Getting Concatenated values in the entry list of a Dropdown

I am trying to get "Product Family" values in a dropdown based on the "Product Category" that is selected in the previous dropdown.
And I want the values of the "product Family" dropdown to be represented as a CONCATENATION of the  "Product Family ext key & Product Family text "
But it seems like it is some sort of a BUG in VC, everytime I have tried doing it, it just repeats the first value of the Product Family text on all the unique values of Product Family Ext Key.
for example:-
Product Family ext key  - Product Family text
apo12345         -            VIDEOS
bcd12234          -           VIDEOS
asd89789           -          VIDEOS

Yes this is a bug and we faced the same situation in past. So finally we decided upon adding one more parameter to the BAPI with those concatenated values.

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    <%     // clicked on Select District Button
    Vector vselectedDistrict = new Vector();
    Vector vdistrictID = new Vector();
    String tmpSelectDistrict = "";
    tmpSelectDistrict = request.getParameter("bSelectDistrict");
    if(tmpSelectDistrict != null)
         // get multiple values from the list
         String[] selectedDistrict = request.getParameterValues("usrTDistrict");
         if((selectedDistrict != null) && (selectedDistrict.length != 0))
                             for(int i=0;i<selectedDistrict.length;i++)
              vdistrictID = dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
              for(int i=0;i<vdistrictID.size();i++)
                   out.println("district = " + selectedDistrict[i]);                         out.println("district ID= " + vdistrictID.get(i).toString());
    // get vdistrict from the database here......
    <select name="usrTDistrict" size="5" multiple>
    <%     for(int i = 0; i< vdistrict.size(); i++)
         <option value="<%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%>"><%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%></option>
    <input type="submit" name="bSelectDistrict" value="Select District">
    Lets say the item that i selected from the list is 'Xplace' and I clicked on the Select District button,
    what I got is this error message:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string 'Xplace' to class java.util.Vector for attribute usrTDistrict: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager
    So where is going wrong and what the message means?. Any help very much appreciated. Thanks

    These are just guesses that might hopefully steer you in directions you haven't looked in yet.
    I presume you used triangle brackets (< >) to avoid having the Jive Forum think it was the "italics" tag?
    Are you certain this: dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
    expects a Vector as its second parameter? And returns a Vector?
    I don't believe you've shown how you use the javabean, or its code? Perhaps it should be rewritten to accept an array of strings instead of a Vector?

  • Problem getting parameter  values at the service end point

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    �     Service End Point Definition (in EJB)
    public java.lang.String setNewAddress(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String status, java.lang.String PMSCode, java.lang.String streetNumPrefix, int streetStartNum, java.lang.String streetStartNumSuffix, int streetEndNum, java.lang.String streetEndNumSuffix, java.lang.String streetName, java.lang.String streetType, java.lang.String streetSuffix, java.lang.String localityPrefix,java.lang.String localityName, java.lang.String postcode, java.lang.String stateCode, java.lang.String countryCode, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String coordinateAccuracy, int longitude, int latitude, java.lang.String planNumber, java.lang.String lotPrefix, int lotNumber, int siteID, java.lang.String countryName, java.lang.String parishName, java.lang.String section, int portionNum, int crownAllotNum, int titleVol, java.lang.String folio, java.lang.String esa, int aliasID, int aliasTagID,String ID) {
    ........ taking printout of all the paramters
    �     This is my WSDL file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="NMService" targetNamespace="urn:NMService/wsdl" xmlns:tns="urn:NMService/wsdl" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <message name="NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddress">
    <part name="String_1" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_2" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_3" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_4" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_5" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_6" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_7" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_8" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_9" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_10" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_11" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_12" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_13" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_14" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_15" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_16" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_17" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_18" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_19" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_20" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_21" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_22" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_23" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_24" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_25" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_26" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_27" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_28" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_29" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_30" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_31" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_32" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_33" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_34" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_35" type="xsd:string"/></message>
    <message name="NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddressResponse">
    <part name="result" type="xsd:string"/></message>
    <portType name="NMServiceServantInterface">
    <operation name="setNewAddress" parameterOrder="String_1 String_2 String_3 String_4 int_5 String_6 int_7 String_8 String_9 String_10 String_11 String_12 String_13 String_14 String_15 String_16 String_17 String_18 int_19 int_20 String_21 String_22 int_23 int_24 String_25 String_26 String_27 int_28 int_29 int_30 String_31 String_32 int_33 int_34 String_35">
    <input message="tns:NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddress"/>
    <output message="tns:NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddressResponse"/></operation></portType>
    <binding name="NMServiceServantInterfaceBinding" type="tns:NMServiceServantInterface">
    <operation name="setNewAddress">
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace="urn:NMService/wsdl"/></input>
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace="urn:NMService/wsdl"/></output>
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/></operation>
    <soap:binding transport="" style="rpc"/></binding>
    <service name="NMService">
    <port name="NMServiceServantInterfacePort" binding="tns:NMServiceServantInterfaceBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:80/NMService/NMService"/></port></service></definitions>
    �     I followed steps given this example.
    If some one know what is wrong. Is it me or some thing wrong with the method I followed. But I am sure that I followed exactly the same method as it given in examples. So if some one can guide me

