ADF web select one choice list return value

how can i make a choice list that displays a value but return another value
and then use it as a parameter in a method for a button
my problem is how to return another value to the button

After creating the selectOneChoice based on the steps you followed, you will need to follow up with the steps below.
1) Open up your Page Definition file. In the Structure panel, right click on bindings --> Insert inside bindings --> Generic bindings --> attributeValues.
2) Under Data Source, select your iterator value used to bind the selectOneChoice component. The attribute should be your value ID (example: productId) that you want to be returned by selecting the selectOneChoice component.
In the backing bean, you get the actual value of the selected item in the list in step #2 by resolving the expression (example) #{bindings.productId.inputValue}.
Chan Kelwin

Similar Messages

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    hi all
    i have two lists in my page, and the second one takes value from the first, but it is not working, the second list is empty always whatever i select in the first one.
    i have searched many threads and it is not working. i also did the steps in the page
    this what i have did in details:
    first list : LevelComboVO
    select distinct group_level from mrcps_group_link
    second list: GroupComboVO
    select large_group_seq, group_level, symbol
    from mrcps_group_link
    where group_level = :selectedLevel
    then i made a bind variable for the second list GroupComboVO named selectedLevel
    for the first list LevelComboVO i made the following:
    press plus on the ListOfValues:GroupLevel and for the list data source i have made new one for GroupComboVO and choosen the list attribute groupLevel and for ui hent i chosed groupLevel
    then i have tested the AM but no data returned for GroupComboVO
    please help

    first i have done the 2 view objects and the corresponding two select one choice list
    for the first list i have made a managed bean for valueChangedListener -- > #{GrouplLevelBean.passLevel}
    and i have put code as you told me :
    package mrcps.view;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.ViewObject;
    public class GrouplLevelBean {
    public GrouplLevelBean() {
    public void passLevel(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    DCIteratorBinding testListIter1 = getItrtBindings("GroupComboVOObj1Iterator");
    ViewObject vo1 = testListIter1.getViewObject();
    vo1.setNamedWhereClauseParam("selectedLevel", valueChangeEvent);
    getItrtBindings( is giving me a red underline indication that method not found
    Edited by: user604057 on Apr 3, 2009 3:27 PM

  • ADF Table sorting on Select One choice column display value

    Hi Team,
    We are using an ADF with EJB application.
    I have an ADF table, which has a select one choice in it. (The Select one Choice list elements are populated from a java bean).
    Presetnly, when we perform the sorting on this SOC column, the table is getting sorted based on SOC value not on the Label.
    How to sort this column based on the SOC Lable filed.
    Please help us.
    Thank you,
    Keshav Ch

    Hi Frank,
    I took a transient column in the Entity and populated this column with the LOV label value.
    In the ADF added this coulmn to the table and set it is rendered false.
    Set the sortable property of the lov column to the new trasient column.
    Now the sort will work with the label filed (Transient Column)
    Thank you,
    Keshav ch

  • Urgent... Refresh issue in ADF 11g Select One Choice..

    There are some some list boxes in our pages (like Group, Users, Roles....)
    When we select users from the Users list box we can see the same name again appending to the list of values.
    Does any one has faces this issue before?
    Please help me on this..

    I don't understand your question. Also, are you using BC4J and Databindings or are you managed bean based?
    ~ Simon

  • How to get selected values from Select Many Choice List

    Hello All -
    I am using Select Many Choice List and wish to get the selected values in the bean. I have created method binding for valueChangeListener for the choice list, but not sure how to get the selected values.
    I am facing problem in getting values from valueChangeEvent.getNewValue(). For Select One Choice List this returns int, but some list type object for Select Many Choice List.
    When I try to print the value it comes something like:
    ArrayList newVal = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(valueChangeEvent.getNewValue()));
    Could anyone please suggest how to type cast and use the return of valueChangeEvent.getNewValue() to get the selected values.
    Regards -

    Hi Timo -
    Thanks for the suggestion. I could get the values as below:
    public void multiOpUnitValChange(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    DCIteratorBinding opUnitIter = (DCIteratorBinding)bindings.get("OperatingUnit2VOIterator");
    Integer[] values = (Integer[])valueChangeEvent.getNewValue();
    for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++){
    Row row = opUnitIter.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
    Thanks -

  • How to refresh the list of select one choice which is inside a table?

