Help with Paged view dataset!

I'm new to Spry and not really a programmer, but I'm sure
what I'm trying to do is pretty simple, can anyone help?
Here's what I'm trying to do:
- I have created a dataset (dsProjects) which contains 7 rows
(one of the column values is 'Proj_id')
- I have created a paged view dataset (pv1) based on
dsProjects. The page count is 4 - so there are 2 pages I can
navigate through.
What I want is when there is a URL parameter (Proj_id), pv1
will show the correct page containing the row that has the same
column value for 'Proj_id'
i.e. when I click on this link
pv1 should display Page 2 of 2 because the row containing the
Proj_id column value of 11 is on page 2.
but this doesn't happen... any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
The code is below:
Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script src="SpryAssets/xpath.js"
<script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js"
<script src="SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js"
type="text/javascript" ></script>
<script src="SpryAssets/SpryPagedView.js"
<script type="text/javascript">
var dsProjects = new
Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("xml/recent_work.php", "export/row");
dsProjects.setColumnType("Proj_id", "number");
dsProjects.setColumnType("image", "image");
//Set up pv variables to display information about the paged
var pv1 = new Spry.Data.PagedView( dsProjects ,{ pageSize: 4
var pvInfo = pv1.getPagingInfo();
var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject();
params == 1;
//Set up pv variables to display information about the paged
pv1.addObserver({ onPostLoad: function(ds, type) {
var row = pv1.findRowsWithColumnValues({"Proj_id":
params.Proj_id}, true);
// If we have a matching row, make it the current row for the
data set.
if (row)
<div spry:region="pv1">
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<tr spry:repeat="pv1">
<td><img src="images/{image}" width="100"
<p spry:region="pvInfo" spry:repeatchildren="pvInfo">
<a spry:if="{ds_CurrentRowNumber} != {ds_RowNumber}"
onclick="pv1.goToPage('{ds_PageNumber}')">{ds_PageFirstItemNumber}-{ds_PageLastItemNumber }</a>
<span spry:if="{ds_CurrentRowNumber} == {ds_RowNumber}"
<br /><br />

You have to make 2 changes:
- Tell findRowswithColumnValues() to include filtered items
(items not in the current page) in your search. So change:
var row = pv1.findRowsWithColumnValues({"Proj_id":
params.Proj_id}, true);
var row = pv1.findRowsWithColumnValues({"Proj_id":
params.Proj_id}, true, true);
- Lastly, you are calling the wrong function to show the
It should be:
--== Kin ==--

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          openItem = new JMenuItem("Open");
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          exitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");
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          fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
       private void buildFontMenu()
          monoItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Monospaced");
          monoItem.addActionListener(new FontListener());
          serifItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Serif");
          serifItem.addActionListener(new FontListener());
          sansSerifItem =
                  new JRadioButtonMenuItem("SansSerif", true);
          sansSerifItem.addActionListener(new FontListener());
          ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
          italicItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Italic");
          italicItem.addActionListener(new FontListener());
          boldItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Bold");
          boldItem.addActionListener(new FontListener());
          fontMenu = new JMenu("Font");
       private class NewListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
             filename = null;
       private class OpenListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
             int chooserStatus;
             JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
             chooserStatus = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);
             if (chooserStatus == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                File selectedFile = chooser.getSelectedFile();
                filename = selectedFile.getPath();
                if (!openFile(filename))
                                    "Error reading " +
                                    filename, "Error",
          private boolean openFile(String filename)
             boolean success;
             String inputLine, editorString = "";
             FileReader freader;
             BufferedReader inputFile;
                   label = new JLabel();
                freader = new FileReader(filename);
                inputFile = new BufferedReader(freader);
                inputLine = inputFile.readLine();
                while (inputLine != null)
                   editorString = editorString +
                                  inputLine + "\n";
                   inputLine = inputFile.readLine();
                success = true;
             catch (IOException e)
                success = false;
             return success;
       private class SaveListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
             int chooserStatus;
             if (e.getActionCommand() == "Save As" ||
                 filename == null)
                JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
                chooserStatus = chooser.showSaveDialog(null);
                if (chooserStatus == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                   File selectedFile =
                   filename = selectedFile.getPath();
             if (!saveFile(filename))
                                   "Error saving " +
          private boolean saveFile(String filename)
             boolean success;
             String editorString;
             FileWriter fwriter;
             PrintWriter outputFile;
                fwriter = new FileWriter(filename);
                outputFile = new PrintWriter(fwriter);
                editorString = editorText.getText();
                success = true;
             catch (IOException e)
                 success = false;
             return success;
       private class ExitListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
       private class FontListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
             Font textFont = editorText.getFont();
             String fontName = textFont.getName();
             int fontSize = textFont.getSize();
             int fontStyle = Font.PLAIN;
             if (monoItem.isSelected())
                fontName = "Monospaced";
             else if (serifItem.isSelected())
                fontName = "Serif";
             else if (sansSerifItem.isSelected())
                fontName = "SansSerif";
             if (italicItem.isSelected())
                fontStyle += Font.ITALIC;
             if (boldItem.isSelected())
                fontStyle += Font.BOLD;
             editorText.setFont(new Font(fontName,
                                    fontStyle, fontSize));
       public static void main(String[] args)
          Viewer ve = new Viewer();
    }I tried using JLabel() but I cant seem to make it work. Whenever i browse and select a .jpg it displays "�������t���o\�[��+�p��B3�+�p��B3�"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    In the future, Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
    Whenever i browse and select a .jpg it displays "�������t���o\�[��+�p��B3�+�p��B3�" You can read in a jpg file and treat it like a text file.
    Read the Swing tutorial on [url]How to Use Icons for the proper way to read images.