    I just found that there is a bug with Sun One Studio 5. It creates faulty JSP file to test the client for the web services. With above problem I tested my web services using different developing environment such as Jdeveloper 10g. I created client stub using wsdl file generated by sun one studio. And made call to my web service and all the parameter reached perfectly at service end point. And then I used stub class created by sun one studio for the client and made the same call. And it also went well. So the problem is with the test application (JSP File) sun one creates for my web service.
    This is the majore problem i faced during the development. But still there is many problem along with this which is not seriouse enough but requires attension. I would like sun developers to make sun one studio IDE simpler and handy .

  • Changing the Entry list title in Combo box

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    Hi Shai,
         Thanks for ur reply.please let me know if there is a way to do that.

  • How can I get null values for the later weeks

    Hi All,
    When I execute this code I get the records till current week.
    How can I display the output so that I get null values for the later weeks. (with the help of v_numOfWeeks variable in the code)
       v_query VARCHAR2(4000);
       TYPE ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
       v_refcur ref_cursor;
       v_sum NUMBER;
       v_id NUMBER;
       v_name VARCHAR2(1000);
       v_weeknum NUMBER;
       v_pernum NUMBER;
       v_numOfWeeks NUMBER := 5;
    v_query := ' SELECT SUM(product_bkg), postn_id, postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num, b.period_num
                              FROM ops_cv_extract b, (SELECT row_id, desc_text postn_name
                          FROM s_postn) postn_tbl
                          WHERE lvl_6_id = 5767
                          AND fiscal_year = 2008
                          AND b.week_num < 4
                          AND b.period_num = 3
                          AND b.postn_id = TO_NUMBER(postn_tbl.row_id)
                          GROUP BY postn_id, postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num, b.period_num
                          ORDER BY  postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num';
    OPEN v_refcur FOR v_query;
       FETCH v_refcur INTO v_sum, v_id, v_name, v_weeknum, v_pernum;
       EXIT WHEN v_refcur%notfound;
       dbms_output.put_line('P'|| v_pernum||'W'|| v_weeknum||' '||v_name||' '||v_sum);
    This is the output when I execute this code.
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 26961.61
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 12870.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 245.88
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 72831.2
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 8739.38
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 3764.92
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 49844
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 20515.17
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 16167.46
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 216 12561.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 216 2027.1
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -3336.71
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -1376.68
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 19707.42
    P3W1 Damon Walters -609.07
    P3W2 Damon Walters 30030.24
    P3W3 Damon Walters 37475.1
    This is the output I'd like to get
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 26961.61
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 12870.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 245.88
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 72831.2
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 8739.38
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 3764.92
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 49844
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 20515.17
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 16167.46
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -3336.71
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -1376.68
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 19707.42
    P3W1 Damon Walters -609.07
    P3W2 Damon Walters 30030.24
    P3W3 Damon Walters 37475.1
    P3W4 Damon Walters
    P3W5 Damon Walters Edited by: polasa on Oct 28, 2008 6:42 PM

