Best way to create a table based on another table

I am trying to create a table based on another table with all the data in it. It has large data.
create table <tablename> as select * from table1.
Is this the best way of doing it or is there any other way. please advice.

I am suggested to create new table as
create table <newtable> as
select * from <oldtable> where rownum < 1;
alter table <newtable> compress;
insert /*+ append */ into <newtable> as select * from <oldtable>;
but i getting an error saying missing values key words ora- 00926.
please advice

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    See if this helps.
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    where firstname = 'Joe';
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    Hi Friends,
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    FUNCTION /ds1/c_bw_zds_copa_recon.
    ""Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      NO_MORE_DATA
                            PROGRAM INFORMATION                          *
    RIEF ID.......: N/A                                                  *
    PROGRAM.......: /DS1/C_BW_ZDS_COPA_RECON               
    PROGRAM FUNCTION: This Function Module Extracts Cost Center, Company *
    Code, and all Amount fields form CE3OP01 table and  sectaktbo       "
    *     Current profitability segment (CO-PA)                          *
         paobjnr     "     Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)       *
         pasubnr     "     Profitability segment changes (CO-PA)      *
         bukrs            "     Company Code
         kndnr       "     Customer from CE4Op01 table.               *
    Segrigate one record from CE3Op01 into 93 based on Value fields.    *
    PROGRAM TYPE..Function Module                                        *
    DEV. CLASS..../DS1/MI_01                                             *
    LOGICAL DB.... N/A                                                   *
                   Conventions used in the Program                       *
    *     global variables      --> g_*                                    *
    *     local variables       --> l_*                                    *
    *     constants             --> c_*                                    *
    *     internal tables       --> t_*                                    *
    *     structures            --> x_*                                    *
    *     parameters            --> p_*                                    *
    *     select-options        --> s_*                                    *
    *     ranges                --> r_*                                    *
    *     workarea          --> w_*                                    *
    *     field symbol            --> fs_*                                   *
    Declaration for Interface: Selection criteria
      STATICS: s_s_if TYPE srsc_s_if_simple,
    Maximum number of lines for DB table
      ls_s_if TYPE srsc_s_if_simple, "Static Structure
              ls_counter_datapakid LIKE sy-tabix,"Static Counter
              ls_cursor TYPE cursor,"Static Cursor.
              ls_cursor1 TYPE cursor."Static Cursor.
      CONSTANTS:  lc_datasource TYPE char14 VALUE 'ZDS_COPA_RECON',
                                                 " Data Source Name
                  lc_msgtype TYPE char1 VALUE 'E',  "message type
                  lc_msgcls  TYPE char2 VALUE 'R3', "message class
                  lc_msgnum  TYPE char3 VALUE '009',"Message Number.
                  lc_001 TYPE char3 VALUE '001',
                  lc_b0 TYPE char2 VALUE 'B0',
                  lc_10 TYPE char2 VALUE '10',
                  lc_01 TYPE char2 VALUE '01',
                  lc_02 TYPE char2 VALUE '02',
                  lc_1 TYPE sy-tabix VALUE 1.
    *Data Declaration.
      DATA: lt_ce3op01  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x_ce3op01,
            " Internal table for ce3op01
            lt_ce3op02  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x_ce3op01,
            lt_ce4op01  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x_ce4op01,
            " Internal table for ce4op01
            lw_ce3op01  TYPE x_ce3op01,
            " Work area for ce3op01
            lw_ce3op02  TYPE x_ce3op01,                         "MOD-002
            lw_ce4op01  TYPE x_ce4op01,
            " Work area for ce4op01
            lw_e_t_data TYPE /ds1/fi_copa_recn,
      " Work area for /ds1/fi_copa_recn.
      lt_ce1op01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x_ce1op01,"Internaltable
      lw_ce1op01 TYPE x_ce1op01,"Work area for CE1op01.
      lt_fldlist TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF lx_fldlist, "fields list
      lw_fldlist TYPE lx_fldlist,"  FIELDS list work area
      lt_flnmval TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF lx_flnmval,"table for splitting
      lw_flnmval TYPE lx_flnmval,"work area for spilitting
      l_index TYPE i VALUE 1, "to keep track of index.
      l_len   TYPE i,
      l_s_no_recs   TYPE sy-tabix VALUE 99,
      l_s_loop_from        TYPE sy-tabix,     "from "MOD-002
      l_s_loop_to          TYPE sy-tabix,                       "to"MOD-002
      l_norecs             TYPE sy-tabix,                       "MOD-002
      l_count              TYPE sy-tabix.                       "MOD-002
    *Field Symbols.
         <fs_flnmval> TYPE lx_flnmval."Field symbol for fild values
    Selection Ranges
      RANGES:  lr_bukrs      FOR ce4op01-bukrs, " Range for company code
      lr_versi      FOR ce3op01-versi," Range for version
      lr_paledger   FOR ce3op01-paledger,"Range for paledger
      lr_vrgar      FOR ce3op01-vrgar,"Range for vrgar
      lr_gjahr      FOR ce3op01-gjahr,"Range for Fiscal year
      lr_perbl      FOR ce3op01-perbl."Range for perbl
    Initialization mode (first call by SAPI) or data transfer mode
      IF i_initflag = sbiwa_c_flag_on.
    Initialization: check input parameters
                    buffer input parameters
                    prepare data selection
    Check DataSource validity
        IF ls_counter_datapakid = 0.
          CASE i_dsource.
            WHEN lc_datasource.
            WHEN OTHERS.
              IF 1 = 2. MESSAGE e009(r3). ENDIF.                "#EC *
    this is a typical log call. Please write every error message like this
              log_write lc_msgtype "'E'                  "message type
                        lc_msgcls  "'R3'                 "message class
                        lc_msgnum  "'009'                "message number
                        i_dsource   "message variable 1
                        ' '.                 "message variable 2
              RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler.
          APPEND LINES OF i_t_select TO s_s_if-t_select.
          APPEND LINES OF i_t_fields TO s_s_if-t_fields.
    Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls
          ls_s_if-requnr    = i_requnr.
          ls_s_if-dsource   = i_dsource.
          ls_s_if-maxsize   = i_maxsize.
          ls_s_if-initflag  = i_initflag.
      Company Code
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select  INTO  i_t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_bukrs.
            MOVE: i_t_select-sign   TO lr_bukrs-sign,
                  i_t_select-option TO lr_bukrs-option,
                  i_t_select-low    TO lr_bukrs-low,
                  i_t_select-high   TO lr_bukrs-high.
            APPEND lr_bukrs.
    *Version (0)
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO i_t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_versi.
       LOOP AT i_t_select  INTO  s_s_if-t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_versi.
            MOVE: i_t_select-sign   TO lr_versi-sign,
                  i_t_select-option TO lr_versi-option,
                  i_t_select-low    TO lr_versi-low,
                  i_t_select-high   TO lr_versi-high.
