RTRIM(x_group_email,';');
       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR 
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL; 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                       
    END get_groups_email;
    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM(emp.email) email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
        x_group_email:= x_group_email || i.email ||';';
      END LOOP;
      x_group_email := RTRIM(x_group_email,';');
       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR 
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL; 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                       
    END get_groups_email;

    1013527 wrote:
    I am using Oracle 9.7.2. Not 11g.
    No Database at hand to provide a working example.
    So use http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:73830657104020 to split your list into rows.
    Join that to your table of e-mail addresses
    then take a look at http://www.sqlsnippets.com/en/topic-11787.html maybe chosing http://www.sqlsnippets.com/en/topic-12087.html
    and you're done.
    something to play with (still NOT TESTED!)
    e_mails as
    (select 1 user_id,'alpha' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' e_mail from dual union all
    select 2,'beta' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 3,'gamma' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 4,'delta' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 5,'epsilon' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 6,'zeta' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 7,'eta' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 8,'theta' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 9,'iota' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 10,'kappa' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 11,'lambda' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 12,'mu' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 13,'nu' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 14,'xi' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 15,'omicron' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 16,'pi' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 17,'rho' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 18,'sigma' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 19,'tau' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 20,'upsilon' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 21,'phi' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 22,'chi' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 23,'psi' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual union all
    select 24,'omega' || chr(64) || 'domain.eu' from dual
    groups as
    (select 1 g_id,'1,15,21,17' members from dual union all
    select 2,'23,10,3,20,7,23,15,9' from dual union all
    select 3,'3,4,5,6,7,8' from dual union all
    select 4,'23,24,15,16,7,18' from dual
    select g_id,
           substr(sys_connect_by_path(e_mail,';'),2) e_mail_list
      from (select g.g_id,
                   row_number() over (partition by g.g_id order by e.user_id) rn
              from e_mails e,
                   groups g
             where instr(','||g.members||',',','||to_char(e.user_id)||',') > 0
               and instr(','||:group_list||',',','||to_char(g.g_id)||',') > 0
    where connect_by_isleaf = 1
    start with rn = 1
    connect by rn = prior rn + 1
            and g_id = prior g_id
    Message was edited by: Etbin provided a small example

  • Store procedure which get list of values separated by semicolon and return result set as a string semicolon separated strin

    I am trying to make stored procedure in what i am getting i_group_id  as a list of groups seprated by semicoln like 1,2,14,17,23.
    And i want list of emails based on that group. And result set will be as a list of emails seprated by semicolon.
    Can anybody please help me for that. Thanks in advance.
    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM(emp.email) email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
        x_group_email:= x_group_email || i.email ||';';
      END LOOP;
      x_group_email := RTRIM(x_group_email,';');
       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR  
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL;  
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                        
    END get_groups_email;
    PROCEDURE get_groups_email(i_group_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                               x_group_email_dtl_cur OUT resultcur)
    x_group_email VARCHAR2(4000):=NULL;
       FOR i IN (SELECT   TRIM(emp.email) email
                   FROM   ems.employee emp,
                          ems.groups_employee egrp
                  WHERE   egrp.group_id IN (i_group_id)
                    AND   emp.person_id = egrp.person_id) LOOP
        x_group_email:= x_group_email || i.email ||';';
      END LOOP;
      x_group_email := RTRIM(x_group_email,';');
       OPEN x_group_email_dtl_cur FOR  
         SELECT   x_group_email
           FROM   DUAL;  
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('x_group_email:' || x_group_email);                                        
    END get_groups_email;

    Can anybody please help me for that
    Not in this forum they can't. This forum, as the title says, is for SQL Developer questions only.
    Please mark this question ANSWERED and repost it in the SQL and PL/SQL forum

  • Select all values from Rule in Store Procedure

    I have a rule like this
    CREATE RULE [dbo].[Rle_Currency_Lst]
    @List IN
    Now i want to make simple "Currency List" report for which i need to select values from above rule in Store Procedure which i will use in SSRS to fill my report.
    Please help
    Zubair Afridi | Please mark as answered or vote helpful if this post help resolved your issue. Thanks!

