Create image in background

I'm trying to create an Image (of a material) but I cant use GUI_UPLOAD in the background even if i use C13Z_FILE_UPLOAD_BINARY to place the file from c:\drive to the app server.
However, I can use OPEN DATASET to open the file and READ it into an internal table within my program (looks to be in hex format) my question is then what do I do with data in the internal table to create the image - is there some FM that I can pass the internal table to for image creation - needs to be done in background - I can do this in foreground.  The end result is that image will be printed on a SAPscript.

My apologies Christian, I didnt explain proberly
(1) I can use GUI_UPLOAD to upload the image but this can not be used in background, it is only for foreground processing
(2) I have already upload the image using and .tif file type, so no need to convert
(3) I have already printed the image (as a graphic) via SAPscript
and all of this can be done dynamically (in foreground) but if I want to do the same (i.e. create an image in SAP from a file on the app server and print it, but from a job that runs in background)  I can only use OPEN DATASET
So my question was what do I do with the data when I have it in an internal table with in my Z program so that it create's the image in SAP and I can proceed with my SAPscript to print it.
Sorry for the confusion,

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    Open the editor and change the color swatch (usually black & white) to orange.
    Click on the arrows symbol so that orange becomes the background color.
    Select File > New > Blank File
    Set background contents to Background color and click OK
    Drag your elliptical marquee tool to form a circle and press ctrl+J
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    Devi Prasad.P

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    Look at this :
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class PanI extends Frame
         Image map;
         Panel pan;
         myPan p8,p4,p6,p2,p5;
         BufferedImage I;
    public PanI() 
         addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
        {     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)
              {     dispose();
         map = getToolkit().getImage("map2.gif");
         MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
         try   {tracker.waitForID(0);}
         catch (InterruptedException e){}
         I = new BufferedImage(1,1,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
         setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         pan = new Panel();
         pan.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         p5 = new myPan(5);
         p8 = new myPan(8);
         p4 = new myPan(4);
         p6 = new myPan(6);
         p2 = new myPan(2);
    public class myPan extends Panel
         int where;
    public myPan(int i)
         where = i;
    public void paint(Graphics g)
         if (I.getWidth(null) != pan.getWidth() || I.getHeight(null) != pan.getHeight())
              I = new BufferedImage(pan.getWidth(),pan.getHeight(),BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
              Graphics      G = I.getGraphics();
         int x1=0;
         int x2=getWidth();
         int y1=0;
         int y2=getHeight();
         if (where == 8)
         if (where == 2)
              y1 =  p8.getHeight()+p5.getHeight();
              y2 =  getHeight()+y1;
         if (where == 4)
              y1 =  p8.getHeight();
              y2 =  y1+getHeight();
         if (where == 5)
              x1 =  p4.getWidth();
              x2 =  x1+getWidth();
              y1 =  p8.getHeight();
              y2 =  y1+getHeight();
         if (where == 6)
              x1 =  p4.getWidth()+p5.getWidth();;
              x2 =  x1+getWidth();
              y1 =  p8.getHeight();
              y2 =  y1+getHeight();
    public void update(Graphics g)
    public static void main (String[] args) 
         new PanI();

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    There will not be any substantial changes to CS6 to add new features beyond the beta. We are too far along in the process for that. To accomplish what you desire, can you use the pattern feature to tile?  For any new features you wish to request, you can to to this website  people can vote on the favorite features.
    Use the Rectangle Marquee tool on any open image to select an area to use as a pattern. Feather must be set to 0 pixels. Note that large images may become unwieldy.
    Choose Edit > Define Pattern.
    Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Name dialog box.

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    If you have an image or whatever in grayscale with the desired pattern where full black or white corresponds to the background fully showing through the letters, you may:
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    2) Create the red letters in the middle;
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    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
         for (int j = 0; j < imgPagesV.size(); j++) {
         try {
              ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon((BufferedImage)thumImagesV.get(j)); //thumImagesV vector have thumnail bufferedimages 
         } catch (Exception e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    thax for your reply ..
    even i call new smiple thread to load the images it freeze the main gui. is any wrong in my way ?
    Thread Class
    public class TestThread extends Thread {
         File tiffImg;
         TestThread(File img) {
              this.tiffImg = img;
          * extracting form tiff images and creates thumbnail then add into vector
         public void run() {
              ImageDecoder dec = null;
              Vector thumImagesV = new Vector();
              TIFFDecodeParam param = new TIFFDecodeParam();
              try {
                   dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("tiff", tiffImg, param);
                   int start, end = 0;
                   for (int i = 0; i < dec.getNumPages(); i++) {
                        RenderedImage rm = new NullOpImage(dec.decodeAsRenderedImage(i), null, OpImage.OP_IO_BOUND, null);
                        thumImagesV.add(i, ImageHandler.createThumbnail(rm, 150));
              } catch (Exception e) {
    Main GUI Class
         private void buildGUI(File selectedFile) {
              configThumbnailPanel(selectedFile);//loading with out thumbnail image
              new TestThread(selectedFile).run();

  • Using image as background of frame

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    Please tell me how can I do.
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    image = frame.createImage(440,400);
    and then create image from file
    image2 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(filename);
    Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
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    Please help me.

