Help with memory leak using DAQmx & VB6

I'm using DAQmx 8 with VB6 to control an NI 6251 analog input board. The application calls for changing channel configurations as the system is running, thus there are many multiple create task/clear task calls. I've been trying to track a memory leak, so I've created a very simple VB app to help identify the source. I have a loop with the following calls in it:
I see a little over 1Kb leak per loop iteration. If I skip everything except the create task, add channels and clear task, it still shows a leak.
Am I doing something wrong? Should I not be calling CreateTask/ClearTask multiple times?
Thanks for any help.

You definitely don’t want to have CreateTask and subsequently
ClearTask in a loop, nor does it look like you need to for your application.
You only need on task, you just need to change the task, so there is no need to
create multiple tasks. So leave the CreateTask and ClearTask on the outsides of
your loop, and keep everything else on the inside of the loop and make the
changes you need to the task each iteration. Also you are going to want to have
a DAQmxStopTask after your read to make sure the task is stopped and in the
proper state to be reconfigured. I hope that helps.

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    Hi ...
    You can use a StatsPack for guess the best distribution memory with your DB needs.
    See metalink Note:228913.1

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    Any specific issue you are facing
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • Nasty memory leak using sockets inside threads

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    I initially encountered this memory leak using httpclient (which creates a worker thread for every connect() call), but it is very easy to reproduce with a small amount of stand-alone code. I'm running this test on Windows, and I encounter this memory leak using the latest 1.5 and 1.6 JDK's. I'm using the NetBeans 5.5 profiler to verify which objects are not being freed.
    Here's how to reproduce it with an unbound socket created inside a worker thread:
    public class Test {
         public static class TestRun extends Thread {
              public void run() {
                   new Socket();
         public static void main(String[] strArgs) throws Exception {
              for(;;) {
                   (new TestRun()).start();
    }Here's how to reproduce it with a socket created outside the thread and used inside the worker thread:
    public class Test {
         public static class TestRun extends Thread {
              Socket s;
              public TestRun(Socket s) { this.s = s; }
              public void run() {
                   try {
                        s.bind(new InetSocketAddress(0));
                   } catch(Exception e) {}
         public static void main(String[] strArgs) throws Exception {
              for(;;) {
                   (new TestRun(new Socket())).start();
    }Here's how to reproduce it implementing Runnable instead of extending Thread:
    public class Test {
         public static class TestRun implements Runnable {
              public void run() {
                   Socket s = new Socket();
                   try { s.close(); } catch(Exception e) {}
         public static void main(String[] strArgs) throws Exception {
              for(;;) {
                   (new Thread(new TestRun())).start();
    }I've played with this a lot, and no matter what I do the Thread instance leaks if I create/use a socket inside it. The Socket instance gets cleaned up properly, as well as the TestRun instance when it's implementing Runnable, but the Thread instance never gets cleaned up. I can't see anything that would be holding a reference to it, so I can only imagine it's a problem with the JVM.
    Please let me know if you can help me out with this,

    Find out what is being leaked. In the sample programs, add something like this:
        static int loop_count;
            while (true) {
                if (++count >= 1000) {
              Thread.sleep(500); // In case gc is async
            }Then run with java -Xrunhprof:heap=sites YourProgram
    At program exit you get the file java.hprof.txt which contains something like this towards the end of the file:
              percent          live          alloc'ed  stack class
    rank   self  accum     bytes objs     bytes  objs trace name
        1  0.47%  0.47%       736    5       736     5 300036 char[]
        2  0.39%  0.87%       616    3       616     3 300000 java.lang.Thread
        3  0.30%  1.17%       472    2       472     2 300011 java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry[]
        4  0.27%  1.43%       416    2       416     2 300225$Cache$Type[]See, only three live Thread objects (the JVM allocates a few threads internally, plus there is the thread running main()). No leak there. Your application probably has some type of object that it's retaining. Look at "live bytes" and "live objs" to see where your memory is going. The "stack trace" column refers to the "TRACE nnnnn"'s earlier in the file, look at those to see where the leaked objects are allocated.
    Other quickies to track allocation:
    Print stats at program exit:
    java -Xaprof YourProgram
    If your JDK comes with the demo "heapViewer.dll" (or or whatever dynamic libraries are called on your system):
    java -agentpath:"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\demo\jvmti\heapViewer\lib\heapViewer.dll" YourProgram
    Will print out statistics at program exit or when you hit Control-\ (Unix) or Control-Break (Windows).

  • Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays

    We have Oracle version
    We have a problem with a procedure.
    In our scenario we make use of VARRAY in the procedure to pass some filter parameters to a select distinct querying a view made on three tables.
    Unfotunately not always execution it is successful.
    Sometimes it returns wrong value (0 for the count parameter), sometimes (rarely) the server stops working.
    We suspect that this is caused by a bug fixed in versione
    Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays when trimming the whole collection and inserting into it in a loop
    We suspect this becasue we made two procedure the first (spProductCount) uses a function (fnProductFilter) to calculate the values of a varray and passes them into the select,
    while in the second procedure (spProductCount2) parameters are passed directly into the statement without varray
    and there are failures only in the first procedure.
    On the other hand on another server we never have this problem.
    The instance manifesting the bug runs under shared mode, while the other is under dedicated mode.
    Turning the first one to dedicated mode makes the bugs disapear.
    Unfortunately this is not a solution.
    In the sample there are the three table with all constraints, the view, tha varray custom type, the function and the two procedures.
    Is there someone that may examine our sample and tell us if the pl/sql code corresponds to the bug desciption.
    We also want to know if it's possibile that the same server running under different mode (SHARED/DEDICATED) doesn't behave the same way.
    The tables:
    CREATE TABLE "Products" (
         "Image" BLOB
         , "CatalogId" RAW(16)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT ''
         , "ProductParentId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M04" CHECK ("CatalogId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M05" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Products"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId")
    CREATE INDEX "IX_Products"
    ON "Products" ("CatalogId", "MnemonicId")
    ON "Products" (DECODE("MnemonicId", NULL, NULL, RAWTOHEX("CatalogId") || "MnemonicId"))
    CREATE TABLE "Languages" (
         "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "IsStandard" NUMBER(1)
         , "LanguageId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(12)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M05" CHECK ("MnemonicId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Languages"
    PRIMARY KEY ("LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "UK_Languages"
    UNIQUE ("MnemonicId")
    CREATE TABLE "ProductDesc" (
         "Comment" NCLOB
         , "PlainComment" NCLOB
         , "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "DescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "PlainDescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "LanguageId" NVARCHAR2(12)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM02" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ProductDesc"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId", "LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc1"
    FOREIGN KEY("ProductId") REFERENCES "Products" ("ProductId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc2"
    FOREIGN KEY("LanguageId") REFERENCES "Languages" ("MnemonicId")
    /The view:
              , "ProductDesc"."Comment"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainComment"
              , "ProductDesc"."Description"
              , "ProductDesc"."DescriptionText"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainDescriptionText"
              , "Products"."Image"
              , "Languages"."MnemonicId" "LanguageId"
              , "Products"."MnemonicId"
              , "Products"."ProductId"
              , "Products"."ProductParentId"
              , TRIM(NVL("ProductDesc"."Description" || ' ', '') || NVL("ParentDescriptions"."Description", '')) "FullDescription"
         FROM "Products"
         CROSS JOIN "Languages"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc"
         ON "Products"."ProductId" = "ProductDesc"."ProductId"
         AND "ProductDesc"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc" "ParentDescriptions"
         ON "Products"."ProductParentId" = "ParentDescriptions"."ProductId"
         AND ("ParentDescriptions"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId")
    /The varray:
    --CustomType VARRAY
    /The function:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "fnProductFilter" (
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId                    NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parFilterValues                    OUT Varray_Params
         varSqlCondition                    VARCHAR2(32000);
         varSqlConditionValues          NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varSql                              NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varDbmsCursor                    INTEGER;
         varDbmsResult                    INTEGER;
         varSeparator                    VARCHAR2(2);
         varFilterValue                    NVARCHAR2(1000);
         varCount                         INTEGER;
         varSqlCondition := '(T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId )';
         varSqlConditionValues := CHR(39) || TO_CHAR(parCatalogId) || CHR(39) || N', ' || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS) || parLanguageId || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS);
         parFilterValues := Varray_Params();
         varSql := N'SELECT FilterValues.column_value FilterValue FROM TABLE(Varray_Params(' || varSqlConditionValues || N')) FilterValues';
              varDbmsCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
              dbms_sql.parse(varDbmsCursor, varSql, dbms_sql.native);
              dbms_sql.define_column(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue, 1000);
              varDbmsResult := dbms_sql.execute(varDbmsCursor);
              varCount := 0;
                   IF (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(varDbmsCursor) > 0) THEN
                        varCount := varCount + 1;
                        dbms_sql.column_value(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue);
                        parFilterValues(varCount) := varFilterValue;
                        -- No more rows to copy
                   END IF;
              END LOOP;
              RETURN 0;
         FOR i in parFilterValues.first .. parFilterValues.last LOOP
              varSeparator := ', ';
         END LOOP;
         RETURN 1;
    /The procedures:
    --Procedure presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varResult := "fnProductFilter"(parCatalogId, parLanguageId, varFilterValues);
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, varFilterValues(1), varFilterValues(2);
    --Procedure NOT presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, parCatalogId, parLanguageId;
    END;Edited by: 835125 on 2011-2-9 1:31