            APPEND lr_versi.
    *Currency Type (company code only)
         LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO i_t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_paledger.
            MOVE: i_t_select-sign   TO lr_paledger-sign,
                  i_t_select-option TO lr_paledger-option.
            IF i_t_select-low = lc_b0.
              MOVE lc_01 TO lr_paledger-low.
            ELSEIF  i_t_select-low = lc_10.
              MOVE lc_02 TO lr_paledger-low.
            APPEND lr_paledger.
    *Record Type
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO i_t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_vrgar.
            MOVE: i_t_select-sign   TO lr_vrgar-sign,
                  i_t_select-option TO lr_vrgar-option,
                  i_t_select-low    TO lr_vrgar-low,
                  i_t_select-high   TO lr_vrgar-high.
            APPEND lr_vrgar.
    *Fiscal Year
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO i_t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_gjahr.
            MOVE: i_t_select-sign   TO lr_gjahr-sign,
                  i_t_select-option TO lr_gjahr-option,
                  i_t_select-low    TO lr_gjahr-low,
                  i_t_select-high   TO lr_gjahr-high.
            APPEND lr_gjahr.
    *Period Block/Year
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO i_t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_perbl.
            MOVE: i_t_select-sign   TO lr_perbl-sign,
                  i_t_select-option TO lr_perbl-option,
                  i_t_select-low    TO lr_perbl-low,
                  i_t_select-high   TO lr_perbl-high.
            APPEND lr_perbl.
    *Value Field Name.
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO i_t_select WHERE fieldnm = c_fldnm.
            i_t_select-sign   TO gr_zfldnm-sign,
            i_t_select-option TO gr_zfldnm-option,
            i_t_select-low   TO gr_zfldnm-low,
            i_t_select-high   TO gr_zfldnm-high.
            APPEND gr_zfldnm.
    First data package -> OPEN CURSOR
          IF ls_counter_datapakid = 0.
    *Create 93 Field names in an internal table.
         MOVE 'VV010' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV011' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV012' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV013' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV014' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV015' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV016' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV020' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV021' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV030' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV031' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV032' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV033' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV034' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV035' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV200' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV201' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV202' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV203' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV036' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV037' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV038' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV039' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV040' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV041' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV042' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV043' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV204' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV205' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV211' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV212' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV213' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV222' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV223' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV230' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV232' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV233' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV500' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV501' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV502' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV503' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV504' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV505' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV506' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV507' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV508' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV509' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV510' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV511' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV512' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV513' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV514' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV515' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV516' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV517' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV518' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV519' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV520' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV236' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV206' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV051' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV052' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV053' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV054' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV055' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV056' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV057' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV058' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV059' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV060' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV241' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV242' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV243' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV244' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV245' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV246' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV247' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV248' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV249' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV250' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV521' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV522' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV523' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV524' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV525' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV526' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV527' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV528' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV529' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV530' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV227' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV226' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
         MOVE 'VV224' TO lw_fldlist-fldnam. APPEND lw_fldlist TO lt_fldlist.
            OPEN CURSOR WITH HOLD ls_cursor FOR
                 paobjnr      " Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
                 paledger     " Currency type for an operating concern
                 vrgar        " Record Type
                 versi        " Plan version (CO-PA)
                 gjahr            " Fiscal Year
