XMLELEMENT forcing "short" empty tag?

I want to create an XML carrying data in attributes.
Therefor I'm creatinmg a lot of epmty tags:select XMLElement ("test", xmlattributes(1 as "test") ) from dual;
<test test="1"></test>But I want the "short" form of empty tags: <tt>&lt;test test="1"/></tt>
How do I configure this?

So lets advance to next level: ;o)
How do I supress "pretty print" at the same time?with tab1 as ( select 1 as id1, 'tab1' as attr from dual)
, tab2 as ( select 2 as id2, 1 as id1, 'tab2' as attr  from dual )
select xmlserialize(document XMLElement ("test", xmlattributes(id1 as "ID",tab1.attr as name)
                , XMLElement ("subtest",xmlattributes(id2 as "ID",tab2.attr as name) )
       ) as clob indent)
from tab1 join tab2 using(id1);
<test ID="1" NAME="tab1">
  <subtest ID="2" NAME="tab2"/>
<test ID="1" NAME="tab1"><subtest ID="2" NAME="tab2"/></test>bye

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    }When I marshalled SimpleNegotiationManager while the HashMap was filled with several <String,SimpleInitiatedConversation> entries, in the output were empty tags initiatedConversations:
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    <xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <xs:complexType name="simpleInitiatedConversation">
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    Ok i figured out one way of doing this by using some classes from JAXP...
    SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
    Schema s = null;
        s = sf.newSchema(new File("Sources/schema/test.xsd"));                    
    }catch(Exception e){
        System.err.println("Exception e: " + e.getMessage());
    //MyValidationHandler class implements the ValidationEventHandler interface
    MyValidationHandler gv = new MyValidationHandler();
    marshaller.setEventHandler(gv);If anyone has something to add let me know!!

  • How to generate empty tag using XMLForest

    I am creating an XML document using XMLAgg, XMLForest and XMlElement functions.
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    XMLForest( e.indicator as "col1",
               e.participant_id as "col2",
      XMLForest( tableAlias.col11 as "address1",
                 tableAlias.col12 as "address2",            
               ) as "items",
    )           and within the last one I have some expressions which are empty, so the XML tags are not generated, however I have to have an empty tags:
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               e.participant_id as "col2",
               *) as "items",*)           however it created 2 <items> tags :
         </items> I am working with Oracle 11.2.0 db.
    Is there any way to generate an empty tag when using XMLForest function?
    thank you in advance.
    Edited by: user624274 on Apr 3, 2013 8:52 AM
    Edited by: user624274 on Apr 3, 2013 8:53 AM

    Hello Odie_63.
    Your argument is valid, but it does not mean the solution I provided is bad.
    If you are concerned about the size of the result, it is simple, you can use like:
    REPLACE(XMLForest( NVL(e.indicator, '#NULLValue#') as "col1",  NVL(e.participant_id, '#NULLValue#') as "col2").getClobVal(), '#NULLValue#', '')
    According to Oracle documentation, REPLACE is smart and will return a CLOB (not a varchar2) because it changes the type of return according to the type of the first parameter. So you will not have issues with size.
    I believe the first question was related to use the final result to record to a table or send to another system (to use as integration). If it will be used just in a select field, it does not matter if it is not there or if it is there as NULL, the select of the field will always return ''.
    Other hint, I never use xmltype to store on database, because it is not compatible with other databases or integration tools. I use CLOB because it is the natural serialization of the object and I can convert and work with it inside and outside Oracle.
    But that is up to the architect and/or developer. If the system is running only on Oracle and there is no integration, maybe xmltype will save a lot of time in conversions.

  • Specifying empty tag style

    Hi all. I'm using dbms_xmlquery.useNullAttributeIndicator, and for a reason I'd rather not go into I need the tags to be separate open-close tags (<tag></tag>) instead of the more elegant <tag/> tag. I'd also like to suppress the NULL="TRUE" attribute if possible. I'm open to changing our routine to use DBMS_XMLGEN if it helps in the above. Many thanks in advance for your help.

    With DBMS_XMLGEN, you can get rid of the NULL attribute, but empty tags will appear in the short form :
    SQL> set serveroutput on
      2    ctx    dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle;
      3    sqlstr varchar2(4000) := 'SELECT * FROM scott.emp WHERE rownum = 1';
      4    res    clob;
      5  BEGIN
      6    ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext(sqlstr);
      7    dbms_xmlgen.setNullHandling(ctx, dbms_xmlgen.EMPTY_TAG);
      8    res := dbms_xmlgen.getXML(ctx);
      9    dbms_xmlgen.closeContext(ctx);
    10    dbms_output.put_line(res);
    11  END;
    12  /
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    On the latest release (11.2), and only for particular cases, you might be able to do what you want with XQuery.
    See § Oracle XQuery Extension-Expression Pragmas on this page :
    Here's also an example :
    SELECT XMLSerialize(
      '(#ora:view_on_null empty #)
        for $i in fn:collection("oradb:/SCOTT/EMP")/ROW
        where $i/EMPNO = 7566
        return $i
      returning content
    as clob
    FROM dual;

  • Make an empty tag to appear

    Hi Mark,
    In 9iR2, I accidentally found out that if I want to make an empty tag to appear (when the column is null, for example), I can add a single space in NVL. For example,
    in 9iR2,
    select xmlelement("RootElement", xmlforest('Child1' as "Child1", nvl(null, ' ') as "Child2")) from dual;
    But in 10gR2, I for the single space in the result,
    <RootElement><Child1>Child1</Child1><Child2> </Child2></RootElement>
    Is there a way to make the empty tag appear in 10gR2? Thanks.