    835125 wrote:
    Using VARRAY was the only way I found to transform comma seprated text values (e.g. "'abc', 'def', '123'") in a collection of strings.A varray is just a functionally crippled version of a nested table collection type, with a defined limit you probably don't need. (Why 100 specifically?) Instead of
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE varray_params AS VARRAY(100) OF NVARCHAR2(1000);try
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE array_params AS TABLE OF NVARCHAR2(1000);I don't know whether that will solve the problem but at least it'll be a slightly more useful type.
    What makes you think it's a memory leak specifically? Do you observe session PGA memory use going up more than it should?
    btw good luck with all those quoted column names. I wouldn't like to have to work with those, although they do make the forum more colourful.
    Edited by: William Robertson on Feb 11, 2011 7:54 AM

  • Memory leak using repeater tag

    I am trying to show a report that has 33113 rows using a repeater tag, but i get the following error: "An error has occurred: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError".
    I am using the pageFlow to bind a ArrayList that already contains the rows.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot.

    Link to Microsoft Connect issue
    Link to Microsoft Community post

  • Memory leak using Oracle ODBC connection. Works perfect with MSSQL.

    what could cause memory leaks which is not persistent. Sometimes in different OS and sometimes in different hardware. the common player to my issue is only with oracle.

    A memory leak that is not persistent is not a memory leak.
    You'll have to be way more specific for a more meaningful answer.
    Have you tried memory profiling tools for your operating system to locate the "leak"?
    Laurenz Albe

  • T61 with memory leak on XP for driver battc.sys

    I have an issue with XP where the battc.sys module that is part of Windows XP and responsible for the kernel side of monitoring the battery status. This module continually leaks memory until I have no more kernel paged resources left and programs start to fail on my laptop.
    I raised a support case for this with Microsoft and after some investigation and upgrading to the latest T61 power drivers that were released a few days ago on the Lenovo site, MS support told me it is a fault of the T61 and that I would need to disable Microsoft APCI support to stop this memory leak from occuring and to take the issue up with Lenovo.
    I have used the verifier tool to confirm that it is the Windows XP SP3 battc.sys memory module leaking.
    I am running the latest T61 drivers and fully patch with MS drivers on SP3.
    As MS have told me it is the fault of the T61 I am posting this issue here.