                 perbl            " Fiscal year/period block
                 vv010001     " List Price
                 vv011001     " Formula Price
                 vv012001     " Customer Price
                 vv013001     " Manual Price
                 vv014001     " Retail Pump Price
                 vv015001     " Markup
                 vv016001     " Net Proceeds Other
                 vv020001     " Excise Duty Offset
                 vv021001     " Duties & Government
                 vv030001     " Sales Discounts
                 vv031001     " Sales Surcharges
                 vv032001     " Sales Rebates
                 vv033001     " Agents Comm Paid
                 vv034001     " RBA CR Royalties
                 vv035001     " Other Revenues
                 vv200001     " Transfer PriceSupply
                 vv201001     " Prim Tran Tariff Sup
                 vv202001     " S&Handling TariffDis
                 vv203001     " Sec Trans Tariff Dis
                 vv036001     " Proceeds from Servic
                 vv037001     " Exchanges
                 vv038001     " Throughput fees
                 vv039001     " Output Tax Offset
                 vv040001     " CR comm & Oth Oil Pr
                 vv041001     " Supplier fees
                 vv042001     " RBA Fairshare Adjust
                 vv043001     " Contr Comm Paid IG
                 vv204001     " Sec Tran Tariff Supp
                 vv205001     " Comp Stock Obligatio
                 vv211001     " Prim Tran Tar Transf
                 vv212001     " S&Handling Tar Trans
                 vv213001     " Sec Trans TariffTran
                 vv222001     " DIS:S&Handl Tar OvUn
                 vv223001     " DIS:Sec Tr TarifOvUn
                 vv230001     " Transfer Price LSC
                 vv232001     " S&Handling Tar LSC
                 vv233001     " Sec Trans Tariff LSC
                 vv500001     " 3rd Party Purchases
                 vv501001     " Transf from Oth Sect
                 vv502001     " Purchases IG
                 vv503001     " Inter-Seg Transf Pur
                 vv504001     " Import Freight
                 vv505001     " Stock Variations
                 vv506001     " Other Product Cost
                 vv507001     " Pipeline Operat Exp
                 vv508001     " Primary Transp Expen
                 vv509001     " Manufacturing Expens
                 vv510001     " Supply /Process Exp
                 vv511001     " MK Processing Plants
                 vv512001     " S&Handling Expenses
                 vv513001     " Sec Transp Expenses
                 vv514001     " Point of Sale Expens
                 vv515001     " Contr Comm Rec IG
                 vv516001     " Assoc Inc Dividend
                 vv517001     " Marketing & Sell Exp
                 vv518001     " Other Rev from Dist
                 vv519001     " Other Rev Transferrd
                 vv520001     " Stock Write-Off
                 vv236001     " Oth cost Tar LSC SMP
                 vv206001     " Prim Trp tariff Dist
                 vv051001     " CR Net Turnover
                 vv052001     " Dummy Price 2
                 vv053001     " Dummy Price 3
                 vv054001     " Dummy Price 4
                 vv055001     " Dummy Price 5
                 vv056001     " Dummy Price 6
                 vv057001     " Dummy Price 7
                 vv058001     " Dummy Price 8
                 vv059001     " Dummy Price 9
                 vv060001     " Dummy Price10
                 vv241001     " DummyTariff 1
                 vv242001     " DummyTariff 2
                 vv243001     " DummyTariff 3
                 vv244001     " DummyTariff 4
                 vv245001     " DummyTariff 5
                 vv246001     " DummyTariff 6
                 vv247001     " DummyTariff 7
                 vv248001     " DummyTariff 8
                 vv249001     " DummyTariff 9
                 vv250001     " DummyTariff10
                 vv521001     " SD&A Rebates
                 vv522001     " Dummy Cost 2
                 vv523001     " Dummy Cost 3
                 vv524001     " Dummy Cost 4
                 vv525001     " Dummy Cost 5
                 vv526001     " Dummy Cost 6
                 vv527001     " Dummy Cost 7
                 vv528001     " Dummy Cost 8
                 vv529001     " Dummy Cost 9
                 vv530001     " Dummy Cost 10
                 vv227001     " Sec Tr TarifOvUn LSC
                 vv226001     " S&Handl Tar OvUn LSC
                 vv224001     " Pr Tra TariffOvU DIS
                 FROM ce3op01
                 WHERE   paledger = lc_02 AND
                 vrgar    IN lr_vrgar AND
                 versi    IN lr_versi AND
                 perbl    IN lr_perbl AND
                 gjahr    IN lr_gjahr.
    For all other cursors.
          FETCH NEXT CURSOR ls_cursor
              APPENDING TABLE lt_ce3op02
              PACKAGE SIZE ls_s_if-maxsize.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          SORT lt_ce3op02 BY paobjnr pasubnr paledger vrgar versi gjahr
    *Begin of MODE-002
          DESCRIBE TABLE lt_ce3op02 LINES l_norecs.
          l_s_loop_from = lc_1.
            l_s_loop_to = l_s_loop_from + l_s_no_recs.
            LOOP AT lt_ce3op02 INTO lw_ce3op02
            FROM l_s_loop_from TO l_s_loop_to .
              APPEND lw_ce3op02 TO lt_ce3op01.
            SORT lt_ce3op01 BY paobjnr.
    *End of MOS-002
              aktbo       "     Current profitability segment (CO-PA)
              paobjnr     "     Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
              pasubnr     "     Profitability segment changes (CO-PA)
              kndnr       "     Customer
              bukrs     "     Company Code
           FROM ce4op01
           INTO TABLE lt_ce4op01
           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_ce3op01
           WHERE paobjnr = lt_ce3op01-paobjnr AND
                 pasubnr = lt_ce3op01-pasubnr AND
                 bukrs  IN lr_bukrs.
           FROM ce1op01
           INTO TABLE lt_ce1op01
           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_ce3op01
           WHERE paledger = lt_ce3op01-paledger AND
                 vrgar    = lt_ce3op01-vrgar AND
                 versi    = lt_ce3op01-versi AND
                 perio    = lt_ce3op01-perbl AND
                 paobjnr = lt_ce3op01-paobjnr AND
                 pasubnr = lt_ce3op01-pasubnr.
            LOOP AT lt_ce3op01 INTO lw_ce3op01.
              lw_ce3op01-paobjnr   TO lw_flnmval-paobjnr,
             lw_ce3op01-paledger  TO lw_flnmval-paledger,
             lw_ce3op01-vrgar     TO lw_flnmval-vrgar,
                      lw_ce3op01-versi     TO lw_flnmval-versi,
                      lw_ce3op01-gjahr     TO lw_flnmval-gjahr,
                      lw_ce3op01-perbl     TO lw_flnmval-perbl.
    *appending all 93 fields as records
