Wrt 310N on a network with a sonicwall, domain and server

I'm using a wireless router on a network in an office, to provide wireless to guests and also to a computer where cables won't reach. I have been able to set it up so a computer can connect to the router and thus the network, but it can't connect to the internet. How can I get it to connect to the internet? Here's the configuration in a nutshell: - DHCP is turned off and is being provided by the server. - Internet setup is set to automatic, but when I go to status everything is at under internet connection. - I have the cable connected from the network to the 1 port (LAN port) so that I can use the router as a bridge (as advised by the Linksys support tech). - I have WPA encryption turned on. - The SPI firewall is disabled. - This network has a static WAN IP.

The reason everything is showing as is because the "Status" window only monitors internet settings as they relate to the WAN port which you have nothing connected to. All the linksys should need to do here is get the computers wireless cards on the LAN and then the DHCP server should take over and route traffic through the sonicwall. I have a WRT54G at my office with a sonicwall and is configured the same as your 310n except that everything is working fine.
What I would be interested to know is, on the systems that connect to your linksys via wireless, what does the "IPCONFIG /ALL" bring back from the command line? For everything to be working correctly, it should return the same information as a system that is wired into the sonicwall. Can you let us know if this is the case? DNS servers and default gateway are possible culprits here as well as subnet mask settings which should almost always be for most single office environments.
For what is worth, we did not need to clone a MAC address (why would you? The sonicwall is accessing the internet not the linksys) and we did not need to modify the MTU settings...

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    Edited by: user11000236 on Jun 16, 2009 10:31 AM

    user11000236 wrote:
    Thanks for the info.
    How does Oracle/SQLPLUS allows any username or password to log in to DB with SYSDBA Privillages? What is the concept behind this.?
    This is explainted in the above mentioned link:
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    I followed below two links. I think it should be the same even though the links are 2008 R2 migration steps.
    Hope this help!

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    Your network is not working as you describe.. or I have misunderstood the layout..
    What is the broadband type? Modem is where? What is the main router?
    From your screen shots the main router is the airport express that covers one room which seems wrong.
    Why isn't the TC the main router? or both bridged.. if you go back and look at the apple document.. one or both apple routers are in bridge mode..
    You are having issues with setup .. half of which is caused by v6 airport utility.
    What OS are you running? Please install 5.6 utility.. do it.. do it now!!
    Easy for Lion.
    Messy but possible for ML.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. it is very simple.. drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. drill down.. applications utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall 6.1 so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. so just ignore the toyland version.. the plastic hammer.. and start using 5.6.. a real tool.

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    However, one important thing to note. Only wireless security, using WPA or WPA2, will actually secure the wireless network. MAC addresses can easily be spoofed. Someone, determined to do so, can still access your network ... even if secured by Access Control.