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    Did you close and restart DW to see if that helps?
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
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  • Help with CR Viewer XI

    Post Author: Lee XI
    CA Forum: General
    Hello all. I'm currently using CR XI (not server) and downloaded the Viewer yesterday to test on a spare pc. Reason for this is I want others to be able to view and set parameters I designed in the report(s). However, when you open the Viewer, no parameters that I set up are showing. (IE: date, State, Customer, etc) When I am in CR XI and I hit refresh it brings up all the parameters that should be available to the end users to adjust the report manually.The reason I'm trying to go this route is that our company is small and running CR server is out of the budget. Should the viewer allow for prompted params for those using the CR Viewer or not? I do not want to waste time with this if the Viewer cannot or will not allow end users to select a date range or state, or other params I want them to? I do not want to purchase another CR XI version because I do not want these users to have design access to the reports. I simply want them to be able to select certain params that I have set up for them. Thanks in advance! Lee

    Post Author: DRCL
    CA Forum: General
    I have discovered another issue with the viewer also.
    If a report is designed/saved in LANDSCAPE mode, but the recipient opens in the viewer and the printer default is PORTRAIT, then it automatically prints in Portrait. It scales to fit to the page.
    If the user overrides the default and changes it to LANDSCAPE, it still prints in Portrait.
    Any ideas on this or the linked OLE issues would be much appreciated.

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    OK, I have my solution. 
    Just created 4 HTML IViews with a connection to my Web Service that provides the value I need. 
    Each link has a guard condition that activates the link depending on the incoming value and the link provides the hard coded input url as well. A simple condition on the HTML IView determines visibility. 
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    looking for I have come up with some code. However it doesn't work.
    Basicly the page just gets realllllllllllllllllllllly laggy.
    var dsInbox = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("url here",
    "dataset/row", {useCashe:false, loadInterval:10000};
    var pvInbox = new Spry.Data.PagedView(dsInbox,
    var pvInboxInfo = pvInbox.getPagingInfo();
    var currentPageNumber;
    function resetPagedView(notificationType, notifier, data) {
    if ( notificationType == "onPreLoad" ) {
    currentPageNumber = pvInbox.getCurrentPage();
    if ( notificationType == "onPostLoad" ) {

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    Thank You VERY much.

    Try some of the tutorials we offer:
    and then:

  • Image Gallery with Paged View

    I'm developing an application with an ASP backend, to allow
    users to input photos and have them immediately display in a
    gallery. It all works fine except I can't figure out how to make
    the slide show loop only within the current page.
    There's an example
    gallery here in which I've turned off autoslideshow on load -
    but if you click the 'Play' button, it traverses the entire
    Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.