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv010001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv011001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv012001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv013001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv014001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv015001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv016001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv020001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv021001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv030001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv031001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv032001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv033001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv034001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv035001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv200001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv201001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv202001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv203001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv036001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv037001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv038001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv039001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv040001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv041001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv042001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv043001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv204001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv205001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv211001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv212001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv213001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv222001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv223001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv230001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv232001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv233001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv500001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv501001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv502001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv503001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv504001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv505001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv506001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv507001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv508001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv509001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv510001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv511001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv512001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv513001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv514001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv515001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv516001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv517001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv518001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv519001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv520001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv236001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv206001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv051001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv052001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv053001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv054001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv055001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv056001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv057001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv058001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv059001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv060001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv241001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv242001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv243001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv244001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv245001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv246001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv247001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv248001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv249001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv250001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv521001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv522001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv523001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv524001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv525001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv526001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv527001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv528001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv529001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv530001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv227001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv226001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
              MOVE lw_ce3op01-vv224001    TO lw_flnmval-zamunt.
              APPEND lw_flnmval TO lt_flnmval.
    *Segrigating all one record into 102 records is complete
            LOOP AT lt_flnmval ASSIGNING <fs_flnmval>.
              IF l_index > 93.
                l_index = 1.
              READ TABLE lt_fldlist INTO lw_fldlist INDEX l_index.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                    input  = lw_fldlist-fldnam
                    output = <fs_flnmval>-fldnam.
              l_index = l_index + 1.
            SORT lt_ce4op01 BY paobjnr.
            SORT lt_ce1op01 BY paobjnr  paledger vrgar  versi.
            SORT gr_zfldnm BY low.
            DELETE lt_flnmval WHERE fldnam NOT IN gr_zfldnm.
            LOOP AT lt_flnmval INTO lw_flnmval.
              READ TABLE lt_ce4op01 INTO  lw_ce4op01 WITH KEY
                                 paobjnr = lw_flnmval-paobjnr BINARY SEARCH.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                MOVE :   lw_flnmval-paledger  TO lw_e_t_data-paledger,
                         lw_flnmval-vrgar     TO lw_e_t_data-vrgar,
                         lw_flnmval-versi     TO lw_e_t_data-versi ,
                         lw_flnmval-gjahr     TO lw_e_t_data-gjahr,
                         lw_flnmval-perbl     TO lw_e_t_data-perbl,
                         lw_ce4op01-bukrs     TO lw_e_t_data-bukrs,
                         lw_ce4op01-kndnr     TO lw_e_t_data-kndnr,
                         lw_ce4op01-artnr     TO lw_e_t_data-artnr,
                         lw_ce4op01-prctr     TO lw_e_t_data-prctr,
                         lw_ce4op01-kokrs     TO lw_e_t_data-kokrs,
                         lw_flnmval-fldnam   TO lw_e_t_data-zfldnm,
                         lw_flnmval-zamunt   TO lw_e_t_data-zamount.
                READ TABLE lt_ce1op01 INTO lw_ce1op01 WITH KEY
                            paobjnr = lw_flnmval-paobjnr
                            paledger = lw_flnmval-paledger
                            vrgar  = lw_flnmval-vrgar
                            versi = lw_flnmval-versi BINARY SEARCH.
                IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  MOVE: lw_ce1op01-rbeln  TO lw_e_t_data-rbeln,
                        lw_ce1op01-rposn  TO lw_e_t_data-rposn.
                APPEND lw_e_t_data TO gt_out_data.
    *Begin of MOD-002
            FREE lt_flnmval.
            REFRESH :lt_ce3op01,lt_ce4op01,lt_ce1op01.
            e_t_data[] = gt_out_data[].
            DELETE e_t_data WHERE zfldnm NOT IN gr_zfldnm.
            l_s_loop_from = l_s_loop_to + lc_1.
            l_count = l_count + 20.
            IF l_count GE l_norecs.
    *End of MOD-002
          ls_counter_datapakid = ls_counter_datapakid + 1.
        ENDIF.                        "IF S_COUNTER_DATAPAKID = 0
        IF i_maxsize IS INITIAL.
          RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler.
        IF g_start IS INITIAL.
          g_start = 1.
          g_start  = g_end + 1.
        g_end = g_start + i_maxsize - 1.
    Population of E_T_DATA based on Data records size
        APPEND LINES OF gt_out_data FROM g_start TO g_end TO e_t_data.
        DELETE e_t_data WHERE zfldnm NOT IN gr_zfldnm.
        IF e_t_data[] IS INITIAL.
          RAISE no_more_data.
        ls_counter_datapakid = ls_counter_datapakid + 1.
    Thanks & regards,
    +91 9740091981