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    I've got a SCCM 2007 SP2 R3 installation on Win2008.  All clients are in the same ConfigMgr-site. Multiple package deploy in the same site-boundary as the CM-server works excellent. (We've got  three DPs in the same site-boundary as the
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    <![LOG[Policy SMS10000-CEN000BD-25FE0E9B downloaded successfully]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:597"><br/><![LOG[SMS PackageID = CEN000BD]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:247"><br/><![LOG[Source version = 2]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:296"><br/><![LOG[SMS Program Name = RESTORE]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:317"><br/><![LOG[::CompressBuffer(65536,-1)]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="ccmzlib.cpp:695"><br/><![LOG[Compression (zlib) succeeded: original size 26608, compressed size 3254.]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="ccmzlib.cpp:484"><br/><![LOG[Policy for CEN000BD:"RESTORE" successfully stored in environment]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:331"><br/><![LOG[Downloaded policies successfully]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.905+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:725"><br/><![LOG[Installing pkg 'CEN000BD', program 'BACKUP']LOG]!><time="16:01:20.921+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="dsinstaller.cpp:290"><br/><![LOG[Resolving content for SMS Package CEN000BD]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.921+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:768"><br/><![LOG[Getting local network information.]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.921+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:1846"><br/><![LOG[GetAdaptersAddressess entry point is supported.]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.921+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="ccmiputil.cpp:118"><br/><![LOG[DhcpGetOriginalSubnetMask entry point is supported.]LOG]!><time="16:01:20.937+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="ccmiputil.cpp:181"><br/><![LOG[Adapter {B3FC51BA-75F3-4C93-98D3-72ECE4B7A6A2} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status.]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.124+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="ccmiputil.cpp:509"><br/><![LOG[Adapter {B3FC51BA-75F3-4C93-98D3-72ECE4B7A6A2} has 1 IPv4 address(es).]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.124+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="2" thread="3040" file="ccmiputil.cpp:540"><br/><![LOG[Executing content location request for CEN000BD:2 as GUID:87F78866-5FCB-43FE-A2F7-07DA7F6863DF]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.124+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:1852"><br/><![LOG[Initializing CLibSMSMessageHeader with authenticator]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1103"><br/><![LOG[Sending RequestContentLocations]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:3367"><br/><![LOG[Messaging Auth Using V4 Mode]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1400"><br/><![LOG[Formatted header:]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1500"><br/><![LOG[<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1" ReplyCompression="zlib"><ID/><SourceID>GUID:87F78866-5FCB-43FE-A2F7-07DA7F6863DF</SourceID><SourceHost/><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:OSD</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>3600</Timeout><SentTime>2011-12-12T15:01:21Z</SentTime><Protocol>http</Protocol><Body Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="618"/><Hooks><Hook2 Name="clientauth"><Property Name="Token"><![CDATA[CCMClientID: BBA60FFE-10D3-42AA-88BF-CBAC68CA4BB4<br/>CCMClientIDSignature: 3F5C9150307B32713AB75C2BD3431AFCB0816854881F6450868D120ABA7FC4424EF3407E6BD2531E32EBF4A89D92440D3BD9E68078A8BB5B899905A765C4AC28B1D837A0D58EB02C55048B1BA97BF0319B02276D87846F4748C2FBAA887C8921989CB07E15BD6685BFC84792B1C9E91EE140DA03BA01FBBF7F6EF824F5FFAF15<br/>CCMClientTimestamp: 2011-12-12T22:02:17Z<br/>CCMClientTimestampSignature: 4E28E6E6EEF71EB4A6FDE54155100F67610556C0E5F81DF82B6AB03608C1745485D65AB09F195D384903AB60DD9993118FCECCC3C9E85F5A9C0CB6E949A5F8DF305B7A5E64E0D98973AF12E034E468B6E7CC03FE23DC3DEB686CBA63FADD895F61D7034504C018F6F20561F40B47BC20509423C2385032A3AA6866F266409F1E]]></Property></Hook2></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/><TargetHost/><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><CorrelationID/></Msg><br/>]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:1501"><br/><![LOG[CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: STOSCCM02.INTERNT.SVT.SE:443  CCM_POST /ccm_system_AltAuth/request]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7446"><br/><![LOG[In SSL, but with no client cert]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7596"><br/><![LOG[In SSL, but with no media cert]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.295+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7602"><br/><![LOG[The request has succeeded. 200 OK]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.342+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:7734"><br/><![LOG[Decompressing reply body.]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.342+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:2395"><br/><![LOG[::DecompressBuffer(65536)]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.342+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="ccmzlib.cpp:735"><br/><![LOG[Filtering Content Locations.]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.342+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:1883"><![LOG[Decompression (zlib) succeeded: original size 522, uncompressed size 2128.]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.342+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="ccmzlib.cpp:646"><![LOG[ Adding \\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD\ to Local DP list.]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.342+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:1938">
    <br/><br/><![LOG[Found 0 DPs in subnet, 1 DPs in local site, 0 DPs in remote location and 0 Multicast DPs]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.389+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:1974">
    <![LOG[Shuffling HTTP local DP list.]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.389+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:2012">
    <![LOG[Shuffling Local DP list.]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.389+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:2087">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to \\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD\]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.389+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:2151">
