XML forms rating

I've created xmlforms and thanks to an UI command group I'm able to rate the documents from the renderlist
To see the results of the rating I have to go to the detail page.  How can I make the result appear in the renderlist?  I already added col:rating to my visibility properties of my resource renderer...
Do I have to do further settings to make the rating result appear?
Is it also possible to create a button from the "show" form to rate?

I've found a new workaround that works just fine for us:
<b>First I have created properties</b> (content management -->metadata --> properties) for the fields I wanted to show in my RenderlistItem, all the properties have the parameter indexable checked.  My own properties are called Title, Author, Uitgeleend_door, Status, Location
In the xml forms builder, I didn't save the values of the fields in the Dataschema but in the properties i have created in the previous step, you do that by <b>linking the label/textfield to the property in stead of the dataschema</b>
<b>I created an index</b> of the xml files because I want to search in the forms
<b> I created a new Search Result renderer setting</b> with the following parameters:
- Collection Renderer:   SearchResultListRenderer
- Displayed properties: col:Title(contentLink/[1;2]/noColumnSpacing/alignTop/alignLeft/space-right=30),col:Author([1;3]/noColumnSpacing/alignTop/alignLeft/space-right=30),col:Status([1;4]/noColumnSpacing/alignTop/alignLeft/space-right=30),col:Uitgeleend_door([1;5]/noColumnSpacing/alignTop/alignLeft/space-right=30),col:Location([1;6]/noColumnSpacing/alignTop/alignLeft/space-right=30),col:rating([1;7]/noColumnSpacing/alignTop/alignLeft/space-right=10),rnd:action(/alignTop)
Title, Author, Status, Uitgeleend_door, Location are my own properties... so you have to change them into your own properties
- Column header property: Transparant
<b>I created an xmlforms renderer setting</b>
<b>I created a layout set</b> to combine the renderer setting and the Search result renderer setting
Afterward I created a KM search iView with the following parameters filled in:
- Layout set for search results: my own layoutset
- Search component set: my own search component set
- Search Option set: my own search option set
Actually I don't use the renderlistItem form any more, I have just created a list of properties that the search result has to show.  Because of the "displayed properties" parameter in the Search result renderer setting, I can choose which properties I want to show, how they have to be shown. 
When you want that the users see the "show" form when the click on a certain field (here the Title property), you have to define the propertie as a content link.  You do that as followed: <i>col:Title(contentLink/[1;2]/noColumnSpacing/alignTop/alignLeft/space-right=30)</i>
I also created my own command group with the following parameter:
<i>commandList: QuickRatingGroup,details_properties_ex</i> so that the users can rate directly.
I also added the details_properties_ex so that the users can change certain properties.  For example: they may not change the basic information of a book such as the title, the ISBN number, the author,... but they have to be able to change the Status (lent of not lent) and the Uitgeleend_door (lent_by) properties.
I did that because it is not possible to use 2 different edit forms in the xml forms builder...
Hopes this helpes the rest of you

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    Hi Zlatin,
    -> 1
    By Default identic properties queries are connected by an 'OR'.
    Please have a look into the documentation for further info.
    -> Search Options
    So far it's not possible to connect two identic proerties by an 'AND' within the standard.
    You can preset a search filter via the relevant Search Option Set.
    Regards Matthias Röbig-Landau

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    you have to create a XMLForms Repository Filter. Check this link:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/21/8df33eef091f39e10000000a114084/frameset.htm">XMLForms Repository Filter</a>

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    Please check for the Form Based Publishing for your KM folder
    System Administration-->System Configuration >Knowledge Management->Form Based Pulishing>Forms Availability>Folder Settings check for the Forms to include and Exclude for your folder path. In this you can include or Exclude forms which you form by adding the XML form ID.
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    Hi Sajeer,
    You have given quite few information what data should be collected / showed in detail. Anyhow, it sounds as if you want to provide data which isn't provided within the standard portal so far (see http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/07/dad131443b314988eeece94506f861/frameset.htm for a list of existing reports).
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    Hope it helps
    PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!

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    Hi gazala,
    Hope you are doing good.
    Is the portal 7.3? can you let us know the version? Trigger 5-6 thread dumps with 30 secs interval each for your server when you reproduce the issue.
    More info:
    SAP Note No. 1020246-Thread Dump Viewer for SAP Java Engine
    SAP Note No. 710154-How to create a thread dump for the J2EE Engine
    This will help check this further
    Hope this helps.
    Kind Regards,

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    is it always the same checkbox that is already filled in? Is this ckeckbox based on a metadata-definition?
    If yes: You could maybe have a look at the metadata-definition. Is there maybe a default-value defined?
    Kind reagrds

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    Hi ,
    On the tool bar you have an option "Browser" which is next to "HTML Editor" .
    You know that for using these elements wo have to map them with Data Schema.
    Step by step
    1. In data Model Under Data Schema Add a child and name it Read_More.
    2. In the left hand corner ,click on tab Type and from the drop down select "rid"
    3.Click on the "Browser" from the toolbar (as told earlier) and drag and drop it on the form.
    4. Drag the Data schema which u have made(Read_more) and drop it on the browser on form. On right hand side u will se the mapping done.
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    6.In property window change the value of action property to "Item Entry point"
    7. Repeat step 3 and 4 in Render and show form but using "label" nad not browser.
    Do not forget to add Save button in Edit Form.
    This will solve your problem.
    PS:Rewards Point Please.
    Naveen Gupta

