Writing records to text file

Hi. I have a query that retrieves data in a table. however when writing into text file, I have some troubles aligning the records.
In below example, how would align the data against its header?? thanks!
As you see my data below is messed up =(
Reference No. Name Phone No.
012-066-121127-00227 MARIE LIM JOSEPH     2921786     
013-318-130222-04992 NANCY SMITH     0170005486

989873 wrote:
Hi. I have a query that retrieves data in a table. however when writing into text file, I have some troubles aligning the records.
In below example, how would align the data against its header?? thanks!
As you see my data below is messed up =(
Reference No. Name Phone No.
012-066-121127-00227 MARIE LIM JOSEPH     2921786     
013-318-130222-04992 NANCY SMITH     0170005486you need to fix your code;
consider using LPAD or RPAD as appropriate

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    The data manager documentation (page 151) for MDM 5.5 SP3 indicates that one or more new text blocks can be added to the Text Blocks object table from files. It is noted that the files must be plain text files.
    I use notepad and create a text file with two lines as follows:
    Test 1
    Test 2
    When I try to add the text blocks following documentation mentioned above, it only adds one record for the Data Group I have chosen and the record contains the entry "Test 1" from the first line in the text file.
    How can I add multiple records to the data group from a file?

    From my testing it appears that you need to have one text file per text block record in Data Manager.
    I wrote VBA macro to so that I could input my text blocks into an Excel spreadsheet and then the macro will take the contents of each cell in a highlighted column and create one text file per cell.
    Then using Data manager, I can select all of the text files at once and it will import them, creating one record per text file.

  • Saving multiple records into text file

    Can I save multiple records into a text file at one go?
    My application has a list of data displayed there and when the user clicks on the save button it will save all the records on the screen.
    It works but it only saves the last record.
    Here are my codes
    // this is to display the list of data
    private JLabel[] subjects=new JLabel[20];
    private JLabel[] subTotal=new JLabel[20];
    private JLabel[] codes=new JLabel[20];
    private JLabel[] getTotal=new JLabel[20];
    String moduleCodes;
    String getPrice;
    double price;
    int noOfNotes;
    public testapp(Subjects[] subList)
    int j=0;
                double CalTotal=0;
              for (int i=0; i<subList.length; i++)
                   subjects[i] = new JLabel();
                   subTotal[i] = new JLabel();
                   codes=new JLabel();
                   getTotal[i]=new JLabel();
                   if (subList[i].isSelected)
                        System.out.println(i+"is selected");
                        subjects[i].setBounds(30, 140 + (j*30), 400, 40);
    // this is where the records are saved
         public void readRecords(String moduleCodes,String getPrice,int notes)throws IOException
              String outputFile = "testing.txt";
              FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, true);      
         PrintStream fileOutput = new PrintStream(out);
              SalesData[] sales=new SalesData[7];
              for(int i=0;i<sales.length ;i++)
                   sales[i]=new SalesData(moduleCodes,price,notes);

    I suggest writing a method that takes a SalesData[]
    parameter and a filename. Example:
    public void writeRecords(SalesData[] data,
    String filename) throws IOException
    BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
    FileWriter(filename, true));
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
    And it's good to get in the habit of doing things like closing resources in finally blocks.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Writing from a text file into a table