    Sure, in a Single SQL ->
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    satyaki>-- Start Of Test Data --
    satyaki>with week_tab
      2  as
      3    (
      4      select 1 period_num, 1 week_num, 10 bkg1 from dual
      5      union all
      6      select 1, 2, 40 from dual
      7      union all
      8      select 1, 3, 30 from dual
      9      union all
    10      select 1, 2, 20 from dual
    11      union all
    12      select 1, 1, 10 from dual
    13      union all
    14      select 1, 1, 20 from dual
    15      union all
    16      select 1, 3, 10 from dual
    17      union all
    18      select 2, 1, 15 from dual
    19      union all
    20      select 2, 2, 20 from dual
    21      union all
    22      select 2, 3, 10 from dual
    23      union all
    24      select 2, 1, 15 from dual
    25      union all
    26      select 2, 2, 30 from dual
    27      union all
    28      select 2, 3, 20 from dual
    29    )
    30  -- End Of Test Data --
    31  select period_num,
    32         week_num,
    33         (
    34            select sum(week_tab.bkg1)
    35            from week_tab
    36            where period_num = m.period_num
    37            and   week_num   = m.week_num
    38            group by week_num, period_num
    39         ) sum_bkg1
    40  from (
    41        select dum.week_num,
    42              wk.period_num
    43        from (
    44                select 1 week_num from dual
    45                union all
    46                select 2 from dual
    47                union all
    48                select 3 from dual
    49                union all
    50                select 4 from dual
    51                union all
    52                select 5 from dual
    53              ) dum ,
    54              (
    55                select distinct period_num
    56                from week_tab
    57          ) wk
    58      ) m;
             1          1         40
             1          2         60
             1          3         40
             1          4
             1          5
             2          1         30
             2          2         50
             2          3         30
             2          4
             2          5
    10 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.48
    Satyaki De.

  • How to get a value from the previous element (XSLT/XPATH gurus ahoy!)

    Hi All,
    I am building an RTF template for a "letter of reference"-report. Sometimes there are several rows in the data, that need to be printed as one. This is due to consecutive temporary contracts, which will be printed out as one period of service.
    Here's a simplified data example to illustrate the problem.
    With the data above, I should print two lines:
    01-01-1980 - 01-01-1990
    01-01-2000 - 01-01-2005
    I need to compare START_DATE of an element (except for the first one) with the END_DATE of the previous element, to find out whether to print the END_DATE for that element or not. How can I get that value from the previous element?
    Thanks & Regards, Matilda

    use this to get the following End_date
    Try this
    Current StartDate <?START_DATE?>
    Current End Date <?END_DATE?>
    Next Start Date <?following-sibling::ROW/END_DATE?>
    Previous End Date <?preceding-sibling::ROW[1]/END_DATE?>
    <?end for-each?>
    Current StartDate 01-01-1980
    Current End Date 01-01-1988
    Next Start Date 01-01-1990
    Previous End Date
    Current StartDate 01-01-1988
    Current End Date 01-01-1990
    Next Start Date 01-01-2005
    Previous End Date 01-01-1988
    Current StartDate 01-01-2000
    Current End Date 01-01-2005
    Next Start Date
    Previous End Date 01

  • How to get maximal value from the data/class for show in Map legend

    I make WAD report that using Map Web Item.
    I devide to four (4) classes for legend (Generate_Breaks).
    I want to change default value for the class by javascript and for this,
    I need to get maximal value from the class.
    How to get maximal value from the data/class.
    please give me solution for my problem.
    Many Thx
    Eddy Utomo

    use this to get the following End_date
    Try this
    Current StartDate <?START_DATE?>
    Current End Date <?END_DATE?>
    Next Start Date <?following-sibling::ROW/END_DATE?>
    Previous End Date <?preceding-sibling::ROW[1]/END_DATE?>
    <?end for-each?>
    Current StartDate 01-01-1980
    Current End Date 01-01-1988
    Next Start Date 01-01-1990
    Previous End Date
    Current StartDate 01-01-1988
    Current End Date 01-01-1990
    Next Start Date 01-01-2005
    Previous End Date 01-01-1988
    Current StartDate 01-01-2000
    Current End Date 01-01-2005
    Next Start Date
    Previous End Date 01

  • How to get additional field from the second list base on lookup information column ?

    Hi everyone,
    Currently I created a SharePoint hosted Apps project and I need to know how can I get additional field from the second list base on lookup information column. example List1 Have 2 columns column1 and column2(Lookup Information from list2 (category)),
    List2 have 3 columns title, and category, and color.  so how can get the title and color from list2 base on this lookup information column (SharePoint Hosted apps and Javascript code)? that is possible?
    Best regards,
    ------------------------------------------------------------ ---Tola---

    You can build one custom lookup control. Refer to the following post
    Alternatively, try the following solution from codeplex

  • Getting rpm values from the fans on the MSI NEO2-FIR motherboard doesn't work

    I currently have 6 Noctua NF-S12-1200 120mm fans spinning in my computer but i am unable to get rpm values from them except the cpu-fan. It doesn't work to get a readout from the others with either, BIOS, Dual Core Center or Speedfan. Regarding Speedfan is it true it don't support the SuperIO Chip on the Neo2, the FINTEK F71882F? It's not currently listed in their supported temperature sensors list.
    So whats the problem? Shouldn't atleast DualCore Center atleast show the rpm's from the other chassis fans?
    Or the fans don't support sensor readings?

