Dynamic Result of 2 columns by 3 columns

Hi @ all,
my question is a little bit suspect, but I hope you can help me!
In my query I want to show a dynamic result which should show the result of the shown columns.
I still have a structure with 3 selections in my query columns. If I show all selections in query the result should be show the sumation of all the columns. If I show only 2 selections in the structure the result should be only the sum of the 2 selections.
Here an example:
column1       column2      column3        
100               200             150                450
by changing the coumns...:
column1          column3                    result
200                   150                          350
Thanks for your answers!!
Edited by: Heiko Görlich on Dec 20, 2007 9:54 AM

Maybe I'm little be confused, but I willl show you my query definition:
                         SEL1       SEL2       SEL3     Formula(SEL1SEL2SEL3)
CH11     KF1      100           200         150        450
             KF2       70            30           200       300
CH12     KF1      500           150         100        750
             KF2       40              10           500      550
SEL = Selection in Structure
CH1 = Characteristic1
CH2 = Characteristic2
KF1 = KeyFigure1
The 3 Selections are my structure. There is no way toy say suppress results row always. Only in CH2 you can say it.
Did I define a wrong sumation in my formula?

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    I get these column names from the result of another query.
    In order to clarify my question, Please consider following table:
         NAME     VARCHAR2 (2),
         INCOME     NUMBER (12, 2)
    I like to generate a report as follows:
    AK CA DE FL ...
    PERIOD1 1222.23 2423.20 232.33 345.21
    Total 433242.23 56744.34 8872.21 2324.23 ...
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    SQL> -- test tables and test data:
    SQL> CREATE TABLE states
      2    (state VARCHAR2 (2))
      3  /
    Table created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO states
      2  VALUES ('AK')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO states
      2  VALUES ('AL')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO states
      2  VALUES ('AR')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO states
      2  VALUES ('CA')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO states
      2  VALUES ('DE')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO states
      2  VALUES ('FL')
      3  /
    1 row created.
      3  /
    Table created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO time_periods
      2  VALUES ('PERIOD1')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO time_periods
      2  VALUES ('PERIOD2')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO time_periods
      2  VALUES ('PERIOD3')
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO time_periods
      2  VALUES ('PERIOD4')
      3  /
    1 row created.
      2    (NAME   VARCHAR2 (2),
      4       INCOME NUMBER (12, 2))
      5  /
    Table created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO state_income
      2  VALUES ('AK', 'PERIOD1', 1222.23)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO state_income
      2  VALUES ('CA', 'PERIOD1', 2423.20)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO state_income
      2  VALUES ('DE', 'PERIOD1', 232.33)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO state_income
      2  VALUES ('FL', 'PERIOD1', 345.21)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> -- the basic query:
    SQL> SELECT   SUBSTR (time_periods.period, 1, 10) period,
      2             SUM (DECODE (name, 'AK', income)) "AK",
      3             SUM (DECODE (name, 'CA', income)) "CA",
      4             SUM (DECODE (name, 'DE', income)) "DE",
      5             SUM (DECODE (name, 'FL', income)) "FL"
      6  FROM     state_income, time_periods
      7  WHERE    time_periods.period = state_income.period (+)
      8  AND      time_periods.period IN ('PERIOD1','PERIOD2','PERIOD3')
      9  GROUP BY ROLLUP (time_periods.period)
    10  /
    PERIOD             AK         CA         DE         FL                                             
    PERIOD1       1222.23     2423.2     232.33     345.21                                             
                  1222.23     2423.2     232.33     345.21                                             
    SQL> -- package that dynamically executes the query
    SQL> -- given variable numbers and values
    SQL> -- of states and periods:
      2  AS
      3    TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR;
      4    PROCEDURE procedure_name
      5        (p_periods   IN     VARCHAR2,
      6         p_states    IN     VARCHAR2,
      7         cursor_name IN OUT cursor_type);
      8  END package_name;
      9  /
    Package created.
      2  AS
      3    PROCEDURE procedure_name
      4        (p_periods   IN     VARCHAR2,
      5         p_states    IN     VARCHAR2,
      6         cursor_name IN OUT cursor_type)
      7    IS
      8        v_periods          VARCHAR2 (1000);
      9        v_sql               VARCHAR2 (4000);
    10        v_states          VARCHAR2 (1000) := p_states;
    11    BEGIN
    12        v_periods := REPLACE (p_periods, ',', ''',''');
    13        v_sql := 'SELECT SUBSTR(time_periods.period,1,10) period';
    14        WHILE LENGTH (v_states) > 1
    15        LOOP
    16          v_sql := v_sql
    17          || ',SUM(DECODE(name,'''
    18          || SUBSTR (v_states,1,2) || ''',income)) "' || SUBSTR (v_states,1,2)
    19          || '"';
    20          v_states := LTRIM (SUBSTR (v_states, 3), ',');
    21        END LOOP;
    22        v_sql := v_sql
    23        || 'FROM     state_income, time_periods
    24            WHERE    time_periods.period = state_income.period (+)
    25            AND      time_periods.period IN (''' || v_periods || ''')
    26            GROUP BY ROLLUP (time_periods.period)';
    27        OPEN cursor_name FOR v_sql;
    28    END procedure_name;
    29  END package_name;
    30  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> -- sample executions from SQL:
    SQL> EXEC package_name.procedure_name ('PERIOD1,PERIOD2,PERIOD3','AK,CA,DE,FL', :g_ref)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> PRINT g_ref
    PERIOD             AK         CA         DE         FL                                             
    PERIOD1       1222.23     2423.2     232.33     345.21                                             
                  1222.23     2423.2     232.33     345.21                                             
    SQL> EXEC package_name.procedure_name ('PERIOD1,PERIOD2','AK,AL,AR', :g_ref)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> PRINT g_ref
    PERIOD             AK         AL         AR                                                        
    PERIOD1       1222.23                                                                              
    SQL> -- sample execution from PL/SQL block
    SQL> -- using parameters derived from processing
    SQL> -- cursors containing results of other queries:
      2    CURSOR c_period
      3    IS
      4    SELECT period
      5    FROM   time_periods;
      6    v_periods   VARCHAR2 (1000);
      7    v_delimiter VARCHAR2 (1) := NULL;
      8    CURSOR c_states
      9    IS
    10    SELECT state
    11    FROM   states;
    12    v_states    VARCHAR2 (1000);
    13  BEGIN
    14    FOR r_period IN c_period
    15    LOOP
    16        v_periods := v_periods || v_delimiter || r_period.period;
    17        v_delimiter := ',';
    18    END LOOP;
    19    v_delimiter := NULL;
    20    FOR r_states IN c_states
    21    LOOP
    22        v_states := v_states || v_delimiter || r_states.state;
    23        v_delimiter := ',';
    24    END LOOP;
    25    package_name.procedure_name (v_periods, v_states, :g_ref);
    26  END;
    27  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> PRINT g_ref
    PERIOD             AK         AL         AR         CA         DE         FL                       
    PERIOD1       1222.23                           2423.2     232.33     345.21                       
                  1222.23                           2423.2     232.33     345.21                       