    Hello Sreekanth,
    See this blog [Generic Extraction via Function Module|/people/siegfried.szameitat/blog/2005/09/29/generic-extraction-via-function-module]
    Also see this
    [Line Item Level Data Extraction for Financial Accounting and Controlling|]

  • Best way to select distinct values based on another column?

    I have a table with three columns: id (NUMBER), data_dt (DATE), and data_value (NUMBER).
    There is a primary key on id and data_dt.
    I want to select the record with the latest data_dt for each unique id.
    What is the best way to do this?
    I have three different methods, but there may be something I am missing.
    SELECT *
      SELECT id, data_dt, data_value,
             OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY data_dt DESC) AS last_data_dt
      FROM the_table
    WHERE data_dt = last_data_dt;(I use ORDER BY...DESC instead of just ORDER BY so I don't need the ROWS BETWEEN clause)
    SELECT t1.*
    FROM the_table t1
      SELECT id, MAX(data_dt) AS last_data_dt
      FROM the_table
      GROUP BY id
    ) t2 ON ( = AND t2.data_dt = t1.data_dt);Third:
    SELECT t1.*
    FROM the_table t1
    WHERE t1.data_dt =
      SELECT MAX(t2.data_dt)
      FROM the_table t2
      WHERE =
    );-- Don

    There are more possible scenario's, for example:
    select t1.*
    from   the_table t1
    where not exists ( select null
                       from   the_table t2
                       and    t2.data_dt > t1.data_dt
    What is the best way to do this?Only you can tell:
    Test all scenario's, check the execution plans, set timing on and pick the best/fastest one ;-)
    If it's not clear, please post the execution plans here.

  • Best way to create detail records based on data in the master record..