    Mark has said that there was a bug in 9iR2 that would make an empty tag if a space was provided and that was fixed in 10g. But when I use a nested select such as this,
    (select xmlagg(
                             xmlelement("PartyAlternateName", xmlattributes('AKA' as "casePartyNameType"),                         
                                       xmlforest(ma.first_name as "PersonGivenNamee",
                                            ma.middle_name as "PersonMiddleName",
                                            ma.last_name as "PersonSurName",
                                            ma.name_suffix as "PersonPrefixName")
                             from m_alias ma
                             where ma.mni_id = p_MniID                    
                        ) --- end of select PartyAlternateName
    I do get an empty tag if one of the columns is null. Normally you won't get empty tag in 10g.

  • Creating empty-tag-elements with JAXB?

    is there any possibility to force JAXB to create empty-tag-elements? For example
    <exampletag attribute="value" />
    instead of
    <exampletag attribute="value">
    I really need to close my tags in the described way but have found no possibility to do so.
    Thanks for your help

    Maybe this will help. I take advantage of the following behavior of the JAXB Marshaller to give me the form of output I require.
    When a class (element) has "null" content, the output is of the form <tagger id="Unique"/>. When it has "empty" content, the output is of the form <tagger id="Unique"></tagger>.
    Example code snippets:
    For "null" content:
    @XmlRootElement(name = "tagger")
    public class TagClose
      public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; }
      public String getId() { return this.id; }
      String content = null;
      String id = null;
    }For "empty" content:
    @XmlRootElement(name = "tagger")
    public class TagClose
      public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; }
      public String getId() { return this.id; }
      String content = "";
      String id = null;

  • Empty Collections and Empty Tags

    It seems that empty collections from a cast or cursor result in an empty tag. For example, the following sql:select work.work_id medlineid,
    db.accessionnumberlist_ref.accessionnumberlist accessionnumberlist
    from table(dbl.databanks) db
    order by databankname) databanklist,
    cast( multiset (
    select chemical_t(
    from work_chemicals wrkchm
    where wrkchm.work_id=work.work_id
    order by wrkchm.term) as chemicals_t) chemicallist
    works work,
    databanklist_t_v dbl
    work.work_id = 96264942
    and work.work_id = dbl.work_id(+)results in the following XML:<medlinecitationset>
    <medlinecitation num="1">
    </medlinecitationset>Is there a way to not have these empty tags appear?
    Thanks! -- John.

    David, this is about understanding the use of, and differencies between tags and collections. This is a bit hard for many new users.
    First of all searching for collections and tags can *not* be done simultaneously. You can either work with one collection only, or you can search for pictures with one or more tags.
    Next collections should be used as either temporary work sets or for special occasions like specific vacations, trips or birthdays, e.g. "Anna 5 years". You say you have a collection named "Churches". I think would have made a TAG called "Churches" instead, because a tag is for general searches that can be combined. On the other hand I might have made a collection called "Church visits July 2005" or "Summer vacation 2005" or the like.
    Another difference is that pictures in a collection can be sorted manually by drag & drop, while pictures found via tags always are shown in the order chosen in the Photo Browser Arrangement box shown bottom left in the Organizer.

  • Is there a way to modify the style sheet so that it transforms an XML document with empty tags as tag / ?

    I have extracted some code from codeproject to
    reindent an XML document. Does anyone know how I can modify the stylesheet to make it so that the transform of an XML file will result in empty tags showing up as <tag /> instead of <tag></tag>?
    // http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/43309/How-to-create-a-simple-XML-file-using-MSXML-in-C
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr FormatDOMDocument(MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pDoc)
    LPCSTR const static szStyleSheet =
    R"!(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>)!"
    R"!(<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">)!"
    R"!( <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>)!"
    R"!( <xsl:template match="@* | node()">)!"
    R"!( <xsl:copy>)!"
    R"!( <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>)!"
    R"!( </xsl:copy>)!"
    R"!( </xsl:template>)!"
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pXmlStyleSheet;
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pXmlFormattedDoc;
    CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch;
    HRESULT hr = pXmlFormattedDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispatch);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    _variant_t vtOutObject;
    vtOutObject.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
    vtOutObject.pdispVal = pDispatch;
    hr = pDoc->transformNodeToObject(pXmlStyleSheet, vtOutObject);
    //By default it is writing the encoding = UTF-16. Let us change the encoding to UTF-8
    // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pXMLFirstChild = pXmlFormattedDoc->GetfirstChild();
    // A map of the a attributes (vesrsion, encoding) values (1.0, UTF-8) pair
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr pXMLAttributeMap = pXMLFirstChild->Getattributes();
    MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pXMLEncodNode = pXMLAttributeMap->getNamedItem(_T("encoding"));
    pXMLEncodNode->PutnodeValue(_T("UTF-8")); //encoding = UTF-8
    return pXmlFormattedDoc;
    Or, if there is some other method for reindenting a MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr object where I can specify how I want empty tags to be stored, that would be great too.  However, I don't want it to lose its status of an MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr object.
     I.e. I would like to still perform operations on the result as if it was still an MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr object.

