Error adding Incoming Payments

hello all
I have a third party application, and I need to migrate incoming payments generated by that application. I read the headlines fit to be migrated to and through a loop trying to insert as many as required.
A payment can pay multiple invoices to a client. And this payment can be made partly in cash, another in check and another in credit card.
I had several error codes, but I will go for parts, first I get an error code (-10) and says it is an invalid document number in RCT2.DocEntry, reviewing SAP B1, if exist the invoice.
For i = 0 To dvMigrar.Count - 1
   Console.WriteLine(CType(dvMigrar(i)("Ingreso_Caja"), String) + " " + dvMigrar(i)("Recibo_de_Caja"))
   vPay.Series = oSeries.Series
   vPay.ApplyVAT = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
   vPay.CardCode = Trim(dvMigrar(i)("Cliente_No"))
   vPay.CashSum = 0
   vPay.DocCurrency = "USD"
   vPay.DocDate = dvMigrar(i)("Fecha")
   vPay.DocRate = 0
   vPay.DocTypte = 0
   vPay.HandWritten = 0
   vPay.JournalRemarks = "Ingreso desde POS - " & CStr(dvMigrar(i)("Recibo_de_Caja"))
   vPay.LocalCurrency = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
   vPay.TaxDate = Now
   'Migración de Detalle Facturas Pagadas
   SlctCmd = "SELECT * FROM DOC_ABONAR_POS WHERE Ingreso_Caja = " & dvMigrar(i)("Ingreso_Caja")
   Dim SqlAdapter2 As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(SlctCmd, MyConnSQL)
   dsMigrar2 = New System.Data.DataSet
   Dim dvMigrar2 As DataView = New DataView(dsMigrar2.Tables(0))
   For j = 0 To dvMigrar2.Count - 1
      vPay.Invoices.DocEntry = dvMigrar2(j)("DocEntry")
      vPay.Invoices.InstallmentId = dvMigrar2(j)("No")
      vPay.Invoices.DocLine = j
      vPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = BoRcptInvTypes.it_Invoice
      vPay.Invoices.SumApplied = dvMigrar2(j)("Valor")
      vPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = BoRcptInvTypes.it_Invoice
   If (vPay.Add() <> 0) Then
      Console.WriteLine("No se pudo generar Pago")
      'Check Error
      Call vCompany.GetLastError(nErr, errMsg)
      If (0 <> nErr) Then
         Console.WriteLine("Error encontrado:" + Str(nErr) + "," + errMsg)
      End If
   End If
I'm trying to pay several invoices at the same incoming payment
Thanks in advance
Edited by: Oscar Alberto Cornejo on Nov 14, 2011 11:20 AM

hi trying for this sample code.
Its working for me
     Dim blnNEWFirstRecord As Boolean = True                    
    For z As Integer = 0 To oSPRecSet.RecordCount - 1
                            oSalesPayments.Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_Invoice
                            oSalesPayments.Invoices.DocEntry = oSPRecSet.Fields.Item("DocEntry").Value
                            oSalesPayments.Invoices.SumApplied = oSPRecSet.Fields.Item("OpenAmount").Value
                            If Not blnNEWFirstRecord = True Then
                            End If
                            blnNEWFirstRecord = False
oPaymentError = oSalesPayments.Add()

Similar Messages

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    Hi all,
             I was trying  to add an Incoming Payment using DI API, checked both DocEntry and ChequeSum property..and all other properties and seems set as well, it would be better if you can give any solution.Thank you
    Sijimon Sidharthan
    oPay.CardCode = oInvoice.CardCode;
                                       string sCardName=oInvoice.CardName;
                                  oPay.CardName = oInvoice.CardName;
                                  oPay.JournalRemarks = "820 Import Test" +  oInvoice.CardCode;
                                  oPay.ApplyVAT = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                                  oPay.CashSum = 189.77;
                                       int conP=oInvoice.ContactPersonCode;
                                  oPay.ContactPersonCode = oInvoice.ContactPersonCode;
                                       string cur =oInvoice.DocCurrency;
                                  oPay.DocCurrency = oInvoice.DocCurrency;
                                  oPay.DocDate = now;
                                  oPay.TaxDate = now;
                                  oPay.DocRate = 0;
                                  oPay.LocalCurrency = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                                  oPay.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptTypes.rCustomer;//rAccount;
                                  oPay.HandWritten = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tNO;
                                  oPay.Remarks = "remarks";
                                  oPay.Reference1 =iBaseRef.ToString();//"R";
    //                              oPay.TransferAccount = "10100";//OTRC doesn't contain any code
    //                              oPay.TransferDate = now;
    //                              oPay.TransferSum = 0;
                                  #region Invoice
                                  oPay.Invoices.AppliedFC = 0;
                                  oPay.Invoices.DocEntry = iBaseRef;//baseEntry;
                                       int ln=oPay.Invoices.LineNum ;
                                  oPay.Invoices.DocLine = 0;
                                  oPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_Invoice;
                                  //oPay.Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_ChequesForPayment;
                                  oPay.Invoices.SumApplied = 189.77;//amount;
                                  #endregion Invoice
                                  #region Cheque
                                  oPay.Checks.BankCode ="026008866"; //"026002794";//"Leumi";
                                  oPay.Checks.CheckSum =189.77;
                                  oPay.Checks.CheckNumber = 12345678;
                                  #endregion Cheque
    int ret=oPay.Add();
                                       int lErrCode; string sErrCode;
                                       oCompany.GetLastError(out lErrCode, out sErrCode);
                                       MessageBox.Show(ret.ToString ()+ sErrCode);