    I am using 11gr1p1 and ADF stack.
    I have a master detail relation between 2 records. I have EO and entity associations. I want to create a number detail records based on the data on the master record.
    For example
    I have a Stay Record which has begin and end date I need to create the DailyStay Record for each day for the range of begin and end date of StayRecord.
    Where should I do this? In EO implementation or in VO implementation.?

    Where should I do this? In EO implementation or in VO implementation.?If your child record should in no case be created without those default values, then EO.
    Otherwise, to increase reusability of your EO, then in the VO over the view link (i.e. other VO's would still be able to use your EO without having the child VO created with these defaults).
    This way your ViewObjects can also be used in a context where you don't want to copy from the masterFrank, If there's another UI flow that is so drastically different that it does not want things defaulted, then it probably needs a different VO altogether (on the same underlying EO though)

  • Populate 1 table based on another table

    I have a "VISITOR_TRACKER" application with the following 2 tables:
    VISITORS (table)
    VISITOR_ID (pk)
    V_DETAILS_ID (pk)
    I want to do the following:
    1. The visitor types in his/her last name in a search box.
    2. Everyone with that last name shows up in either a report or a drop-down select list. The visitor selects his/her name.
    3. A form "displays only" the name selected and has 2 text fields for the customer to enter their DESTINATION and TIME_IN and presses the submit button.
    How do I set this up? The problem I'm encountering is that if I create a form w/report off of the VISITORS table, I'm unable to populate the DESTINATION and TIME-IN because the F_NAME and L_NAME from the VISITORS table is already popluted - it is trying to populate twice.
    I tried basing the form w/report off of the VISITOR_DETAILS table but my report shows only the names that have any records in VISITOR_DETAILS. Also, the form shows the details of the VISITOR_DETAILS record that was selected.
    My report query looks like this:
    "VISITORS"."F_NAME" || ' ' || "VISITORS"."L_NAME" as "NAME"
    where "VISITOR_ID_LU" = "VISITOR_ID"
    I prefer to have a drop-down select list instead of a report if possible.
    Please help! I have been working HOURS on this?

    if you only want a duplicat of the structure and don't worry about constraints, indexes, triggers etc you could use something like this
    create table emp_dup as
    select * from emp
    where 1=0;Another more flexible way is to use the package DBMS_METADATA

  • What is the best way to create a SSRS 2005 Line Chart Report for a 12 month period?

    I'm looking for advice on how to create a SQL Server 2005 query and line chart report for SSRS 2005.
    I need to display the peak number of patients assigned to a medical practice each month for a 12 month period based on the end-user selecting a
    single month and year.
    I've previously created a report that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month but I’m looking for advice on how to
    how to produce a resultset that shows the peak number of patients each month for a 12 month period. I thought about creating a query that returns the peak count for each month (based on my previously created report which displays all patients assigned to the
    practice for any single month) and then use a UNION statement to join all 12 months but I'm sure that isn't the most efficient way to do this. The other challenge with this approach (twelve resultsets combined via a UNION) is that the end-user needs to be
    able to select any month and year for the parameter and the report needs to display the 12 month period based on the month selected (the month selected would be the last month of the 12 month period).
    For the report I’ve previously created that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month, the WHERE statement filters the
    resultset on two fields:
    Start Date - The date the patient was assigned to the practice. This field is never null or blank.
    End Date - The date the patient left the practice. This field can be null or blank as active patients assigned to the practice do not have an End Date. When the patient
    leaves the practice, the date the patient left is populated in this field.
    Using these two fields I can return all patients assigned to the practice during Nov 2012 by looking for patients that meet the following criteria:
    start date prior to 11/30/2012 (using the last day of the month selected ensures patients added mid-month would be included)
    end date is null or blank (indicates the patient is active) OR the end date is between 11/1/2012 -11/30/2012 (returns patients that leave during the month
    Regarding the query I need to create for the report that displays the peak count each month for 12 months, I'm looking for advice on
    how to count patients for each month the patient is assigned to the practice if the patient has been assigned for several months (which applies to most patients). Examples are:
    John Doe has a start date of 6/01/2012 and an End Date of 10/07/2012
    Sally Doe has a start date of 8/4/2012 and no End Date (the patient is still active)
    Jimmy Doe has a  start of 7/3/2012 and an End Date of 9/2/2012
    Given these examples how would I include John Doe in the peak monthly count each month for May - October, Sally Doe in the peak monthly count for
    August - December and Jimmy Doe in the peak monthly count for July – Sept if the end-user running the report selected December 2012 as the parameter?
    Given the example above and the fact I'm creating a line chart I think the best way to create this report would be a resultset that looks like
    Patient Name              
    Months Assigned
    John Doe
    June 2012
    John Doe                     
    John Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    John Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    John Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    Sally Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Nov 2012
    Sally Doe
    Dec 2012
    Jimmy Doe                  
    July 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Aug 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Sept 2012
    From the resultset above I could create another resultset that would count\group on month and year to return the peak count for each month:
    June 2012 - 1
    July 2012 – 2
    Aug 2012 - 3
    Sept 2012 - 3
    Oct 2012 - 2
    Nov 2012 - 1
    Dec 2012 - 1
    The resultset that displays the peak count for each month would be used to create the line chart (month would be the X axis and the count would
    be the y axis).
    Does this sound like the best approach?
    If so, any advice on how to create the resultset that lists each patient and each month they were assigned to the practice would be greatly appreciated.
    I do not have permissions to create SPs or Functions within the database but I can create temp tables.
    I know how to create the peak monthly count query (derived from the query that lists each patient and month assigned) as well as the line chart.
    Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the replies. I reviewed them shortly after they were submitted but I'm also working on other projects at the same time (hence the delayed reply).
    Building a time table and doing a cross join to my original resultset gave me the desired resultset of the months assigned between dates. What I can't figure out now is how to filter months I don't want. 
    Doing a cross  join between my original resultset that had two dates:
    and a calendar table that has 24 rows (each month for a two year period)
    my new resultset looks like this:
    I need to filter the rows in yellow as the months assigned for stage 3 that started on 8/27/2010 should stop when the patient was assigned to stage 4 on 10/24/2011.
    You'll notice that Jan - Sept 2011 isn't listed for Stage 4 assigned on 10/24/2011 as I included a filter in the WHERE clause that states
    the Months Assigned value must be greater than or equal to the date assigned value.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • What is the best way to create a database schema from XML