    It is memory available to the kernelwhich itself does not show under a process in task manager as far as I am aware (unles it is taken account as part of the system process).
    The best way to measure the available kernel memory space available is by using sysinternals procexp.
    You need to download procexp and also install the windows debugging tools from Microsoft. Then in procexp set the "Options > Configure Symbols : Debughlp.dll path" to the new debughlp.dll installed with your debu tools and set the symbols path to srv*c:\Symbols*
    Then you can choose in procexp "View > System Information" and see the used and total paged and non-paged kernel memory space.
    poolmon helps monitor all the symbols that are taking up this memory and verifier lets you drill down to the exact module and the changes in memory for a module that is occuring.
    Here are two really good links on it
    In my poolmon i notice that Mmst and battc are taking alot of memory after my computer has been running for some time. Mmst being high is normal but battc should not continually be growing as it is which is why I raised the case to MS but they want verification it is not a Lenovo issue.

  • How to deal with Memory Leaks, that are caused by Binding

    Hi, I recently noticed (huge?) memory leaks in my application and suspect bindings to be the cause of all the evil.
    I made a little test case, which confirms my suspicion:
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class TestAppMemoryLeak extends Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
            VBox root = new VBox();
            Button button = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
                button = new Button();
                button.textProperty().unbind(); // if you don't call this, you can notice the increased memory of the java process.
            Scene scene = new Scene(root);
        private StringProperty text = new SimpleStringProperty("test");
    }Now the problem is, HOW can I know, when a variable is no longer needed or overwritten by a new instance.
    Just an example:
    I have a ListView with a Cell Factory. In the updateItem method, I add a ContextMenu. The textProperty of each MenuItem is bound to a kind of global property, like in the example above. I have to do it in the updateItem method, since the ContextMenu differs depending on the item.
    So every time the updateItem method is called a new ContextMenu is created, which binds some properties, but the old context menus remain in memory.
    I guess there could be many more example.
    How can I deal with it?

    I've dealt with this situation and created a Jira issue for it, but I also have a work-around that is a bit unwieldy but works. I'll share it with you.
    The bug that deals with this (in part atleast):
    The solution is to use weak invalidation listeners, however they are a bit of a pain to use as you cannot do it with something simplistic as "bindWeakly"... and you need to keep a reference around to the wrapped listener otherwise it will just get garbage collected immediately (as it is only weakly referenced). Some very odd bugs can surface if weak listeners disappear randomly because you forgot to reference them :)
    Anyway, see this code below, it shows you some code that is called from a TreeCell's updateItem method (I've wrapped it in some more layers in my program, but it is essentially the same as an updateItem method):
    public class EpisodeCell extends DuoLineCell implements MediaNodeCell {
      private final WeakBinder binder = new WeakBinder();
      public void configureCell(MediaNode mediaNode) {
        MediaItem item = mediaNode.getMediaItem();
        StringBinding episodeRange = MapBindings.selectString(mediaNode.dataMapProperty(), Episode.class, "episodeRange");
        binder.bind(titleProperty(), MapBindings.selectString(mediaNode.dataMapProperty(), Media.class, "title"));
        binder.bind(ratingProperty(), MapBindings.selectDouble(mediaNode.dataMapProperty(), Media.class, "rating").divide(10));
        binder.bind(extraInfoProperty(), Bindings.when(episodeRange.isNull()).then(new SimpleStringProperty("Special")).otherwise(episodeRange));
        binder.bind(viewedProperty(), item.viewedProperty());
    }This code makes use of a class called WeakBinder -- it is a helper class that can make Weak bindings and can keep track of them. When you call unbindAll() on it, all of the bindings it created before are released immediately (although they will also disappear when the Cell itself is garbage collected, which is possible because it only makes weak references).
    I've tested this extensively and it solves the problem of Cells keeping references to objects with much longer life cycles (in my case, the MediaNode passed in has a longer lifecycle than the cells and so it is important to bind weakly to it). Before this would create huge memory leaks (crashing my program within a minute if you kept refreshing the Tree)... now it survives hours atleast and the Heap usage stays in a fixed range which means it is correctly able to collect all garbage).
    The code for WeakBinder is below (you can consider it public domain, so use it as you see fit, or write your own):
    package hs.mediasystem.util;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
    import javafx.beans.Observable;
    import javafx.beans.WeakInvalidationListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    public class WeakBinder {
      private final List<Object> hardRefs = new ArrayList<>();
      private final Map<ObservableValue<?>, WeakInvalidationListener> listeners = new HashMap<>();
      public void unbindAll() {
        for(ObservableValue<?> observableValue : listeners.keySet()) {
      public <T> void bind(final Property<T> property, final ObservableValue<? extends T> dest) {
        InvalidationListener invalidationListener = new InvalidationListener() {
          public void invalidated(Observable observable) {
        WeakInvalidationListener weakInvalidationListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(invalidationListener);
        listeners.put(dest, weakInvalidationListener);
    }Let me know if this solves your problem.