    Your code links directly to the image not a page displaying
    the image. If
    you are wanting pagination you will need to use page to
    display the full
    size image and the paging links.
    Bryan Ashcraft (remove brain to reply)
    Web Application Developer
    Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
    Macromedia Certified Dreamweaver Developer
    Adobe Community Expert (DW) ::
    "stevegio" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f58unu$j5$[email protected]..
    > Hi
    > Im trying to get an image Gallery going with cfdirectory
    with no Database
    > amd
    > pagination through Cfdirectory
    > Im current using cfdirectory to create a query and
    cfx_openimage to
    > create
    > thumbnails.
    > the issue I have and where Ive been stuck is when a user
    clicks on a
    > thumbnail, how do i get pagination going the next page
    between the photos
    > here is my code
    > <cfdirectory
    > date#/"
    > name="dirQuery"
    > filter="*.jpg. *.jpeg"
    > sort="name ASC, size DESC">
    > <!--- Get all directory information in a query of
    > <cfquery dbtype="query" name="GetBoth">
    > SELECT * FROM dirQuery
    > </cfquery>
    > <cfoutput>
    > <cfloop query="GetBoth">
    > <a
    > br>
    > </cfloop>
    > </cfoutput>
    > Thanking you advance

  • Need help with paging in table layout

    I am creating a basic table-form page with around 5000 rows in database table that needs to be displayed.
    However what i see after creating the table form page and adding detail groups i loose paging in the table layout.
    This is however undesirable.I cannot think of what is exactly making this happen there are no significant changes that i have made to the application.
    If I could know what possibly is causing the change, help would be appreciated.
    I can discuss this in detail.

    Which version of JHeadstart are you using?
    What do you mean with "i loose paging in the table layout"? Are the previous/next set and drop down list to select a range no longer displayed?
    Can you reproduce this in the HR demo applcation?
    If you remove the detail groups again, is pagination then working again.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart team.

  • Help with live view new camera options...

    Hey guys...I have recently bought a hahnel remote shutter release so that I can take pics on the top of a mast around seven metres up.
    I have a 5 inch monitor at ground level to view the pictures taken, using an av cable from the camera. Problem is, I cant get a continuous "live view" image on the monitor, as you need to hold down the * button whilst in live view to auto focus, so I have to put up with just the shot thats been taken showing up after each shot instead!
    Does anyone know of a canon that would offer a continuous live view image on my monitor, without having to press the * button to auto focus?
    Ideally it would be one from the list below, as they are the cameras that my new hahnel wireless remote supports!
    I hope someone can help! cheers!
    List of supported cameras...would any of these offer live view without the need to press * to autofocus and take a shot:
    Compatible Camera Models:
    EOS 1200D / 1100D / 1000D / 650D / 600D / 550D /500D / 450D / 400D / 350D / 300D /
    70D / 60D / 50D / 40D / 30D / 20D / 20Ds /
    10D / 7D / 6D / 5D / 5D Mark II / 5D Mark III
    1D / 1DX / 1DC / 1Ds Mark III / 1Ds Mark IV
    Powershot G10 / G11 / G12 / G15 / G1X Mk II
    Pentax Pentax K-5 II / K-5 IIs / K-5 / K-7 / K10 / K20 / K50 / K100 /
    K200 / K500
    Samsung GX10 / GX20

    What camera are you using?  Most "modern" Canon SLRs allow you to set focus during live view.   You move a little rectangle around to select your focus area.   But you need more than a monitor, you'd either need a computer (like a small netbook) running EOS Utility, or a tablet with DSLR Remote or equivilent on it.  The 70D and 6D both have WiFi ability, so you can do it from a smart phone, tablet, or computer, no wires needed.

  • Help with Creating Views

    Hi Gurus,
    There are 3 R/3 Tables for Plant Maintenance namely:
    1. ZPM_T_CONTRWO - Work Order Details for Contractor Payroll - ZIPY
    2. ZPM_T_WODETAILS - Work Order Details for ZIPY
    3. ZPM_T_ZIPYMASTER - Document Numbers for ZIPY
    The keys for the tables are:
    1. ZPM_T_CONTRWO: Document #, Order #, Operation/Activity #, Notification #
    2. ZPM_T_WODETAILS: Document #, Order #, Operation/Activity #, Notification #
    3. ZPM_T_ZIPYMASTER: Document #
    I'm thinking of creating 2 views, one b/w CONTRWO & ZIPYMASTER and the other b/w CONTRWO & WODETAILS.
    Please provide me guidelines & suggestions of doing this.
    Points will be rewarded.
    Thanks in advance,
    NOTE: Below are the field names for each table ***
    Client, Document Number - ZIPY, Order Number, Operation/Activity Number
    Notification Number, Work Order Reference Number, Base quantity
    Base unit of measure, Total hours in selection period, Segment From
    Segment To, Offset From, Offset To, Checkbox, Last changed on, Time of entry
    User name
    Client, Document Number - ZIPY, Order Number, Operation/Activity Number
    Work Order Reference Number, Base quantity, Base unit of measure
    Total hours in selection period, Segment From, Segment To, Offset From
    Offset To, Checkbox, Page Number, Single-character flag, Confirmation number of operation, Confirmation counter, Single-character flag, Last changed on,
    Time of entry, User name
    Client, Document Number - ZIPY, Date, Work center, Plant, Personnel number,
    Single-character flag, Time, Last changed on, Time of entry, User name