    What is the best way to create a database schema from XML?
    i have  a complex XML file that I want to create a database from and consistently import new XML files of the same schema type. Currently I have started off by mapping the XSD into Excel and using Mysql for Excel to push into MySQL.
    There must be a more .net microsoft solution for this but I cannot locate the topic and tools by searching. What are the best tools and way to manage this?
    Taking my C# further

    Hi Saythj,
    When mentioning "a database schema from XML", do you mean the
    XML Schema Collections? If that is what you mean, when trying to import XML files of the same schema type, you may take the below approach.
    Create an XML Schema Collection basing on your complex XML, you can find
    many generating tools online to do that.
    Create a Table with the above created schema typed XML column as below.
    CREATE TABLE youTable( Col1 int, Col2 xml (yourXMLSchemaCollection))
    Load your XML files and try to insert the xml content into the table above from C# or some other approaches. The XMLs that can't pass the validation fail inserting into that table.
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • What is the best way to create CRUD datagrids

    What is the best way to create CRUD datagrids that tell CF
    components to update sql tables. I find that I'm having to vreate
    all these columns with custom properites and its a bit of a chore:
    <mx:DataGridColumn id = "NatWest" dataField="NatWest"
    headerText="NatWest" editable="false"
    I don't really want to use any wizards as I want control over
    my code.

    Hi Saythj,
    When mentioning "a database schema from XML", do you mean the
    XML Schema Collections? If that is what you mean, when trying to import XML files of the same schema type, you may take the below approach.
    Create an XML Schema Collection basing on your complex XML, you can find
    many generating tools online to do that.
    Create a Table with the above created schema typed XML column as below.
    CREATE TABLE youTable( Col1 int, Col2 xml (yourXMLSchemaCollection))
    Load your XML files and try to insert the xml content into the table above from C# or some other approaches. The XMLs that can't pass the validation fail inserting into that table.
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Need help knowing best way to create record

    What is the best way to create a new record... I have a form pulling info from about 20 tables. When the user wants to create a new record, I want a new form to open and allow them to select the values based on the foreign key fields so it makes more sense than just random numbers.
    The problem I'm having is knowing when and how to insert. Should the "new record" form be it's own database block that inserts from within it. (but then when they go back to the original form they must requery to see the new value.) Or what about copying each field back to the original form. I'm new to forms and would appreciate any insight and tips.

    would a wire like this help me?
    I doubt it. You want FireWire.
    Take look at the Canopus ADVC300. It comes with a nice Macintosh application that works flawlessly with iMovie 06.
    Yes, it does cost more but it works.

  • Best way to create menus [was: Queston]

    What technique or is a template used to create the menu for this Adobe page? I have been studying web development (reading and tutorials) and the sections are always short on creating menus.  Mostly, covers creating buttons with behaviors in Fireworks and inserting them into Navigation Bars and Tables?  What are the best ways to create menus?
    [Subject line edited by moderator]

    The best way is definately not the Fireworks way. Never has been.
    Take RJweb's advise and check out the PVII Menu Magic. I use that all the time and its very easy to customize with its well laid out CSS files. I havn't found anything easier to use and customize yet.
    Brad Lawryk
    Community Expert: Dreamweaver
    Usergroup Manager: Northern British Columbia Adobe Usersgroup

  • Best way to create a conact list from the user profile properties

    We have a customer looking for a phone book utility, starting with a table showing main user information and with some search options. We would like o base it on the user profile properties and not to create an indipendent studion record browser porlet.
    What is best way to create a conact list from the user profile properties ?