    If anyone is interested, I got an answer on StackOverflow

  • Not inlcude empty tag while invoking service from ESB

    The ESB receives a request with input xml which contains some empty tag. while ESB invokes the actual services the empty tags should not be included. can any one help how to achieve this?

    define that tag as optional in schema and don't map that element. This should help you.

  • How to remove empty tags respecting the schema contraints?

    I'm generating an XML document with XSLT. This document have some empty tags. My question is about to remove all empty tags only if they are defined as optionnals in the schema.
    Is this possible with the DOM?
    Thanks in advance,

    With DOM3 validation api, elements/attributes may be checked if they may be removed.
    -Check if the element is empty; getFirstChild() method returns null.
    -Check if the element may be removed with DOM 3 Validation API.

  • How to remove empty tags from XML

    I have a XML file which contains some empty tags and some values with "?". I need to remove all empty tags and tags which have a value "?".
    Sample Data:
    <c> Hello </c>
    <d>world ?</d>
    Expected result:
    <c> Hello </c>
    Thank you for your time.
    Edited by: 850749 on Apr 7, 2011 6:25 PM

    Dear Odie,
    May I make your example a bit more complicated by adding an additional complexType, please:
    ---Original ----
    <EMPNAME>Martin Chadderton</EMPNAME>
    ----- New ----
    <EMPNAME>Martin Chadderton</EMPNAME>
    <FROM_DATE>2011-01-01 </FROM_DATE>
    Your solution works perfectly for <SALARY>, but how would you suggest also to deal with <TO_DATE> ?
    Massive thanks for your help!
    N.B. Just to emphasise, in my case I have 3 levels (complexType > complexType > complexType) and many elements and I would like to know if there is any generic option to say
    to remove all the empty elements from the result, as it causes to the SSJ (Systinet) Webservice to crash.

  • XML: empty tag issue

    I use Transformer class to convert xml Document into string representation:
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();     
    TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer transformer = transFactory.newTransformer();
    transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
    transformer.setParameter(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
    transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(sw));
    but if the content of the tag is empty, the output is in this format: <tag />. Can someone know how to get the following format instead: <tag></tag>?

    I suggest that you write a specific function to translate the string with auto-close tags to empty tags instead. It is not very difficult to do and you can look at [http://sourceforge.net/projects/light-html2xml|http://sourceforge.net/projects/light-html2xml] where you will find a similar java function to convert HTML to well-formed XML.

  • How to delete empty tags after xml-import

    Hello collegues,
    I'm totally new in this forum so excuse me if I make a mistake, but I've a little question.
    I've imported text and images with a xml-import but sometimes empty tags (the colored invisible blocks) are in my text, with the result that I can't Find/Change on double-returns.
    Does anybody know an awnser to this matter? I would love to write an apple-script that will find/change this so i don't have to look after all my pages.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    ThePictureCreator wrote:
    ...I can't Find/Change on double-returns.
    What's your search query? I think you should be able to, with either a grep find of "\r+" or a normal text find of "^p^p". InDesign pretends like the tag-holding characters aren't there for the purpose of search. But you will lose the empty elements along with the extra returns. Maybe that is the problem?

  • Not getting empty tags in XML output

    I am using DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML function and cusor function in my select statement to generate XML documents. If the column value is null, the XML document is not generating a empty tag. How do I generate empty tags?
    My query is :-
    ) as item_header

    You need to set the option to use a null indicator. By default, null values omit their elements. With the null indicator, they are included as empty elements with a NULL="Y" attribute flag.

  • How to remove empty tag.

    I have a scenario IDOC-XI-JDBC
    From IDOC we are using change pointers and when something has been changed then those fields are being sent out but other few empty fields were coming out and to avoid that I used mapWithDefault to avoid the empty tags as  target system used to error out.
    But now when any field is empty coming from change pointer is also being caught in mapWithDefault....whereas it is expected to send blank.
    Can anyone of you suggest any solution.

    Hi Ria,
    You can use if without else and check the field exist or not in the source and then map it to target.
    This is a bit tricky & if you dont feel comfortable with it, then use advanced UDF, and explicitely check ResultList.SUPPRESS object and remove it in UDF and form an output stream.
    You can use any of the two.
    <removed by moderator>
    Edited by: Mike Pokraka on Jul 28, 2008 5:05 PM

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