Dreamweaver can't see my css or template files

I'm sure this is a simple problem with a simple answer, but it's baffling me...
I'm currently setting up a new site with a new local root folder. I'd like to make some pages for this new site based on my existing css file and templates. I put these files into my new site's local root folder, then clicked through the usual 'Page from template' procedure and created a new page from one of my templates in the normal way.
Trouble is, as soon as I try to save the page I've created, I get an error message: "This document uses the following files not in this site -" Dreamweaver then lists my css file and various image files. But all the files show up as present and correct in my new local root folder!
The error message box gives me the option to copy the files to the local root folder of my new site - although, as I've said, as far as I can see from a glance at the Files panel, they're all there already. In any case, if I click the "Copy" button, I get another error message: "Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or a translator. The change will be discarded."
I can upload the page, but it comes up with no formatting - here it is: http://www.nemesis.to/testpage.htm
Looking at the code, I see that the css file is linked like this:
<link href="file:///Macintosh HD/Users/michaeljohnson/Documents/newpagestyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
I suspect that might be where the problem is. I would expect that line of code to look more like this:
<link href="newpagestyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
But I have no idea why that's happening, or where to go from here. I suppose I could re-write that line of code by hand, but that doesn't amount to fixing the problem. I'd like the whole thing to work normally from the first click!
Have I got my css file and/or template files in the wrong place? What do I have to do so Dreamweaver can find the files?
All advice welcome - thanks for any wise words you might have.  Sorry if this all seems very simple, but I really don't know enough about this stuff to make progress from this point.

Oh, yes, I think it's all ludicrously over-complicated! The thing is, I've been using my templates without any trouble for ages. The problem only came up when I created a new local root folder, copied my template and css files into it, created pages using those templates and - suddenly I've got no formatting.
Everything in the old local root folder is still working fine. I can make new pages from the template files in that folder and it's all good. It does look like the copy/paste process broke the essential links, but how could that happen?
I suppose I could create new templates from scratch in the new local root folder, but that seems unnecessary when I've already got template files that work perfectly - in the *other* local root folder!
Anyway, here comes the code...
This is the page_layout.dwt file as it appears in my old local root folder. This is the file as it appears in my old local root folder - the one that that works!
Note the link to the css file, which I've made bold here:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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Borderline, London<br />
        Wednesday September 8 2010</span></p>
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And here is the file as it appears after I'd copied it into my new local root folder. This is the version that won't give me any formatting. Note the link to the css file has changed. This surely must be the problem, because I can't see anything else that's different  - but how could that line change simply by copying the file into another local root folder?
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Sorry for the big wedges of code - and sorry for this being such a stupid problem. I'm almost ready to scrap the whole idea of creating a new local root folder!

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    Could you post a screen shot of what you're seeing when you go to...
    Site > Manage Sites > Click the site  you're working on > Edit
    There should be two tabs in the upper left corner of the dialogue box that comes up, Basic and Advanced. Basic walks you through set-up with a bunch of questions and Advanced allows you to just enter the info into the correct fields. If the Advanced tab is open, it should be under the Remote heading where you set your FTP info.

  • Dreamweaver doesn't see my .css file, why (screenshot included)?

    I get the below pop up, as you can see the file is in the folder, on my drive locally. I tried clicking on the get blue button but nothing happens. Anyone know why this is happening & or what I can do to fix it? thank you, Stacey

    Hi Stacey,
    please have a look to your source code of your tours.html. You will find, probably, these "///", what means DW thinks that your main.css file is linked outside the local root folder and situated on your hard drive. "///'-type link will not work on the web.
    If not, please send a link to your website, no matter how it looks like.

  • I made this in dreamweaver, can i slap some CSS on it?

    Hi everyone,
    A friend of mine asked me to do a webpage for her, and for
    the most part, I made the page. Its not yet cmpleted, but here's
    the link:
    The html pages are already made, but I wanted to format the
    text in the cells in the "About" and "Contact" section, as the
    leading and padding need to be fixed (The text aligns way too close
    to the border of the table/cell). Is it possible to have a CSS
    document where I can put it and all the text in the cells will be
    formatted to my liking?
    And that leads me to my next question of : how difficult is
    it to make this in straight up CSS?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks, and go easy on me, Im a noob