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    If you need any information, please let me know.
    Thank You
    Kind Regards

    Hello Anukul,
    In the report what type of data you are trying to check in that column. can you please brief about report.
    And also please check the excel cell format (right click and check it is a numeric or character), which may help to resolve this issue.

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    Region 1 10 *0.33*
    Region 2 20 *0.67*
    Total 30
    Edited by: 872073 on Jan 9, 2013 6:30 AM

    You can use this Report as a Subreport in the Final Report,and apply a filter the column=subreport.columnvalue.

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    Please help me

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    <div class="box_d box_margin_right">
              <ul class="anchor-bullet">
              <c:forEach items="${data.faqList}" var="item" varStatus="status"
                        begin="0" end="${data.faqListSize/2-1}">
              <div class="box_d">
              <ul class="anchor-bullet">
              <c:forEach items="${data.faqList}" var="item" varStatus="status"
                        begin="${data.faqListSize/2}" end="${data.faqListSize}">
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    My report loos like
    Type     posting order  Number of records  Date diff    %
    A     1          1        1
    A     2          1       1
    A     3          1       1
       Result                          3     3                 100%
    B     1          1       1
    B     2          1       1          
    B     3          1       0
       Result          3          2                  66%
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    Can u please throw some light ..
    Watin for reply

    Hi Babu,
    I think your example is not totally clear. From what I understand, you need to calculate a result in percentage based on the result of two other columns. What you can do is to use the first result (from the two columns) as a CKF. And then, to this CKF, use the result calcultation options of the query desinger for percentage.
    Hope this helps.

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    I've a table with syntax,
    create table Temp (id number primary key, name varchar2(10), partner varchar2(10), info varchar2(20));
    And with data like
    insert itno temp values (sequence.nextval, 'test', 'p1', 'info for p1');
    insert into temp values (sequence.nextval, 'test', 'p2', 'info for p2');
    And now, i need to clone the data in TEMP table of name 'test' for new name 'test1' and here is my script,
    insert into Temp  select sequence.nextval id, 'test1' name, partner, info from TEMP where name='test1';
    this query executed successfully and able to insert records.
    The PROBLEM is,
    if some new columns added in TEMP table, need to update this query.
    How to clone the data with in the table for *'n' number of columns and*
    some columns with dynamic data and remaining columns as source data.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: pavankumargupta on Apr 30, 2009 10:37 AM

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    My Scenario, is we have a Game Details table. When ever some Game get cloned, we need to add new records in to that Table for the new Game.
    As, the id will be primary key, this should populate from a Sequence (in our system, we used this) and Game Name will be new Game Name. And data for other columns should be same as Parent Game.
    when ever business needs changes, there will be some addition of new columns in Table.
    And with the existing query,
    insert into Temp (id, name, partner, info) select sequence.nextval id, 'test1' name, partner, info from TEMP where name='test'_
    will successfully add new rows but new added columns will have empty data.
    so, is there any way to do this, i mean, some columns with sequence values and other columns with existing values.
    One way, we can do is, get ResultSet MetaData (i'm using Java), and parse the columns. prepare a query in required format.
    I'm looking for alternative ways in query format in SQL.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: pavankumargupta on Apr 30, 2009 11:05 AM
    Edited by: pavankumargupta on Apr 30, 2009 11:05 AM