    <![LOG[Deleting any existing network connections to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\*".]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.389+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:407">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.389+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:01:34.974+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:01:37.985+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:01:42.711+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:01:45.721+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:01:50.400+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:01:53.411+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:01:58.090+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:02:01.100+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:02:05.780+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:02:08.790+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:02:13.469+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:02:16.480+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:02:21.174+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:02:24.185+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:02:28.911+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:02:31.921+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:02:36.600+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[Attempting to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD".]LOG]!><time="16:02:39.611+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Retrying download...]LOG]!><time="16:02:44.290+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:508">
    <![LOG[dwErr, HRESULT=800704c3 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tsconnection.cpp,517)]LOG]!><time="16:02:47.300+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:517">
    <![LOG[Failed to connect to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000BD" (1219)]LOG]!><time="16:02:47.300+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="3" thread="3040" file="tsconnection.cpp:517">
    <![LOG[!slistSMBPaths.empty(), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,2163)]LOG]!><time="16:02:47.300+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:2163">
    <![LOG[TS::Utility::GetContentLocations( pszPackageId, L"", lSourceVersion, m_sSiteCode, m_sManagementPoint, &m_oHttpTransport, sClientID, TRUE, sNetworkAccessAccount, sNetworkAccessPassword, TRUE, TRUE, slistSMBPaths, slistHttpPaths ), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\installsoftware\dsutils.cpp,843)]LOG]!><time="16:02:47.300+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:843">
    <![LOG[Content location request for CEN000BD:2 failed, hr=0x80040103]LOG]!><time="16:02:47.300+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="3" thread="3040" file="dsutils.cpp:843">
    While installing a single package from the same DP (VAXCMDP01) looks like this:
    ![LOG[PackageID = 'CEN000D1']LOG]!><time="15:29:13.401+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="main.cpp:332">
    <![LOG[BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='']LOG]!><time="15:29:13.401+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="main.cpp:333">
    <![LOG[SwdAction = '0002']LOG]!><time="15:29:13.401+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="main.cpp:334">
    <![LOG[GetExecRequestMgrInterface successful]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="2768" file="installsoftware.cpp:218">
    <![LOG[Retrieving value from TSEnv for '_SMSTSPolicyCEN000D1_Install']LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="2768" file="installsoftware.cpp:85">
    <![LOG[::DecompressBuffer(65536)]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="2768" file="ccmzlib.cpp:735">
    <![LOG[Decompression (zlib) succeeded: original size 2844, uncompressed size 22640.]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="2768" file="ccmzlib.cpp:646">
    <![LOG[ADV_AdvertisementID=CEN20022]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="installsoftware.cpp:1119">
    <![LOG[PKG_PSF_ContainsSourceFiles=TRUE]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="installsoftware.cpp:1138">
    <![LOG[::DecompressBuffer(65536)]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="2768" file="ccmzlib.cpp:735">
    <![LOG[Decompression (zlib) succeeded: original size 12, uncompressed size 4.]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="2768" file="ccmzlib.cpp:646">
    <![LOG[SoftDist paused cookie = 16271]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="installsoftware.cpp:181">
    <![LOG[Found the location for the package _SMSTSCEN000D1. The location is on \\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000D1\]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="resolvesource.cpp:3146">
    <![LOG[nPos != CCM::Utility::String::npos, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,253)]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="0" thread="2768" file="resolvesource.cpp:253">
    <![LOG[Creating a connection to \\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000D1\ with default account]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="resolvesource.cpp:2243">
    <![LOG[Connection request for "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000D1"]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="tsconnection.cpp:208">
    <![LOG[No credentials available for connecting to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000D1". See whether the share has already been connected.]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.417+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="tsconnection.cpp:233">
    <![LOG[Connecting to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000D1"]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.510+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="tsconnection.cpp:268">
    <![LOG[Successfully connected to "\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000D1"]LOG]!><time="15:29:13.588+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="tsconnection.cpp:287">
    <![LOG[SMS PkgID 'CEN000D1' resolved to location '\\vaxcmdp01.domain.com\SMS_DP$\SMSPKG\CEN000D1\']LOG]!><time="15:29:13.635+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="2768" file="installsoftware.cpp:145">
     Notice that it never checks for DPs in the same way as the multiple package install:
    <![LOG[Found 0 DPs in subnet, 1 DPs in local site, 0 DPs in remote location and 0 Multicast DPs]LOG]!><time="16:01:21.389+-60" date="12-12-2011" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="1" thread="3040" file="resolvesource.cpp:1974">
    I know that the TS checks package dependencies before executing the TS. That's not possible with Multiple packages since they are variable dependant. I think this is somehow related although it doesn't explain why my client can't authenticate properly.
    The Network Access Account is a member of Domain Users and Domain Users have Read Access on the share and on the folder of the VAXCMDP01 DP - which should be identically configured to our other DPs closest to our ConfigMgr Server.
    Any ideas?
    Kind regards,