    > Is it
    > possible to have a CSS document where I can put it and
    all the text in the
    > cells will be formatted to my liking?
    > And that leads me to my next question of : how difficult
    is it to make
    > this in
    > straight up CSS?
    Learning how to effectively create pages without using tables
    is an arduous
    process for most people. Although Nick's suggestion is right
    on target,
    it's not very practical for someone asking the questions you
    are asking. I
    suggest you begin to use CSS for content styling and slowly
    migrate into the
    more advanced usages, like floats and other page-placement
    techniques as
    your knowledge increases.
    And learn how to use a grain of salt with the recommendations
    that you do
    this transition instantly, and never use tables for anything
    but tabular
    content. Get pragmatic. If a table works best for a
    praticular purpose,
    there's no shame in using it. Browsers will support tables
    'till the cows
    come home.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "psypent81" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi everyone,
    > A friend of mine asked me to do a webpage for her, and
    for the most part,
    > I
    > made the page. Its not yet cmpleted, but here's the
    > The html pages are already made, but I wanted to format
    the text in the
    > cells
    > in the "About" and "Contact" section, as the leading and
    padding need to
    > be
    > fixed (The text aligns way too close to the border of
    the table/cell). Is
    > it
    > possible to have a CSS document where I can put it and
    all the text in the
    > cells will be formatted to my liking?
    > And that leads me to my next question of : how difficult
    is it to make
    > this in
    > straight up CSS?
    > Any help would be appreciated.
    > Thanks, and go easy on me, Im a noob
    > -Cesar

  • MX2004 - CS4 : can't see new CSS outlining

    I got out of the stone age and got CS4 mainly for graphic workflow and easier integration with DW. What sold me is being able to see the outlining CS4 shows with CSS.
    But when I brought in all my websites and opened them it pretty much display as MX did although of course there's live view etc. BUT there's no outlining around all the CSS page content and there's no tree when I view the CSS files.
    I  mainly used MX2004 for hand coding since its so old and all the site render properly in the browsers. Why won't they take advantage of the new features in DWCS4? Is it because they were created in MX? It shouldn't matter to the CSS should it?

    You toggle the CSS visual layout aids on/off: View > Visual Aids
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Dreamweaver/10.0_Using/WScbb6b82af5544594822510a94ae8d65-7de4a .html
    I also make extensive use of Firebug in Firefox to see which rule is affecting which element in the layout.
    When you say there's no CSS tree, are you referring to the CSS Panel in DW or the Code in Code View or something else?

  • Where can i see default look report template

    Hi All,
    Iam using Default look 5 report template. but it is not showing in edit page. If i select other tahn default look ,it is showing in edit page.
    but i need change column heading color and etc ...... for default Look 5
    Any One knows pls ...tell me
    Thanks in Advance

    "Default look" report templates are hard-wired into the APEX engine and cannot be modified. You could look at the HTML source of a rendered report to figure out any classes etc used and try to come up with CSS to override the default appearance, but the best approach would be to use the rendered source in conjunction with Firefox+Firebug to figure out how the report is structured and styled and build a custom report template based on this.

  • Dreamweaver can't 'see' Contribute: REDUX

    Hi: I'm checking out DW 8 and Contribute 4 (trial) when I try
    to use Dreamweaver Launch & Administer Contribute for my site I
    get the popup "you must install Contribute 2 or later." But I
    already installed it and it's running. I've seen this topic posted
    recently but no solutions there. I was trying to follow the
    "Integrating Dreamweaver 8 with Contribute 4" article by Mark
    Fletcher. Is there another forum that would be more appropriate?
    I'm using XP sp2.
    Thanks for any help you can provide

    Actually, Adobe support did call me and I finally got this
    issue resolved. Basically, I needed to uninstall DW and Contribute
    in a certain way. This Tech Note,
    walked me through that. I then installed DW and Contribute as per
    this Tech Note,
    So I first uninstalled DW & Contribute, according to
    I then installed DW 8 & Contribute 3, according to
    And then I installed the DW 8.0.2 patch.
    Hope this helps.

  • Dreamweaver can't 'see' Contribute

    I have DW8 and Contribute 4 (trial) installed, but DW doesn't
    'know' Contribute is there.
    When I try to "Manage Site from Contribute" in DW's site
    management dialog box, I get the error message "You must install
    Contribute 2 or later, want to do so now?" I've tried reinstalling
    Contribute. Nothing. Is there a config file I can tweak, or delete,
    and let DW rebuild that will fix this? Tnx much, Neil

    Actually, Adobe support did call me and I finally got this
    issue resolved. Basically, I needed to uninstall DW and Contribute
    in a certain way. This Tech Note,
    walked me through that. I then installed DW and Contribute as per
    this Tech Note,
    So I first uninstalled DW & Contribute, according to
    I then installed DW 8 & Contribute 3, according to
    And then I installed the DW 8.0.2 patch.
    Hope this helps.

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