XFA Model Event Firing Problem

Hello XFA gurus,
I have an XDP that refernces a PDF and has some pre-filled fields. Problem here is I have a function that needs to be executed on page load, but after the form data is merged. Because of the interactive XFA model, the events like "docReady", "form:ready" and "layout:ready" all fire twice, once before there is any data in the fields and once after.
How would I accomplish the execution of this function only after the data has been merged? I can't simply check to see if the fields have data in them, as different fields may contain data each time and others will be blank so there is no single field I can check to see if it has been populated.

Hi Alex,
I tried creating a small sample to reproduce your problem, but couldn't run into the problems you encounter. You can find it attached to the post - it would be great if you could take a look at it and let us know what is it that you're doing differently.
In the mean time, could you provide some more details to better help us investigate this? Here's what would help:
the namespace your application is using (the sample I attached uses 1.5.3, but I tested with 2.0 too without a problem)
the version of the Flex SDK and AIR SDK you're using to compile your application
the OS you're seeing this problem on (I tested on Windows XP SP3)
any other info that's specific for your application (image source, when are the event listeners attached, etc.)
Hope this helps,

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    Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you in anticipation.
    Karthik R.

    check this thread:
    How to disable event firing outside an event. It contains example on C#, but it is not difficult to convert it to PowerShell.
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    Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
    Since you did post the question there, then you should be responding to that posting stating that you have an answer so people, like me, don't waste their time reading a question that has already been answered.

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    - Presenter can be single threaded (always in EDT) and presenter implementer does not need to worry as much about threading
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    I think major point in deciding is the difficulty of creating thread safe Presenters. Thread safe code is notoriously difficult to implement and even things that seem trivial at first sight can cause big problems. I can't help thinking that since the application's core is already multithreaded by nature, how much more difficult can it be to make the Presenters thread safe as well? Presenters should be quite simple in any case, can receiving events from model and calling a few setters on the view cause threading problems?
    Note that this problem is not limited to programs where background threads update the data....any program where some long running operations are run outside of EDT, and may cause events that are listened to in some presenter, has to solve this issue.
    Any views or ideas?

    RickyT wrote:
    Hello Helpful Nokia Users,
    When I am using my BH 103 blue tooth stereo earphones to listen to music on my N900, the sound drops out for about half a second (or less) then the music sounds slower (like a record player that has been slowed down) for about 4 seconds, then goes back to normal. This sometimes happens on each song, one after the other, sometimes it is just @ random times.
    This NEVER happens when using plug in head phones or when I hook it up to my stereo.
    The BH 103 are about 2 years old.... would the battery be failing? Causing them to run out of power super quickly? My N95 8GB used to beep when the battery in the earphones was low, would the N900 be "pausing" instead?
    Are the BH 103 not compatiable with the N900.... even though Nokia store lists them as accessories. Would I be better off with a newer model of ear phones?
    Cheers for your help!
    i think its the battery issue .
    Reality is wrong....dreams are for real... 2pac .
    don't forget to hit that green kudos

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    any suggestions ?

    it seems that you should use () instead of [] !

  • [svn:osmf:] 11159: Updating unit test with a check to all expected events firing properly.

    Revision: 11159
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-10-26 12:12:10 -0700 (Mon, 26 Oct 2009)
    Log Message:
    Updating unit test with a check to all expected events firing properly.
    Modified Paths:
        osmf/trunk/framework/MediaFrameworkIntegrationTest/org/osmf/content/TestContentElementInt egration.as

    camickr wrote:
    Do you really expect us to read all that code to try and understand what you are attempting to do?
    If you need further help then you need to create a "Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE)", that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour.
    Absolutely not, I wouldn't post such a large amount of code expecting people to read it. I indicated that I believe my error only lies within one of two classes, and that I highlighted the two methods with comments.
    I was told to create an SSCCE as you have mentioned, but I believe all of this code is necessary for the program to run properly, so I only provided it all for compilation purposes.
    I'll check the examples posted, and if I need to I'll see if I can change my methods to use the swing timer class as the first reply mentions, but I did not think this would be necessary.
    Edited by: Drew___ on Nov 29, 2007 3:28 AM
    I have just figured out what my problem was, sorry it was quite a simple mistake. When checking for user input, I was immediately resetting the eventFlag or something afterwards. This meant the object would stop moving as it couldn't remember my last keypress. Thanks for your help, those tutorials are really good.

