Memory leak using Oracle ODBC connection. Works perfect with MSSQL.

what could cause memory leaks which is not persistent. Sometimes in different OS and sometimes in different hardware. the common player to my issue is only with oracle.

A memory leak that is not persistent is not a memory leak.
You'll have to be way more specific for a more meaningful answer.
Have you tried memory profiling tools for your operating system to locate the "leak"?
Laurenz Albe

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    Tim Watson

    Hi Tim!
    We have seen problem using oracle 817 client that has been resolved using
    901 client for type2(oci) driver, But i am not aware of thin driver
    problem. You should check with oracle if they have find any customer's
    with this problem.
    Tim Watson wrote:
    Hi, I've been attempting to find a memory leak in an application that
    runs on WLS 6.1 SP2, on Solaris 8 and accessing an Oracle 9i db. We
    are using the Type 4 (Thin) driver and JProbe reports that hundreds of
    oracle.jdbc.* objects are left on the heap after my test case
    completes. Specifically oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTCItem is the most common
    loiterer on the heap. I have verified that after each database access
    the resources are release correctly (i.e. ResultSet, Connection,
    PreparedStatement, etc.)
    Has anyone encountered similar problems? or does anyone know how to
    fix this?
    Tim Watson



    Please stop posting in ALL UPPER CASE; it is considered SHOUTING, is harder to read, and is considered rude.
    If you have not yet done so unpair the car kit from the phone, or better yet reset it completely, Forget the car kit in the iPhone, and pair it anew.

  • Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays

    We have Oracle version
    We have a problem with a procedure.
    In our scenario we make use of VARRAY in the procedure to pass some filter parameters to a select distinct querying a view made on three tables.
    Unfotunately not always execution it is successful.
    Sometimes it returns wrong value (0 for the count parameter), sometimes (rarely) the server stops working.
    We suspect that this is caused by a bug fixed in versione
    Bug:4705928 PLSQL: Memory leak using small varrays when trimming the whole collection and inserting into it in a loop
    We suspect this becasue we made two procedure the first (spProductCount) uses a function (fnProductFilter) to calculate the values of a varray and passes them into the select,
    while in the second procedure (spProductCount2) parameters are passed directly into the statement without varray
    and there are failures only in the first procedure.
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    Turning the first one to dedicated mode makes the bugs disapear.
    Unfortunately this is not a solution.
    In the sample there are the three table with all constraints, the view, tha varray custom type, the function and the two procedures.
    Is there someone that may examine our sample and tell us if the pl/sql code corresponds to the bug desciption.
    We also want to know if it's possibile that the same server running under different mode (SHARED/DEDICATED) doesn't behave the same way.
    The tables:
    CREATE TABLE "Products" (
         "Image" BLOB
         , "CatalogId" RAW(16)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT ''
         , "ProductParentId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M04" CHECK ("CatalogId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Products_M05" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Products"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Products"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId")
    CREATE INDEX "IX_Products"
    ON "Products" ("CatalogId", "MnemonicId")
    ON "Products" (DECODE("MnemonicId", NULL, NULL, RAWTOHEX("CatalogId") || "MnemonicId"))
    CREATE TABLE "Languages" (
         "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "IsStandard" NUMBER(1)
         , "LanguageId" RAW(16)
         , "MnemonicId" NVARCHAR2(12)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_Languages_M05" CHECK ("MnemonicId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_Languages"
    PRIMARY KEY ("LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "Languages"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "UK_Languages"
    UNIQUE ("MnemonicId")
    CREATE TABLE "ProductDesc" (
         "Comment" NCLOB
         , "PlainComment" NCLOB
         , "Description" NVARCHAR2(250)
         , "DescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "PlainDescriptionText" NCLOB
         , "LanguageId" NVARCHAR2(12)