    Hello I am using Jdeveloper Version
    The table is a normal table that is made to look like a treeTable.
    For some rows are or can be parents with Parent_vo_group_id = null and other are children with parent_vo_group_id = vo_group_id of the parent...
    If a children changes its parent_vo_group_id to null it can become a parent as well.
    I am having a select one choice inside a table column. The list comes from the same table with column Name:
    <af:table value="#{bindings.VoGroupAdminView2.collectionModel}" var="row"
                                                      visible="#{bindings.VoGroupAdminView2Iterator.currentRow != null}"
                                                      partialTriggers="::soc1" styleClass="AFStretchWidth"
                                                      rowBandingInterval="0" editingMode="clickToEdit"
                                                      rowSelection="single" id="t5">
                                                <af:column sortProperty="#{}"
                                                           sortable="false" styleClass="columnData"
                                                    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Name.inputValue}"
                                                                  requiredMessageDetail="Please enter a group name"
                                                                  required="true" id="it7" immediate="true" autoSubmit="true"
                                                                  contentStyle="#{row.ParentVoGroupId eq null? 'font-weight:bold' : 'padding-left:20px'}"
                                                        <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Name.validator}"/>
                                                <af:column sortProperty="#{}"
                                                           sortable="false" styleClass="columnData"
                                                    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.bindings.ParentVoGroupId.inputValue}"
                                                                        simple="true" immediate="true"
                                                                        id="soc2" autoSubmit="true"
                                                                        visible="#{row.bindings.ChildrenCount.inputValue eq 0 ? true : false}">
                                                        <f:selectItems binding="#{adminGroupManagementBean.selectOneChoiceList}"
                                            </af:table> My select one choice uses the same iterator as the table.
    <iterator Binds="VoGroupAdminView2" RangeSize="-1" DataControl="AppModuleDataControl"    id="VoGroupAdminView2Iterator"/>The table uses this view called VoGroupAdminView:
    Select t1.vo_Group_id,     
           t1.Parent_Vo_Group_Id ,
           decode (t2.children_count, null, 0, t2.children_count) as children_count
    (SELECT VoGroup.vo_Group_id,     
      FROM VO_GROUP VoGroup
    START WITH VoGroup.Parent_Vo_Group_Id IS NULL
    CONNECT BY VoGroup.Parent_Vo_Group_Id = PRIOR VoGroup.Vo_Group_Id
    order SIBLINGS by t1,
    (select parent_vo_group_id, count (parent_vo_group_id) as children_count from vo_group
    group by parent_vo_group_id) t2
    where t1.vo_group_id = t2.parent_vo_group_id (+)the ParentVoGroupId attribute has list of values from this view object called VoGroupAdminLov:
    and VO_GROUP.VO_GROUP_ID <> ?
    order by  VO_GROUP.NAMEI want to refresh the list of values in the select one choice everytime when i add a new row in the table, delete row in the table or change the value of select one choice component.
    What I have tried:
        public void parentIdValueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            this.setValueToEL("#{row.bindings.ParentVoGroupId.inputValue}", valueChangeEvent.getNewValue());
            BindingContainer bc = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            DCIteratorBinding voGroupAdminIterator = (DCIteratorBinding)bc.get("VoGroupAdminView2Iterator");
            Key selectedGroupKey = voGroupAdminIterator.getCurrentRow().getKey();
            AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
            am.getVoGroupAdminView2().executeQuery(); //refresh the table view object;
            am.getVoGroupAdminLov1().executeQuery(); //refresh the list of values view object
            voGroupAdminIterator.invalidateCache();  //remove the cache of the iterator
            voGroupAdminIterator.setCurrentRowWithKey(selectedGroupKey.toStringFormat(true)); // set the selected row again.
            RichSelectOneChoice soc =
        }When i am adding a new row to the table its select one choice list is refreshed but only for the new row. The rest rows have not updated list of values for their select one choice components.
        public String addGroupButtonAction() {
            AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
            ViewObjectImpl voGroupAdminView = am.getVoGroupAdminView2();
            Row newRow = voGroupAdminView.createRow();
            voGroupAdminView.insertRowAtRangeIndex(0, newRow);
            return "null";
        }Edited by: 897833 on Mar 19, 2012 9:07 AM

    I made a button to refresh the value of select one choice and it doesn't work yet.
    So I just move one of the
        public String refreshParentIdSOCButtonAction() {
            BindingContainer bc = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            DCIteratorBinding voGroupAdminIterator = (DCIteratorBinding)bc.get("VoGroupAdminView2Iterator");
            Key selectedGroupKey = voGroupAdminIterator.getCurrentRow().getKey();
            AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(this.parentIdSelectOneChoice);  //refresh the binded SOC as you said
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(this.parentIdSelectOneChoiceList); //refresh the binded list even
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(this.groupTable); //refresh the table it is in;
            return null;
        }Edited by: 897833 on Mar 23, 2012 2:58 AM

  • ADF select one choice

    Hi all,i have a requirement in which i have to show user in select one choice only few values and also the value against that field as selected value select one choice.LOV does not contain the value submitted against the field in drop down list.Can it be possible.If yes how can i achieve this.

