Dear Concern
We have oberved from the logs that WSUS server is taking updates from the sites which is Non-Microsoft .
Few updates ar being feteched from the Akamai platform  kindly confirm if the microsoft is providing updates from Akamai cloud.
This is security concern for us .

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Similar Messages

  • Displaying image from different domain in an applet

    can anybody tell how to load & display an image from a different domain. the image is being generated dynamically on that server so that i cannot save it.

    You should sign your applet to be able to do it.Isn't that normally only necessary for Security
    relevant procedures, like locally reading and writing
    (saving) files? ( -> So, is that also true (sec.
    rel.) for "donwloading" from "different domain"
    (URL)? )Yes, it is a security violation. Maybe arguably not as bad as local file system access, but it could still be a problem. The main problem would be turning an unsigned applet (therefore from an unknown source) into a DOS application which starts pounding on all sorts of other servers, including the local host.
    As to the problem, you could have a servlet on your host which gets the image from the other host for you. The servlet could be very generic with the applet passing all the info needed to get the file for it.

  • Display problem from different domain

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    Error Message:
    (gnome-calculator:5511): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
    Can anybody tell me how and what all we need to check to configure DISPLAY.
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    I trying to export the DISPLAY variable from different domain and use the GUI.Different domain or different network?
    I am able to ping from my window machine to Sun SolarisPing means nothing in this case because:
    1. ICMP =! TCP
    2. You need to have allowed connection from Solaris to your local machine (port 6000) and ping is not capable to check that.
    3. You need to check this on/from server (Solaris)
    Or you can use X11Forwarding so you don't need to allow connection as mentioned above.
    I mean the software requiredDo you mean client SW or what?

  • Configuring Server to update from Localhost

    Please pardon my ignorance.  I'm a Unix guy.  I'm not a Windows hater, just a little frustrated.
    I'm working with a disconnected network scenario.  The export server has been synchronized and the WSUSContent and metadata have been transferred to the Import Server (Server 2012 Standard).
    The question now is how do you get the Import Server to update from itself?
    The WSUS Configuration in 2012 only has the option to point to another upstream server.  Do I simply point it to itself?  It can't be that easy.
    Next question is, how do I get Server 2012 to initiate an update?

    WSUS is the server-side aspect, WUAgent is the client-side aspect.
    Your (disconnected) WSUS, and the WSUS configuration of it, relates only to it's role as a WSUS server.
    The machine (as does every other Windows machine) also has WUAgent (the WU client component) which needs to be configured, and, can be configured to be served by itself.
    Treat this aspect of the WSUS server, just as you would all of the other clients that will be served by this host.
    i.e., on the WSUS server machine, configure the relevant WUServer registry settings (manually, or via admin template/GPO)
    How does WS2012 initiate updating? It's the same as for every other Windows machine (either client or server OS editions):
    configure the registry settings (you can use the GUI to set the updating behaviour, but there is no GUI method for setting the WSUS server name to be managed-by).
    You can also use console commands such as: wuauclt /detectnow
    You can check the resultant activity of WUAgent by examining c:\windows\windowsupdate.log
    (example of windowsupdate.log from my Win8.1 pc, after initiating the detection)
    2014-02-26 07:11:11:127  420 1508 AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
    2014-02-26 07:11:11:127  420 1508 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Scheduled} added to AU services list
    2014-02-26 07:11:11:127  420 1508 AU Triggering Online detection (non-interactive)
    2014-02-26 07:11:11:127  420 1948 AU #############
    2014-02-26 07:11:11:127  420 1948 AU ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • Loading modules from different domain

    when I load modules from the same location where is main application, everything is fine. But when modules are loaded from different adrress i got following error:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
              at mx.utils::LoaderUtil$/isRSLLoaded()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\uti ls\]
              at mx.utils::LoaderUtil$/[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\utils\]
              at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/getRSLInfo()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx \core\]
              at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/update()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\cor e\]
              at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/moduleInitHandler()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework \src\mx\core\]
    any ideas what might be wrong?
    thanks for any help in advance

    This is a link to testing application:
    you can see source code of this app.
    Let's say we want to run module from different domain.
    so insert following address for crossdomain.xml and module (into TextInput in the applicataion above) .
    here is the code that loads the module:
    protected function loadModule(event:MouseEvent):void
                                            testloader.url = moduleAddress.text;
                                  public function setup():void { // run before loading modules
                                            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(crossdomain.text);
                                            var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

  • How to grant access to sharepoint for the user from different Domain

    Hi All
        I need to grant access to user from different domain. 
        Where I can able to view the users in people picker (different domain).
    Thanks in Advance.

