Writing and reading txt file, GUI components

This program has to read a txt file to create Food objects which will consist of a food name, a serving size, and a number of calories. A text file is read which contains the calories contained in specific food items. From this data, an array of Food objects will be created and used to populate a combo box for user selection. The Food objects will also be used in calculating the balance calories for a given user on a given day.
User input will be used to create User objects which will be user name, age, gender, height, weight, and Food Diary objects (composition). The Food Diary objects will consist of Date (composition), Food object (composition), number of servings, and a balance. Food Diary objects will consist of the activity on any given day (see text area in sample output screen below). All User objects are saved to a file as objects and can be retrieved on subsequent runs of the program.
The program will calculate the number of calories the user is allowed per day to maintain the user�s current weight (see below for formula to use for this).
BMRMen = 66 + (13.7 * weightPounds/2.2) + (5 * heightInches*2.54) - (6.8 * age)
BMRWomen = 655 + (9.6 * weightPounds/2.2) + (1.8 * heightInches*2.54) - (4.7 * age)
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class FoodDiaryGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
JLabel lblName, lblAge, lblWeight,lblHeight,lblFemale,lblMale,lblFood;
JTextField txtName, txtAge, txtWeight,txtHeight;
JButton btnSave, btnNewUser;
JTextArea outputArea;
JComboBox cbFood;
int currentIndex=0, lastIndex=4;
public FoodDiaryGUI()
super ("Food Diary Calculator");
lblName= new JLabel("Name: ");
lblAge= new JLabel("Age: ");
lblWeight= new JLabel("Weight(lbs): ");
lblHeight= new JLabel("Height(inches): ");
lblFemale= new JLabel("Female: ");
lblMale= new JLabel("Male: ");
lblFood= new JLabel("Choose a Food: ");
txtName= new JTextField(15);
txtAge= new JTextField(3);
txtWeight= new JTextField(6);
txtHeight= new JTextField(6);
outputArea= new JTextArea(9,20);
cbFood= new JComboBox();
cbFood.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 20));
Container c = getContentPane();
JPanel northPanel = new JPanel();
northPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
btnSave= new JButton("SAVE");
btnNewUser= new JButton("NEW USER");
JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel();
centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
JRadioButton rbMale = new JRadioButton(maleString);
JRadioButton rbFemale = new JRadioButton(femaleString);
//Group the radio buttons.
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
//Register a listener for the radio buttons.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent rb) {
picture.setIcon(new ImageIcon("images/"
+ rb.getActionCommand()
+ ".gif"));
JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
southPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
southPanel.add (outputArea);
//add listener to button components.
public void actionPreformed(ActionEvent e)
if (e.getSource()==btnSave)
public static void main (String[] args)
FoodDiaryGUI application = new FoodDiaryGUI();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
THE .txt file is as:
i hope this forum site has to many java professionals and this problem is nothing for them. for me it is great.

Stick to using a single userid and a single posting of a question:

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    This program has to read a txt file to create Food objects which will consist of a food name, a serving size, and a number of calories. A text file is read which contains the calories contained in specific food items. From this data, an array of Food objects will be created and used to populate a combo box for user selection. The Food objects will also be used in calculating the balance calories for a given user on a given day.
    User input will be used to create User objects which will be user name, age, gender, height, weight, and Food Diary objects (composition). The Food Diary objects will consist of Date (composition), Food object (composition), number of servings, and a balance. Food Diary objects will consist of the activity on any given day (see text area in sample output screen below). All User objects are saved to a file as objects and can be retrieved on subsequent runs of the program.
    The program will calculate the number of calories the user is allowed per day to maintain the user�s current weight (see below for formula to use for this).
    BMRMen = 66 + (13.7 * weightPounds/2.2) + (5 * heightInches*2.54) - (6.8 * age)
    BMRWomen = 655 + (9.6 * weightPounds/2.2) + (1.8 * heightInches*2.54) - (4.7 * age)
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class FoodDiaryGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         JLabel               lblName, lblAge, lblWeight,lblHeight,lblFemale,lblMale,lblFood;
         JTextField          txtName, txtAge, txtWeight,txtHeight;
         JButton               btnSave, btnNewUser;
         JTextArea           outputArea;
         JComboBox          cbFood;
         int currentIndex=0, lastIndex=4;
         public FoodDiaryGUI()
              super ("Food Diary Calculator");
              lblName=               new JLabel("Name: ");
              lblAge=                    new JLabel("Age: ");
              lblWeight=               new JLabel("Weight(lbs): ");
              lblHeight=               new JLabel("Height(inches): ");
              lblFemale=               new JLabel("Female: ");
              lblMale=               new JLabel("Male: ");
              lblFood=               new JLabel("Choose a Food: ");
              txtName=               new JTextField(15);
              txtAge=                    new JTextField(3);
              txtWeight=               new JTextField(6);
              txtHeight=               new JTextField(6);
              outputArea=               new JTextArea(9,20);     
              cbFood=                    new JComboBox();
              cbFood.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 20));
              Container c = getContentPane();
              JPanel northPanel = new JPanel();
              northPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              btnSave=               new JButton("SAVE");
              btnNewUser=               new JButton("NEW USER");
              JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel();
              centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              JRadioButton rbMale = new JRadioButton(maleString);
         JRadioButton rbFemale = new JRadioButton(femaleString);
         //Group the radio buttons.
         ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
         //Register a listener for the radio buttons.
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent rb) {
         picture.setIcon(new ImageIcon("images/"
         + rb.getActionCommand()
         + ".gif"));
              JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
              southPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              southPanel.add (outputArea);
              //add listener to button components.
              public void actionPreformed(ActionEvent e)
                   if (e.getSource()==btnSave)
              public static void main (String[] args)
                   FoodDiaryGUI application = new FoodDiaryGUI();
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    THE .txt file is as:
    100% NATURAL CEREAL *1 OZ*135
    40% BRAN FLAKES, POST*1 OZ*90
    i hope this forum site has to many java professionals and this problem is nothing for them. for me it is great.