  • Memory leak using GWT 1.4 and JDK 1.5

    We are running the following:
    OS : Solaris 5.10
    WebLogic version: 10.0
    JDK : Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_14-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_14-b03, mixed mode)
    GWT : 1.4
    Oracle : 10g
    We have found memory leak with the above configuration.
    After running 1 session we are facing memory leak. The used Java heap is 4% higher than the one used after we conduct
    our memory tests for 1 user.
    Similarly, after running 5 concurrent sessions we are also facing memory leak where Java heap memory is utilised more
    by about 4%.
    I have used JRockit JDK 1.5 for figuring out memory leak. I have not found a memory leak in any of the modules
    developed by us.
    The memory leak issue is we think concerned with the version of JDK, Weblogic, Sun OS.
    Can somebody please suggest whether we can use the version as mentioned above?
    Any help on this front will be appreciated.

    gc log:
    #log information
    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -verbose:gc "
    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDetails "
    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps "
    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+DisableExplicitGC "
    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xloggc:/path/to/gclog`date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S`.log "Check sun papers for garbage collecting tips.
    Is there any other way we can detect memory leak?
    You have to profile your Application Server like you did with your own code.

  • Memory leak using pthreads on Solaris 7

    I'm on Solaris 7
    uname -a:
    SunOS zelda 5.7 Generic_106541-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250
    compiling with g++ (2.95.2)
    purify 5.2
    I consistently get memory leaks related (apparently)
    to the pthreads lib. I've set the error reporting chain length to 30 (way big), the start of the chain in every case starts with threadstart [ ]
    when I end my process, I Join the threads before deleting them. What else can I do to get rid of these leaks?

    is it worth upgrading to a 64 bit OS with more ram.
    Well you're talking a fairly hefty investment in fact your best bets buying a new machine at that point since the motherboard would need to be upgraded as well as memory and OS.
    Now  I run on a 64 bit OS 12 gigs of ram, but i love my plug-ins, and most are 32 bit, so you would still be using the 32 bit Photoshop if you want the majority of all plugins for photoshop to work. Well while the 32 bit version still have the memory limitations on how much memory it can use, Because its in the 64 bit OS, you have available the full amount of that limitation available to the application.
    I can run several different memory intensive applications at one time and normally not have an issue.  I say normally cause, sometimes i will crash my graphics driver if i open one too many 3d apps hooked into the Nvidia drivers.
    I normally only reboot maybe once a week.
    So in short, would it help you to be able to go 64 bit with more ram, Most Certainly even more so if you could care less about plug-ins and want to use the 64 bit version. should you go to 16 gigs of ram.. That depends on your budget really,
    Personally I always plan to upgrade when I build my systems, Putting in the largest chips you can with out filling all the slots leaving room for upgrading if needed. that way you're not filling all your slots with cheaper lower memory ram that you would have to replace them all to upgrade.
    Hope this helps a bit

  • Help needed: Memory leak causing system crashing...