    Trevor Seward
    Sorry to disturb
    you again.
      I am trying to restrict user from search from other domain, say we have domain A and Domain B, where I am trying to restrict all the user from domain B (Search users)for a site collection. I have found couple of stsadmin command to do so. but none
    of them works. Below are the commands I have tried
    STSADM.exe -o setproperty -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv "domain:<Name>.domain" -url "http://Site URL"
    stsadm -o setproperty -pn peoplepicker-searchadcustomquery -pv “(canonicalName=<Name>.domain*)” -url "Site URL"
    we have two way trust.
    Can you suggest any solution.

  • Mapping users coming from different domain in AD

    We have configured vintela SSO which is working.Now we are trying  to add another domain but it has been unsuccessful.
    We have imported the users coming from other domain in CMC->AD, and UseFDQNDirectoryForServers parameter in registry.
    The issue is our complex krb5.ini errors as "cannot find kdc for realm" for the user account coming from the other domain.The existing domain kinit is successful.
    Please help in resolving this issue!!! We need to have users coming from different domain to use vintela SSO.
    Thank you.

    well you're mixing things up a bit.
    The usefqdnfordirectoryservers is used to map in groups. If the groups show up as well as the users that piece should be complete.
    the krb5.ini is for logging in users manually, it must conatin the KDC for every domain that may contain users that need to log into BO. It also must have a KDC or capath entry to define all the parent domains as well (even if they do not have members that need to login. This is how the krb5 is used to verify transitive trusts. Then all users that are not in the default domain must logon as username@ DNSDOMAIN.COM where the DNS domain is entered in all caps aqnd represents the FQDN of theidomain the users bewlong to. Now if not logging in manually this should be a big problem.
    So for SSO (vintela anyway) this process is automatic, although you may want to configure vintela with site information so it doesn't randomly use all your DC's Site can be set following the steps at the end of business objects note 1261835 (complete and vintela only editions).
    In order for vintela to work properly the value entered in CMC > Authentication > Windows AD > service principal name must = an SPN thet was created on the account that is running the SIA/CMS

  • Unable to load swf from different domain through html wrapper in Chrom

    Hi All,
           I am trying a embed a swf from different domain. My html wrapper was in one domain and swf was in another domain. I have embedded the swf into the html wrapper. When i run the html file it is loading the swf in firefox and working fine. But when i try to run the same html in chrom or IE the swf is aborted. I have crossdomain.xml file in both the servers which is also allowing both the domains. I was not able to figure out the issue. Can anybody help on this.

    Are you getting any errors or warnings?

  • Deploy update from different pc

    Hi, if publish an update from different pc of the last publish, all file are deployed.
    I've tried to set <MSDeployUseChecksum>true</MSDeployUseChecksum> in
    LightSwitchProfile.pubxml, but is ignored.
    Any suggestion is apreciated!

    I will try to explain better, with last update published with pc in office:
    1) If I publish the update from same pc, only new file are published
    2) If the update is published from another pc, with same ntp/DC time source, all files are deployed agai
    Web Deploy has two methods of determining which files will be synced when a publish operation is performed.
    Use file time stamps
    Use the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) checksum
    By default Visual Studio uses the time stamps method. Please follow the Lightswitch team blog to publish updates for app offline and usechecksum. see:
    Web publishing updates for app offline and usechecksum
    If it still has same issue, please don't hesitate to let me know.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • Obtain drivers from MS-Server and updates from WSUS

    is there a possibility to obtain drivers from the MS Server and the "other" updates from the WSUS-Server?
    We have workstations with Win7 and XP and pluged in devices (USB) should obtain the drivers (if available) automatically from MS-Server.
    Obtaining drivers through WSUS is not an option.
    The Group Policy "Computer Configuration\...\Windows Update" is set to obtain updates from "intranet Microsoft update service location".
    Should there be no possibility to distinguish between driver and update obtaining locations,
    then is it possible to set WSUS as primary obtaining location and as secondary the MS-Serve? 

    Like I mentioned before I tried to use this:
    1. Try:
    I uninstalled the device and deleted the driver of my testing device. (local)
    I have created a new GP on Server 2003R2x86 (AD/DC) and linked it in the OU where my test-PC is located.
    .../ComputerConfiguration/Administrative Templates/System/InternetCommunicationManagement/Internet Communication Settings/TurnOffWindowsUpdateDeviceDriverSearching-->disabled
    I restarted the test PC with a logonscript: "gpupdate /force"
    It didn't work.
    Same procedure, but instead of creating the policy on the '03 Server, I created the policy with RSAT for W7.
    It didn't work.
    Now I have a new question:
    Isn't the above mentioned policy for this?:
    I ask, because this is exactly the setting that has to be changed so that everything works the way I want.
    (at least for the Win7 PCs. I don't care much about the XP-PCs because they will be replaced in the near future)
    Well one option is to change this setting manually on every PC, but this would be a huge PITA.
    Can this be done in a policy or with a script (registry?)?