    Stick to using a single userid and a single posting of a question:

  • Write and read txt files and catch the exceptions

    hey everyone, im in a bit of a bind. im trying to set up this try catch statement. here is what i have for code so far.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Warning
        //   Reads student data (name, semester hours, quality points) from a
        //   text file, computes the GPA, then writes data to another file
        //   if the student is placed on academic warning.
        public static void main (String[] args)
         int creditHrs;         // number of semester hours earned
         double qualityPts;     // number of quality points earned
         double gpa;            // grade point (quality point) average
         String line, name, inputName = "students.dat";
         String outputName = "warning.dat";
              Scanner FileScan1 = new Scanner (new File("students.dat"));
              // Set up scanner to input file
              // Set up the output file stream
              // Print a header to the output file
              outFile.println ();
              outFile.println ("Students on Academic Warning");
              outFile.println ();
              // Process the input file, one token at a time
              while (FileScan1.hasNext())//there is another line...
                  {               // Get the credit hours and quality points and
                   // determine if the student is on warning. If so,
                   // write the student data to the output file.
              // Close output file
         catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
              System.out.println ("The file " + inputName + " was not found.");
         catch (IOException exception)
              System.out.println (exception);
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
              System.out.println ("Format error in input file: " + e);
    }I am pretty sure the layout is good to go, but first and foremost that try statement is hanging me up. Could someone give me some suggestions about how i should set this up.
    i want to read in this students.dat file, then output another file called warning.dat.
    Thanks i really appreicate the help.

    no, i was really hoping to just see if the way it is
    set up it will be doable, that way i wouldn't be
    working on code that was impossiable to sort through
    properlyFair enough.
    One thing I'd suggest is that if you're really basically only going to be printing the exceptions, and since that is the top-level method (main) --
    I'd instead just add some "throws" clauses to main, get rid of the try/catch stuff, and just let the VM handle the exceptions for you. It will print them, just like you're doing, except that it will also print the stack traces, which you are not doing.
    If you're going to handle exceptions, it's better to actually do something about them rather than just print them - otherwise you might just as well let the runtime do that for you.