         , "ProductId" RAW(16)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM01" CHECK ("LanguageId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
         ADD CONSTRAINT "NN_ProductDescM02" CHECK ("ProductId" IS NOT NULL)
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ProductDesc"
    PRIMARY KEY ("ProductId", "LanguageId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc1"
    FOREIGN KEY("ProductId") REFERENCES "Products" ("ProductId")
    ALTER TABLE "ProductDesc"
    ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ProductDesc2"
    FOREIGN KEY("LanguageId") REFERENCES "Languages" ("MnemonicId")
    /The view:
              , "ProductDesc"."Comment"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainComment"
              , "ProductDesc"."Description"
              , "ProductDesc"."DescriptionText"
              , "ProductDesc"."PlainDescriptionText"
              , "Products"."Image"
              , "Languages"."MnemonicId" "LanguageId"
              , "Products"."MnemonicId"
              , "Products"."ProductId"
              , "Products"."ProductParentId"
              , TRIM(NVL("ProductDesc"."Description" || ' ', '') || NVL("ParentDescriptions"."Description", '')) "FullDescription"
         FROM "Products"
         CROSS JOIN "Languages"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc"
         ON "Products"."ProductId" = "ProductDesc"."ProductId"
         AND "ProductDesc"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId"
         LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductDesc" "ParentDescriptions"
         ON "Products"."ProductParentId" = "ParentDescriptions"."ProductId"
         AND ("ParentDescriptions"."LanguageId" = "Languages"."MnemonicId")
    /The varray:
    --CustomType VARRAY
    /The function:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "fnProductFilter" (
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId                    NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parFilterValues                    OUT Varray_Params
         varSqlCondition                    VARCHAR2(32000);
         varSqlConditionValues          NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varSql                              NVARCHAR2(32000);
         varDbmsCursor                    INTEGER;
         varDbmsResult                    INTEGER;
         varSeparator                    VARCHAR2(2);
         varFilterValue                    NVARCHAR2(1000);
         varCount                         INTEGER;
         varSqlCondition := '(T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId )';
         varSqlConditionValues := CHR(39) || TO_CHAR(parCatalogId) || CHR(39) || N', ' || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS) || parLanguageId || CHR(39 USING NCHAR_CS);
         parFilterValues := Varray_Params();
         varSql := N'SELECT FilterValues.column_value FilterValue FROM TABLE(Varray_Params(' || varSqlConditionValues || N')) FilterValues';
              varDbmsCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
              dbms_sql.parse(varDbmsCursor, varSql, dbms_sql.native);
              dbms_sql.define_column(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue, 1000);
              varDbmsResult := dbms_sql.execute(varDbmsCursor);
              varCount := 0;
                   IF (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(varDbmsCursor) > 0) THEN
                        varCount := varCount + 1;
                        dbms_sql.column_value(varDbmsCursor, 1, varFilterValue);
                        parFilterValues(varCount) := varFilterValue;
                        -- No more rows to copy
                   END IF;
              END LOOP;
              RETURN 0;
         FOR i in parFilterValues.first .. parFilterValues.last LOOP
              varSeparator := ', ';
         END LOOP;
         RETURN 1;
    /The procedures:
    --Procedure presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varResult := "fnProductFilter"(parCatalogId, parLanguageId, varFilterValues);
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, varFilterValues(1), varFilterValues(2);
    --Procedure NOT presenting anomaly\bug
         parCatalogId "Products"."CatalogId"%TYPE,
         parLanguageId NVARCHAR2 := N'it-IT',
         parRecords OUT NUMBER
         varFilterValues Varray_Params;
         varResult INTEGER;
         varSqlTotal VARCHAR2(32000);
         parRecords := 0;
         varSqlTotal := 'BEGIN
         SELECT count(DISTINCT T_Product."ProductId") INTO :parCount FROM "vwProducts" T_Product
              WHERE ((T_Product."CatalogId" = HEXTORAW(:parentId)) AND (T_Product."LanguageId" = :languageId ));
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE varSqlTotal USING OUT parRecords, parCatalogId, parLanguageId;
    END;Edited by: 835125 on 2011-2-9 1:31