    I have a problem with dearchiving the data from the txt file to the respective table.
    The table name is dynamic & I get the required columns from all_tab_columns.
    I use UTL_FILE.GET_LINE() to get the data one line at a time and INSTR() & SUBSTR() to break them into the respective columns.
    My dynamic insert contains a set of bind variables equal to the no. of columns of the table.
    The statement gets constructed correctly but I tried to use execute_immediate , i realised that i cannot construct the USING clause for it & hence I switced to DBMS_SQL.
    The DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE() binds all of the bind variables to a table of varchar2. I've taken care to convert the date & the number variables while binding.
    When i do DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE() I get the error,
    ORA-01008 Not all variables bound .
    I don't know the reason since the no. of bind variables & the no. of table variables are the same & the value in the table looks fine too!
    Could this be a date issue ??? am using the default format DD-MON-YY both to write to the text file and to read from it.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Part of the code :
    destination_file := upper(p_table_name)||'_ARCH'||to_char
    file_id := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(file_path, destination_file,'r');
    -- Get the number of columns in the table to be archived
    select count(column_name)
    into col_ctr
    from all_tab_columns
    where table_name = upper(p_table_name)
    order by column_name;
    sql_stmt1 := 'Insert into '||p_table_name||'(';
    sql_stmt2 := ' values(';
    For col_rec in column_cur loop
    if col_ctr = column_cur%rowcount then -- last column in
    the select statement
    sql_stmt1 := sql_stmt1 || col_rec.column_name;
    sql_stmt2 := sql_stmt2||':b'||column_cur%rowcount;
    sql_stmt1 := sql_stmt1 || col_rec.column_name ||',';
    sql_stmt2 := sql_stmt2||':b'||column_currowcount||',';
    end if;
    type_rec(column_cur%rowcount) := col_rec.data_type;
    end loop;
    sql_stmt1 := sql_stmt1||')';
    sql_stmt2 := sql_stmt2||')';
    sql_stmt := sql_stmt1||sql_stmt2;
    For i in 1..col_ctr loop
    v_next_position := INSTR(v_column_value,';',1,i);
    if i = 1 then
    v_rec(i) := SUBSTR(v_column_value, v_prev_position, v_next_position - 1);
    elsif i = col_ctr then -- last but one column
    v_rec(i) := SUBSTR(v_column_value, v_prev_position);
    v_rec(i) := SUBSTR(v_column_value, v_prev_position, (v_next_position - v_prev_position));
    end if;
    v_prev_position := v_next_position + 1;
    end loop;
    v_cursor := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
    DBMS_SQL.PARSE(v_cursor, sql_stmt, dbms_sql.native);
    For i in 1..col_ctr loop
    if type_rec(i) = 'DATE' then
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_cursor,':b'||i, to_date(v_rec(i),'DD-MON-YY'));
    elsif type_rec(i) = 'NUMBER' then
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_cursor,':b'||i, to_number(v_rec(i)));
    end if;
    end loop;
    -- Insert the row into the history table
    -- execute immediate sql_stmt USING value(v_rec);
    v_dummy := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(v_cursor);
    if SQL%NOTFOUND then
    dbms_output.put_line('CPN_HISTORY_ARCHIVE_PKG.DEARCHIVE_DATA : No records to insert');
    end if;
    Exception -- for UTL_FILE.GET_LINE
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    end loop; -- end of loop for UTL_FILE.GET_LINE