    Hi Lan,
              I tried to add IncomingPayment with another Database works fine with all these properties..think some extra settings may be there in the database now I'm working , do you have any idea regarding to solve this issue ..Thank you
    Sijimon Sidharthan

  • Error creating incoming payment. (ODBC -2035)

    The error that I get while creating an incoming payment is:
    This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035)
    Here is the code:
    public static bool CreatePayment()
           DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
           Payments pmt = (Payments) m_company.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oIncomingPayments);
                pmt.ApplyVAT = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                pmt.CardCode = invoice.CardCode;
                pmt.CardName = invoice.CardName;
                pmt.CashSum = 0;
                pmt.ContactPersonCode = invoice.ContactPersonCode;
                pmt.DocCurrency = invoice.DocCurrency;
                pmt.DocDate = now;
                pmt.TaxDate = now;
                pmt.DocRate = 0;
                pmt.LocalCurrency = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                pmt.DocType = BoRcptTypes.rCustomer;
                pmt.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO;
                pmt.JournalRemarks = "journal remarks";
                pmt.Remarks = "remarks";
                pmt.Reference1 = baseEntry.ToString();
                pmt.TransferSum = 0;
                // invoice
                pmt.Invoices.AppliedFC = 0;
                pmt.Invoices.DocEntry = baseEntry;
                pmt.Invoices.DocLine = 0;
                pmt.Invoices.InvoiceType = BoRcptInvTypes.it_Invoice;
                pmt.Invoices.SumApplied = amount;
                // credit card
                pmt.CreditCards.AdditionalPaymentSum = 0;
                pmt.CreditCards.CardValidUntil = Util.CCDateToDateTime(cardExpirationDate);        
                pmt.CreditCards.CreditCard = bp.CreditCardCode;
               pmt.CreditCards.CreditCardNumber = ccNumber;
                pmt.CreditCards.CreditSum = amount;
                pmt.CreditCards.CreditType = BoRcptCredTypes.cr_InternetTransaction;
                pmt.CreditCards.FirstPaymentDue = now;
                pmt.CreditCards.FirstPaymentSum = amount;
                pmt.CreditCards.NumOfCreditPayments = 1;
                pmt.CreditCards.NumOfPayments = 1;
                // there's a record in OCRP  (credit card payment methods)   
                pmt.CreditCards.PaymentMethodCode = 1;
                if (pmt.Add() != 0)
                    int errCode;
                    string errMsg;
                    m_company.GetLastError(out errCode, out errMsg);
                    // here errMsg is "This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035)"
                    return false;
                return true;
    I had 53 records in ORCT (incoming payments) but the next number in NNM1 and ONNM was 1. So I assumed that it was wrong and tried to set NNM1.NextNumber and ONNM.AutoKey to 54 for ObjectCode = 24 (Incoming payment).
    The error remained the same. Then I removed all records from ORCT and its subordinate tables RCT1, RCT2, RCT3,.... and changed the next number back to 1.
    The error is still: "This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035)".
    Do you have any ideas what may cause the above error and how I can get more info which is the entry that already exists and in which table?
    The code above works on another company (database).

    Thanks Alexey,
    Please note that I have manually modified SBO tables once the problem appeared not before. I do not know how receipt numbers got out of sync.
    I also find the message "This entry already exist in the following
    tables" without actually specifying any table, strange, the least.
    The SDK is not particularly good and the samples in the help file are outdated and therefore wrong.