  • Can I use mp3 files from different domain as the feed?

    I have just created a new podcast here:
    I would like to submit the podcast to iTunes sometime soon...
    However, I'm wondering if they will reject it because the feed lives on '', whereas I keep the media mp3 files on ''... a different domain.
    I own the mp3 content and both domains- I'm splitting the media from the website for bandwidth reasons.
    Is this ok? If this causes a rejection straight out is there a way to indicate that I own the material fairly?

    There's no problem about using media files from any source: the feed just has to reference them (the URLs have to be 'absolute' - i.e. including the http:// and the server name - even if the file is on the same server as the feed anyway). I don't see the fact that some files have different URLs leading to accusations of copyright breach.

  • Grant access to users from different Domains

    Recently my company was merged with another. All users from my company are setup in our Domain (DomainA). Sharepoint is able to see the users in this domain and grant access to the users as well. When the merger happened, we created a Group (Test - Sharepoint)
    in our AD to add groups from other companie's domain:DomainB, totally different Forest. There is a two way trust setup between these domains. The group Test-Sharepoint is "domain local" and it is able to see the groups/users from other domain: DomainB.
    The other users are now able to access our sharepoint environment once access is granted to DomainA\Test-Sharepoint.
    Problem came when we applied Audience targetting around few web parts. The users from DomainB who are added as object in DomainA\Test-Sharepoint (group in DomainA) are not able to see the web parts that have audience targeting for this group. Someone
    suggested that AD groups should be Global or Universal but that is not our case. Most of the groups in our AD are domain local and SP is able to see the users within it.
    Please suggest how we can resolve audience targeting issue?
    Regards, Kapil ***Please mark answer as Helpful or Answered after consideration***

    My apologies, yes that is correct you'll have to use Domain Local in this case.
    Actually what you'll need to do is not use Groups in your domain at all, as the users are Foreign Security Principals. Instead, use a group in the trusted domain, or attributes of the users you intend to target directly.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Calling a BSP from different domain

    I have a problem calling a bsp application. I am using bsp app. system for a logon screen(this is what’s causing the problem.) SAP is in the domain company<b>as</b>.com and the calling application is in the domain
    The logon screen is displayed but when users try to logon the logon screen just gets displayed again. I have found out this is because of the different domains and the cookie mysapsso2.
    When calling the same url from my machine everything works fine. Also if I try to bypass the system and logon directly to the bsp application ( it works. The reason I’m using the system app. is to enable the users to change their passwords according to the rules in R/3.
    Does this make sense and does anyone have some ideas how to fix my problem?

    There is a pretty simple answer here - it just doesn't work.  This has to do with how the browser stores and sends cookies.  Cookies are only allowed to be passed within the same domain. This a protection that keeps a bad website from reading the content of cookies from other websites (potentially gaining sensitive information).
    There isn't too much that SAP can do about this since this is a mechanism enforced directly by the browser.

  • I am not able receive emails from different domain, but i am able to get my self in same domain.

    HI ,
    I am not able receive email from different or external domain. But i am able send the emails to other domain, i can see that i receive. here is the problem if  i reply to that email . i am not able receive .
    I have checked the Receive connectors In the Default forntend  connector ,  Anonymous user was checked in permission groups.
    Can any one help me to get this issue resolve.

    Did you try the suggestions which mentioned above? What about the result?
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • A problem with Win 7 Pro, Outlook Web Access based on Exchange Server 2003, and two different domains

    Dear Microsoft Support,
    As mentioned in the title,
    I have two domains. One is Domain A at HQ. The other one is Domain A at branch office. A laptop having Win 7 Pro OS is a client of Domain A. The Domain A has Exchange Server 2003. Users of Domain B get connected to Exchange Server for email services. In
    all clients of the Domain B, IP address of the email server added in C:\Windows\System 32\drivers\etc\host file.
    Whereas in the clients of Domain A it was not done, because all the servers including the email server belong to the Domain A.
    Now, a user with Domain A's client (it is a laptop) came to Branch office and wanted to access the Outlook (using Outlook Web Access). since there is no IP address added in the Host file of the laptop, connectivity to email is not possible. When I try to
    add the IP address, I was not able to do so due to Domain A's security reasons.
    So, let me know, is there a way out to add the IP address in the host file of the Domain A's client.
    Thanks in advance.
    Ravi Sekhar Modukuru

    I would suggest adding the mailserver address in Domain B's DNS. Would that be possible?
    I agree. The correct solution in this case (since it appears you already have a two-way Domain Trust in place) is to properly configure DNS in Domain 'B' to be a secondary of Domain 'A' and completely eliminate the need to maintain the HOSTS file.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

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