    your program is currect except u r not building bind variables for varchar2 columns
    type tab133 is table of varchar2(4000) index by binary_integer;
    file_id utl_file.file_type;
    sql_stmt1 varchar2(1000);
    sql_stmt2 varchar2(1000);
    v_column_value varchar2(1000);
    sql_stmt varchar2(2000);
    col_ctr number:=0;
    p_table_name varchar2(30):='emp1';
    cursor column_cur is select column_name,data_type from user_tab_columns
    where table_name=upper(p_table_name);
    mainstr      VARCHAR2(40)          :=      '';
    splitstr      VARCHAR2(30)          :=     '';
    l_count      NUMBER(20)          :=     1;
    itr_count      NUMBER(20)          :=     0;
    processed      BOOLEAN               :=     FALSE;
    v_rec tab133;
    type_rec tab133;
    v_cursor integer;
    column_currowcount number;
    v_dummy number:=0;
    file_id := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('c:\suresh', 'emp.txt','r');
    -- Get the number of columns in the table to be archived
    select count(column_name)
    into col_ctr
    from user_tab_columns
    where table_name = upper(p_table_name)
    order by column_name;
    sql_stmt1 := 'Insert into '||p_table_name||'(';
    sql_stmt2 := ' values(';
    For col_rec in column_cur loop
    if col_ctr = column_cur%rowcount then
    sql_stmt1 := sql_stmt1 || col_rec.column_name;
    sql_stmt2 := sql_stmt2||':b'||column_cur%rowcount;
    sql_stmt1 := sql_stmt1 || col_rec.column_name ||',';
    sql_stmt2 := sql_stmt2||':b'||column_cur%rowcount||',';
    end if;
    type_rec(column_cur%rowcount) := col_rec.data_type;
    end loop;
    sql_stmt1 := sql_stmt1||')';
    sql_stmt2 := sql_stmt2||')';
    sql_stmt := sql_stmt1||sql_stmt2;
         itr_count      :=     0;
         l_count :=1;
         processed     :=     FALSE;
              itr_count     :=      itr_count+1;
              IF instr(mainstr,',',1,itr_count)>0 THEN
                   splitstr      :=     SUBSTR(mainstr,l_count,(INSTR(mainstr,',',1,itr_count)-l_count));
                   l_count          :=     INSTR(mainstr,',',1,itr_count)+1;
                   splitstr      :=      SUBSTR(mainstr,l_count,LENGTH(mainstr)+1-l_count);
                   processed     :=     TRUE;
              END IF;
              IF processed THEN
                   EXIT ;
              END IF;
         END LOOP;
    v_cursor := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
    DBMS_SQL.PARSE(v_cursor, sql_stmt, dbms_sql.native);
    For i in 1..col_ctr loop
    if type_rec(i) = 'DATE' then
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_cursor,':b'||to_char(i), to_date(v_rec(i),'DD/mm/yyyy'));
    elsif type_rec(i) = 'NUMBER' then
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_cursor,':b'||to_char(i), to_number(v_rec(i)));
    elsif type_rec(i) = 'VARCHAR2' then
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_cursor,':b'||to_char(i), v_rec(i));
    end if;
    end loop;
    v_dummy := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(v_cursor);
    if SQL%NOTFOUND then
    dbms_output.put_line('CPN_HISTORY_ARCHIVE_PKG.DEARCHIVE_DATA : No records to insert');
    end if;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    end loop;
    when others then
    Name Null? Type
    SQL> select * from emp1;
    AABC oracle 08/08/2001 00:00:00
    xyz social 12/12/2001 00:00:00

  • Counting records in text file using utl_file

    i have an input file as below
    0010 asp
    0020 fdp
    0030 hfg
    0030 hfg
    0040 fdh
    0050 dfh
    0010 sjh
    0020 hjd
    0030 feh
    0030 jhj
    0030 seb
    0040 jnj
    0050 njj
    each group starts with 0010 & ends with 0050.
    I have to count the no. of 0030 records in each group.
    Here my output should be
    mean in the 1st group the number of records starting with 0030 is 2 & that in 2nd group is 3
    Please give a solution to count them..
    [Updated on: Thu, 10 January 2008 12:07]

    Below example using External Table Feature.
    create a directory on the server where your database is installed and copy your data file(text file) in that directory. In the below example Oracle directory name is "text_file" and the physical directory on the server is "D:\TEXT_FILE\". The file name of data file is "data.txt".
    create directory text_file as 'D:\TEXT_FILE\';
    DROP TABLE load_a;
    CREATE TABLE load_a
    (a1 varchar2(200))
    LOCATION ('data.txt')
    select * from load_a;
    now you can use
    select id||'~'||ctr from
    (select substr(a1, 3, 1) id, count(*) ctr from load_a group by substr(a1, 3, 1));
    Sachin Chauhan

  • High Score Table: Writing a Simple Text File with Flash and PHP

    I am having a problem getting Flash to work with PHP as I need Flash to read and write to a text file on a server to store simple name/score data for a games hi score table. I can read from the text file into Flash easily enough but also need to write to the file when a new high score is reached, so I need to use PHP to do that. I can send the data from flash to the php file via POST but so far it is not working. The PHP file is confirmed as working as I added an echo to the file which displayed a message so I  could check that the server was running PHP - the files were also uploaded to a remote server so I  could test them properly. Flash code is as follows:
    //php filewriter
    var myLV = new LoadVars();
    function sendData() {
    //sets up variable 'hsdata' to send to php
    myLV.hsdata = myText;
    I believe this sends the variable 'myText' to the php file as a variable called 'hsdata' which I want the php file to write into a text file. The mytext variable is just a long string that has all the scores and names in the hiscore. OK, XML would be better way of doing this but for speed I just want to get basic functionality working, so storing a simple text sting is adequate for now. The PHP code that reads the Flash 'hsdata' variable and writes it to the text file 'scores.txt' follows:
    //assigns to variable the data POSTed from flash
    $flashdata = $_POST["hsdata"];
    //file handler opens file and erases all contents with w arg
    $fh = fopen("scores.txt","w");
    //adds data to file
    fwrite ($fh,$flashdata);
    //closes file
    fclose ($fh);
    echo 'php file is working';
    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated - once I can get php to write simple text files I should be ok. Thanks.