  • Error Regarding Incoming Payment

    Dear All
    I am using SAP B1 with patch level 9, when i am selecting Incoming Payment in Banking Module System is showing error like ''Linking primary sales accounts has not been completed'' so wht could be the solution for this ?

    i got solution by myself

  • Issue in Adding  Incoming Payment

    when i am trying to raise the incoming payment i get the error -
    >"Invoice is already closed or blocked"
    plz Reply

    Please close your first thread. In order to get others' reply, you have to reply back when you got response.

  • Error in Incoming payments

    Hi Gurus,
    When doing  Incoming payments T.C F-28 i found an error
    'Only input tax is allowed for account 889000 BR01, B1 is not allowed'.
    B1 is the tax code.
    Plz tel me how to rectify this...

    Goto account 889000 in FS00, In control data tab, give the tax category as "*".  Then this account allows all tax types.
    Hope you understand the concept.....

  • Error entering Incoming Payments

    I am having problems entering Incoming payments into SAP for the last period of the current year. My Posting Period for period 12 is as follows:
    Posting Date From: 30/08/10 - To: 26/09/10
    Due Date From: 30/08/10 - To: 25/09/10
    Document Date From: 27/10/00 - To: 26/09/10
    When trying to enter a posting date of 22/09/10 I get the following error: " Posting Date varies from system date [Message131-57]. The system date on the client is 27/09/10. In getting the above error I am unable to proceed with entering the incoming payment. If however I extend the Posting Date To: 30/09/10. The system will allow me to proceed. This however is not viable as it opens up to entries being posted with next year's posting date. I have also been into: Administration>System Initilization> Document settings-->Block Documents with earlier posting dates - this option is not ticked.
    Would anyone be able to assist?

    Thanks Jitin,
    This site is on PL: 46 so is more than likely the problem. Will look to get them upgrade.

  • Error importing Incoming Payments using the Data Transfer Workbench

    Every time I try to import Incoming Payments using the Data Transfer Workbench I get an error that the Update Failed - Can not find this object in B1Application-defined or object-defined error65171. I'm using the 3 templates for Payments, Payments_Checks and Payments_Invoices. I've filled them out as I've seen in other postings in this forum. Based on the error message, I really can't tell what I'm doing wrong. Could someone please take a look at my files and let me know what might be causing the error?
    I'm using SBO 2007A PL41. Here's what I have entered in my templates for my test file.
    Payments file
    RecordKey 1
    DocEntry (blank)
    CardCode 1033985
    DocDate 20081215
    DocTypte rCustomer
    TaxDate 20081215
    Payments_Checks file
    RecordKey 1
    LineNum 0
    AccounttNum 0
    CheckAccount _SYS00000002152
    BankCode CC
    Branch 12345
    CheckNumber 1
    CheckSum 78.7
    CountryCode CA
    DueDate 20081215
    Trnsfrable tNo
    Payments_Invoices file
    RecordKey 1
    LineNum 0
    DocEntry 31791
    InvoiceType 13
    SumApplied 78.7
    Thank you.

    Hi Suda,
    As far as I can tell from the threads you forwarded (and other searches I've done on here), my files are correct. I tried filling out the templates exactly as explained in the first link (see my data below) but it still isn't working. It just gives me the same generic error. 
    Record Key....CardCode.....DocDate
    1.................._SYS00000002152..1.....................  78.7
    Is it correct that the Payments file should not contain anything in the DocEntry column? (I know that the DocEntry in my Invoices file is the DocEntry of the Invoice). I have a feeling that I'm making a stupid mistake somewhere but I just can't figure it out. Any ideas?
    I really appreciate your help with this.

  • Error in Incoming Payment

    Hi all,
    I'm getting an error while posting Incoming Payment.  The error is 'A current account has not been defined'.  I've selected house bank account at the header level i.e. GL Account, for that I'm getting warning message 'Defining credit/checking accounts as a cash account can affect the results of the cash flow report'.  Please advise on the above mentioned issue and suggest ways to avoid this and to post Incoming Payments successfully.

    Dear Sir,
    Please make sure that you have selected a GL account for Checks Received in the Admin->Set up->Financials->GL Account Determination->Sales-General Tab.
    It should also appear in payment means window. When we coose or Change Bank GL account in payment means, we receive a system message that transaction will affect cash flow report. This is not an error message. You can continue to work.
    Preety Goel
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • F-28 error customer  incoming payment

    Hi Experts
    I am getting error when i ma trying to post customer incoming payments...
    Bank account is petty cash account
    Error : Balancing field profit center in line item 001 is not filled
    Kindly reply , thanks in advance