    Hi Manjesh,
    To create a view, you have to have atleast one common field in both tables to have the right join condition.
    You are meeting that condition with Document# for all tables.
    Refer this
    <b>for how to create the views?</b>
    R/3 side:
    1. Go to SE11 tcode.
    2. Enter the name of the view and create.
    3. Take common key fields of the tables to meet the Join Conditions ZPM_T_CONTRWO or ZPM_T_WODETAILS or ZPM_T_ZIPYMASTER
    ---> Document# will give correct join condition.
    4. add the fields from ZPM_T_CONTRWO or ZPM_T_WODETAILS or ZPM_T_ZIPYMASTER.

  • Can someone help with video viewing?

    I just got a new MacBook and downloaded some videos into it. When I play them they are playing full screen instead of in the little viewing box at the
    bottom corner. I expect there is a preference to select this but I can't find it.
    Can anyone help?

    Never mind....I found it. I should have looked harder before posting.

  • Help with the view.

    Hi, I have two tables:
    Table one with header info including 3 users names (user 1, user 2, user 3)
    table two is a user info table with user email (user name, email address , and more).
    I would like to create a view with two columns
    Column 1     Record ID from the first table
    Column 2     Concatenated emails for all 3 users for each record.
    Any suggestions
    Thanks in advance.

    That's called String Aggregation , and the following page shows several ways to do it:
    Which way should you use? That depends on your version of Oracle, and your exact requirements (e.g., whether or not order is important).
    Since there are only 3 strings, you could also outer-join to 3 copies of the user_info table.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Sep 6, 2011 2:39 PM

  • Help with detail view on photo page... no help from previous post!

    I posted these questions a few days ago and although people have been looking no one has any suggestions yet...
    Is my request too complicated?
    Old Toad, Wyodor, Cyclosaurus... would you have any tips?
    Many thanks
    I am using iweb to create my site and have an album that contains photo pages. I used a web widget / HTML snippet, to jump from my album page straight to 'detail view mode' on my photo page.
    I'd like to customize the look of my 'detail view' a little (I'm using the 'White' Theme).
    I have removed 'subscribe' and 'download' and do not have a slide show.
    How do I:
    1. Remove the text 'previous', and 'next' that appear under the image leaving just the arrows?
    2. Change the look of those arrows (from 'canvasarrow-right03.png' and 'canvasarrow-left03.png' to 'canvastransport-left-N03.png' and 'canvastransport-right-N03.png')?
    3. Remove the arrow that is next to 'Back to album' leaving just text?
    4. Change the font and colour of this text ('Back to album') to Aerial Regular 12pt caps, 65% black?
    5. The thumbnails have a blue frame to indicate which image is in large view, how do I change the colour to an orange?
    6. Remove the buttons in blue and grey, top centre (that change the view from thumbnails and large pic to just large pic)?

    I can't change the "Sending Page" because it uses custom "Filtering & Sorting" to drill down to the addresses..
    Once the User has "Checked" the records to be mapped, they click the Map button, and it takes them to this Detail page (with the ID's in the URL)
    Now that you mention it, the Detail form does have all of the Form fields/wkRptID's (for each of the addresses) on the page.. but how would I iterate thru the form data of each record, and grab the wkRptID's and add them to the WHERE statement..?
    Either way, once I have the Query correct, it is then fed to my Google Map to plot the addresses..

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hey Everyone, I created a photo in Photoshop and I imported it to AE, and I've been trying to create a Spray Paint effect by using the Stroke effect and Reveal Original Image to look look like as if I'm spray painting the the picture on the wall. All

  • Can't get rid of those 4 white corners on my screen display, help !

    You probably wonder what I'm talking about ! Well Since a few days a got 4 little transparent white round corners in the 4 corners of my display screen, that wont go away and does no new features... 1) dont know what is it and looks awfull to me so i