  • Problem with writing and reading using serialization

    I am having a problem with writing and reading an object that has another object in it. The purpose of the class is to write a order that has multiple items in it. And there will be several orders. This is for an IB project, where one of the requirements is to utilize a hierarchical composite data structure. That is, it is "one that contains more than one element and at least one of the elements is a composite data structure. Examples are, an array or linked list of records, a record that has one field that is another record, or an array". The code is shown below:
    The error produced is
         at SamsonRubberIndustries.CustomerOrderDetails.createCustOrdDetailsScreen(CustomerOrderDetails.java:150)
         at SamsonRubberIndustries.CustomerOrderDetails$1.run(CustomerOrderDetails.java:78)
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
    public class CustOrdObject implements Serializable {
         public int CustID;
         public int CustOrderID;
         public Object OrderDate;
         public InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj;
         public float GrandTotal;
         public int MaxItems;
         public CustOrdObject() {}
         public CustOrdObject(InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj,
    int CustID, int CustOrderID, Object OrderDate,
    float GrandTotal, int innerarrlength, int innerarrpos, int MaxItems) {
              this.CustID = CustID;
              this.CustOrderID = CustOrderID;
              this.OrderDate = OrderDate;
              this.GrandTotal = GrandTotal;          
              this.MaxItems = MaxItems;
              this.innerCustOrdObj = new InnerCustOrdObject[MaxItems];
         public InnerCustOrdObject[] getInnerCustOrdObj() {
              return innerCustOrdObj;
         public void setInnerCustOrdObj(InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj) {
              this.innerCustOrdObj = innerCustOrdObj;
         public int getCustID() {
              return CustID;
         public void setCustID(int custID) {
              CustID = custID;
         public int getCustOrderID() {
              return CustOrderID;
         public void setCustOrderID(int custOrderID) {
              CustOrderID = custOrderID;
         public Object getOrderDate() {
              return OrderDate;
         public void setOrderDate(Object orderDate) {
              OrderDate = orderDate;
         public void setGrandTotal(float grandTotal) {
              GrandTotal = grandTotal;
         public float getGrandTotal() {
              return GrandTotal;
         public int getMaxItems() {
              return MaxItems;
         public void setMaxItems(int maxItems) {
              MaxItems = maxItems;
    public class InnerCustOrdObject implements Serializable{
         public int ItemNumber;
         public float UnitPrice;
         public int QuantityRequired;
         public float TotalPrice;
         public InnerCustOrdObject() {}
         public InnerCustOrdObject(int ItemNumber, float
    UnitPrice, int QuantityRequired, float TotalPrice){
              this.ItemNumber = ItemNumber;
              this.UnitPrice = UnitPrice;
              this.QuantityRequired = QuantityRequired;
              this.TotalPrice = TotalPrice;
         public int getItemNumber() {
              return ItemNumber;
         public void setItemNumber(int itemNumber) {
              ItemNumber = itemNumber;
         public int getQuantityRequired() {
              return QuantityRequired;
         public void setQuantityRequired(int quantityRequired) {
              QuantityRequired = quantityRequired;
         public float getTotalPrice() {
              return TotalPrice;
         public void setTotalPrice(float totalPrice) {
              TotalPrice = totalPrice;
         public float getUnitPrice() {
              return UnitPrice;
         public void setUnitPrice(float unitPrice) {
              UnitPrice = unitPrice;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    public class CustomerOrderDetails extends CommonFeatures{
         private static int MAX_ORDERS = 200;
         private static int MAX_ORDERITEMS = 100;
         private static int MaxRecord;
         private static int CurrentRecord = 1;
         private static int currentItem;
         private static int MaxItems;
         private static boolean FileExists, recFileExists;
         private static CustOrdObject[] orderDetails = new CustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERS];
         private static InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj = new InnerCustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERITEMS];     
         private static File OrderDetailsFile = new File("CustOrdDetails.dat");
         private static File OrdRecordNumStore = new File("OrdRecordNumStore.txt");
         private static PrintWriter writeFile;
         private static BufferedReader readFile;
         private static ObjectOutputStream objOut;
         private static ObjectInputStream objIn;
         //Set format for date
         SimpleDateFormat simpleDF = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
         //--<BEGINNING>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------//
         private JPanel innertoppanel, innercenterpanel, innerbottompanel, innerrightpanel, innerleftpanel;
         private JLabel CustIDLbl, CustOrderIDLbl, OrderedDateLbl, GrandTotLbl, ItemNumberLbl,UnitPriceLbl, QuantityReqLbl, TotPriceLbl;
         private JTextField CustIDTxt, CustOrderIDTxt, OrderedDateTxt, GrandTotTxt, ItemNumberTxt, UnitPriceTxt, QuantityReqTxt, TotPriceTxt;
         private JButton addrecordbtn, savebtn, externalprevbtn, externalnextbtn, internalprevbtn, internalnextbtn, gotorecordbtn, additemreqbtn;
         //--<END>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------------//
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              final CustomerOrderDetails COD = new CustomerOrderDetails();
              java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception eb) {
         //--<BEGINNING>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------//
         public JFrame createCustOrdDetailsScreen() {
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsTitle(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsLeftNavButtons(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsRightNavButtons(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsButtons(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              //--<BEGINNING>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists-------------------------------//
              if (OrdRecordNumStore.exists() == true) {
                   recFileExists = true;
              }else {
                   recFileExists = false;
              if (recFileExists == true) {
                   MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                   CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
                   MaxRecord = 1;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
              //--<END>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists--------------------------------------//
              if(readOrder() != null){
                   orderDetails = (CustOrdObject[]) readOrder();
                 innerCustOrdObj = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   MaxItems = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getMaxItems();
                   if(CurrentRecord > 1 && CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                   if(CurrentRecord >= MaxRecord){
                   orderDetails[CurrentRecord] = new CustOrdObject();
                   currentItem = 1;
              return mainframe;
         //--<END>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------------//
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsTitle(){
              label.setText("- Customer Order Details -");
              buttonpanel.setBackground(TxtfontColor) ;
              titlepanel.add(labelpanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              titlepanel.add(buttonpanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
              return titlepanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(){
              mainpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());          
              mainpanel.add(createInnerTopPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerCenterPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerBottomPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerRightPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerLeftPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              return mainpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerTopPanel(){
              innertoppanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              CustIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDLbl, GBC);     
              CustIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDTxt, GBC);
              GBC.gridx = 3;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(220), GBC);
              OrderedDateLbl = new JLabel("Order Date");
              GBC.gridx = 4;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateLbl, GBC);     
              //Get today's date
              Date todaydate = new Date();
              OrderedDateTxt = new JTextField(simpleDF.format(todaydate), 20);
              GBC.gridx = 5;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateTxt, GBC);
              CustOrderIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer Order ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDLbl, GBC);
              CustOrderIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDTxt, GBC);
              return innertoppanel;
         public JPanel createInnerCenterPanel(){
              innercenterpanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              ItemNumberLbl = new JLabel("Item Number");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberLbl, GBC);     
              ItemNumberTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberTxt, GBC);
              UnitPriceLbl = new JLabel("Unit Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceLbl, GBC);     
              UnitPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceTxt, GBC);
              QuantityReqLbl = new JLabel("Quantity Required");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqLbl, GBC);     
              QuantityReqTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqTxt, GBC);
              TotPriceLbl = new JLabel("Total Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceLbl, GBC);     
              TotPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceTxt, GBC);
              return innercenterpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerBottomPanel(){
              innerbottompanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              GrandTotLbl = new JLabel("Grand Total");
              GrandTotTxt = new JTextField(20);
              return innerbottompanel;
         public JPanel createInnerRightPanel(){
              innerrightpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(navrightpanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem < MaxItems){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
                        if(currentItem == MaxItems){
              innerrightpanel.add(internalnextbtn, GBC);
              return innerrightpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerLeftPanel(){
              innerleftpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerleftpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem == 1){
                        if(currentItem > 0){
              innerleftpanel.add(internalprevbtn, GBC);
              return innerleftpanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsButtons(){
              externalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              externalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord == 1){
                        if(CurrentRecord > 0){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
              addrecordbtn = new JButton("Add Record", createAddButtonIcon());
              addrecordbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //Get today's date
                             Date todaydate = new Date();
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              savebtn = new JButton("Save Data", createSaveButtonIcon());
              savebtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
              java.net.URL imageURL_AddRowIcon = CommonFeatures.class.getResource("Icons/edit_add.png");
              ImageIcon AddRowIcon = new ImageIcon(imageURL_AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn = new JButton("Add Item", AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                             //CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              externalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              externalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
                        if(CurrentRecord == MaxRecord){
              return buttonpanel;
         public void setFieldText(int orderID){//TODO
         public void setInnerFieldText(int currentItem){//TODO
              innerCustOrdObj[currentItem] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
         public void getFieldText(int orderID){
              currentItem = orderDetails[orderID].getMaxItems();
              System.err.println("currentItem" + currentItem);
         public void getInnerFieldText(int currentItem){
         public void writeOrder(){//TODO
              try {
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
              } catch (IOException e) {
         public Object readOrder(){
              Object temporaryObj;
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
                   temporaryObj = objIn.readObject();               
                   CustOrdObject[] blah = (CustOrdObject[]) temporaryObj;
                   System.out.println("Outer: "+blah[1].getCustID());
                   InnerCustOrdObject[] whee = blah[1].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   System.out.println("Inner: "+whee[1].getItemNumber());
                   System.out.println("Read Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              }catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Read No Worky!");
                   return null;
         public void writeRecordNumber(int MaxRecord){
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
              }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
         public int readRecordNumber() {
              try {
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
                   int temporaryObj = Integer.parseInt(objIn.readObject().toString());
                   System.out.println("Read Number Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("Read Number No Worky!");
                   return -1;
    }Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    ok i got reading to work to a certain extent... but the prob is i cnt seem to save my innerCustOrdObj proprly...when ever i look for a record using the gotorecordbtn, the outerobject, which is the orderDetails, seems to change but the innerCustOrdObj remains the same... heres the new code..
    public class CustomerOrderDetails extends CommonFeatures{
         private static int MAX_ORDERS = 200;
         private static int MAX_ORDERITEMS = 100;
         private static int MaxRecord;
         private static int CurrentRecord = 1;
         private static int currentItem;
         private static int MaxItems = 1;
         private static boolean FileExists, recFileExists;
         private static boolean RecordExists;
         private static CustOrdObject[] orderDetails = new CustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERS];
         private static InnerCustOrdObject[] innerCustOrdObj = new InnerCustOrdObject[MAX_ORDERITEMS];     
         private static File OrderDetailsFile = new File("CustOrdDetails.ser");
         private static File OrdRecordNumStore = new File("OrdRecordNumStore.txt");
         private static PrintWriter writeFile;
         private static BufferedReader readFile;
         private static ObjectOutputStream objOut;
         private static ObjectInputStream objIn;
         //Set format for date
         SimpleDateFormat simpleDF = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
         //--<BEGINNING>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------//
         private JPanel innertoppanel, innercenterpanel, innerbottompanel, innerrightpanel, innerleftpanel;
         private JLabel CustIDLbl, CustOrderIDLbl, OrderedDateLbl, GrandTotLbl, ItemNumberLbl,UnitPriceLbl, QuantityReqLbl, TotPriceLbl;
         private JTextField CustIDTxt, CustOrderIDTxt, OrderedDateTxt, GrandTotTxt, ItemNumberTxt, UnitPriceTxt, QuantityReqTxt, TotPriceTxt;
         private JButton addrecordbtn, savebtn, externalprevbtn, externalnextbtn, internalprevbtn, internalnextbtn, gotorecordbtn, additemreqbtn;
         //--<END>--Declaring Interface Variables------------------------------------------------//
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              final CustomerOrderDetails COD = new CustomerOrderDetails();
              java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception eb) {
         //--<BEGINNING>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------//
         public JFrame createCustOrdDetailsScreen() {
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsTitle(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsLeftNavButtons(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              //containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsRightNavButtons(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              containerpanel.add(createCustOrdDetailsButtons(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              //--<BEGINNING>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists-------------------------------//
              if (OrdRecordNumStore.exists() == true) {
                   recFileExists = true;
              }else {
                   recFileExists = false;
              if (recFileExists == true) {
                   MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                   CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
                   MaxRecord = 1;
                   System.out.println("Current Record " +CurrentRecord);
                   System.out.println("Max Record " +MaxRecord);
              //--<END>--Checks to see whether CRecordNumberStore file exists--------------------------------------//
              if(readOrder() != null){
                   orderDetails = (CustOrdObject[]) readOrder();
                   //System.out.println("Current Rec Here"+CurrentRecord);
                   if(orderDetails[CurrentRecord] == null){
                        System.err.println("CustomerOrderObj 1 is null !!");
                        System.err.println("CustomerOrderObj 1 is  not null !!");
                   if(orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getInnerCustOrdObj() == null){
                        System.err.println("InnerCustomerOrderObj is null !!");
                        System.err.println("InnerCustomerOrderObj is  not null !!");
                   innerCustOrdObj = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   MaxItems = orderDetails[CurrentRecord].getMaxItems();
                   if(CurrentRecord > 1 && CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                   if(CurrentRecord >= MaxRecord){
                   orderDetails[CurrentRecord] = new CustOrdObject();
                   currentItem = 1;
              return mainframe;
         //--<END>--Creating CustomerOrderDetails Screen---------------------------------------------//
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsTitle(){
              label.setText("- Customer Order Details -");
              buttonpanel.setBackground(TxtfontColor) ;
              titlepanel.add(labelpanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              titlepanel.add(buttonpanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
              return titlepanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsMainPanel(){
              mainpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());          
              mainpanel.add(createInnerTopPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerCenterPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerBottomPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerRightPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);