    Please note that the error is expected when using Profit Center as a mandatory field ( in your splitting characteristics),
    but however no value can be derived when posting the incoming payment.
    If you want the field profit center to be a mandatory field, you need to make sure that this will be derived by your splitting rules.
    Please review the following two consulting notes in relation to the document splitting functionality:
    1085921 Document split
    891144  New GL/Document splitting: Risks w/ subsequent

  • Error on Incoming Payments Screen

    Hello Experts,
    We have recently upgraded one of our customers from 2007A to 8.81 PL06. When they try to create an Incoming Payment and click on payment means, they get this message. I have checked GL Account Determination setup screen. Please advise asap.
    No matching records found  'G/L Accounts' (OACT) (ODBC -2028)  [Message 131-183]

    Before raising a ticket in SAP
    You should check which all account which you have  mapped in G/L account detemination ,it is available in chat of account by clcik in orenge button.
    Because such type of message indicate that ,you have mapped accouint but not in char of account.
    some time upgradation take such type issue.
    Manvendra Singh Niranjan

  • Error posting incoming payments (f-28)

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    When trying to post a customer payment I keep getting the following error message " The trading partner entered in account xxxxx cocdxx is not valid.
    Any ideas?
    Many Thanks

    Hi Rup,
    Field trading partner (-> BSEG-VBUND) of the company code clearing line items is filled
    with the company (-> T001-RCOMP / Tr. OBY6) of the other company code, and if the account master data of the company code clearing account contain a trading partner which is different from this company,
    error message F5 583 ('Business transaction cannot be processed
    by consolidation') is raised as the trading partner customizing
    is inconsistent.
    Also for FI postings an error message is raised if the account
    master data of the company code clearing account contain a
    trading partner which is different from the company (-> T001-RCOMP)
    of the other company code, and the posting is not possible. This
    is the default system behavior. Such a FI posting is only possible
    if the corresponding error message F5 636 ('The trading partner
    entered in account & & is not valid') is switched off in transaction
    Please have a look at the long text of error message F5 636:
    You have entered a cross-company code transaction. The system
    should now automatically generate a clearing posting for account &
    in company code &. The system determines the trading partner for
    this line item from the company code to which the clearing posting
    is made. This trading partner must be the same as that in the
    account master record.
    Please also check OBYA if  any incosistency.

  • Incoming Payment Error(-2028) Data source - No data found, pls help me

    Dear friend,
    Im struggle in Adding Incomming Payment, I got -2028 Error msg,
    DATA SOURCE – NO DATA FOUND pls help me to solve
    Its My code
    Public Sub incopay(ByVal oform As SAPbouiCOM.Form)
            Dim incom As SAPbobsCOM.Payments
            Dim value As Integer
            Dim strerror As String
                Dim rset As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
                oitem = oform.Items.Item("om")
                oedit = oitem.Specific
                vfd1 = oedit.String
                incom = ocompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oIncomingPayments)
                incom.AccountPayments.AccountCode = acc
                incom.AccountPayments.AccountName = accn
                incom.AccountPayments.Decription = "deposit"
                incom.AccountPayments.SumPaid = vfd1
                'incom.CardCode = "C1"
                'incom.CardName = "Shama Broadcast Contents & Services (P) Ltd."
                incom.DocDate = Now
                incom.DueDate = Now
                incom.TaxDate = Now
                incom.DocCurrency = "INR"
                incom.Reference2 = 2
                incom.JournalRemarks = "Incoming Payments - 161020"
                'value = incom.Add
                incom.CheckAccount = "102020"
                incom.Checks.DueDate = Now
                incom.Checks.CountryCode = "IN"
                incom.Checks.BankCode = "HDFC"
                incom.Checks.Trnsfrable = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                incom.Checks.CheckSum = 100
                value = incom.Add
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            ''value = incom.Add()
            If value <> 0 Then
                ocompany.GetLastError(value, strerror)
                MsgBox(value & "   " & strerror)
            End If
        End Sub

    Hi Hempradeep,
    I haven't tried executing your code, but suggest that you try and solve it with elimination. This means you make your code shorter and shorter until it posts.
    So firstly take out the account payment and the check payments and just do a cash payment and see if it posts. If it posts then you gradually add the code you hade previously until it gives you that error again.
    That error you got can be because of many reasons. It could be that the cardcode, gl account, currency, etc, etc, etc does not exist. It could be because of any data you specify from another table does not exist or does not relate to this object. Like when you're posting to a customer and you actually specify a supplier (just an example and not your problem).
    Start with a very basic incoming payment and work your way up to the code you've got there now.
    Good luck,