    One way to get the values.
    declare @definition nvarchar(max);
    select @definition = m.definition
    from sys.objects o
    inner join sys.sql_modules m on o.object_id = m.object_id
    where schema_name(o.schema_id) = 'dbo' and o.name = 'Rle_Currency_Lst';
    set @definition = SUBSTRING(@definition, CHARINDEX('''', @definition), LEN(@definition));
    set @definition = LEFT(@definition, CHARINDEX(')', @definition) - 1);
    declare @myXML AS XML;
    set @myXML = N'<H><r>' + REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@definition, CHARINDEX('''', @definition), LEN(@definition)), ',', '</r><r>') + '</r></H>'
    declare @result table(myvalues nvarchar(100));
    insert @result(myvalues)
    SELECT Vals.id.value('.', 'NVARCHAR(100)') AS val
    FROM @myXML.nodes('/H/r') AS Vals(id)
    update @result set myvalues = REPLACE(myvalues, '''', '');
    select * from @result;
    Note that rules is a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server.  The replacement for rules is CHECK CONSTRAINTS.  You may well want to consider a plan to migrate your current rules to check constraints.

  • Store procedure to be triggered before approval procedure.

    Dear Experts,
    This is with reference to Approval Procedure and store procedure. I have created the store procedure which validates the series with user defined field value.
    If there is difference in the field value of series & user defined field, system will block the entry ( this is defined in store procedure) & also approval procedure is also defined for the same document (i.e. Document value greater than 1 Lakh).
    Now the problem, on creation of documents system trigger the Approval procedure and the document is sent for approval; but the store procedure defined is not reflected before approval & after the approval user cannot change series.
    Is there any way the store procedure can validate the value before approval procedure is triggered?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Yogesh Jadav.

    Hi Raj,
    Below are the queries for Purchase Order & Purchase Order Draft.
    Purchase Order Draft----
    if @object_type='22' and (@transaction_type='A' or @transaction_type='U')
    if exists(select T0.docentry from odrf T0 inner join NNM1 T1 on T0.series=T1.series where (T1.seriesname like 'Ord%') and (T0.U_Stage<>'Order') and t0.objtype='22' and T0.docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    select @error=1, @error_message='Series name and category should be both order'
    Purchase Order----
    if @object_type='22' and (@transaction_type='A' or @transaction_type='U')
    if exists(select T0.docentry from opor T0 inner join NNM1 T1 on T0.series=T1.series where (T1.seriesname like 'Ord%') and (T0.U_Stage<>'Order') and T0.docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    select @error=1, @error_message='Series name and category should be both order'
    Yogesh Jadav

  • Oracle JBDC error while calling the store procedure

    HI All,
    I am get one strange error while calling a store procedure which has two parameter in and out.
    I am pass the correct XML file which reaches the RDB and then PI receives a exception error message saying:
    oracle.rdb.jdbc.common.RdbException: Closed Resultset
    where as no error log is availble in RBD for the same.
    Can anybody tell me what can be the cause of the error.
    Let me know if you requires more information on this.

    Hi Kiran,
    But I am not able to understand you. I am calling a store procedure not a table. and we not doing anything in the store procedure except return one constant value in Out parameter.

  • Calling ORACLE Store Procedure with parameters in user define function

    Hi everybody,
    We have a scenario connecting Oracle DB thru JDBC adapter.
    We have to call store procedure with input parameter and output parameter to retrieve data from DB. The implementation was made using JDBC adapter by building the correct XML message with EXECUTE action, and it works fine.
    Now we need to use DB lookup within mapping. I wrote users define function with SELECT statement (using the JDBC adapter) and it works fine but I need to call store procedure in ORACLE instead of SELECT statement.
    I found lot of examples concerning DB lookup but none of them explained how to write UDF calling store procedure in ORACLE with input and output parameters.
    I am looking for an example.
    Thanks in advance,

    I agree with you, but issue is we have lots of existing store procedure, which we need to call where damn required. I am sure those will be few but still i need to find out.
    If you think you are going to get existing MS Stored Procedures  or Oracle Packages that had nothing to do with the ORM previously to work that are not geared to do simple CRUD operations with the ORM and the database tables, you have a rude awakening
    coming that's for sure. You had better look into using ADO.NET and Oracle Command objects and call those Oracle Packages by those means and use a datareader.
    You could use the EF backdoor, call Oracle Command object and use the Packages,  if that's even possible, just like you can use MS SQL Server Stored Procedures or in-line T-SQL via the EF backdoor.
    That's about your best shot.