              mainpanel.add(createInnerLeftPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST);
              return mainpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerTopPanel(){
              innertoppanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              CustIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDLbl, GBC);     
              CustIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(CustIDTxt, GBC);
              GBC.gridx = 3;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(220), GBC);
              OrderedDateLbl = new JLabel("Order Date");
              GBC.gridx = 4;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateLbl, GBC);     
              //Get today's date
              Date todaydate = new Date();
              OrderedDateTxt = new JTextField(simpleDF.format(todaydate), 20);
              GBC.gridx = 5;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innertoppanel.add(OrderedDateTxt, GBC);
              CustOrderIDLbl = new JLabel("Customer Order ID");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDLbl, GBC);
              CustOrderIDTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innertoppanel.add(CustOrderIDTxt, GBC);
              return innertoppanel;
         public JPanel createInnerCenterPanel(){
              innercenterpanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              ItemNumberLbl = new JLabel("Item Number");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberLbl, GBC);     
              ItemNumberTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              innercenterpanel.add(ItemNumberTxt, GBC);
              UnitPriceLbl = new JLabel("Unit Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceLbl, GBC);     
              UnitPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 2;
              innercenterpanel.add(UnitPriceTxt, GBC);
              QuantityReqLbl = new JLabel("Quantity Required");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqLbl, GBC);     
              QuantityReqTxt = new JTextField(20);
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 3;
              innercenterpanel.add(QuantityReqTxt, GBC);
              TotPriceLbl = new JLabel("Total Price");
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceLbl, GBC);     
              TotPriceTxt = new JTextField(20);
              TotPriceTxt.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter(){
                   public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt){
              GBC.gridx = 2;
              GBC.gridy = 4;
              innercenterpanel.add(TotPriceTxt, GBC);
              return innercenterpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerBottomPanel(){
              innerbottompanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
              //Setting Font Type and Size
              Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
              GrandTotLbl = new JLabel("Grand Total");
              GrandTotTxt = new JTextField(20);
              return innerbottompanel;
         public JPanel createInnerRightPanel(){
              innerrightpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(navrightpanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              innerrightpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem < MaxItems){
                             System.out.println("Current Item" + currentItem);
                        if(currentItem == MaxItems){
              innerrightpanel.add(internalnextbtn, GBC);
              return innerrightpanel;
         public JPanel createInnerLeftPanel(){
              innerleftpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              innerleftpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());          
              GridBagConstraints GBC = new GridBagConstraints();
              GBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              internalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              GBC.gridx = 1;
              GBC.gridy = 1;
              internalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(currentItem == 1){
                        if(currentItem > 0){
                             System.out.println("Current Item" + currentItem);
              innerleftpanel.add(internalprevbtn, GBC);
              return innerleftpanel;
         public JPanel createCustOrdDetailsButtons(){
              externalprevbtn = new JButton(createPreviousButtonIcon());
              externalprevbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord == 1){
                        if(CurrentRecord > 0){
                             System.out.println("Current Record " + CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
              addrecordbtn = new JButton("Add Record", createAddButtonIcon());
              addrecordbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             MaxRecord = readRecordNumber();
                             CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                             orderDetails[CurrentRecord] = new CustOrdObject();
                             MaxItems = 1;
                             innerCustOrdObj[MaxItems] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //Get today's date
                             Date todaydate = new Date();
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              savebtn = new JButton("Save Data", createSaveButtonIcon());
              savebtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
              java.net.URL imageURL_AddRowIcon = CommonFeatures.class.getResource("Icons/edit_add.png");
              ImageIcon AddRowIcon = new ImageIcon(imageURL_AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn = new JButton("Add Item", AddRowIcon);
              additemreqbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                             //--<BEGINNING>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------//
                             //--<END>--Clear Fields-------------------------------------------------------------//
                             //CurrentRecord = MaxRecord;
                             innerCustOrdObj[MaxItems] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
                             System.out.println("Max Items "+MaxItems);
                             currentItem = MaxItems;
                        } catch(Exception ec){ec.printStackTrace();}
              externalnextbtn = new JButton(createNextButtonIcon());
              externalnextbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        if(CurrentRecord < MaxRecord){
                             System.out.println(CurrentRecord);//Checking RECORD_NUM
                        if(CurrentRecord == MaxRecord){
              gotorecordbtn = new JButton("Go To Record", createGotoButtonIcon());
              gotorecordbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                         * The text from the GotorecordTxt textfield will be taken and assigned
                         * to a temporary integer variable called Find. 
                        int Find = Integer.parseInt(CustOrderIDTxt.getText());
                        for(int j=1; j <= MaxRecord; j++){
                              * Using a for loop, each record can be read using the readCustRecord
                              * method.
                              * An if condition is utilized to check whether the temporary stored variable, Find,
                              * matches a field in a record. If this record is found, then using the RecordExists
                              * which was declared at the top, either a true or false statement can be assigned
                              * If the record exists, then a true statement will be assigned, if not a false
                              * statement will be assigned.
                             if(orderDetails[j].getCustOrderID() == Find){
                                  RecordExists = true;
                                  RecordExists = false;
                        if(RecordExists == false){
                              * If the RecordExists is assigned a false statement, then a message will be
                              * displayed to show that the record does not exist.
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Record Does Not Exist!", "Error Message", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, createErrorIcon());
              return buttonpanel;
         public void setFieldText(int orderID){//TODO
         public void setInnerFieldText(int currentItem){//TODO
              innerCustOrdObj[currentItem] = new InnerCustOrdObject();
         public void getFieldText(int orderID){
              currentItem = orderDetails[orderID].getMaxItems();
              System.err.println("currentItem" + currentItem);
         public void getInnerFieldText(int currentItem){
         public void writeOrder(){//TODO
              try {
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
              } catch (IOException e) {
         public Object readOrder(){
              Object temporaryObj;
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrderDetailsFile));
                   temporaryObj = objIn.readObject();               
                   CustOrdObject[] blah = (CustOrdObject[]) temporaryObj;
                   /*               System.out.println("Outer: "+blah[1].getCustID());
                   InnerCustOrdObject[] whee = blah[1].getInnerCustOrdObj();
                   System.out.println("Inner: "+whee[1].getItemNumber());*/
                   System.out.println("Read Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              }catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Read No Worky!");
                   return null;
         public void writeRecordNumber(int MaxRecord){
                   objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
              }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
         public int readRecordNumber() {
              try {
                   objIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(OrdRecordNumStore));
                   int temporaryObj = Integer.parseInt(objIn.readObject().toString());
                   System.out.println("Read Number Worky!");
                   return temporaryObj;
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("Read Number No Worky!");
                   return -1;
    }Message was edited by:

  • Read txt files in DoJa?

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I haven't found any DoJa topic neither have I found good DoJa forums. So I thought I post it here.
    My problem is: I'm trying to read and write .txt files in DoJa. I've wrote this script in JCreator (with other imports ofcourse), and it worked perfectly. But as I already expected it won't work in javaaplitool (2.5):
    import com.nttdocomo.io.*;
    import com.nttdocomo.ui.*;
    class ReadFile
    void ReadMyFile()
    DataInputStream data_input_stream = null;
    String input = null;
    File file = new File("testfile.txt");
    FileInputStream input_stream = new FileInputStream(file);
    BufferedInputStream buffered_input_stream = new BufferedInputStream(input_stream);
    data_input_stream = new DataInputStream(buffered_input_stream);
    while ((input=data_input_stream.readLine()) != null)
    I've tried other things but it won't do and I'm not an expert in this :-(. Anyone know how to do it or have a small sample script or anything that can help?
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    You're not doing it correctly. Use getClass().getResourceAsStream("yourtext.txt") to read data. Note that you cant just read files on phones, Java runs in a sandbox and only has access to files includes in tje Midlet JAR.

  • Reading TXT files on WEBmode

    My problem is to read TXT-Files in Webmode. In Client-Server mode it works fine. I use the function "text_io". In Webmode i get an error "No data found" (i think it is FRM-40375).
    In which virtual directory should the files placed on the OAS????
    Does anybody have some examples for me???

    You need to specify the directory unless your files are in the current working directory of the servlet container.
    The following can help you see some of your application context:
            // Get the server configuration information and display it.
            String thisServer= getServletConfig().getServletContext().getServerInfo();
            System.out.println("The servlet Engine version: " + thisServer);
            // What is the servlet root path ?
            String prefix =  getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
            System.out.println("prefix = '" + prefix + "'");
            // What is the app root ?
            String AppRootDir = getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
            System.out.println("The app root directory : " + AppRootDir );

  • Would Like to Be Able to load and Read TXT or PDF on my 8800

    I would like to be able to load and read TXT or PDF files on my 8800.  How do I go about doing it?  Do I need third party software?  If so what do y'all recommend?
    Thanks in advance

    Dave_nguyen wrote:
    I would like to save a MS documentation, MS wordpad file into the BB MemoPad location.
    1. I could not modify the path so I could save into BB MemoPad.
    2. Is there a utility s/w so I could save/download the big file(20K to 200K)  directly into BB MemoPad. It will take long time to download from email.
    1.  Can't do that.
    2.  Get memory card and save the document to it from your PC. When the memory card is in the BlackBerry you can access it just like a USB thumb drive via Windows.

  • Is it possible to read txt files on the new ipod nano? as it was on the 5th gen

    is it possible to read txt files on the new ipod nano? as it was on the 5th gen.

    We won't know for sure until either the iPod is released and somebody can verify that or when the manual is available online from Apple.