    835125 wrote:
    Using VARRAY was the only way I found to transform comma seprated text values (e.g. "'abc', 'def', '123'") in a collection of strings.A varray is just a functionally crippled version of a nested table collection type, with a defined limit you probably don't need. (Why 100 specifically?) Instead of
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE varray_params AS VARRAY(100) OF NVARCHAR2(1000);try
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE array_params AS TABLE OF NVARCHAR2(1000);I don't know whether that will solve the problem but at least it'll be a slightly more useful type.
    What makes you think it's a memory leak specifically? Do you observe session PGA memory use going up more than it should?
    btw good luck with all those quoted column names. I wouldn't like to have to work with those, although they do make the forum more colourful.
    Edited by: William Robertson on Feb 11, 2011 7:54 AM

  • Nasty memory leak using sockets inside threads

    In short, any time I create or use a socket inside a worker thread, that Thread object instance will never be garbage collected. The socket does not need to be connected or bound, it doesn't matter whether I close the socket or not, and it doesn't matter whether I create the Socket object inside the thread or not. As I said, it's nasty.
    I initially encountered this memory leak using httpclient (which creates a worker thread for every connect() call), but it is very easy to reproduce with a small amount of stand-alone code. I'm running this test on Windows, and I encounter this memory leak using the latest 1.5 and 1.6 JDK's. I'm using the NetBeans 5.5 profiler to verify which objects are not being freed.
    Here's how to reproduce it with an unbound socket created inside a worker thread:
    public class Test {
         public static class TestRun extends Thread {
              public void run() {
                   new Socket();
         public static void main(String[] strArgs) throws Exception {
              for(;;) {
                   (new TestRun()).start();
    }Here's how to reproduce it with a socket created outside the thread and used inside the worker thread:
    public class Test {
         public static class TestRun extends Thread {
              Socket s;
              public TestRun(Socket s) { this.s = s; }
              public void run() {
                   try {
                        s.bind(new InetSocketAddress(0));
                   } catch(Exception e) {}
         public static void main(String[] strArgs) throws Exception {
              for(;;) {
                   (new TestRun(new Socket())).start();
    }Here's how to reproduce it implementing Runnable instead of extending Thread:
    public class Test {
         public static class TestRun implements Runnable {
              public void run() {
                   Socket s = new Socket();
                   try { s.close(); } catch(Exception e) {}
         public static void main(String[] strArgs) throws Exception {
              for(;;) {
                   (new Thread(new TestRun())).start();
    }I've played with this a lot, and no matter what I do the Thread instance leaks if I create/use a socket inside it. The Socket instance gets cleaned up properly, as well as the TestRun instance when it's implementing Runnable, but the Thread instance never gets cleaned up. I can't see anything that would be holding a reference to it, so I can only imagine it's a problem with the JVM.
    Please let me know if you can help me out with this,

    Find out what is being leaked. In the sample programs, add something like this:
        static int loop_count;
            while (true) {
                if (++count >= 1000) {
              Thread.sleep(500); // In case gc is async
            }Then run with java -Xrunhprof:heap=sites YourProgram
    At program exit you get the file java.hprof.txt which contains something like this towards the end of the file:
              percent          live          alloc'ed  stack class
    rank   self  accum     bytes objs     bytes  objs trace name
        1  0.47%  0.47%       736    5       736     5 300036 char[]
        2  0.39%  0.87%       616    3       616     3 300000 java.lang.Thread
        3  0.30%  1.17%       472    2       472     2 300011 java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry[]
        4  0.27%  1.43%       416    2       416     2 300225$Cache$Type[]See, only three live Thread objects (the JVM allocates a few threads internally, plus there is the thread running main()). No leak there. Your application probably has some type of object that it's retaining. Look at "live bytes" and "live objs" to see where your memory is going. The "stack trace" column refers to the "TRACE nnnnn"'s earlier in the file, look at those to see where the leaked objects are allocated.
    Other quickies to track allocation:
    Print stats at program exit:
    java -Xaprof YourProgram
    If your JDK comes with the demo "heapViewer.dll" (or or whatever dynamic libraries are called on your system):
    java -agentpath:"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\demo\jvmti\heapViewer\lib\heapViewer.dll" YourProgram
    Will print out statistics at program exit or when you hit Control-\ (Unix) or Control-Break (Windows).

  • Memory leak using repeater tag

    I am trying to show a report that has 33113 rows using a repeater tag, but i get the following error: "An error has occurred: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError".
    I am using the pageFlow to bind a ArrayList that already contains the rows.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot.

    Link to Microsoft Connect issue
    Link to Microsoft Community post

  • HT5559 JAVA WITH CHROME!!! I am trying to login to my bank account at This website uses somekind of java thing. Chrome cant't load it. Works perfect with Safari. How to make it work in Chrome?

    I am trying to login to my bank account at This website uses somekind of java thing. Chrome cant't load it. Works perfect with Safari. How to make it work in Chrome?

    Do you speak of true blue Java or Javascript?  If the latter then it is a problem with the Browser.
    But if it is the real Java, do you have the offical version of Java from Oracle installed?
    Getting applications to see official Java is a nightmare.  If you install the Runtime Environment only (JavaRTE) most applications do not see it.
    To force offical Java system wide, I found you have to install the Java Developer Kit (JavaJDK).  It's a larger install as it also comes with documentation and compilers but it make offical Java system wide.

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    SkyDaughter29 wrote:
    My current situation: I have soooo many texts on my iphone and I haven't deleted many because I need the information contained in them for future reference and for legal purposes.  I would really like to find a means and way to save them other than on the phone itself. I've done searches for various apps yet I'm not finding what I think I would need.  It appears Apple does not sync the texts between the iphone and my MacBook Pro.
    Try the computer apps PhoneView (Mac) or TouchCopy (Mac & PC):
    Best of luck.

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    Where may I be able to contact and speak with a prepaid representative? Strictly through phone calls? (I am at work 12 hours a day)
    And I apologize for posting in the wrong area - I saw Apple support so I went here.
    I'm almost certain my phone is the problem. I have gone through resetting the network settings a dozen times on my phone, even did it on my dad's. Now my texts are beginning to do the same when I text my fiance.
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    I am having issues with streaming music from iTunes on my MacBook Pro to my audio system through AirPlay.  Works perfectly with my iPod Touch.  The AirPlay icon appears irregularly in iTunes and when selected doesn't connect.  Running latest IOS software.