    Quote from: Jack on 13-October-10, 00:15:36
    Well, there is nothing that can be done about.  SysFAN 1 & 4 support sensor readings,  #2,#3 and #5 don't.  You can also see that in BIOS Setup.  #1&#4 are the only ones that show up there (H/W Monitor section).  This is not a malfunction or a bug.  You have to live with no fan sensor readings or be creative about the wiring.
    The problem is that i use the UNLA cables from Noctua which half the speed of the NF-S12 fans i run with. And it blocks the rpm readouts in Speedfan and BIOS.
    Strange thing is that the CPU fan reads fine with the ULNA cable attached but the SYSFANS will not read the rpm with the ULNA cables.
    What is wrong?

  • How do I get a value attached to a text on a dropdown list?

    I need to get an overall average based on the selected option in several different dropdown lists. Once I have the average the final field will reflect the text as one of the options. 
    There are 3 areas that are being measured. 
    Quantity, Quality and Performance
    Each area will get a rating, The dropdown list will show Fails, Meets, Exceeds.
    The ratings need a number value that can be used to average the areas. 
    Quantity = Meets = 2
    Quality = Exceeds = 3
    Performance = Meets = 2
    Total = 5
    Avg = 2  (rounded to nearest whole)
    Final rating = Meets
    I have built the drop down lists. I see a value that appears to be attached but I cannot figure out how to grab the value.  I need to present this to the executive team soon. Please help me understand how this works, and yes I got it to work in Acrobat but needed other functionality only available in LC Designer. 
    I am using Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2.
    Thank you!!

    If you have assigned values to the dropdown items - on the Binding tab of the Object palette: "Specify Item Values" - those values become the rawValue for the dropdown.
    So for something simple in FormCalc, on the calculate event of the Final Rating you would just add the fields together and do the math.
    $ = (ddl1 + ddl2 + ddl3) / 3

  • How can I get Safari to keep the reading list pane open all the time?

    I am really enjoying the Reading List pane in Safari. How can I get Safari to make it default that the reading pane is always open on every tab or window I open? I'm running Lion 10.7.3.

    Hi Necris Rex,
    If you are having trouble keeping the leading zeros even after first formatting the cells as text and then importing the csv values (perhaps you are importing the csv via File > Open into a new document) then you can restore the leading zeros without much trouble:
    Insert a new column next to the column where the leading zeros have not imported as you want. Here I assume the original values are in column B and your new column is C.
    Put this formula in column C:  =RIGHT("00000000"&A,6) , and fill down the column.
    Select column C, command-c to copy, and, with the column still selected, Edit > Paste and Match Styles.
    Delete the original column that has the missing leading zeros.
    Replace the 6 in the formula with the number of digits you need, so the formula knows how many zeros to "pad."
    The above assumes you actually need the leading zeros back.  If you just want to display things nicely in your Numbers table, then formatting as Numeral System and setting Places to 6 (or whatever) is quick and easy, no formulas required.

  • How to get actionOverride value in the URL in page Flow

    Hi All,
    I have main page Flow , under main page flow there are 2 sub folders.When i navigate
    between the page flow the URL I can see is like http://localhost:7501/myWEB/actportal.portal?_nfpb=true&portlet_2_1_actionOverride=/content/account/getAccount
    Can any body tell me how to get the value 'portlet_2_1' that we see in the URL.
    What is the API to get this value.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Hitesh C.