  • Insert and update same record of table using store procedure in oracle 10g

    I am using oracle sql developer for this.
    I have created Store procedure which run after every 30mins of interval.
    the problem is Ii need to insert data for first time of day then later that same record should update for particular field(here its plan code).
    if new field is coming (if new plan code is generated) then it should insert data and again update same for interval.
    means for each plan individual record(i.e. plan wise summary) should be there for only a day. next day new record for same plan.

    You should use Merge like shown below:-
    Merge into original_table a
    using second_table b
    on (a.primary_key=b.primary_key and a.primary_key........)
    when match then
    update set column_list=b.column_list
    when not match then
    isert into (column list)
    values(a.column_list)If you dont know much about merge then follow below link..

  • Writing a store procedure  for deleting records

    how can i write a store procedure for deleting records from a table.
    i have a table called employees
    and table department
    how can i write a store procedure which would delete records of employees from employees table for particular department when i delete that department from department table.

    872959 wrote:
    how can i write a store procedure for deleting records from a table.
    i have a table called employees
    and table department
    how can i write a store procedure which would delete records of employees from employees table for particular department when i delete that department from department table.
    thanksDoes not seem to be a sound design, to me.
    Employees do not go missing when organization change is made & department is eliminated.
    If you insist such nonsense, write TRIGGER to issue desired DML

  • Writing a store procedure

    I have two tables
    table department
    dep id
    it has following records in it :
    1 sales mark
    2 marketing petter
    3 hr james
    and how i have to insert date in to employee table which as
    i need to write a store procedure which would
    Insert a row into the employee table. If the department does not exist. Insert it into the departments table.

    872959 wrote:
    i need to write a store procedure which would
    Insert a row into the employee table. If the department does not exist. Insert it into the departments table.Software engineering is about taking a complex problem, reducing it into smaller simpler problems, and then solving each of these simpler problems in turn. The end-result is a solution for the complex problem.
    So do the following. Write 3 procedures:
    - a procedure that takes employee data as input and inserts this into the employees table
    - a procedure that takes department data as input and inserts this into the departments table
    - a procedure (or function) that checks whether a specific department exists in the departments table
    This is easy to do.
    Once done, then you simply use these 3 building blocks in a new procedure that
    a) checks if the department exists
    b) inserts the department if it does not
    c) inserts the employee
    Keep in mind that a software engineering problem cannot be more simpler than this. You need to understand how to do this (simplifying the problem) and how the design and write the code for it. Real world problems are magnitudes more complex - and if you want to make software engineering a career, you should not be struggling to deal with the most elementary of problems.

  • Need to update multiple records using store procedure

    Hi i am trying to update multiple records using store procedure but failed to achieve pls help me with this
    for example my source is
    emp_name sal
    abhi 2000
    arti 1500
    priya 1700
    i want to increase salary of emp whose salary is less than 2000 it means rest two salary should get update..using stored procedure only
    i have tried following code
    create or replace procedure upt_sal(p_sal out emp.sal%type, p_cursor out sys_refcursor)
    open p_cursor for
    select sal into p_sal from emp;
    if sal<2000 then
    update emp set sal= sal+200;
    end i;f
    and i have called the procedure using following codes
    set serveroutput on
    p_sal emp.sal%type;
    v_cursor sys_refcursor;
    fetch v_cursor into p_sal;
    the program is executing but i should get o/p like this after updating
    but i am getting first row only
    and record is not upsating...please help me with this

    Hi Alberto,
    thanx for your valuable suggestion. but still i have doubt. the code which i have mentioned above might be simple but what if i have big requirement where i need update the data by using loops and conditional statement.
    and i have similar kind of requirement where i need to deal with procedure which returns more than one row
    my source is
    empno ename salary
    here i need to write a store procedure which accepts the empno (111) as input para and display ename and salary
    here i have written store procedure like this
    create or replace procedure show_emp_det(p_empno in emp.empno%type, p_ename out emp.ename%type,p_salary out emp.salary%type, p_cursor out sys_refcursor)
    open p_cursor for
    select ename,salary into p_ename,p_salary from emp where empno=p_empno;
    and i have called this by using
    p_salary emp.salary%type;
    p_ename emp.ename%type
    v_cursor sys_refcursor;
    fetch v_cursor into p_ename,p_salary;
    here i should get
    but i am getting first row only
    but i want to fetch both rows...pls help me to find the solution

  • Which is better to use Store Procedure or Views in Crystal Reports ?

    which one is more better to use Store Procedure or Views in Crystal Reports ?