  • Payment on Account in Incoming payment

    Dear All,
    We are creating a addon for incoming payment through DI API. We are adding incoming payment based on journal entry and Invoice. While creating this entry in incoming payment, Payment on account checkbox is automatically enabled for the balance amount if the amount of  incoming payment is less than the value of Invoice or outstanding in the journal entry. In this scenario we are unable to do the next incoming payment for the same invoice or the same journal entry(Customer outstanding amount). The following is the coding we are using for this purpose. Can any one suggest us as how to solve this problem.?
                                    oPmt = ocompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oIncomingPayments)
                                    oPmt.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptTypes.rCustomer
                                    sNum = invno
                                    oPmt.CardCode = custcode
                                    oPmt.Invoices.InvoiceType = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptInvTypes.it_JournalEntry
                                    oPmt.Invoices.DocEntry = jeno
                                    oPmt.Remarks = crno
                                    oPmt.DocDate = docdate.Date
                                    oPmt.DocTypte = SAPbobsCOM.BoRcptTypes.rCustomer
                                    oPmt.CashSum = chqsum
                                    If oPmt.Add() <> 0 Then
                                        SBO_Application.MessageBox("Problem in Payment for Invoice no: " & crno & " Problem found is - " & ocompany.GetLastErrorDescription)
                                    End If

    Hello Thiya,
    see this thread: [Re: How to do an incoming payment based on journal entry whit SDK ?]
    I did post some example code from the sdk help.
    Regards Teun Aben

  • About Incoming payment Validation Error

    hi all,
    i have designed validation for incoming payment.
    this validation is for on account incoming payment.
    this validation doesn't allow the user to add document if series name and gl account name is not matching.
    the code is as follows.
    Incoming payment GL Account validation
    IF @transaction_type IN (N'A', N'U') AND
    (@Object_type = N'24')
    select @a= substring(T6.AcctName,1,3) from ORCT T0
    inner join RCT4 T5 on T0.DocEntry=T5.DocNum
    inner join OACT T6 on T5.AcctCode = T6.AcctCode
    where T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
    select @GrpCode=cast(T0.U_GrpCode as nvarchar(10)) from ORCT T0
    inner join RCT4 T5 on T0.DocEntry=T5.DocNum
    inner join OACT T6 on T5.AcctCode = T6.AcctCode
    where T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del and T0.DocType='A'
    select @series=cast(T0.series as nvarchar (20))  from ORCT T0
    where T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
    select @c=substring(T0.SeriesName,1,2)
    from NNM1 T0 where T0.Series in (@series) and T0.[GroupCode] in (@GrpCode)
    if @GrpCode in (1)
      select @b = cast(substring (T6.FormatCode,12,2) as nvarchar (40))
      from ORCT T0
      inner join RCT4 T5 on T0.DocEntry=T5.DocNum
      inner join OACT T6 on T5.AcctCode = T6.AcctCode
      where T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del and T0.DocType='A'
    else if @GrpCode in (2)
      select @b = cast(substring (T6.FormatCode,9,2) as nvarchar (40))
      from ORCT T0
      inner join RCT4 T5 on T0.DocEntry=T5.DocNum
      inner join OACT T6 on T5.AcctCode = T6.AcctCode
      where T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del and T0.DocType='A'
    else if @Grpcode in (3)
      select @b = cast(substring (T6.FormatCode,15,2) as nvarchar (40))
      from ORCT T0
      inner join RCT4 T5 on T0.DocEntry=T5.DocNum
      inner join OACT T6 on T5.AcctCode = T6.AcctCode
      where T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del and T0.DocType='A'
    if exists (SELECT T0.DocEntry
    FROM dbo.ORCT T0 INNER JOIN dbo.RCT4 T1 ON T1.DocNum = T0.DocEntry
    inner join OACT T6 on T1.AcctCode = T6.AcctCode
    WHERE  T0.DOCENTRY = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del and  T0.DocType = 'A' and (@b) not in  (@c) )
    select @Error = 10, @error_message =
    'GL Account not related with Series'' '@C@bcast(@GrpCode as nvarchar)' ''.Please Click On Search Icon In GL Account Field'
    but this validation is not working at the time of Adding document.
    kindly suggest the solution.

    hi suda,
    i have three diff. series example: MHD,EPD,IFD
    segmentation is used in gl account determination.
    mhd have grpcode 1
    epd  have grpcode 2
    ifd  have grpcode 3
    if user is doing onaccount payment and the series selected is (MHD) then it should enter in the row level of incoming payment
    gl account related with the MHD series.
    if it select gl account other than MHD series that document should not be added.
    i am using Formatcode from OACT table to  search series name in the format code and if it is present hen it will add else it will give error.
    hope i have provided all  information

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