    I did something like this using search.  It can get messy, so you need to take care with it.
    * Identify the properties you want to make accessible to search (ex: name, etc.)
            - add them to the user property map
            - flag them as searchable
    * I broke down and used the native server API.  I'd still suggest this approach.
    * Write some simple code to do vcard export if you like
    (my code is all in
    I really believe this is the &#034;right&#034; approach, but honestly, this was a bit painful and has been
    messy for us given some other business issues.  (to my chagrin we have users with 2-letter last
    I have code you're welcome to poke at, but it's more or less slapped together and has various
    different search methods commented out so you can see how I tinkered w/ the remote vs. server
    If you'd like it mail me at [email protected] and I'll send you a zipped copy w/ a
    readme.  I hope it may be useful to you as both a starting reference.

  • Best way to create a Contact Us form

    What is the best way to create a contact us form?
    I created mine using a table and the form sleection of DW CS6.

    Creating the form itself is really only half the job.
    You can have a marvelous form created using html and DW's built in form items. Those items can be in a table, or not, that part is up to you. The next step is making the form "do something".
    The simplest way to make a form work, is a mailto: link in the form action attribute, but it's the absolute worst way to go. Mailto: links require the viewer to have an email client installed and set up on the computer they're using to submit your form. If they don't (as in the case of Gmail, htomail, yahoo, etc mail users) when they click Submit, absolutely nothing will happen.
    Another drawback of using a mailto: link for your form submission is that email address is now open to every spam email harvester on the internet. If you like certain "blue pill emails" then there wouldn't be an issue, but if you are like the majority of society, you won't be sending funds to any Nigerian doctors either and won't want to be spammed constantly.
    Personally, I use the Formmail script, available for free at for pretty much all of my html forms. As long as your server has PHP installed (most do) the Formmail script will work very well for you. They have a ton of "How To" info on their site and the script itself is very robust with loads of features you can use, or not, at your discretion. They also have a very well documented troubleshooting section and a searchable forum that take care of the most common issues you run into.
    Your next step is "find out what server scripting language you have available on your server". From there, you'll need to find/write a compatible script, then attach your form to it.

  • Best way to create frame with stroke around a paragraph?

    What is the best way to create a frame with a stroke around text? I
    always thought it was with an inline frame, but now I see that trying to
    put the cursor in the text is very difficult because the frame blocks
    the cursor. Is there a better way?

    Thanks guys.
    What I was doing was putting the anchored frame in an empty paragraph
    above the paragraph that needed the box. The problem was when I tried to
    put the cursor in the text the anchored frame blocked it. Why is an
    anchored frame on top of text?
    The easy solution would be to cut/paste the text into the anchored frame
    (which would be similar to Ole's single cell table idea). I didn't want
    to go this route for two reasons:
    1) I don't want to cut and paste every paragraph.
    2) I didn't want the story to be broken up. I wanted it to be one long
    flow of text. It makes tings easier just in case the paragraphs have to
    break across two pages.
    Jongware's underline/strikethrough idea is another good one, but I don't
    like the idea of putting in all those extra characters.
    What I ended up doing was using paragraph rules. I set the rule above to
    1pt larger on all sides than the rule below so it looked like a box with
    a stroke. Of course, the problem with paragraph rules is getting it the
    right size. I wrote a script that calculates the size of the text and
    sets the rule size the correct amount.
    Of course this still has its problems when the boxes need to break pages...

  • Please introduce the best way to create education in share point

    I want to use chm in share point. but i suppose that there are better ways for training because i think chm is suit for software that are windows-based not web based.
    please introduce the best way to create education in share point

    these are some directions which will help to create a project for your needs
    Record and share grades with students and parents electronically.
    Create online communities for teachers, administrators, and students to collaborate.
    Facilitate sharing of best practices among teachers and administrators.
    Enable students, parents, faculty, and administrators to access your institution's resources anytime from any connected device.
    Post lesson plans, research content, coursework, and more to online document libraries.
    Provide Web-based class registration, lunch ordering, and other services.
    Create dashboards that show up-to-date student performance data to inform instruction and decisions.
    Share information with your district personnel, school board, parents, and community members.
    Romeo Donca, Orange Romania (MCSE, MCITP, CCNA) Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if the post has been helpful for you.

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