    Hello guys,
    As helped and suggested by Ben and Guenter, I am opening a new post in order to get help from more people here. A little background first...  
    We are doing LabView DAQ using a cDAQ9714 module (with AI card 9203 and AO card 9265) at a customer site. We run the excutable on a NI PC (PPC-2115) and had a couples of times (3 so far) that the PC just gone freeze (which is back to normal after a rebooting). After monitor the code running on my own PC for 2 days, I noticed there is a memory leak (memory usage increased 6% after one day run). Now the question is, where the leak is??? 
    As a newbee in LabView, I tried to figure it out by myself, but not very sucessful so far. So I think it's probably better to post my code here so you experts can help me with some suggestions. (Ben, I also attached the block diagram in PDF for you) Please forgive me that my code is not written in good manner - I'm not really a trained programmer but more like a self-educated user. I put all the sequence structures in flat as I think this might be easier to read, which makes it quite wide, really wide.
    This is the only VI for my program. Basically what I am doing is the following:
    1. Initialization of all parameters
    2. Read seven 4-20mA current inputs from the 9203 card
    3. Process the raw data and calculate the "corrected" values (I used a few formula nodes)
    4. Output 7 4-20mA current via 9265 card (then to customer's DCS)
    5. Data collection/calculation/outputing are done in a big while loop. I set wait time as 5 secs to save cpu some jucie
    6. There is a configuration file I read/save every cycle in case system reboot. Also I do data logging to a file (every 10min by default).
    7. Some other small things like local display and stuff.
    Again I know my code probably in a mess and hard to read to you guys, but I truely appreciate any comments you provide! Thanks in advance!
    Attachments: ‏379 KB
    Debug-Harry_0921 BD.pdf ‏842 KB

    Well, I'll at least give you points for neatness. However, that is about it.
    I didn't really look through all of your logic but I would highly recommend that you check out the examples for implementing state machines. Your application suffers greatly in that once you start you basically jumped off the cliff. There is no way to alter your flow. Once in the sequence structure you MUST execute every frame. If you use a state machine architecture you can take advantage of shift registers and eliminate most of your local variables. You will also be able to stop execution if necessary such as a user abort or an error. Definitely look at using subVIs. Try to avoid implementing most of your program in formula nodes. You have basically written most of your processing there. While formula nodes are easier for very complex equations most of what you have can easily be done in native LabVIEW code. Also if you create subVIs you can iterate over the data sets. You don't need to duplicate the code for every data set.
    I tell this to new folks all the time. Take some time to get comfortable with data flow programming. It is a different paradigm than sequential text based languages but once you learn it it is extremely powerful. All your data flow to control execution rather than relying on the sequence frame structure. A state machine will also help quite a bit.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • Solution for addons with memory leaks needed! (check / mark them)

    The Problem with Firefox is that there are a vary of plugins from other developers, but it could not be that users have to live with growing memory usage or memory leaks by these addons. This gives also Firefox itself a bad impression and I think there should be a solution to stop the trend because as a user I can not always identify what's the problem now and why the firefox-process gives no memory free but it makes firefox partially unusable if I have to open more than a few tabs.
    In my opinion also popular extensions that are used by a lot of people still have memory leaks or even the addon-developer does not know that his addon has one.
    Is there no possibility that firefox helps, that addons can't produce so many memory leaks or otherwise Mark them in the Addon repository if they have leaks or memory problems?!

    Being a rookie, I thought memory leaks weren't
    something that java developers had to worry about.No managing memory is what you don't have to worry about.
    That doesn't mean that your code still can't have memory leaks in it.
    Now I'm starting to get java.lang.outOfMemory
    Exceptions. My application just keeps eating up more
    more ram until.... kaboom!The garbage collector can only clean up stuff that is no longer being 'used'. If you hold references to stuff that you no longer use, then you are creating a leak.
    I think I get the ram back when the java app exits.
    So I don't know, if this is technically a memory leak
    or not. But It's a problem; Is there some way to
    explicitly call the java garbage collector and then
    recover from a OutOfMemoryException?
    As I pointed out above, the garbage collector collects garbage. It isn't garbage until there are no more references. Leaks are caused by holding onto references even though they are no longer needed. The GC can't do anything about that.
    I would appreciate any responce. (even if it's just a
    one liner)
    Since it sounds like you are creating a professional application I would suggest that you buy either JProbe and/or OptimizeIt and run your app through them. They will find memory leaks. And as an added benifit will also allow you to determine the bottlenecks in your application.