    Thanks for your help.
    I have got Flash working to a certain extent with PHP using loadVars but have been unable to get flash to receive a variable declared in PHP. Here's my Flash code:
    var outLV = new LoadVars();
    var inLV = new LoadVars();
    function sendData() {
    outLV.hsdata = "Hello from Flash";
    inLV.onLoad = function(success) {
    if (success) {
      //sets dynamic text box to show variable sent from php
      statusTxt.text = phpmess;
    } else {
      statusTxt.text = "No Data Received";
    This works ok and the inLV.onLoad function reports that it is receiving data but does not display the variable received from PHP. The PHP file is like this:
    $mytxt =$_POST['hsdata'];
    $myfile = "test23.txt";
    $fh = fopen($myfile,'w');
    //adds data to file
    fwrite($fh, $mytxt);
    //closes file
    fclose ($fh);
    $mess = "hello there from php";
    echo ("&phpmess=$mess&");
    The PHP file is correctly receiving the hsdata from flash and writing it to a text file, but there seems to be a problem with the final part of the code which is intended to send a variable called 'phpmess' back to Flash, this is the string "hello there from php". How do I set up Flash and PHP so that PHP can send a variable back to Flash using echo? Really have tried everything but am totally baffled. Online tutorials have given numerous different syntax configurations for how the PHP file should be written which has really confused me - any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Reading and Writing to a Text File

    Hello all,
    I was wondering if it is possible to write from forms to a text file and if possible what is the best way to do it.

    Use the TEXT_IO built-in functionality in forms or from the database utl_file. TEXT_IO seems to be more flexible because you can read and write to any server/directory you have access to whereas UTL_FILE is limited to the server where the database is located. Hope this helps.

  • Reading and writing to a text file from an Applet

    I'm a novice java programming with very little formal programming training. I've pieced together enough knowledge to do what I've wanted to do so far...
    However, I've been unable to figure out how to read and write to a text file from an Applet (I can do it from a normal java program just fine). Here is a simple example of what I'd like to do (you can also look at it on my website: www.stat.colostate.edu/~leach/test02/test02.html). I know that there is some problem with permission/security but I'm not smart enough to understand what the error messages are telling or understand the few books I have. If anyone can tell me how to get this applet to work, or direct me to some referrences that would help me out I'd really appreciate it.
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class test02 extends Applet {
    public Button B_go;
    public GridBagConstraints c;
    public void init() {
    this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    c = new GridBagConstraints();
    c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
    B_go = new Button("GO");
    c.gridx=1; c.gridy=0; c.gridwidth=1; c.gridheight=1;
    c.weightx = c.weighty = 0.0;
    B_go.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    public static void print_stuff() {
    File f = new File("test02.txt");
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(f));
    out.print("This is test02.txt");
    }catch(IOException e){**/}

    I have almost the exact same problem, and I am in the same situation as you are with respects to the language.
    I am simply trying to create a file and output some garbage to it but my applet always spits back a security violation. I've tried eliminating the restrictions on the applet runner I use but I still get the error.
    My method:
    debug = new Label() ;
    debug.setLocation( 20, 20 ) ;
    debug.setSize( 500, 15 ) ;
    add( debug ) ;
    // output
         OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream( new File( "" + getCodeBase() + "output.txt" ) ) ;
         byte[] buffer = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } ;
         file.write( buffer ) ;
         file.close() ;
    } catch( Exception e )
         debug.setText( e.toString() ) ;
         Can anyone tell why this isnt working?

  • Reading and Writing from a text file at the same time

    I know who to use the Scanner and PrintWriter to read from and write to a .txt file. But these are limited. How can I read and write at the same time? Such as open a file and change every third character or change every second word to something else and then write it back. I found this [http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/io/|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/io/] but its a little over my head. Is this the only way to do it?