  • Can you use 2 apple tvs on the same network with different apple ids and how would your devices know which apple tv to stream to?

    I was looking into purchasing 2 apple tvs and was wondering if they can be setup with different apple ids. I need to have mine setup with my id and be able to hook my devices to it , but have the one in a bedroom hooked to a different apple id and have my friend's devices stream to that one and not mine.  Is this possible?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    In order that your Apple TV only streamed from your iTunes Library and your friends to your friends, you would both have to have different homesharing ID's.
    So far as devices go, any device on a network can stream over AirPlay to an Apple TV, to ensure each of you couldn't stream to the others device you can enable a password via the Apple TV which would then need entering when you used a device for AirPlay.
    Shouldn't be a problem to do what you want to do.

  • Network with XP (32 bit) and Windows 8.1(64 bit)

    The HP printer F4280 is connected directly to the XP computer and via a wired modem network connection to the Windows 8.1 computer.
    The XP computer gets perfect prints. The Windows 8.1 computer gets incomplete prints - the shaded stuff is printed, the plain print is missing.
    I tried new drivers on each - the XP only accepts a 32 bit driver. I put a 64 bit driver on the Windows 8.1 computer - nothing improved the 8.1 prints.
    What can I do??
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Actually the network setup we have works fine for most print jobs from the Widows 8.1 computer. The one case of difficulty involved an Adobe Readert file on my Widows 8.1 computer that failed to print fully on the HP printer on the other computer. I think Adobe Reader is the problem or the file set up by the site with the file I wanted to print.
    Generally speaking the HP set up we have works well most of the time, even with Adobe Reader files. But that one file was a mess and caused my concern. I can live with it, I think!

  • Extend wireless network with multiple airport express and netgear powerline

    I currently have the following network configuration:
    1. Using ATT u-verse (2-wire 3800HGV-B "modem") to internet
    2. Disabled the u-verse modem wireless router, and have connected an Apple Time Capsule wireless router (on a DMZ)
    3. Have four Netgear XAVB5001 powerline adapters connected to the time capsule (for our iMac desktops and the Apple TV)
    4. Have an Airport Express wirelessly connected to the time capsule to extend range (for our iPhones and iPad)
    All this is currently working. What I would like to do is the following, keeping 1-3 above the same:
    4. Connect the airport express to the time capsule via Netgear XAVB5101 powerline adapter (instead of wirelessly connecting to the time capsule as it is today) and use it to extend the wireless range of the time capsule
    5. Add ANOTHER airport express to the time capsule via powerline adapter (and extend the wireless range elsewhere in the house).
    Does anyone have any experience with this kind of setup and can assure that it would work? (I'm trying to decide whether to spring for a couple more powerline adapters and another airport express)
    Thanks in advance!

    I had a VERY similar problem:  I was trying to extend my wireless network using a hardwired ethernet connection from Airport Extreme to my Time Capsule.  Every time I plugged in the wire to the TC, everything disappeared.  Unplugged, and boom.  Came back.
    Here's how I solved it:
    Go into Airport Utility and select the unit you are trying to use as a wireless extender and choose to edit it.  Then, on the wireless tab select CREATE a wireless network.  But, give it the exact same name and password.  This is completely counter-intuitive.  You would think to choose EXTEND, but this would be wrong.  Next choose the network tab.  And, select Router mode to Bridge (off).
    By choosing the same name and password, your phone, laptop, etc. will think it's on the same network and move seamlessly from one to the other.
    See if this fixes your issue.  Fixed mine instantly.  AND, it only took 3 painstaking hours of checking ethernet connections and rewiring jacks, etc. to figure it out.  LOL

  • Networking with USB ADSL modem (and AOL)

    hi there,
    just purchased first mac (macbook), and want to get it online.
    i have a windows desktop connected to AOL with a USB ADSL modem, and would like my Macbook to be able to be wirelessly connected to the internet.
    I understand that having AOL and a USB modem can be problematic in setting up a wireless network.
    Can anybody offer me any help, i.e what routers to buy and how to set it up? or even just link me to a similar topic?
    thanks very much in advance.
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1.83 Ghz, 80Gb, 1Gb mem

    Hi andwhy
    as Duane suggest you need to replace the usb modem.
    You can get a wireless adsl router for about £50.
    USB modem cann be networked unless you use your pc as a gateway. This would involve install router software on the pc, then you would need to get a wireless access point connected to the pc.
    So it is much simpler and more cost effective to use a wireless ADSL router.
    I would check out the adsl routers you can get from http://www.solwise.co.uk

  • Extend wireless network with Airport Extreme n and Airport Express g

    I have a 4th generation Airport Exteme (n) and an older Airport Express (g) and would like to use the Airport Express to extend my network to the other end of my house, where the signal is very weak. When I tried to set it up tonight, my Airport Extreme disappeared all together and I had to do a hard reset to get it back. I am using a macbook pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo running OS X 10.7.2.  Are there any current insturctions to do this?

    Here's a Youtube video of how to do it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3EdbRfX1_w
    I had the same set up you do. I did not have success with the Express g. And in my case I had much better success when I sold the Express g on ebay, bought an Express N from the refurb store, so it only cost around $20 get something that is much more reliable.
    I quickly tried to find an Apple Support tech note for you but didn't, post back if you need more.

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