    It depeneds on the requirement. Well, but from performance point of view as u know that stored procedures are already compiled on DB side, they would be more efficient. Views are handled differently. Here CR has nothing to do with it.
    But if the stored procedure u r using is having 2 Select statements, CR will only display the results from the first select statement. In that case you need to use Views as one can use more than one views in the report and join them.
    Using a Generic view which is created by the DBA for a larger audience will result in performance issues meaning if a View "V" has 25 fields and View is based on 5 tables  and ur report is using only 5 fields which are coming only from 2 tables inside the view,in this case u will end up in joining 3 more tables unnecessarily.
    Hope this helps!

  • Help: How to open wrapped store procedure on oracle database

    Dear Gurus,
    how to open the wrapped store procedure on oracle database?
    anyone can help me...?
    reply me soon
    take care

    Any other way so that I can see the flow of data that written on wrapped store procedure?You need to see the source code which has keeped outside of database. Read a wrapped code is not common for humans...
    reply me asap If you want an asap answer, raise a SR for oracle support, not through a forum which is based on volunteers.

  • I want to create stored procedure which will give output rows from "values that are passed as one parameter (comma seperated) to store procedure".

    I want to create stored procedure which will give output rows from "values that are passed as one parameter (comma seperated) to store procedure".
    Suppose , 
    Parameter value : person 1,person2,person3 
    table structure : 
    Project Name | officers 1 | officers 2
    here, officers 1 or officers 2 may contain names of multiple people.
    expected OUTPUT : distinct list(rows) of projects where person 1 or person 2 or person 3 is either officer1 or officer 2. 
    please explain or provide solution in detail 
    - Thanks

    Hi Visakh,
    Thanks for reply.
    But the solution you provided giving me right output only if officer 1 or officer 2 contains single value , not with comma seperated value.
    Your solution is working fine for following scenario : 
    Officers 1
    Officers 2
    with parameter : of11,off22 : it will give expected output
    And its not working in case of :
    Officers 1
    Officers 2
    with parameter : of11,off22 : it will not give any row in output
    I need patten matching not exact match :) 
    if thats the case use this modified logic
    CREATE PROC GetProjectDetails
    @PersonList varchar(5000)
    SELECT p.*
    FROM ProjectTable p
    INNER JOIN dbo.ParseValues(@PersonList,',')f
    ON ',' + p.[officers 1] + ',' LIKE '%,' + f.val + ',%'
    OR ',' + p.[officers 2] + ',' LIKE '%,' + f.val + ',%'
    Keep in mind that what you've done is a wrong design approach
    You should not be storing multiples values like this as comma separated list in a single column. Learn about normalization . This is in violation of 1st Normal Form
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Mark This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • SQL statement that includes LEFT & RIGHT JOIN in the same statement??? Help

    How an I write an SQL statement with a GROUP BY that will both (a) include the NULL value from the left hand table, but also (b) include ALL columns from the right hand table. It's like I need a LEFT JOIN and a RIGHT JOIN in the query at the same time.
    Here's an example of the 2 tables I have and the result I'm after. As you can see I want the NULL's from Expenses Table summed, as well as include all categories from the right hand table (i.e. even if there are no expenses against them)
    Table = Expenses
    Amount Category
    $10 1
    $20 2
    $30 1
    $40 NULL {i.e. not yet categorised}
    Table = Categories
    ID Title
    1 Food
    2 Entertainment
    3 Travel
    4 Personal
    Category Total
    Food 40
    Entertainment 20
    Travel 0
    Personal 0
    NULL 40

    SQL> create table expenses (amount,category)
      2  as
      3  select 10, 1 from dual union all
      4  select 20, 2 from dual union all
      5  select 30, 1 from dual union all
      6  select 40, null from dual
      7  /
    Table created.
    SQL> create table categories (id,title)
      2  as
      3  select 1, 'Food' from dual union all
      4  select 2, 'Entertainment' from dual union all
      5  select 3, 'Travel' from dual union all
      6  select 4, 'Personal' from dual
      7  /
    Table created.
    SQL> select c.title category
      2       , nvl(sum(e.amount),0) total
      3    from expenses e
      4         full outer join categories c on (e.category = c.id)
      5   group by c.id
      6       , c.title
      7   order by c.id
      8  /
    CATEGORY                                       TOTAL
    Food                                              40
    Entertainment                                     20
    Travel                                             0
    Personal                                           0
    5 rows selected.Regards,

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