  • I am getting messages that I can't download and read .pdf files since I have the wrong Adobe reader. I know about their security disasters of course, but I downloaded the latest version of Adobe Reader from the Adobe web site and I have other ,pdf file re

    I am getting messages that I can't download and read .pdf files since I have the wrong Adobe reader. I know about their security disasters of course, but I downloaded the latest version of Adobe Reader from the Adobe web site and I have other ,pdf file readers as well, and for some reason they won't work either. I have 5 computers running top end processors and RAM. By this I mean I have one, this one which I am using that has an AMD Phenom Black 3.2 Quad-core with 8 GBs of Corsair top DDR2 RAM, my other two AMD have either an Athlon II triple core with 4 GBs of DDR2 Corsair RAM, one with the Phenom X4 965 3.4 GHz Quad-core with 8 GBs of their best DDR2 RAM, and two Intels with the i7 920 Processors using the triple channel 1366 socket processors and one with 8 GBs of low latency DDR3 RAM and the other with 4 GBs of the same RAM. I am getting the message on this one, which has a fresh install of XP Pro X64 operating system, as do the other 4 as well. I have run Avast Business Pro Anti-virus on this one, which I am getting the message on with a single result which I deleted, and also both Spybot Search and Destroy, which came back clean as well as Malwarebytes Antimalware, which got a lot of tracing cookies now removed, and SuperAntiSpware which also found a few cookies also now deleted. Can you tell me what I need to do to get these files to show as .pdf files rather than as a clean blank page. One other issue is that I wish to know how to turn off my downloads so they are saved and Mozilla will give me the option of returning them instead of me losing them all together as it does now. Thanks for your assistance. If there is another Adobe reader I should download and install, could you provide me with the link to it? I appreciate your assistance here
    == When I download and try to read a .pdf file and when I am asked to turn off all Firefox files and if I do, I lose them since I need to know how to save them without rebooting my computer.

    Brilliant! Problem solved! Thanks so much.

  • How to open and read binary files?

    How do I open and read Binary files?

    Did you  look on The Unarchiver's web site where it has a link to older versions? http://theunarchiver.googlecode.com/files/TheUnarchiver3.2_legacy.zip
    The best thing to do is ask your friends what programs they used to produce these files, or at least what format files they are producing.  Otherwise it's like being shown a car and given a bundle of 200 keys with no idea to which one to use, or even if any of them work with that car.
    Using The Unarchiver will likely not do anything because it too will not know what format files are involved, and they may not even been in an archived format.  If they sent you a Word file without telling you (a favorite of Windows users to do  -- it drives me crazy when they could have just sent them in plain text), The Unarchiver won't open them.  If it's a picture file then using Hexedit will just show you a bunch of unintelligible stuff as shown in an earlier post, though you may see a line of text providing a hint.
    As I said earlier, often .bin may be an executable program which needs another program to actually interpret it.  That's what Java is trying to do.  Still, it may think it can execute the file, but it is highly unlikely somebody would send you an executable program (and if they did I would not trust it).  For all you know it may be a Windows virus.

  • Crashes and read-only file systems

    Notice: I apolgize for the long post, I've tried to be as thorough as possible.  I have searched everywhere for possible solutions, but things I've found end up being temporary workarounds or don't apply to my situation.  Any help, even as simple as, "have you checked out XYZ log, it's hidden here", would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks
    I'm not sure what exactly caused the issues below, but they did start to happen within a day of running pacman -Syu.  I hadn't run that since I first installed Arch on December 2nd of this year.
    Thinkpad 2436CTO
    SSD drive
    Partitions: UEFISYS, Boot, LVM
    The LVM is encrypted and is broken up as: /root, /var, /usr, /tmp, /home
    All LVM file systems are EXT4 (used to have /var and /tmp as ReiserFS)
    The first sign that something was wrong was gnome freezing.  Gnome would then crash and I'd get booted back to the shell with all filesystems mounted as read-only.  I started having the same issues as this OP:
    At the time, I had /var and /tmp as ReiserFS, and would also get reiserfs_read_locked_inode errors.
    When shutting down (even during non-crashed sessions) I would notice this during shutdown:
    Failed unmounting /var
    Failed unmounting /usr
    Followed by a ton of these:
    device-mapper: remove ioctl on <my LVM group> failed: Device or resource busy
    Nother of these errors had ever appeared before.
    After hours of looking for solutions (and not finding any that worked) I was convinced (without any proof) that my Reiser file systems were corrupt and so I reformatted my entire SSD and started anew - not the Arch way, I know   I set all logical volumes as EXT4.
    After started anew, I noticed
    device-mapper: remove ioctl on LVM_SysGroup failed: Device or resource busy
    was still showing up, even with just a stock Arch setup (maybe even when powering off via Arch install ISO, don't remember).  After a lot of searching, I found that most people judged it a harmless error, so I ignored it and continued setting up Arch.
    I set up Gnome and a basic LAMP server, and everything seemed to work for a couple of hours.  Soon after, I got the same old issues back.  The System-journald issue came back and per the workaround on https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=150704 and a couple other places, I rotated the journals and stopped journald from saving to storage.  That seemed to stop THOSE errors from at least overwhelming the shell, but I would still get screen freezes, crashes, and read-only file systems.
    I had to force the laptop to power off, since poweroff/reboot/halt commands weren't working (would get errors regarding the filesystems mounted as read-only).
    I utilized all disk checking functions possible.  From running the tests (SMART test included) that came as part of my laptop's BIOS to full blown fsck.  All tests showed the drive was working fine, and Fsck would show everything was either clean, or
    Clearing orphaned inode ## (uid=89, gid=89, mode=0100600, size=###
    Free blocks count wrong (###, counted=###)
    Which I would opt to fix.  Nothing serious, though.
    I could safely boot back into Arch and use the system fine until the system decides to freeze/crash and do the above all over again.
    The sure way of recreating this for me is to run a cron job on a local site I'm developing. After a brief screen freeze (mouse still moveable but everything is otherwise unreponsive) I'll systemctl status mysqld.service and notice that mysqld went down.
    It seems that it's at this point my file systems are mounted as read only, as trying to do virtually anything results in:
    unable to open /var/db/sudo/...: Read-only file system
    After some time, X/Gnome crashes and I get sent back to shell with
    ERROR: file_stream_metrics.cc(37)
    RecordFileError() err = 30 source = 1 record = 0
    Server terminated successfully (0)
    Closing log file.or_delegate.h(30)] sqlite erro1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database[1157:1179
    rm: cannot remove '/tmp/serverauth.teuroEBhtl': Read-only file system
    Before all this happened, I was using Arch just fine for a few weeks.  I wiped the drives and started anew, and this still happens with just the minimal number of packages installed.
    I've searched for solutions to each individual problem, but come across a hack that doesn't solve anything (like turning off storing logs for journal), or the solution doesn't apply to my case.
    At this point, I'm so overwhelmed I'm not even sure where exactly to pick up figuring this issue out.
    Thanks in advance for any help