    You are using buffered reads and writes I would assume, right? Also, how do you think most programs handle this sort of thing? I don't believe I'm using buffering.
    My code looks something like this
    //...necessary imports
    Scanner inFile = new Scanner (new file("filename1.txt"));
    PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter ("filename2.txt");
    //then stuff like
    int x = inFile.hasNextInt();
    camickr wrote:If you are changing the data "in place", that is none of the data in the file is shifted, then you can use a RandomAccessFile.
    Otherwise, you've been given the answer above.What is RandomAccessFile? Is it what I have a link to? Basically what I do is I write a bunch of numbers to a txt file and then change the numbers I don't need anymore to 0. So say I had 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 etc. I would like to to open the txt file and change every second one to 0 so then I'd have only odd numbers and 0s.
    I looked at the documentation for RandomAccessFile and it seems like it might be what I need.
    Thankyou both for your help so far. I took a java course in high school and they only taught me one way to get data from text files and that is what I just showed you. So maybe this questions are really stupid. lol
    Edited by: qw3n on Jun 13, 2009 7:46 PM

  • Why this error in writing string to text file using utl_file?

    HI Friends,
    Iam trying to write procedure to add one line of text in text file using UTIL package. But getting error.
    create or replace procedure Add_To_File() is
    OutFile utl_file.file_type;
    l_err_code NUMBER(10);
    l_err_msg VARCHAR2(2000);
    vNewLine VARCHAR2(4000);
    vdir varchar2(200):='UTIL_DIR';
    vNewLine:='Loading is successfull';
    l_err_code := SQLCODE;
    l_err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,128);
    Dbms_output.put_line(l_err_code || l_err_msg);
    when i execute above procedure iam getting this error.
    1/23 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the
    <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier>
    current delete exists prior
    Please suggest me where iam wrong.
    Venkat Vadlamudi

    868591 wrote:
    HI Friends,
    Iam trying to write procedure to add one line of text in text file using UTIL package. But getting error.
    create or replace procedure Add_To_File() is
    OutFile utl_file.file_type;
    l_err_code NUMBER(10);
    l_err_msg VARCHAR2(2000);
    vNewLine VARCHAR2(4000);
    vdir varchar2(200):='UTIL_DIR';
    vNewLine:='Loading is successfull';
    l_err_code := SQLCODE;
    l_err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,128);
    Dbms_output.put_line(l_err_code || l_err_msg);
    when i execute above procedure iam getting this error.
    1/23 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the
    <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier>
    current delete exists prior
    Please suggest me where iam wrong.
    Venkat Vadlamudibelow works for me
      1  CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Add_to_file
      2  IS
      3    outfile       utl_file.file_type;
      4    l_err_code NUMBER(10);
      5    l_err_msg  VARCHAR2(2000);
      6    vnewline   VARCHAR2(4000);
      7    vdir       VARCHAR2(200) := 'UTIL_DIR';
      8  BEGIN
      9    outfile := utl_file.Fopen(vdir, 'out.txt', 'w', '32000');
    10    vnewline := 'Loading is successfull';
    11    utl_file.Put_line(outfile, vnewline);
    14            l_err_code := SQLCODE;
    15            l_err_msg := Substr(sqlerrm, 1, 128);
    16            dbms_output.Put_line(l_err_code
    17                           || l_err_msg);
    18* END;
    SQL> /
    Procedure created.

  • Writing in a text file at a given place

    Hello !
    Hier is my problem : i've got a text loaded from a text file, displayed into a jEditorPane. I select a part of this text, and I'd like to write a String text at the beginning (and end) of this selection, in the original text file.
    I can get the position of beginning and end of my selection with jEditorPane.getSelectionStart(), but how can I write any String in a .txt file at this given place ?