    I didn't realize that what I wanted was double buffering and even JPanel supports double buffering. However, I still have a problem.
    Please take a look at my code below.
    public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
        static ImagePanel panel;
        static Image backgroundImage;
        public MyFrame(){
         super("Simulation Program");
        public static void main(String[] args){
            MyFrame frame = new MyFrame();
         backgroundImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("background.jpg");
         panel = new ImagePanel();
        public void drawOnPanel(){
         Graphics g = panel.pic.getGraphics();
         g.drawImage(backgroundImage,0,0,panel); //does not work!
         g.drawRect(0,0,50,50);//works well
    class ImagePanel extends JPanel {
        boolean firstPaint = true;
        Image pic;
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
              if (firstPaint){
                   pic = createImage(440,400);
              firstPaint = false;
              g.drawImage(pic,0,0,this); //redraw the image
    }My problem is that method drawImage I use to draw the background image on the panel doesn't work. I don't know why.
    If I assign the image to pic member of ImagePanel as such:
           pic = backgroundImage;instead of pic = createImage(x,y); the background image appears.
    However, if I do that, I cannot call this following method in drawOnPanel():
          g = panel.pic.getGraphics();because it is said that "You may call getGraphics() only with offscreen image". Then, I cannot add more graphics on the background.
    Thanks for your time.

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    0 - in play
    1 - level up
    2 - buy screen
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    private Image          back, shipImage, ship2Image;
    private Graphics     backG;
    private Graphics2D     g2d;
    private Image[]          gameStateBackGround = new Image[3];
    private Graphics2D[]     gameStateGraphics2D = new Graphics2D[3];
    //In init.  I know these graphics objects work because this is what I
    //started with but now I'm wanting to improve
    back = createImage(mapWidth,mapHeight);
    backG = back.getGraphics();
    g2d = (Graphics2D) backG;
    g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    shipImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("ship.png")).getScaledInstance(20, 30, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
    ship2Image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("ship2.png")).getScaledInstance(55, 35, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
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    gameStateBackGround[in_play] = createImage(mapWidth,mapHeight);
    gameStateGraphics2D[in_play] = (Graphics2D) gameStateBackGround[in_play].getGraphics();
    //In my draw method
    gameStateBackGround[in_play] = createImage(mapWidth,mapHeight);
    gameStateGraphics2D[in_play] = (Graphics2D) gameStateBackGround[in_play].getGraphics();
    starBase.draw(gameStateGraphics2D[in_play]);now before I just had that main stuff drawing to the graphics objects used for the whole applet, and it worked fine. What I want is to pre-draw them, and just slap that whole single image of the constant stuff to my area of gameStateBackGround[]. Am I off to the right start?
    Now my drawStarField method asks for a Graphics object, and that draws, and that actually shows. Now for the stuff that's using Graphics2D objects, that is NOT showing. So I think where my main problem is is in creating the Graphics2D objects correctly. This whole concept I'm using for creating objects may be horrid, but hey, that's where you guys come in :) Tell me where I've screwed up hehe. Thanks for the help!          

    oops I screwed up. After:
    //In my draw method
    comesbackG.drawImage(gameStateBackGround[gameState], 0, 0, this);

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    Everything you want to do and more is available through the use of Photoshop Layers.
    It's kind of beyond the scope of the forum to teach basic Photoshop layer usage, but you can find many tutorials online, and Photoshop itself comes with decent documentation (Help).
    You can, for example, open one image, paste or place another over it as a second layer, then you can blend the two through many different Blending options, as well as 0 to 100% blending percentage.  You can even use transparency or masking to make parts of a layer transparent, opaque, or anything in between.
    Using selection and refinement tools, you can even put subjects on different backgrounds...

  • How do you create a transparent background in AE

    Hi--I'm using AE CS5 on a MacBook Pro and I'm brand new to using AE.
    How do you create a transparent background?
    I need it because I'm creating a shatter effect on a photo and want to import the AE movie into FCP and have it play on one layer while beneath it  another image will be seen when the shatter effect takes place.
    He'p me, cap'n!

    Hey Guys, thanks for your replys!!
    Wow, there's a lot to check out there--great!
    I hope I'm on the right track, I just watched the video about preserving transparency and maybe I'm stupid, maybe cause I'm new, but I just want to be sure I'm on the right track. Sorry if my question was confusing, maybe cause I am a bit new.
    To reiterate: I want to export a short AE movie of a shatter glass effect on a picture. The background needs to be transparent because I will import the AE movie into FCP and place it as the top layer. On a layer beneath it will be video I want to seen as the shatter glass effect creates a 'hole'.
    I believe this url tells me how to do that:
    Thanks again!

