Zire 31, Sync Problems

I had my work laptop working beautifully with my Zire 31 and since i had the laptop formated over christmas, i haven't been able to sync anymore. I get this error time and time again.
I'm trying to simply sync outlook calendar and contacts, nothing else. I need this for work... help!
HotSync operation started for WORK on 02/13/07 11:32:20
Install - sync configured to Do Nothing
Quick Install - Sync configured to Do Nothing.
Outlook Notes
- Do Nothing
OK Outlook Notes
Outlook Calendar
OLERR:0C-000F (0x0)
- Not Synchronized
Outlook Calendar synchronization failed
Outlook Contacts
OLERR:0C-0002 (0x0)
OLERR:0C-000F (0x80004005)
- Not Synchronized
Outlook Contacts synchronization failed
Outlook Tasks
- Do Nothing
OK Outlook Tasks
Backup - sync configured to Do Nothing
HotSync operation completed on 02/13/07 11:32:54
I've tried the conduit fixes on the website and still, i get the same issue.
Post relates to: Zire 31
Message Edited by bangemsmurf on 02-13-200708:59 AM

I am having a very similar problem. I've had my Zire 31 working fine w/ Outlook sync for about a year now. Before that I had two other PalmOS PDAs and they also worked fine, always syncing with Outlook
My problem has appeared at about the same time as yours. Because I am not a busy professional, I do not sync my PDA every day, so I cannot pinpoint the exact date this problem began, but I am guessing within the past couple weeks.
I have tried: repaire Microsoft Outlook; Checked all conduits, made sure they are correct; soft reset of PDA; uninstall and reinstall of Palm Desktop software with a successful setup of Outlook conduits.
I also tried installing the update of the outlook conduits located at:
Right now I seem to be having problems only with Calendar (however I haven't changed the items in other Outlook apps; I never sync expenses or emails).
Here is my set of error messages:
HotSync operation started 2/25/2007 1:59:32 PM
Outlook Calendar
- Recovery Sync
Outlook Calendar synchronization failed
Outlook Contacts
- Fast Sync
OK Outlook Contacts
Outlook Tasks
- Do Nothing
OK Outlook Tasks
Outlook Notes
- Fast Sync
OK Outlook Notes
And more follows, but the rest has to do with other apps and database backups.
I am wondering: my computer has had some updates lately. McAfee security had a big update that changed a lot and included installing a spam filter onto my Outlook inbox (again, I do not sync that with my PDA). Could it be that McAfee has installed something else that has caused this problem? I know from past experience that when a software vendor cites "conflict with security or anti-virus software", they may be right. Also, Microsoft has been sending out a number of security updates lately.
So, do you have McAfee? If you do, also, that may be a clue.
Palm: please help!

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    The SyncServices folder should be avoided like "a swarm of bees". This article discusses some of the issues that can arise when the SyncServices folder is deleted or modified:
    Data loss and Data corruption can result from deleting or modifying the SyncServices folder, and that data loss or corruption can be propogated to devices, .Mac, and other applications that sync with SyncServices.
    If you have isolated an issue with the other steps in your post, I would recomend speaking with AppleCare before removing that folder.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

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    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    - Try another cable. Some 5G iPods were shipped with Lightning cable that were either initially defective or failed after short use.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                          

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    Back to life**
    Oh I know there are many other vocabulary mistakes but never mind them I was just too excited when I wrote all of that while typing very quickly
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    - Have you reset your iPod:
    Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Next would be to backup your iPod and then restore you iPod from backup via iTunes.

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    ipod sync problems
    ipod 2.2.1 touch OS10.6.8 itunes 10.6.1
    The photos sync but the calendars and contents will not.  I keep getting this error message...
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    See this post: https://discussions.apple.com/message/12799057#12799057

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    Need Help solving a hot sync problem. Have a Tungsten E2, about a year old. Use Windows Vista OS. Can not sync to desktop. It worked fine for awhile then stopped sync'ing. Have reinstalled Palm Software, Have downloaded Palm 6.2. Have deleted all 3rd party apps,,,and their back up files. Particulary,,,,Epocrates apps, Took over my PDA. Installations and updates gets to synchronizing Calender and 'freezes' have left it on overnight figurng lots of data,,,,no progress. I need help. I really enjoy using this equipment.  I use my PDA for all my scheduling of work shifts appts etc. I would appreciate some suggestions. Thanks in advance. Mike.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    Hi..  Welcome to the Palm forums.  So if I am understanding you when you try to sync it goes to calendar and freezes and never completes the sync.  That being the case the first thing you want to do is go to the conduits and turn off calendar then sync and all should be successful, except calendar will not sync.  What this indicates is that you have corrupted data in your calendar, most likely on the E2.  Do a google search on your computer for a utility 'dbfixit' and download it to your computer.  Extract it so you have the dbfixit.prc file and double click on it to put it in the installer.  Then, insuring the calendar conduit is off, sync to install it.  Once installed run dbfixit.  This utility is free or can be purchased for (I believe) 12.95.  The free version will search for corruption and problems let you know where they are and you will have to manually fix or delete them.  If you register it, when you run the utility it will find the errors and fix them as well.  Once all errors are fixed, turn the calendar conduit back on and you should be able to sync.

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    I checked out the article and not much help, thanks anyway.
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