  • Memory leak using xslprocessor.valueof in - 64bit ??

    My company has made the decision to do all of our internal inter-system communication using XML. Often we may need to transfer thousands of records from one system to another and due to this (and the 32K limit in prior versions) we're implementing it in 11g. Currently we have Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition Release on 64 bit Linux.
    This is a completely network/memory setup - the XML data comes in using UTL_HTTP and is stored in a CLOB in memory and then converted to a DOMDocument variable and finally the relevant data is extracted using xslprocessor.valueof calls.
    While this is working fine for smaller datasets, I've discovered that repeated calls with very large documents cause the xslprocessor to run out of memory with the following message:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 21256 bytes
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 1010
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 1036
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 1044
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.UTL_INTERFACE_PKG", line 206
    ORA-06512: at line 28
    Elapsed: 00:03:32.45
    From further testing, it appears that the failure occurs after approximately 161,500 calls to xslprocessor.valueof however I'm sure this is dependent on the amount of server memory available (6 GB in my case).
    I expect that we will try and log a TAR on this, but my DBA is on vacation right now. Has anyone else tried calling the xslprocessor 200,000 times in a single session?
    I've tried to make my test code as simple as possible in order to track down the problem. This first block simply iterates through all of our offices asking for all of the employees at that office (there are 140 offices in the table).
    CURSOR c_offices IS
    SELECT office_id
    FROM offices
    ORDER BY office_id;
    r_offices C_OFFICES%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN c_offices;
    FETCH c_offices INTO r_offices;
    EXIT WHEN c_offices%NOTFOUND;
    CLOSE c_offices;
    Normally I'd be returning a collection of result data from this procedure, however I'm trying to make things as simple as possible and make sure I'm not causing the memory leak myself.
    Below is what makes the SOAP calls (using the widely circulated UTL_SOAP_API) to get our data and then extracts the relevant parts. Each office (call) should return between 200 and 1200 employee records.
    PROCEDURE get_employees (p_office_id IN VARCHAR2)
    l_request utl_soap_api.t_request;
    l_response utl_soap_api.t_response;
    l_data_clob CLOB;
    l_xml_namespace VARCHAR2(100) := 'xmlns="' || G_XMLNS_PREFIX || 'EMP.wsGetEmployees"';
    l_xml_doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    l_node_list xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    l_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    parser xmlparser.Parser;
    l_emp_id NUMBER;
    l_emp_first_name VARCHAR2(100);
    l_emp_last_name VARCHAR2(100);
    --Set our authentication information.
    utl_soap_api.set_proxy_authentication(p_username => G_AUTH_USER, p_password => G_AUTH_PASS);
    l_request := utl_soap_api.new_request(p_method => 'wsGetEmployees',
    p_namespace => l_xml_namespace);
    utl_soap_api.add_parameter(p_request => l_request,
    p_name => 'officeId',
    p_type => 'xsd:string',
    p_value => p_office_id);
    l_response := utl_soap_api.invoke(p_request => l_request,
    p_url => G_SOAP_URL,
    p_action => 'wsGetEmployees');
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_data_clob, cache=>FALSE);
    l_data_clob := utl_soap_api.get_return_clob_value(p_response => l_response,
    p_name => '*',
    p_namespace => l_xml_namespace);
    l_data_clob := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(l_data_clob, 1); --Storing in CLOB converted symbols (<">) into escaped values (&lt;, &qt;, &gt;).  We need to CONVERT them back.
    parser := xmlparser.newParser;
    xmlparser.parseClob(parser, l_data_clob);
    l_xml_doc := xmlparser.getDocument(parser);
    l_node_list := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(l_xml_doc),'/employees/employee');
    FOR i_emp IN 0 .. (xmldom.getLength(l_node_list) - 1)
    l_node := xmldom.item(l_node_list, i_emp);
    l_emp_id := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'EMPLOYEEID');
    l_emp_first_name := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'FIRSTNAME');
    l_emp_last_name := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'LASTNAME');
    END get_employees;
    All of this works just fine for smaller result sets, or fewer iterations (only the first two or three offices). Even up to the point of failure the data is being extracted correctly - it just eventually runs out of memory. Is there any way to free up the xslprocessor? I've even tried issuing DBMS_SESSION.FREE_UNUSED_USER_MEMORY but it makes no difference.