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          
    You said:
    No, I do not want to "factory reset" my iPod. No I do not wish to do anything crazy long or hard to fix this. 
    That may be necessary, It is not what you want to do/not do but what is required to resolve your problem.

  • FF 3.15 worked perfect with Snow Leopard. But everything after that, till FF 8, crashes left and right. On Facebook. And on ALL different language websites. Should I stop using FF? Heard Chrome is good.

    [Edit: It should be FF 3.5. I mistyped FF 3.15]
    I have MAC OSX Snow Leopard. 10.6.8.
    FF 3.5 [apologies; I mistyped 3.15] worked perfect with Snow Leopard. NO problems.
    But '''everything''' after that, till FF 8, crashes left and right.
    Facebook crashes the most within few short seconds.
    And NO different language websites even open.
    I read online to use Safe Mode and try. I did. No change.
    I read online to reset font cache or or something using atsUtil from the Terminal. I did. Nothing.
    It is super frustrating. Same problem in my wife's Mac as well.
    Should I stop using FF? I heard Chrome is good.
    Try any of these news paper sites:
    Even ESPN videos quit randomly. But YouTube videos are fine!
    Potheek Aami.

    All your add-ons and plugins are up to date?
    There has been a recent bug with Apples Java update:
    I have similar issues, although most of the time the browser only freezes for a short time.

  • FCP 6 no longer 'sees' my Sony HDR-HC7.  Works perfectly with iMovie HD

    I used to be able to capture from and print to my HC7. Setup was saved. Now, FCP doesn't 'see' the camera with the saved settings, or when I try setting it up again from scratch. Camera connection, driver, etc. are good in that the camera works perfectly with IMovie HD. Obviously I've messed something up in FCP, but I can't find it. Suggestions?

    Thanks for the response SDIllini, unfortunately when I do go the Disk Utility, my camcorder isn't even show for me to even repair the disk permissions. As monty jr stated, Sony was no help for me either, they also told me that I would need to contact Apple. The problem still remains unsolved though, it's as if the MBP just doesn't recognize the camcorder whatsoever. I'm open to any suggestions, have anymore?

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    The Bluetooth on my 2012 Lexus doesn't work with my iPhone 5.  My old android worked perfectly with my car.  Even the tech specialist at Lexus couldn't get it to work.  Lexus said that other iPhone 5s were having the same problem.  What is apple doing to fix this?

    Going to the local Apple store this morning...
    My problem is not uncommon as the board is showing signs of this happening to many others as well. That is where I found the restore and reboot information to try to solve the issue of crashing apps.
    I understand that Apple will not "give away the cow", but letting iPhone users know that the problems they are having are being addressed by Apple is a little more comforting than nothing at all. Other wise, all the apps in world are useless and even more importantly worthless, if a person has to reset/reboot/reload just to get them to work.
    IF Apple can not address the basic problems with todays iPhone apps, why should one believe that the iPhone 3.0 OS is any better? Using a PC comparison, which is better, XP or Vista. If the current iPhone OS of 2.2. what ever is not working that well (as related to down loaded apps and iTunes), will OS 3.0 be any better?
    The waste of time I refer to is in going to the apps store and downloading the apps... Again why by apps if the free version does not work?

  • Radeon HD 5770 graphics card works perfectly with my MAC Pro 1,1 and Adobe CS6. However, Photoshop CC won't read the card drivers and says I need to reinstall them and disabled 3D funtions as a result. Anyone else with this issue?

       Radeon HD 5770 graphics card works perfectly with my MAC Pro 1,1 and Adobe CS6. However, I upgraded to Adobe CC and Photoshop CC disabled some filters and 3D functionality. The preference panel for Performance/Graphics Card in Photoshop CC is greyed out and inaccessible and shows this message -
    "Photoshop detected an error in your display driver. Update or reinstall the driver and check Use Graphics Processor to retry."
       I still have Photoshop CS6 installed and it still works perfectly. Anyone else with this issue? Is there a driver update for this compatable with my setup?
    OS 10.7.5
    Mac Pro 1,1
    20gb ram
    ATI Radeon HD 5770 Graphics Card
    30" Apple Cinema HD display

    after going round with this Adobe was able to find the fix....opened the "show content" folder for the application Photoshop CC (control click on the application folder) and navigate to the sniffer file and rename it by putting a tilda ~ in front of the name..." ~sniffer ", close and open PhotoshopCC...and voila, problem solved... Thankyou Adobe support

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    If you're using it in bright light, you may be getting sunlight through the back of the machine which can wash out the display.  The Apple logo on the back of the lid is actually a cut-out that uses the systems back light to make it glow.  Bright light (especially sunlight) can actually shine through the back.  As the users in the login are typically in the middle of the display, this is the area most likely to be washed out as that is where the Apple logo is.  You can try just putting your hand over the Apple logo on the back to block the sunlight when trying to log in.

Maybe you are looking for

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