  • Unable to create image buffer after RAM preview

    Running into an odd and frustrating error. Built a comp using the new Ray-traced 3D renderer and now I'm regretting being an early adopter big time with all the problems I've been encountering with it. The latest comes whenever I do a longer RAM preview in an attempt to watch the whole duration of my comp. It will get to about 170 frames or so, at which point I've interrupted by pressing spacebar because I don't need to see all the way to the end of my work area (around 220 frames). It'll play the RAM preview back fine, and even loop it, but as soon as I stop playback, I get this error message: "After Effects warning: Unable to create image buffer." There's only one button: "okay" and as soon as I click it the same error pops up again and it will never go away, forcing me to close AE from the task manager. I've taken to saving before every RAM preview like I used to do with Flash before previewing my buggy swfs for fear I'll lose all my work after previewing. Any ideas about what might be causing this?
    Some more details about my comp:
    1920x1080 @ 29.97
    Ray-traced 3D
    About 70 3D layers (I'm guessing this is my downfall - new renderer not designed for this many layers?)
    Running Windows 7 Professional
    i7 2600K
    32GB RAM
    2x GTX 570 video cards running latest driver (301.42, CUDA 4.2.1)
    508GB free on my 2TB internal drive where the project and cache lives
    From my GPU info window in case it's useful:
    Fast Draft:
    Texture Memory:
    600.00 MB
    NVIDIA Corporation
    GeForce GTX 570/PCIe/SSE2
    Total Memory:
    1.20 GB
    Shader Model:
    4.0 or later
    Driver Version:
    2 (GeForce GTX 570, GeForce GTX 570)
    Current Usable Memory:
    1.04 GB (at application launch)
    Maximum Usable Memory:
    1.25 GB

    Yeah, some buffer is very likely not flushing when you interrupt the preview and then there is no more memory on the graphics hardware. Consider setting the work area and your preview options to use only the work area. if it finishes the preview "correctly", it may not suffer the issue. Beyond that - raytracing doesn't/ shouldn't care about the number of items. The math is such, that it makes no difference whether you render a million polygons or just one. Of course there are still limitations due to the GPU dependency, but I doubt you ever truly exhaust the cards' geometry buffers. Compared to pixel data that is a small amount...

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    yes you can
    when you create a job using SM36,there is a option for start condition
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  • How To Create A Website Background Video In Adobe Edge ?

    I have video file in my computer SSD drive and i want it to play as background on my web page (page that i am creating).I did try to follow this video:
    How To Create A Website Background Video In Adobe Edge Animate Using Edgehero - YouTube
    but i cant follow 100% what he is doing.
    Guide that i did try to follow is at this link: How To Create A Website Background Video In Adobe Edge Animate Using Edgehero - YouTube
    Steps i do in Adobe Edge Animate CC
    1.) Create New
    2.) i click + sign under section Library >> Scripts >> Add JS File from URL...
    URL that i am adding is:  (URL is taken from site: Edgehero.js )
    I add this link: to box that occures after i click on Add JS File from URL
    3.) I go to Edgehero.js and from there i scrol down to section named as Media - Html5 video / Html5 audio
    and i select from there this:
    there is a code:
      // this will set the video as background of the div/rectangle
    backgroundvideo_1 ='movie.mp4';
      // put new edgehero.js variables here
    4.) I go to Adobe Edge Animate CC 2014 and right click on project and select Open Actions for "Stage"
    and then i click on + sign and select creationComplete
    This will open Stage window
    there i will copy this code:
      // this will set the video as background of the div/rectangle
    backgroundvideo_1 ='movie.mp4';
      // put new edgehero.js variables here
    5.) Then i click on ++ sign under library >> Video
    and i add video from my computer SSD drive.
    Video is named as video3.mp4
    Now i eddit the code in Stage window (See above)
    code will look after editing like this:
    Then i change under left side px to %
    6.) Then i copy backgroundvideo_1 from Stage Code:
    Then i select Rectangle Tool and mark the area  (white box) and i click on small C icon
    And the box that occures i type there backgroundvideo_1_mp4 autoplay
    now when i use ctrl and enter i only get gray box that does not play video.
    What am i doing wrong?

    Here is the html file.
    Note video file that i try to add is random training video from youtube, And file format is saved using this site:
    How do I download and save a YouTube video to my computer?
    this is only for testing as i am not gonna put that video on background to my web page. I am only trying to understand how to add video as background.
    Goal is to create background video like u can see here:
    Adobe Muse Tutorial - Responsive Design Hack! by - YouTube
    Similar possibility is available also in Edge as i understand?

Maybe you are looking for

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