  • Event firing multiple times (et_Got_Focus)

    I just noticed while debugging my Add On code that the et_Got_Focus event which I have added to my event filters is triggered 64 times when I change a field value and then move to a different field.  This not only happens in the matrix when changing field values and tabbing through but also in the header fields.
    This has got to be a bug and it is not only slowing down the A/P Invoice form but it is potentially very dangerous to have an event firing 64 times when it should only be fired once. 
    To test this all one needs to do is add the et_Got_Focus event to the event filter with the A/P Invoice form, then add a debug statement to write out the itemvalue properties and you will see once you edit a value and tab you will get 64 statements that are the et_Got_Focus event, BeforeAction false for the same field or column when it should only occur once.
    I have a very digrunted client that is very frustrated due to the amount this slows down data entry in the A/P Invoice.  I cannot get rid of this event because there is a particular field I am monitoring for the got focus event so I can stop it under certain circumstances.
    If anyone else has experienced this or knows how to resolve this please let me know.  I guess if I don't find out why this is happening I will post a CSN to SAP.
    Thanks very much,
    David Wall
    Here is a sample of my debug output messages for one update of a single field and then tabbing out:
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False
    et_GOT_FOCUS -  - False

    Hi David,
    We at Self Informatique France have the same problem of getfocus firing many times at one of our customers in Algeria although wae are not using formated search.Any solution ?
    Best Rgds.
    Antoine Egeileh
    Self Informatique
    [email protected]

  • Item added & item updated events fired twice.

    Hello everyone, 
    I have item added and item updated events and both sends e-mails twice cos they are fired twice. 
    I tried the below method but the problem still continues. Any suggessions?
    note: my list is custom list. (not document lib)

    If you have required checkout enabled the events can be triggered twice. See this post for more information and how to bypass it:
    Managing ItemUpdating and ItemUpdated Events Firing Twice in a SharePoint Item Event Receiver

  • What is Event queue problem?

    I have come across JSF document, they mentioned that Event queue
    Problem ins SUN's JSF implementation. what is that?

    You're going to have to be a little more specific.

  • Event Fired when a mxml component is shown on screen

    I have following application structure nested up to 2/3 level.
         linkbar connected to viewstack
                   mxml Component
                   mxml Component
    mxml componet in turn has similar structure
         linkbar connected to viewstack
                   mxml Component
                   mxml Component
    and end component is form which is shown and actions performed
    I want to execute specific code when the form is first time shown
    which will collect data from server and will show for further actions.
    User will edit/delete/update data with various button clicks.
    I tried activate event on end component but it seems that it wont get
    fired at all. End components are enclosed in BorderContainer or Group.
    To test activate event I have used Alert.show only but popup is not shown
    when I select link button on penutimate linkbar.
    If I am doing something wrong please let me know as well please
    guide me which event shall I use so that whenever linkbutton is
    pressed on linkbar it will fire that event. In that event I can check
    whether it has been called earlier by checking some variable which
    will be null in creation complete and set in event fired when linkbutton is pressed.
    Thanks and regards

    I think 'creationComplete' is the closest event to what you are looking for.

  • GUI event handling problems appear in 1.4.1 vs. 1.3.1?

    Has anyone else experienced strange event handling problems when migrating from 1.3.1 to 1.4.1? My GUI applications that make use of Swing's AbstractTableModel suddenly don't track mouse and selection events quickly anymore. Formerly zippy tables are now very unresponsive to user interactions.
    I've run the code through JProbe under both 1.3 and 1.4 and see no differences in the profiles, yet the 1.4.1 version is virtually unusable. I had hoped that JProbe would show me that some low-level event-handling related or drawing method was getting wailed on in 1.4, but that was not the case.
    My only guess is that the existing installation of 1.3.1 is interfering with the 1.4.1 installation is some way. Any thoughts on that before I trash the 1.3.1 installation (which I'm slightly reluctant to do)?
    My platform is Windows XP Pro on a 2GHz P4 with 1GB RAM.
    Here's my test case:
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class VerySimpleTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
    private int d_rows = 0;
    private int d_cols = 0;
    private String[][] d_data = null;
    public VerySimpleTableModel(int rows,int cols)
    System.err.println("Creating table of size [" + rows + "," + cols +
    d_rows = rows;
    d_cols = cols;
    d_data = new String[d_rows][d_cols];
    int r = 0;
    while (r < d_rows){
    int c = 0;
    while (c < d_cols){
    d_data[r][c] = new String("[" + r + "," + c + "]");
    public int getRowCount()
    return d_rows;
    public int getColumnCount()
    return d_cols;
    public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
    return d_data[rowIndex][columnIndex];
    public static void main(String[] args)
    System.err.println( "1.4..." );
    JFrame window = new JFrame();
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    Dimension size = new Dimension(500,500);
    JTable table = new JTable(new VerySimpleTableModel(40,5));
    window.setSize(new Dimension(600,800));
    Thanks in advance!!
    - Dean