    Hi again
    if you try to insert html tag in your JEditorPane, you should use the defaults action that HTMLEditorKit & JEditorPane have, for example bold action, italic, underline, color font etc...
    but if you insist to insert tag manually you should use this
    JEditorPane jep;
    new ActionListener (){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    String st = jep.getSelectedText();
    int pos = jep.getSelectionStart();
    this maybe could help you...
    by the way (without offending) that so followed you read the API of JAVA? you could find a lot of your answer

  • Writing or modifying text files in java

    Dear all,
    I have the next text file:
    goods: 5
    bids: 4
    % num, price, good, good, ..., good, #
    0 2075 1 4 #
    1 3000 1 2 3 4 #
    2 520 3 #
    3 3000 2 3 4 #
    I have to modify or create the file above, using output data from one java program. For example, The output of my java program in the next execution is:
    goods: 8
    and price (0) changes from 2075 to 2078.
    so, using this output data my java program should write (create or modify) the next text file with the changes:
    goods: 8
    bids: 4
    % num, price, good, good, ..., good, #
    0 2078 1 4 #
    1 3000 1 2 3 4 #
    2 520 3 #
    3 3000 2 3 4 #
    I have tried using: output.write( objetc );
    but it doesn't work as I need :( .
    Somebody can help me or give me some idea?

    This is the code:
    File testFile = new File("D:\\result1.txt");
    setContents(testFile, " bla bla bla (few characters) ");
    static public void setContents(File aFile, String aContents)
    throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    try {
    //use buffering
    output = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(aFile) );
    output.write( aContents );
    finally {
    //flush and close both "output" and its underlying FileWriter
    if (output != null) output.close();
    I mean, this code dont work because it let me write few characters only. I need to write the whole file:
    goods: 8
    bids: 4
    % num, price, good, good, ..., good, #
    0 2078 1 4 #
    1 3000 1 2 3 4 #
    2 520 3 #
    3 3000 2 3 4 #
    with the special characters as (#).
    Sorry, if it post is not clear.

  • Writing in a text file

    Hi ,
    Can you send the syntax of :
    1/ How can i open a text file
    2/ How can i create a text file
    3/ How can i write in a text file
    4/ How can i delete a text file
    Please advise ,
    Thank you .

    import java.io.*;
    public class Copy {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
         File inputFile = new File("farrago.txt");
         File outputFile = new File("outagain.txt");
    FileReader in = new FileReader(inputFile);
    FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);
    int c;
    while ((c = in.read()) != -1)

  • Writing data in text file..

    1. check the file name in D:\\temp\\test.txt
    2. if it exists, then open file. if there is data, then read data. after the last record, it writes new data.
    3. if it does not exist, create text.txt file and write data into text.txt file.
    so far, I have a code..
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String filename="test";
    String format = "%1$-9s%2$-3s%3$-30s%4$-30s%5$-30s\n";
    String arraydata[] = { "John", "F.", "Kennedy", " ", "t", "John2", "F2.", "Kennedy2", " ", "t2"};
    String cnt_id ="2";
    int cnt_orderid = Integer.valueOf(cnt_id);
    PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("D:\\temp\\"+filename+".txt"));
    for (int i=1; i<cnt_orderid; i++)
    ps.println(String.format(format, (Object[])arraydata)); // write in test.txt file
    catch (Exception e)
    my question is..
    1. how to check the file exists or not
    2. how to write the data in the new line after the last data in the file.

    1. Use a File object.
    File file = new File("someFile.txt");
    if (file.exists()) { ... }2. Consider using FileWriter; the constructor allows you to append to the end of the file:
    FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file, true);Michael

  • Writing to A text file that is located on an online directory.

    I have an application that several users will be using. The program outputs a string when a submit button is clicked. I have a txt file called Data.txt which resides on a web directory with the following url. http://nath5.hostrator.com/............/Data.txt I need some way to have the string that the program outputs to be appended to the txt file. I have talked to my computer science teacher and he wasn't really sure how to do this in java. I am still a beginner, so any help anyone can offer would be great.
    Thanks Alot

    Genrally speaking you can't "write" to any random HTTP URL. HTTP is primarily a read-only protocol (it has PUT and POST, but those are not widely used for directly writing to URLs).
    You could use WebDAV (which is an extension of HTTP), if the server is set up to allow it.
    Another common approach is to use ftp to access the files directly ('though you'd obviously need a ftp:// URL instead of a HTTP:// one).

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