    Did this occur when you booted from the live/install media?
    What is your current set up? That is, partitions, filesystems etc. I take it you have not yet reinstalled X but are in the default CLI following installation?
    If turning off log storage didn't help, reenable it so that you may at least stand a chance of finding something useful.
    What services, if any, are you running? What non-default daemons etc.?
    Does it happen if you keep the machine off line?
    Have you done pacman -Syu since installation and dealt with any *.pacnew files?
    Last edited by cfr (2012-12-26 22:17:57)

  • Why can I no longer download and read .pdf files

    I have never had any problems downloading and reading .pdf files until I 'upgraded' the Adobe reader to version 11. Now all attempted downloads fail because "I don't have the necessary helper application or even C:\DOCUME~1\Will-o\LOCALS~1\Temp\Back Channel II - The Vietnam Betrayal - Chaps 1&2.pdf could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences. What in the world is going on and how do I fix it?
    Under 'Tools - Applications - Adobe Acrobat Document, the I've selected 'Use Adobe Reader.' However since I also have Adobe Acrobat 8.3, I've tried substituting that for the Reader, but that doesn't work either. Please help.

    Brilliant! Problem solved! Thanks so much.

  • Can I save and read text files on a server that I host?

    Hello everyone,
    I am a java hobbiest. I was wondering if I set up my own server, running out of my house, could I have my applets save to my computer and read from my computer without having to learn JDBC and a DATABASE language. In other words could i just have my applet save and read text files from and to my server?
    I'm trying to set up a sight for my 5th grade class where parents can log into. Thanks for your time.
    Oh yeah, which is easier, learning how to set up a server or learning JDBC and a DATABASE language?
    If you have any other good idease please tell me them
    Thank you, Bryan

    Short answer: This isn't gonna work
    Long answer: For this to work, the first thing you're going to need is a static IP address and a DNS name registered -actually you don't necessarily need #2 but you're probably gonna want it and it's by far the easier of the steps.
    As far as I know to get a fixed IP address you've either gotta be directly attached to a larger network (ie university network) or get a leased line from an ISP.
    Once you've got that done come back to us.

  • How to create and read text file using LabVIEW 7.1 PDA module?

    How to create and read text file using LabVIEW 7.1 PDA module? I can not create a text file and read it.
    I attach my code here.
    File_IO.vi ‏82 KB

    Well my acquisition code runs perfect. The problem is reading it. I can't seem to read my data no matter what I do. My data gets saved as a string using the array to string vi but I've read that the string to array vi (which I need to convert back to array to read my data) does not work on the pda. I'm using version 8.0. So I was trying to modify the program posted in this discussion so that it would save data from my DAQ. I did that but I still can't read the data after its saved. I really don't know what else to do. All I need to do is read the data on the pda itself. I can't understand why I'm having such a hard time doing that. I found a possible solution on another discussion that talks about parsing the strings because of the bug in the "string to array" vi. However, that lead me to another problem because for some reason, the array indicators or graphs don't function on the pda. When i build the program to the pda or emulator, the array indicators are faded out on the front panel as if the function is not valid. Does this kind of help give a better picture of what I'm trying to do. Simply read data back. Thanks.

  • Can you use PDF Pack to open and read PDF files?

    Can you use PDF Pack to open and read PDF files?

    Hi Keith,
    PDF Pack is a conversion tool which would convert PDF to different formats and vice versa. It cannot be used for reading PDFs.
    If you want to open and read PDF file you can use Adobe Reader.
    You can download Adobe Reader from below mentioned link.
    Adobe Reader
    let me know if you have any other questions.

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