    If i understud correctly means
    are you looking for this?
    your are duplicating the post.
    ADF lov
    the same post few days ago.

  • Populating static values in addition to database value in select one choice

    Hi All,
    We are using jdev
    I am populationg a select one choice based on a read only VO. The vo is populating fine,but in addition to the values from the database I want to add two static values. I want to add 'select customer' and 'all customer'.
    Currently I am doing this using UNION in the sql query of my VO. WhenI add union in my sql query its taking more time to load the value from the database.
    Is this the proper adf way to do it? Is there someother way to attain it.
    Following is the query I am using to populate one of the VO's
    Please advice

    You can do this usecase by populating the values to SelectOneChoice Programmatically.
    <af:selectOneChoice label="List"
    <f:selectItems value="#{MyTestBean.listOfItems}"/>
    backing bean code will be:
    public List<SelectItem> getListOfItems() {
    List<SelectItem> items= new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    SelectItem si = new SelectItem();
    //if u trying to populate data from VO then u have set the values
    DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    DCIteratorBinding iterBind = (DCIteratorBinding)dcBindings.get("DepartmentsView1Iterator");
    for(int i=0;i<iterBind.getEstimatedRowCount();i++)
    Row row = iterBind.getViewObject().getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
    si = new SelectItem();
    //here you can add the static values;
    si = new SelectItem();
    si.setLabel("Static Value1");
    si = new SelectItem();
    si.setLabel("Static Value2");
    return items;

  • Get selected value from a select one choice in the bean

    I'm trying to do with the SelectOneChoice valueChangeListener and this is the code of my method, I'm using jdeveloper11g if alguin can help as I need the value you selected in the bean
    public void cambioCombo(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    CoreSelectOneChoice csoc = (CoreSelectOneChoice) valueChangeEvent.getSource();
    List childList = csoc.getChildren();
    for (int i = 0; i < childList.size(); i++) {
    if (childList.get(i) instanceof CoreSelectItem){
    CoreSelectItem csi = (CoreSelectItem) childList.get(i);
    if (((String)csi.getValue()).equals((String) valueChangeEvent.getNewValue()) ){
    I get the following error when running the application and selecting in my select one choice cannot be cast to org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.core.input.CoreSelectOneChoice

    This is an example of some code that i wrote.
    public void changeDesc(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    System.out.println("value "+ valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString());
    //System.out.println("old value "+ valueChangeEvent.getOldValue().toString());
    if (valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString().equals("Area Uno")){
    } else {
    For get the Value select in the "SelectOneChice" component i use this: valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString()

  • How to bind 2 ADF Select One Choice objects to work as a relation

    im new to Jdeveloper, i got used to Microsoft Visual Studio (regarding bindings) and im lost here.
    So here what im trying to do:
    I have 2 tables in my database (Cities & States),
    i am creating 1 view object for each so i can link them to "select one choice" objects. The first object, should show ALL cities (that part is done),
    but when i choose a city from that object, the second object should show only the corresponding states of that city. I managed to do
    that, using ADF Form, simple by clicking navigation buttons, and what ever is on the city list, the correct states are shown in the second object.
    My goal here is, instead of navigating with buttons (for the city object), and then choose states from the second object as a list, i want also my city
    object to be a "select one choice" object, so both will be a drop down list, and not navigating to all cities until i find the one im searching for.
    I try that but when i choose a city from city object, the second object is not show the corresponding states but keep showing all the states that exists in my country.
    I don't want to use java beans for this but just adf bindings.
    Can you assist me please?

    My characters are greeklish (greek, using english characters, ill try to explain)       (Data Control View)
    NomarxiaView3 (Cities)
    CodeNomoy (state's id)
    Perigrafy (city's name)
    PoleisView4 (States)
    CodeNomarxias(city's id)
    Perigrafy (state's name)      (the page)    
    Perigrafy's settings    
    CodeNomy's settings    
    make not PoleisView4 inside of Nomarxia (cities), so thats the relationship i use for states.
    *A small update, im trying different combos for partialTrigger or in general anything so i can figure out my self whats the problem of not refreshing the 2nd object,
    and i noticed most of the cases im getting this warning "<FacesCtrlListBinding> <getInputValue> ADFv: Could not find selected item matching value 1 of type: java.lang.String in the list-of-values."
    looks like whatever i choose from the list of cities, it keep looking of value 1 (keep in mind value 1, do not have a state relation, only half of my list currently have states).
    That means the problem is not refreshing the 2nd object (atleast for now), but refreshing its own id