    u can try in JSP:
    DesktopPresentationContext dpCtx = DesktopPresentationContext.getDesktopPresentationContext(request);
    BookPresentationContext bpCtx= dpCtx.getBookPresentationContext();
    ArrayList al = bpCtx.getPagePresentationContexts();
    for(int i=o; i<al.size(); i++) {
    PagePresentationContext ppCtx = (PagePresentationContext )al.get(i);
    List windowCtxList = ppCtx.getWindowPresentationContexts();
    for(int j=0; j<windowCtxList.size(); j++) {
    WindowPresentationContext wpCtx = (WindowPresentationContext)windowCtxList.get(j);
    "Hitesh" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thx a lot .
    I got the instance ID for the current portlet with API
    But how to get instance label for other Portlet ? any idea..........
    Thanks ,
    "Joe" <[email protected]> wrote:
    It is a portlet's instance name. You can see it in the .portal screen
    as a property.
    This is added for portlet scoping. The instance name you might get from
    backing (did not find it yet) or soeme fancy request attribute eventually.
    "Hitesh" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi All,
    I have main page Flow , under main page flow there are 2 sub folders.When
    i navigate
    between the page flow the URL I can see is like http://localhost:7501/myWEB/actportal.portal?_nfpb=true&portlet_2_1_actionOverride=/content/account/getAccount
    Can any body tell me how to get the value 'portlet_2_1' that we see
    in the URL.
    What is the API to get this value.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Hitesh C.

  • How to get selected value from one choice list

    Hi All,
    i want to get selected value in onechoice to achive this

    check these

  • Not able to get changed values in the SAVE EVENT in ServHPartnerDet view

    Hi Experts,
    I am new CRM WEB IC, i have requirement like need to access four IBASE fields from BupaIbaseDetail and need to display those fiedls in ServHPartnerDet view. I am able display the fields and its values in the target view. But when user press change button and changes those four fields and press save button not able get the changed values in to the SAVE EVENT.Anyone please help me in this.
    IBHEADER , IBASEADDRESS  are the CONTEXT NODE CREATED in target view. I have binded IBHEADER to CuCoIbase custom controller and getting four fields data from IBASEADDRESS. below is the code for CREATE_CONTEXT_NODES.
    METHOD create_ibaseaddress.
        model        TYPE REF TO if_bsp_model,
        coll_wrapper TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper,
        entity       TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,              "#EC *
        entity_col   TYPE REF TO if_bol_entity_col.             "#EC *
      model = owner->create_model(
          class_name     = 'ZL_CRM_IC_SERVHPDET_CN00'
          model_id       = 'IBaseAddress' ).                    "#EC NOTEXT
      ibaseaddress ?= model.
      CLEAR model.
      coll_wrapper =
        ibheader->get_collection_wrapper( ).
          entity ?= coll_wrapper->get_current( ).
        CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error.
      IF entity IS BOUND.
            entity_col = entity->get_related_entities(
                            iv_relation_name = 'FirstLevelComponent' ).
          CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error.
            entity ?= entity_col->get_current( ).
          CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error.
        CLEAR entity_col.
        IF entity IS BOUND.
              entity_col = entity->get_related_entities(
                              iv_relation_name = 'ComponentAddress' ).
              ibaseaddress->set_collection( entity_col ).
            CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error.

    Code i have written in the CREATE_CONTEXT_NODE method for my custom context nodes( IBHEADER,IBASEADDRESS).
    this  CREATE_IBHEADER some data related to IBASE header then from this reading the IBASEADDRESS contextnode fields for displaying in the ServHPartnerDet. It is working fine but After changing the four fields values in the ServHPartnerDet view and trying to save, then context is not reading the new values it gives the old values only.
          lr_coll_wr = ztyped_context->ibaseaddress->get_collection_wrapper( ).
          IF lr_coll_wr IS BOUND.
            lr_entity ?= lr_coll_wr->get_current( ).
        CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error.
      CALL METHOD lr_entity->if_bol_bo_property_access~get_property_as_value
          iv_attr_name = 'BUILDING'
          ev_result    = lw_building.
    the building has got result of old value no the new value.
          model        TYPE REF TO if_bsp_model,
          coll_wrapper TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper,
          entity       TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,    "#EC *
          entity_col   TYPE REF TO if_bol_entity_col.    "#EC *
        model = owner->create_model(
            class_name     = 'ZL_CRM_IC_SERVHPDET_CN01'
            model_id       = 'IBHEADER' ). "#EC NOTEXT
        IBHEADER ?= model.
        CLEAR model.
    bind to custom controller
          cuco TYPE REF TO cl_crm_ic_cucoibase_impl,
          cnode TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_context_node.
      cuco ?= owner->get_custom_controller(
            'CuCoIbase' ).                                      "#EC NOTEXT
      cnode ?=
      coll_wrapper = cnode->get_collection_wrapper( ).
      ibheader->set_collection_wrapper( coll_wrapper ).

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