    I've fixed the problem by upgrading to 1.4.1_02. I was on 1.4.1_01.
    I did further narrow down the symptoms more. It seemed the further the distance from the previous mouse click, the longer it would take for the table row to highlight. So, clicking on row 1, then 2, was much faster than clicking on row 1, then row 40.
    If no one else has seen this problem -- good! I wouldn't wish the tremendous waste of time I've had on anyone!
    - Dean

  • First event fired to event structure

    Hi all,
       Does anyone know what's the first event being fired to the event structure on VI startup? I set a breakpoint on the event structure and it breaks. However i wasn't able to capture whats the event.
    My intention was simple; i have a table which list all the IO names and values. So during VI startup, i wan to populate the IO names first. Then in a timed-loop, the values are updated respectively. In this case, i don't need to "refresh" the table every time which waste time and resources.
    It something like the OnLoad event.
    Another way out is to register an user event, and have this event fired during application startup. But i wonder if anyone has a better way?
    Many thanks!

    j3r3mi wrote:
    My intention was simple; i have a table which list all the IO names and values. So during VI startup, i wan to populate the IO names first. Then in a timed-loop, the values are updated respectively. In this case, i don't need to "refresh" the table every time which waste time and resources.
    Why don't you show us some code.
    Are the IO name static for the duration of the program? Are you using a regular table column or the "row header strings []" property for the IO names?
    If you want to write the row headers at the start of the program, place the code before the main loop containing the event structure. No event case needed. If you have a specific event to update the table headers if needed, fire the event once at startup using a signaling value property, again with the property node placed before the main loop.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • QT in html, events fired and movie internals doc

    The Javascript Scripting Guide says under "Executing JavaScript Functions From QuickTime", page 11:
    Wired actions can be triggered by user interaction, as a result of a frame in the movie being displayed, or as the
    result of arbitrary wired calculations.
    It also briefly describes (page 23) the matrix and rectangle properties, saying "You can use a movie’s transformation matrix to scale, translate, and rotate the movie image. For details on the transformation matrix, see Movie Internals."
    And the Rectangle is defined as "void SetRectangle(string rect)"
    Where can I find the reference to the events fired by QT automatically ?
    Where can I find this Movie Internals description ?
    I'm not very familiar with javascript... That's not a QT issue, but where can I find a description of the rect ?
    Many thanks
      Windows XP Pro  

    Yes, you can navigate to other pages using buttons/code in an swf file.  And you can trigger an event as well, though I don't know if that's what you intended to say if navigating to another page is what you are really after.
    In AS3, to make a button work with code, you need to add an event listener and event handler function for it.  You might need to add a few (for different events, like rollover, rollout, clicking it, but for now we'll just say you want to be able to click it to get a web page to open.  In the timeline that holds that button, in a separate actions layer that you create, in a frame numbered the same as where that button exists, you would add the event listener:
    btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn1Click);
    The name of the unique function for processing the clicking of that button is specified at the end of the event listener assignment, so now you just have to write that function out:
    function btn1Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
       var url:String = "http://www.awebsite.com/awebpage.html";
       var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);

  • Disable event firing while updating list item in custom timer job

    I am adding new items in the list usign custom timer job.
    While adding the items in the list event receiver of another list (which is not related to list which is updating) is getiing fired due to which I am getting data wrongly updated and exceptions are comming.
    why the another lists event recevier is executing while updating my list?
    How can I disable event firing from timer job code?
    please suggest any solution

    It seems you have deployed your event receiver globally and it is applied to all the lists. I can suggest two ways:
    1. Either you update your event receiver feature.xml file and attached to specific list, wherever you want. You can follow below link to attach event with specific list via code:
    Or instead of code you can also pass ListUrl in feature.xml file:
    2. OR delete event receiver from the list: You can use below code in your timer job to delete event receiver
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

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    No. Apple replaced the disk drive with a solid state drive (SSD) instead. The SSD is faster the old disk drive.

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