    Replying to both of you -
    Line 206 is the first call to xslprocessor.valueof:
    206 l_emp_id := dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf(l_node, 'EMPLOYEEID');
    This is one function inside of a larger package (the UTL_INTERFACE_PKG). The package is just a grouping of these functions - one for each type of SOAP interface we're using. None of the others exhibited this problem, but then none of them return anywhere near this much data either.
    Here is the contents of V$TEMPORARY_LOBS immediately after the crash:
    132 0 0 0
    148 19 1 0
    SID 132 is a SYS session and SID 148 is mine.
    I've discovered with further testing that if I comment out all of the xslprocessor.valueof calls except for the first one the code will complete successfully. It executes the valueof call 99,463 times. If I then uncomment one of those additional calls, we double the number of executions to a theoretical 198,926 (which is greater than the 161,500 point where it usually crashes) and it runs out of memory again.

  • Memory Leak using CertOpenStore on Windows 2008 R2

    I have a program (runs both 32 and 64 bit ) that when using CertOpenStore results in a memory leak on Windows 2008 R2 only (I haven't tried 2012, but this code has run for years on 2000, 2003, 2008 without issues)
    Sample code to reproduce the issue:
    int main( int argc, char** argv )
    HCERTSTORE store;
    int go = 1;
    while( go ){
    store = CertOpenStore(
    "MY" );
    if( store ){
    //if( !CertCloseStore( store , CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG ) ){
    if( !CertCloseStore( store , CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG ) ){
    if( GetLastError() == CRYPT_E_PENDING_CLOSE ){
    printf( "!" );
    go = 0;
    go = 0;
    Sleep( 10 );
    return 0;
    The callstack for allocations pretty much are all like this  (this is from a 32 bit process on a 2008R2 box)
          HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags    UserPtr UserSize - state
            02e75af0 000f 0000  [00]   02e75b08    0005e - (busy)
            7724dff2 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0x00000274
            745f6017 AcLayers!malloc+0x00000079
            7460dc96 AcLayers!NS_VirtualRegistry::MakePath+0x00000056
            7460e817 AcLayers!NS_VirtualRegistry::CVirtualRegistry::OpenKeyW+0x000000a9
            7460f21a AcLayers!NS_VirtualRegistry::APIHook_RegOpenKeyExW+0x00000036
            743d2641 AcGenral!NS_WRPMitigation::APIHook_RegOpenKeyExW+0x00000024
            7527a246 crypt32!RegOpenHKCUKeyExU+0x00000055
            7527de26 crypt32!OpenSubKeyEx+0x00000108
            7527e4d8 crypt32!OpenSubKey+0x00000015
            7527ed88 crypt32!OpenSystemRegPathKey+0x00000033
            75281a2f crypt32!EnumPhysicalStore+0x00000162
            75281d0e crypt32!I_CertDllOpenSystemStoreProvW+0x0000015c
            752c9fce crypt32!I_CertDllOpenSystemStoreProvA+0x0000006c
            7527e49a crypt32!CertOpenStore+0x0000010e
    Anyone have any ideas of a hotfix available for this?

    Might ask them here about this.
    Windows Desktop Dev forums on MSDN
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

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