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    Hi Sudeep,
    Please try to open the formbuilder in another machine and try to see the properties xml form design view.
    You can even directly can create a lable in show form and add the property name along with the nama space name.
    For default properties namspace is default.Create a lable UI element in show form and select the datasource property and add the property value in that.
    With we can show file related system generated properties in show form.
    Rudradev Devulapelli

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    Sub test()
    Dim oPDF As AcroPDDoc
    Dim FileDestName As String
    Dim jso As Object
    Dim ofld As Object
        FileSrcName = "C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\ADOBE Forms\NoVB.pdf"
        Set oPDF = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
        Set jso = oPDF.GetJSObject
        Set ofld = jso.getfield("form1.TopForm.Header.Subform1.Contact")
        Debug.Print ofld.Value
         ofld.Value = "HHH"
        Debug.Print ofld.Value
    oPDF.Save PSsavefull, FileSrcName
    Set jso = Nothing
    Set oPDF = Nothing
    End Sub

    You need to research the difference between an AcroForm and an XFA form.  You're trying to access a "Field" object, which is an AcroForm object.  An XFA form does not have fields, it has nodes.  The JavaScript you are using is specific to AcroForms and you are working with an XFA form.

  • Delete button in xml form

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      - edit button to edit the news => work perfectly
      - delete button to delete the news => the problem
    When I click on the delete button, I receive the following message :
    XML - Forms 
    Item /BvD-it SEPNews/Others/0056c04e-7c12-2a10-8185-c74e6f577c75.xml does not exist
    but the file do exist.
    When I click on the OK button (at the end of the message), the news is effectively deleted.
    So this is functionnaly working, but it comes with a non relevant error message.
    Thank you for your help

    Hi ,
    there are various ways of doing it..
    You can try as the previous post says or also you can try When new block instance trigger and disable the item
    using set_item_property , it all depends on when and how you want to diable that item.

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    My questions are:
    Is there a way I can reduce the file greatly, say about 100 KB?
    And after the size reduced,  does it still keep the original quality in format and function?

    if you only use default fonts like Arial or Myriad don't embed fonts into the form at all.
    If you have to use a specific font because of corporate identity you should check if there are fields in your fom using other fonts like Arial.
    Especially floating fields are a reason for big files as they use Designers default font even if you'll never see it in the PDF.
    When using images, you should not check the "embed" checkbox, as this will save the images a base64-stream into the xml-source.
    If unchecked the images are stored as hex-stream in the PDF-stream which cause a smaller file size.
    Also, don't use high res images, 150dpi are far enough. You also don't need 16Bit depth as Designer only supports 8Bit images with RGB colors.

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    How do we troubleshoot this? We cannot seem to optimize in Acrobat because we receive an error message that says, "This PDF contains an Adobe XML form. Such PDFs cannot be optimized."
    Thank you!

    If possible, don't embed fonts.
    File | Form properties | Save Options | uncheck embed fonts.

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    I have a 3 xml forms, each one to create one type of news. I need to use 3 because each of this forms has their own controls. But the control which indicates the type of news (asociated with a KM Predefined Property) must be common in the 3 forms, in order to use it on searches.
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      - Visible for the user
      - With a default value defined in the control properties (each form has a different value, corresponding with the type of news)
      - Read-only mode
      - The value showed in the control must be saved in the associated KM Predefined Property when the user clicks the Save button. 
    Anyone knows how to do this?
    What control can I use?
    I was thinking of trying with text boxes, but I don't find the way to make them unwritable (Read only mode).
    It is posible using labels?
    Kind regards

    Hello Jose,
    I know you responded with a question... I see it in the email, but I don't see it here!  Very odd... but in response:
    The first thing I do when I open the Edit.xsl file is do a 'find' for the name of the text field that I want to be read-only (in my test case, it's 'location').  Repeat the find until you see something like:
    field location
    Below there is where I put the new code.  Mine looks like this:
    [code]- <xsl:choose>
    - <xsl:when test="location='' and ($editmode='create')">
    - <xsl:choose>
    - <xsl:when test="./xf:ValidationError/@tagname='location'">
    - <input name="location" size="30" type="text" class="urEdfiTxtEnbl" id="field_1157467268006">
    - <xsl:attribute name="tabindex">
    - <xsl:choose>
      <xsl:when test="$accessibilitymode='true'">21</xsl:when>
    - <xsl:attribute name="value">
      <xsl:value-of select="''" />
    - <xsl:attribute name="readonly">true</xsl:attribute>
    - <xsl:otherwise>
    - <input name="location" size="30" type="text" tabindex="3792" class="urEdfTxtEnbl" id="field_1157467268006">
    - <xsl:attribute name="value">
      <xsl:value-of select="''" />
    - <xsl:attribute name="readonly">true</xsl:attribute>
    I put the <xsl:attribute name="readonly"> in both places (when test, and when not test).  I'm not entirely sure if that's necessary, but that worked for me.
    Hope this helps,

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