  • Inserting in table but ADF Select One Choice data is lost

    hi I'm using Jdev 11g
    I've fusion web App
    which handling purchase Invoices
    contains a form for master table purchase
    and a af:table for Invoice detatils table purchase_items
    I'm tring to insert data in af:table detail table which contain ADF Select One Choice. for produc names
    and text box for both cost and quantity and groovy based colum for the amount of (cost * quantity)
    the property auto submit for both columns cost and quantity is set to true
    to update the amount value when user makes any changes on the cost or quantity
    my Problem that
    when I Insert new record and I select value from the product column( Select One Choice )
    and when i type the cost or the quntity I loos the selected value before in the product ( Select One Choice )
    and this is not accebtable for the end user to select the product tow times
    any one could help about this

    I'm sorry but it seems it is have solution
    I test it agin with auto submit for cost and quntity set to true
    and still losing data in ADF Select One Choice
    there are no coding used in my App
    and ther are no value on value change listener on cost or quantity
    i think it hapen because i have mandatory fileds like product and cost
    it's firing validation of filed is requierd
    Edited by: user451648 on 11/03/2013 11:58 م

  • Disable select one choice in adf table

    Hi, my requirement is that based on value of input text i have to disable select one choice(soc1) in adf table.
    suppose i have to disable soc1 on value of input text i have used *#{row.bindings.Dependenttaskid.inputValue=='30'} it's working fine.*
    But my requirement is that i have to disable soc1 checking value from two input text
    When i am using operator from expresion builder like *#{row.bindings.Dependenttaskid.inputValue=='30'}and#{row.bindings.Tasklocationid.inputValue=='OUTSRC'}*. it is not showing error but it's not working .
    Can anyone suggest how to use orperator from expression builder.
    Thanks a lot!

    you can override isAttributeUpdateable is your viewRowImpl class like this code
    public boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int i) {
    //you can add your condition here
    if (this.getDependenttaskid().equal("30") && this.getTasklocationid().equal("OUTSRC") && i==YouLOVAttributeEnum)
    return false;
    return super.isAttributeUpdateable(i);
    }check [url]Control row updatability – part 1

  • Value change listener on select one choice is not working

    Hello all,
    I have a Jsff page in that i have 2 panel group layout with panel form layout with some input fields in both.
    in first panel form layout i have select one choice drop down with 2 values in that.
    based on the selection of the list the second panel group layout will get rendered/visible(suggest me which one to use)
    but i am facing the problem when i select the value from the drop down it will navigate to the main page.
    here is my code.
    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{bindings.IsPersentAddDifferent.inputValue}"
                  <af:selectItem label="Yes" id="si1" value="Y"/>
                  <af:selectItem label="No" id="si2" value="N"/>
    bean code:
        private RichPanelGroupLayout updateValue;
        public void isPresentAddresVCL(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            if (valueChangeEvent.getNewValue() != null &&
            else if (valueChangeEvent.getNewValue() != null &&
            AdfFacesContext adfFacesContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        public void setUpdateValue(RichPanelGroupLayout updateValue) {
            this.updateValue = updateValue;
        public RichPanelGroupLayout getUpdateValue() {
            return updateValue;
    and i have changed autosubmit =true for the select one choice and partialtrigger =si1 si2 for the secound panel group layout
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Suchith,
    You can achieve the functionality without writing a line of code. Just learn how to use page variables Creating Variables and Attribute Bindings to Store Values Temporarily in the PageDef . After,
    You just need to put a partialTrigger to your second panelGroupLayout and the visible condition like #{myVariable.inputValue eq 'Y' ? true : false}
    That should be enough for you to hide / show dynamically based on the LOV selection.

  • How to set a default value in Select one choice.

    I'm using ADF BC, in that how to set a default value in select one choice.
    pls. help on this.

    set the default value on the underlying EO or VO attribute

  • Having problems with select-one-choice pull down component in an adf table

    all the values in the affected column come up the same. when any value in the column is changed all the values are changed. it's as if jdev doesn't realize the the column with the select-one-choice is really a column. what am i doing wrong?

    Hi StuCoat,
    Did you have a look on this example from Steve Muench:
    Maybe if you post the part of code including your list into your table (from the <af:column ... to the </selectOneChoice>), we could find an explanation of this behavior.

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