  • IP: Dynamic Data and Lead Columns

    In IP, there is not such thing as "Dynamic Data and Lead Columns" which we have used successfully in BPS. We have quite normal case where accounts are on rows and columns are defined as follows:
    Column 1): KF Qty1, Period #, Year "Var Current year (single value)"
    Columns 2-n): KF Amt1, Period "Var periods current year (multiple values)", Year "Var Current year"
    Column n+1): Sum columns 2-n
    Number of periods in variable "Var periods current year" is not fixed and maintained by superuser, so number of columns is somewhere between 3 and 14 (at least one open period, maximum 12, plus the Qty1 and Sum columns).
    How would you fix this in IP?
    Thanks for answers!

    Hello Aki,
    you could put the period into the columns as char.
    if you make a selection to value # and the variable you will se as many columns as periods are selected in the variable plus the one column for #.

  • Save a dynamic sql into a column

    I need to save dynamic SQL into a column called STR in a table.
    I have a insert into table A( id, fname, lname)
    values(1, 'John', 'Smith');
    I have a requirement to save the DML statement that user executed such as this insert statement into table 'A'.
    I have to save this into anoter table called 'B' in the 'STR' column.
    I have to save that whole insert statement into a cloumn 'STR' in table 'B'
    How can do this?
    Thank you..

    This is not for auditing. The shop wants to save the DML statements in a table when a user does updates and inserts.. at the same time they want to build dynamic sql for this as a string such as update emp set where empno = 1 etc....
    could you give me an example please.
    Thanks a bunch....

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    Originally posted by:
    I am using a grid within a component in my Flex application.
    I have an XML dataProvider, and I want to change the row
    colour of my Grid depending on a value coming form my dataProvider
    – but I cant seem to get this to work :(
    can anyone help / advise me on how I can dynamically change the
    colour of my grid row depending on a value coming from my XML
    a few hours ago I stumbled across this cookbook entry - it
    didn't solve MY problem, but maybe it provides a way to solve your
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/communityengine/index.cfm?event=showdetails&postId=61&product Id=2&loc=en_US
    From the article:
    Changing the background color of a DataGrid cell is not as
    simple as changing some style because the default renderer for a
    DataGrid cell does not have a backgroundColor. Therefore, to do
    this simple task, you have to create a custom itemRenderer where
    you draw your own background in the updateDisplayList function.

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    l query results in a single column, but I am really stuck at displa
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    Can anyone help me with a code example?. I am new to php/mysql. Thanks

    Are you asking how to pivot the results of the query? Do a search for horizontal looping. If that's not what you are asking, please provide more details.

  • How to write a Query a table and the return result is the column name

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    Pls advise how to write a query whereas the return result is the
    column name.
    I know there is describe <table_name>;
    Is there any other ways?
    Pls advise
    Edited by: user600866 on Oct 14, 2008 12:13 AM

    Data Dictionary table user_tab_columns has all the column names. You can query that and get what ever you want.
    To get the column list of a table just query
    select *
      from user_tab_columns     
    where table_name = <your_table>Edited by: Karthick_Arp on Oct 14, 2008 12:18 AM

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    Hi experts!
    I have a query that shows amounts in 12 columns corresponding on the calendar months of the year.   Now,  I need to change that getting in a previous screen how many months the user wants to see.   The query has to build dynamically the number of columns to show.    Can I do that with query designer?  How?
    I am working in V7.0.
    I appreciate your help.

    Hi experts!
    I have a query that shows amounts in 12 columns corresponding on the calendar months of the year.   Now,  I need to change that getting in a previous screen how many months the user wants to see.   The query has to build dynamically the number of columns to show.    Can I do that with query designer?  How?
    I am working in V7.0.
    I appreciate your help.

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    I want to create a report, which displays 2 Columns , where 1st field is Name , 2nd field which has to be displayed according to the length of the name like if Length of name is lesser than5 Characters it should display Lesser - Actual Length of the Name, if it is greater Greater - Actual Length of the Name.
    Richard Greater-7
    Rick Lesser-4
    Ried Lesser-4
    Richardson Greater-10
    I want name in one column which comes automatically, the result in another column. I was successful to display the Text Lesser(or Greater) or only the Length. But i am not able to concatenate both the result in one column. I tried + , Cast. But did not find any result.
    Can anyone please help me out.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hai Friends,
    I Found out the answer for the question today after so many tries
    I am Pasting the Code below
    CASE WHEN LENGTH(Account."Account Name") <5
    THEN 'Category A, Length = '
    ELSE 'Category B, Length = '
    CAST(Length(Account."Account Name") AS Char)

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